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Posts posted by TracyLuv

  1. Ms. Q, Thanks for the "Best of Wardrobe" vid! Loved her in the burgundy blouse - sexy :) ! But I think a few of those belong in the "Worst of ... " Vid :P especially the HS dress, coleman suit, and a couple of others. And speaking of the "Worst of..." vid, I LIKE the "trampoline dress", "Robert/Lockpicking outfit" and the new red jacket she wore last week. BUT you forgot the best outfit of all for the "Best of Wardrobe" vid and that is....


    The camisole, uh, shell, um, the whatever-you-wanna-call-it-the-night-Luke-got-her-drunk-and-married-her-as-long-as-her-bra-strap-is-sticking-out-top!!!, oh, and yeah, Luke's purple pinstripe shirt she woke up in the next day. :D

    Ms. Q, Nex, I was wondering if either of you had any edits of the following dates....

    10/12/06, 11/3, 11/6 (I think this is a small clip at end of epi or something), 11/13 (this is the one where Tracy is on for like 2 secs at the end of the epi and walks into Laura's and says to Luke: "Are you kdding me? In MY backyard?"), and the Tracy/Sam clips from 1/11, and 1/16 I believe (or if you have them all the Sam/Tracy together as an edit would be good). My dumbass TIVO did the freak out on me again. Tracy had been on for so many epi's in a row that even when I saved them to save until manually erased, the freakin box deleted them anyway!!! arrrgggghhh!!! If either of you could help me out I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

  2. But don't stop writing because you're insecure. You're too good to give up because of a case of nerves.

    When you feel intimidated, think...what would Tracy do? :evil grin:

    Besides, SOMEOBDY has got to fill in the slack on getting Luke and Tracy all intimate while I'm on this current angst kick.... You are the queen of all things LuNacy Smut.... You have responsibilities, girl....

    Lainey, get to writing woman! I told you already how I "get" when I read your LuNacy smut scenes!! heehee ;)

    Ms. Q, thanks for the Wardrobe Vid (way fun!!), and the Anjelica Vid - Geez, didn't we ever get any scenes with our girl actually *doing* somethng in bed besides snarking? Probably not, but hopefully that's about to change. YUM!! Hopefullly Mama and her man will get bizaaaay soon. :D

  3. FYI--I found out today that JenBigley who sells the GH DVD edits bought someone's old tape collection from 89-91 and if they are good quality when she gets them, she is going to do a total Tracy edit from the time of her return in 1989 that would include all of that time period (which would include scotty affair, etc).

    She is also doing a Ned/Jenny #5 which will have when tracy hit her in her car and got banished (not so looking forward to that one) and a Luke Tracy #4 which will end with this whole alan death thing.

    Something to look forward to...

    I am totally going to get these new DVD's I want to finish watching part 3 Ned and Jenny to get a little Marco in ;). And Hooked please keep me posted on the Tracy DVD if Jen updates you before posting it on her site. Thanks.

    And Nex, thanks a ton for posting OoohLala. I love that vid and never knew it was yours. Thanks! Sorry I didn't get to say g'nite in the BR last nite.

  4. Yes Deb, I know what you mean. I was wracking my brain to make some sense of it because I DO believe that Luke really does love Tracy. But I also think that Luke really doesn't know what Tracy wants half the time because she closes herself off.

    Heck when she got the news that Alan died, she walked over to the elevator and had her forehead resting up against the wall, alone, by herself. I was wondering why she didn't grab her father and hug him or Monica (well I guess I couldn't really see her doing that). But I feel she didn't do it, because it's not "Tracy", to do it. It is 'Tracy' however to cut herself off from others and deal with her own pain, on her terms. When Luke hugged Tracy in the street in front of the metrocourt, SHE approached him with her hands out, and he took her hands in his. I am beginning to notice that Luke takes his que from Tracy. And I believe he hugged her at that time not only because he wanted to but because at that point in time Tracy was open to receive it. Something Tracy does not do often. There was also the scene before Luke went into the MC to rescue Lulu, Tracy grabbed Luke to kiss him, he was surprised but he liked it:). Just because he didn't initiate the kiss, or a hug doesn't mean he doesn't want to do it. He's just waiting for mama to give him his que, IMO. Hopefully, in time Luke will know Tracy enough to give affection when HE feels it, without holding back.

    And I have no idea to that TraceLove is ;)

    And BTW, I ain't goin' nowhere. Not for now anyway, so call off the dogs B)

  5. After a not-so-good night's sleep, I have changed my perspective somewhat. Heh, what choice do I have right? Anyway, in thinking about the sweeps and hostage crisis which took place in less than 24 of GH hours (and 3 weeks in our time), we got Luke coming home after weeks (for GH, but months for us), telling Tracy he wanted to stay Mr. Tracy, we got a kiss, we got Luke attempting to save Alan's (Tracy's brother) life, we got a hug, we got "together time" with them at the hospital and we got an apology to Tracy when Luke came home. Granted, not an apology that he wasn't there for her, but an apology that he wasn't there for the sake of Alan's memory and what it meant to him. Still this is an apology to Tracy for her BECAUSE, Luke knows that because Tracy is his wife, and Alan was his brother in law, it was sort of his "duty" (and I use that term lightly of course) as Tracy's husband, to show respect. So ALL of that in less than 24 hours GH time is not too bad when I think about it that way.

    Also, I want to take my cue from Tracy, she was not in that hospital looking all over for Luke, it didn't seem to bother her that he was not there when she got the news, or that he didn't come soon after (besides the fact that he had not known). She seemd content to be there with Dillon. So I think that Luke not being there bothered some of us more than it bothered Tracy. So I'm going to have to take my que from her. As long as it doesn't bother Tracy, I can't let it bother me. I just can't cause it makes me nuts!!

    Hmmm. Positive. Well, I hate to be the board police, and guys you know I love ya ALL, and God knows I'm guilty of bashing from time to time (although I'm getting better at it, more out of boredom and nothing to say, but I'm getting better), but I know there ARE some Laura fans that post here.

    Deb likes her.

    Reg LURVES her.

    And maybe...even though I understand the frustrations we feel, just maaaybe we should be nice to Laura.

    CAuse ya know, if for no other reason, stuff like that has a way of coming back and biting us in the butt.

    As far as bashing Laura... well I expressed my opinion that she is boring. That is my opinion. Just like many people on here have stuff to say about Lulu, Dillon, Sonny, Jason, and Sam (well that one's certainly understandable-eek!), and I like them. With the exception of Sam of course. Do I have something to say if someone has an opinion about the aforementioned people, no. Am I offended, no. I watch the show for Tracy and LuNacy. And I am A Tracy fan FIRST and LuNacy fan SECOND, as are a good number of people on this thread. If I am wrong, correct me. And even when we like another actor on the show we often express our opinion of them whether we like them or not if we feel they are a threat to Tracy or LuNacy. If I am not allowed to express that I think Laura is boring. I'll go somewhere else. Thank you.

    If you are referring to the comment I made about Laura having to drop 20 lbs - my point with that is that if these fans think that LnL are going to be a supercouple again - that status comes with the requirement of "perfection". I have no problem with Laura's weight. Hell our girl is a little thick (and luscious:)) going south herself. So I am not bashing Laura's weight. Laura is a threat to LuNacy, therefore I dont like her at this point in time. Hell I could care less if Laura stays till the end of time because I can FF my remote. I just want LuNacy to stay and be together for once, without the obstacles one after the other.

    Lainey, after you left the breakroom last night, I said, OMG lainey's in denial - LOL You are not in denial, you are just good at the positivity that I know I happen to be lacking in.

    Oh, one last note: I love Tracy's new haircut. I kinda liked the jacket, it was cute, but could have fit her better. AND She was totally fabulous in all her dialogues with everyone. I TRULY LOVE TRACY SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!

  6. I am just so frustrated already and am ready to call it quits!! I mean it's like being on a freaking roll-a-coaster with LuNacy already!! They take what seems to be 2 steps forward and 5 steps back. WTMF!!!!

    I am beginning to think when Luke said "I am your husband and you are my wife, and it will remain that way until you decide otherwise" might be true. Why would he end it if he doesn't have to be a real husband and still get the benefits? That's because Tracy will probably eventually end it, that is if she ever comes to her senses. I mean, if Luke thinks Laura who is catatonic is more important than the death of his wife's brother, well hell you can't change the way Luke feels, but Tracy deserves better. He comes home today and NOT EVEN A G-D DAMN M-FREAKIN' HUG!!?? I SO MF LOATHE THE WRITERS OF GH FOR JERKING US FANS AROUND LIKE THIS!! And when does it end? Especially since "the blonde one's" mother is going to be revived. Is it because the Luke and Laura fans will be upset, that they have to tread lightly when it comes to LuNacy? If that's the case - Give those fans what they want - Bring Laura back, they'll be thrilled for a while that Luke and Laura are together and then when the nostaligic fairy dust wears off - and they open their D@mn littlle cry baby eyes they will see how BORING she is, let them get a good look once again at how much older Luke looks than Laura. AND Sorry, but Genie is going to have to drop a good 25 lbs. to get back to supercouple status of the old Luke and Laura. Yeah, give them what they want - so it can be revealed to all ONCE AND FOR ALL - THEY JUST DON'T HAVE IT ANYMORE. I want them to just do it already and stop jerking the Tracy/LuNacy fans around!!


    How dare these MF's take SD away from us... and not give us the courtesy to grieve with them ALL!!! Alan dies offscreen. Why? So they don't have to hear us curse them from here to CA??? They show a few scenes. No montage (there better so be one coming) They don't show Luke or any of the others finding out like Bobbie, and even Leslie knew Alan and she didn't seem as though she even knew him. AND as far as I'm concerned Lulu and Dillon should feel plenty guilty about Alan being in that lobby. Lulu and the @$$-wipe Dillon keep going on their merry little detective way like nothing happened. Over what? One of the most assinine (sp?) storylines ever to written by these dumb-ass GH writers!!!

    I am so upset right now.. I can't begin to tell you!

    I'll be in the break room for a few if anyone is around.http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

    EDIT: Page 272 -

  7. Jane was totally fabulous today!!! When Tracy started to cry, I said to myself "OMG THAT IS TOTALLY JANE CRYING!". She was the best thing about the whole show today. I am trying to figure out how it is that Luke didn't find out while in the hospital. The next scene after Tracy and Dillon was Edward and Monica at home. So you mean that they made it home, with or without Tracy and Luke still doesn't know? I mean, he WAS in the hospital. Geez. Well I'm sure he's gonna comfort her at some point right?

  8. Okay, it's time for MinervaFan to come in and be the voice of reason--YET again--with you people. :D

    BRIGHT SIDE: Alan died off screen. With Emily, the Little Orphan Girl, the only one at his side. No bells. No whistles. No attempts to revive him. Now. Put on your TracyVision goggles and take another look at this situation. Her brother was doing fine. He spends twenty seconds alone with The Little Orphan Girl and mysteriously dies--no attempts at revival, no calls to the emergency team. Nothing. In your TracyVision, what does this tell you? The Little Orphan Girl, who is training to be a doctor, did NOTHING to try to save your brother. Now. Fast-forward to the will. Who does Alan leave his money to? THE LITTLE ORPHAN GIRL!

    MinervaFan, I started reading this paragraph, and I'm like .. yeah,... okay,... yeah,..., true,... yeah,.... and then I get to the last line and I was like ROFLMAO!!! The way you phrased the whole thing just cracked me up. Thanks.

    TRACY-SAVING ELEMENT: Dude, he's gonna feel so guilty he wasn't there! Besides, this will give them time for it to hit her, for Tracy to really feel it, and to feel that familiar sense of "Oh, god, I'm really alone." And right when it happens, right when it hits her, they have the opportunity for Luke to do the aforementioned "running through the halls, get outta my way, I need to get to my wife, oh, Tracy, Baby, let me hold you" thing. It will reinforce the whole White Knight Coming to the Rescue effect.

    God, I hope this really happens. It should keep me for a while if it does.

    Regarding other sites talking about Ghost Alan being Tracy propping... I was recently on another site where there were a few LnL fans talking about November sweeps and the LnL wedding and stuff and how Laura went catatonic again, and someone made the comment like "I can't believe they brought back Laura to prop Tracy!- That whole thing was totally about Tracy."! Can you believe it? I still can't.

    Deb, thanks for the voice of reason :) Care to tackle the Tracy teaming up with Scott spoiler/rumor/spumor/whatever it is?

    Hooked, loved Part 2 and am looking forward to part 3.

    Oh, and as far as Scott and Luke spoiler for today of them fighting over Laura? Am I surprised? No. Though I choose to believe that will be fight ABOUT Laura, not OVER her, and that's my prorogative. At any rate, even Tracy said to Lulu in last week's epi "Luke and Scott have been fighting over Laura for years". So she would not be surprised by it either. SHE just better not find out he was doing it TODAY-of all days.

  9. I read somewhere that the reason they are keeping Alan around as a ghost is because his contract doesn't end until August (or November-can't remember which), and they killed him off now for sweeps ratings. I don't know if that's true though.

    And about the scenes being out of sequence, I agree. The same thing happened last week when Tracy said, I just came back from the MC. You mean to tell me she didn't see her husband hand-cuffed while she was there? That scene was probably supposed to take place after Dillon freed Luke.

    If Tracy ends up being the only one who can see Alan, I hope she doesn't tell anyone. They will think she's gone screaming round the bend headed for lala land. LOL. Acutally that's not funny. Because this could put a damper on potential LUNACY SEX!!!!

  10. The show kinda sucked today especially with Alan dying offscreen, no montage (maybe during the funeral?), and no initial reaction from Tracy. I guess she was supposed to be in shock but I was hoping that she would at least grab Edward or something. I got a little choked up when Em said he died but I think more in anticipation of the familiy's reaction.

    and re: The spoiler from TV guide...





    So it turns out that ghost Alan doesn't appear to Tracy in a dream like kind of way but she's going to see him on a regular basis in the den? Can everyone say S-H-A-D-Y-B-R-O-O-K boys and girls? Of course the plus side to this is that Tracy will be on more, Stuart will be around longer, it's something for her to do while her husband is off on his adventures, and hey, maybe if it turns out to be comical, the family may just keep Tracy around for entertainment instead of having her commited. arrggghhh!!

  11. More scoops and stuff...






    These came from anonymous posters, so grain of salt and all that...

    Insider #1

    Tracy and Scotty team up while Luke experiences a case of deja vu.

    I hope this "scoop" is false. Because Luke loves Tracy and she DOES NOT need Scotty to keep Luke.

    Deb, thanks :) loved the new fic!

  12. I gotta tell ya this mama bear/cub stuff is making me feel all warm inside :). I just hope Lulu realizes and appreciates that Tracy does genuinely care for her and doesn't snark out on Tracy.

    When a thread is pinned, doesn't it mean it's permanent? Well nothing is permanent, but that it stays there indefinately? Right? something like that?

    Hooked, I had no idea Marco was even on the DVD - Hell now I GOTTA watch it!

    Deb, Thanks for posting the quote by Jane. I LOVE that woman. She is a RIOT! I didn't even realize Tracey had more stuff up over at JEonline. I don't remember seeing a post about it or an annoucement at the log in area.

    Well, gotta start getting ready for work but not until I check out the yummy stuff and JEonline and SOC (go Lainey!).

  13. *Waves to Lainey and ILTQ*

    ILTQ, I caught the "Tracy, sweetheart..." the first time :D. I like that Luke said "my first wife" cause it shows Tracy, although we already know, and so does she, that NOW, TRACY is his wife.

    YooHoo Lainey, You might wanna check out SOC. There are two threads "Tracy Loving Lulu" and "Love Mama Bear Tracy Appreciation Thread" - some there are even hoping for LuNacy sex. heehee

  14. Ms. Q, Thanks for the clips :)

    The last photoshop pic looks like Tracy with Lulu's hair. She looks better with Lulu's hair than Monica's and Emily's.

    Hookedongh, Am looking forward to part 2 of your fic. I totally enjoyed the first part. :)

    Lainey, That's right, LuNacy has certainly been supporting each other lately. And although we didn't see Tracy there more than once or twice, I have a feeling she made more trips to the MC during the hostage crisis to check in on Luke and Lulu. :D

  15. Deb, Thanks for the link to your icons. They're great! I am TOTALLY diggin the Fine Romance in a BIG WAY!! VERY HOT! I'd probably like to use that one sometime in the near future when I can part with the current one you made for me :) BUT for now SMHP is rockin my world.

    Ms. Q, Thanks for the Enduro clip. Oh and yeah, that pic on the right looks like Stockard Channing big time.

    Lady Ashton, Thanks for the clips. It's just so wierd to see these clips of Tracy from years ago. Compared to now, it almost doesn't seem like the same person. Loved her then, and LOVE LOVE LOVE her even more now.

    Comments re Paul: First off I always thought he was gorgeous- no suprise there. I had stopped watching the show for some reason not too long after Tracy announced her pregnancy at Ned and Jenny's engagement party, so I had missed a good portion of what came after. I had only heard how bad it got for Tracy. I got to see quite a bit of stuff though from the Ned and Jenny DVD's from Jen Bingley. I was only able to watch up to some time after Tracy had Dillon - Tracy seemed so in love and Paul was there for her and it seemed to me that he might be falling for her too around the time Dillon was born. I loved them together during that time. But since I knew from stories what was to come not too long after, I couldn't bring myself to continue watching the DVD's so I don't know how bad it got, have only heard. - I won't finish watching them.

    Comments re this past weeks epis:

    LOVED, LOVED, LOVED 1. Tracy's smile after Luke said "deal" - totally delicious!- until Spumoni interrupted (though I believe Luke was smiling just as delicious right back- and they held it for a while :), 2. The FACE Tracy made when Spumoni was telling Milo something like "I'm sure Lulu appreciates the muscle ... like we all do" - Priceless! 3. And the view of her watching them (Spumoni and Milo) was full lenth with her hand on the couch- Absolutely YUMMY! 4. When Tracy kneed Dillon's legs out of the way and she passed through like she was Queen Tracy. 5. LOVED when Luke said "Tracy Sweetheart...". 6. LOVED when Luke was talking to Lulu he said "Your stepmother....". 7. Loved the Look Tracy gave Monica before she walked into Alan's room, after she said "I know what my brother needs". 8. Loved her scene with Alan (hugs to mama). 9. Everything about what she said to Scotty in Lulu's room.

    Sure there's more but that's all I can think of for now.

    Re: Scotty: I love Scotty, he's a cutey pie and all BUT I don't want Tracy to be in cahoots with him. If it were any other sort of project maybe, but not one that may jeopardize LuNacy - EVER!! Luke loves Tracy and she doesn't need anybody's help or any scam to keep him. Oh, and when Scott said "You're not Laura", Tracy should have said "Thanks for the compliment".

  16. Edit #2: So, remember the "Tracy killed Rick" rumor? (How could we forget, right?) Well, there's no way Scotty did it. It's a red herring IMO. So, my question is...What is Alan is protecting his baby sis by saying (err...writing) that Scotty did it?!?

    And the answer is: No. He's not. Because Tracy DID NOT kill Rick Webber.

  17. ummmm..... (Lainey enters.. looks at floor. Kicks it. Clears throat and slowly, softly, humbly approaches mic).

    uh hello....

    I'm wondering.. if anyone noticed......

    THAT LUKE HAS HIS COAT ON IN THE Q MANSION!!! -- like he just came in, like he doesn't live there!!!!


    HELLO! HELLO! WTF IS GOING ON HERE!?!!?! :blink::blink::blink:

    My guess is Luke and Lulu have moved back in. The question is: WHY!?!?! :o

    There is also the chance that just Lulu moved out cause she freaks when Alan dies, and that Luke has his coat on because he tried to talk her into going into the funeral. And he's just returning from that visit (whew.. this might be it. Might be!)

    Thoughts anyone? Anyone?

    Lainey, you are scaring me!! Stop it! I find you to be the most positive and hopeful LuNacy fan here. And on the heels of the scare the other day of the TracyIsRicksKiller rumor fiasco, my nerves are just about shot!!

    I read a spoomer/spoiler some time last week that Liz and Lucky will be moving into the old house. It is possible that since Elizabeth is a nurse, that she could be tending to Lulu and that's why Lulu is there instead of hobbling around the big Q' mansion on crutches? I think it's a possibility.

    Don't lose the faith on me now girl!! YOU'VE kept it alive this long - don't stop now.

    LuNacy WILL Prevail!

  18. I agree. I don't care who she takes it from if she's with Luke, but i would have prefered it if it wasn't Emily. Especially after yesterday was she was so nice an understanding toward Monica and knowing that she is Alan's pride and joy. I don't think she needs to be made out to be SUCH a horrible witch. I love when she is evil Tracy, but i like it when it is directed at a nonrelative. She is supposed to protect the family, whether or not she likes them. They are family. To hell with the rest... and since Skye is now one of "the rest" I say have at it, tracy!!! Maybe they'll change their minds and have her go after her anyway, instead of Em

    Hi all!! Just posted a little poll about this topic at JEonline. Go check it out.

    Should be working on my paper. Almost half done. Hard to believe considering I keep taking breaks to read other boards, post polls, and download clips from Hella Good - LOL! I am now, at this point, resisting the temptation to watch a LuNacy vid before I go back to my paper - heehee.

  19. Re Spumor:

    WTMF!!!! This CAN NOT be true! There are so many anonymous posters over there it could be anyone. For that matter, how do we know it's not a s-spy, a bora fan, or someone who is jealous that ghost Alan is appearing to Tracy. Tracy is NOT a killer. And I wouldn't want her to be Rick's killer even if Jane were taking a powder. Though I wouldn't mind if she blew up Port Charles in it's entirety on her way out. Hey if she's gonna be a murderess, may as well take out the whole town - in a BIG WAY - and go out with a bang in more ways than one, along with her partner-in-crime-and-love. He hates PC anyway.

    AND I am TOTALLY going to have to go spumor/spoiler/rumor free. Because even if this spumor is not true (and we know it's not) it takes the enjoyment out of what has been developing between LuNacy and my experience of Tracy/Jane in all her beautiful gloriousness, in the interim!!!

    Deb, before you mutilate Elmo, could you put a voodoo spell on it and carve Guza's name into it?

  20. Took a break from writing my papes to watch Tracy's scenes again from today... My take on Tracy's statement re Lulu - Tracy said to Monica: "I was going to yell at Mac but I realized that his daughter is in there too." Meaning with everyone else. She didn't stress the word "his" or even say 'he has a daughter in there too', which would make it sound more like that she considered Lulu her daughter. I will say though, that I feel that Tracy does consider Lulu family, and that she feels connected to her on a personal level. Which me feel all warm inside.

    Our girl looked absolutely beautiful today!! She has such a winning and beautiful smile! Which also makes her look younger too :). Loved the look in her eye/face to signal to Monica that she wanted to speak to her outside the room.

  21. knh, Do it, it seemed to me that your pros outweighed your cons. You will be able to pick it back up again even if you haven't done it in a while. Busy schedules always get in the way of doing things we enjoy and can benefit from. You will make the time and you have some incentive, good luck!
  22. Ms. Q, Thanks for the Q's Meet Spumoni!! And thanks again hooked for the ones you posted for me :)

    Yeah, Loved seeing our girl today! Scene was way so short, but as always she was awesome! I loved when Tracy did that little wave to Alan when she came into the room. Too cute. I was happy that she mentioned Lulu also but I didn't take notice of the exact words about mac having a daughter in there (also?) line. I have to rewatch.

    Yeah, isn't it retarded that Tracy was supposedly there and we didn't see her? Is it possible she got there AFTER it exploded? At any rate, it looks stupid that if she was supposdely there that she didn't attempt to free Luke. They messed up on that one. They probably should have showed that scene of Tracy claiming she was there AFTER Dillon ended up freeing him. Then it would have made sense that she wouldn't have had to free him if Dillon had done it already. They should have edited it better.

    Ms. Q thanks for the Vid!! Loved "Listen To Your Heart"! Haven't downloaded the others yet. I don't know if you changed them since I saw them last, but will check them out after they are downloaded. Thanks again.

    On my way to attempt two papers that are do this week - ugghh!

    EDIT: page 262!! - hee hee first time I got to do that B)

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