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Posts posted by TracyLuv

  1. Just watched Luke and Tracy scenes from today's epi. TOTALLY LOVED - "I'm lookin' for you" - damn mama was hot and sexy when she said it, SHE WANTS HIM IN A BIG WAY!!! Loved when she told him she found him damn irresistable too - YEAH!! Loved their whole talk at HS. I caught the hair rub - SWEET! And I thought Tracy looked so pretty and SEXY sitting next to Luke at the wedding and how she was gesturing and telling him she would take him to dinner. HOT!!

    What I didn't catch was her rubbing his back or her arm around his shoulder. And I didn't notice her holding his arm during wedding party walk in. And I didn't hear what he called her when he said her snob was showing. - Oh well I guess I have to suffer through watcing it again :D heehee. And maybe on slow-mo again a few times just to make sure I don't miss anyting else. haha.

    Geez, everyone is sick or not feeling well. Guys take care of yourselves and get better. We all have to be nice and healthy for the LuNacy love. :)

    I finally had the appointment for an MRI of the cervical spine this morning for my pinched nerve. I was lucky to get an appointment at the last minute for the "open" one. Well guess, what? Open or not I PUNKED OUT!!! and they had to stop the the machine!! See and I bet you all thought I was tough ey? The "open" MRI is a 40 minute process and I didn't last more than 10 minutes. When it first started the muscles in my entire body were clenched! So I was like, "ok Mick, you can do this, it's not so bad even though you are in a head lock". LOL. When that pounding noise started on the machine, I started singing "the wheels on the bus...." in my head. It didn't work. "okay mick, okay, think about something calming... LuNacy...." NOPE, didn't work, was getting to excited, "okay ... Tracy ... okay, getting there....Tracy being motherly to Lulu.... ahhhhh... okay, this is good, I feel all warm inside now, and sleepy" THEN BOOM!!!! My chest felt like it was on fire and my heart began to beat out of my chest! ... Deep slow breaths, deep show breaths, opens eyes .... NO AIR TO BREATH!!! Thank god that damn thing comes with a microphone thing. I was like uh - "HELL-O - I can't breathe". And that was it. I was outta there! :(

    Edit: hooked, lovin' your new signature :) it matches your avatar!

  2. Ok...it is 11pm central and I'm wondering if Tracyluv is around...I watched the show from yesterday and you are so TOTALLY right...luke did blow her a kiss or make the smacking sound when she closed the door on him.

    hooked, Good, cause I thought it was just my wishful thinking. BTW, I'm diggin' your new avatar :)

    I didn't watch the show today, just scanned it for Tracy, but will check it out later. I was TOTALLY into Leslie back in the day. I'd like to see her more often.

    I am so looking forward to tomorrow. I hope our girl and her "daddy" (heh heh couldn't resist) have some great scenes, and plenty of them. :)

    ETA: pg. 289!

  3. No Tracy today :(. Oh well, I guess the LnL2 wedding is tomorrow and maybe that's when our girl finds Luke drowning his sorrows? I just figured it's happening tomorrow since Luke was talking with Liz and Laura today about the wedding "tomorrow".

    Deb, feel better soon. BTW, you are good at seeing things the way they are even when you're tired, sick and cranky. Hopefully hooked's update will brighten things up for you a bit. :)

  4. I do find this storyline comical though I am afraid it will get old quickly. I agree, Alan has been acting immature but I believe they are writing the character like that. Which may be funny once a week for now but not more thank that and not for the long haul. I also agree about Tracy. When I first heard some of the spumors that Luke would find out she was talking to the "air" I said to myself, "the Tracy I know would not respond to voices or visions in front of ANYONE!!" And I immediately thought that Luke would not think twice about sending her off to the la-la land place. And I also feel that Luke is not acting the way Luke would act but I often feel that when it comes to anything Tracy/Luke related. It seems they are going to play the entire thing for laughs. I guess we'll have to wait and see, which I can deal with as long as Luke doesn't haul Tracy off to the luney bin.

    ETA: pg. 288!

  5. Lainey, woooohoooo!! That was a SEXY, little fic there :D!!!!! Got more where that came from? I totally LOVED IT!!!! I love the way you describe face touching and kisses - yeah! Oh, and I LOVE Your new signature!

    Luke has made references to sex before in the past. But nothing has ever been confirmed. Remember at the vow renewal epi he said to Tracy "I love it when you scream.... in bed"? So who knows. There is a part of me that wanted them to be having sex all that time because people kept saying they weren't a real couple because they weren't "doing it". But he had also been sleeping with other women and pining for his ex-wife at some point so I would hate to think that he was sleeping with Tracy at that time while out "carousing" with a British tart and who knows who else. But now of course I want them to have sex in the worst way because he has told her how he feels about her and it will be more meaningful when they finally do make love.

    Regency, Sorry to hear about your computer problems. Hope you can recover the fic. Am patiently waiting for the baby LuNacy story :)

    knh, Of the names on the list I like - Her: Gillianne, Him: Cooper or Elliot.

    Loved the show today!! highlights for me were... the goo goo eyes with Lukey of course, and his "power/silk stocking" line, her laugh when she said "I didn't forge the will, you did", Tracy's "sweetheart" to Luke (yes, I did catch that, hooked), Tracy pushing Luke out of the den and him saying "will you tell me about it later" LOL. I liked Tracy's hair AND jacket. I like her in turtlenecks :) and I think that jacket is better than many others she has.

    Oh, did anyone notice that it seemed as though Luke blew a kiss to Tracy as she was about to shut the door? His arm went up though you can't see him, but then you hear a kiss noise just before she shuts the door.

    And my new favorite line (after the one in lainey's banner of course ;)) is "You're spending too much time fighting with the furniture" LOL

    Funny, you should speak of fanfic updates, I "stumbled" upon a fic last night by HyperMuzak (or something) about Tracy and her daughter by Paul, and after spending a couple of hours reading that whole thing I realized it had not been finished and it was last updated in 9/06! I was like arrrrggghhhhh!!! Now I'm like left hangin' :(

    EDIT: knh, just read hooked's description of the characters - her (strong): Victoria - him (meek): Oliver or Nathaniel.

    EDIT AGAIN: MinervaFan, Thanks for posting the contact info. I am so on it! - I have no problem licking stamps for LuNacy love!!

  6. Ms. Q, You posted your vids to YouTube!!! YAY!!! :) :) 'bout time girl :P Oh, and belated congrats on your 1300th post!

    everyone, There are some old Tracy clips (90's I think) on JE online posted by new member SchatzesPage.

    Off to work, then a pahtaaay. see yuz lata. Ta.

  7. Hi All!

    Welcome back hooked!

    The vid didn't depress me Ms. Q :). Of those guys in the vid, Luke is the best one, at least he loves her. Well okay I think he has issues with women anyway, but I think he is the best pick of the bunch. And I think TIIC are "trying" to move things along with them, so it seems. Look, we were surprised he said ILY the end of last year and Luke has been a little better in the affection department lately so, I'll cut him some slack for today. I just wish TIIC would keep them on the same side, let them work together in their schemes. I expect they will fight unlike any other couple but I'm just not into the "earn your keep" lines from Tracy or threats from Luke about blabbing about the will. Oh yeah, and the Laura nonsense. I think the last one mentioned is the worst of it, especially because he is not considering Tracy's feelings. Oh well anyway.... I think I just depressed myself. Nevermind. LOL

    I'm half Irish -- My mom's last name was O'Connell



    Ireland Forever!

  8. Lainey & MinervaFan, Welcome back!!!

    MinervaFan, thanks for that fun vid! It was nice to see some new clips of Tracy. I've never did get to see that scene with her and Dillon and the costumes or the one with Helena. And wow! - your dad sounds great! - I guess talent runs in the family :)

    Ms. Q, Thanks for the fabo vid! I always love to see Tracy and her men, even though many of them were creepos. heh. Loved the effects you added. Get them vids up on YouTube! Oh and this CAN'T be the last vid for a while, you have to do the bad hair/good hair Tracy vids. LOL

    Ms. Lainey, am (im)patiently awaiting your new story. It's been ages. My mouth is watering in anticipation.

    Angel2Devil, Sorry you had a crappy day and that tomorrow's better for you.

  9. Ms. Q, Great vid!! and thanks for the GH x-mas pics!

    Poll results from SOC:

    Your feelings on Luke and Tracy pairing:

    Hate it - It should be Luke and Laura forever: 6

    Love it - Luara is not coming back, he should move on: 74

    Who cares they bore me: 11

    Luke should be single in case Laura returns: 3

    Luke should be with Skye: 4

    Other: 7

    Of those that posted other or "love it" and made comments:

    If Laura comes back, he should be with Laura: 8

    Of those that posted general comments:

    They want Luke and Tracy whether Laura comes back or not: 8

    Must run off to work now - 25th Ann. Sp Bee Lottery - ugh!!

  10. I should make a point not to watch the show BEFORE I go to work. I was like giving everyone the stare down. I was in such a bad mood after watching the show today.

    rant letter to Luke and Tracy,

    uh- HELL-O - LUKE (and Tracy) - you guys are married now FOR REAL - stop with the 'you owe me's" and Luke DO NOT THREATEN YOUR WIFE with turning her in about the will! You are good at kicking scott's ass when it comes to Laura, but you better start defending YOUR WIFE buddy!!! You guys are a team, a sweet sexy team and you are ON THE SAME SIDE!! Remember that!!!! AND Tracy, stop reminding the man that you support him and lulu financially.

    rant letter over... for now..

    Ms. Q, Thanks for posting the enlarged media pics. Luke and Trace look really good together in that first one.

    Smirks, It's good to see you!! You should stop in more often!! BTW, this is "LoveThatTracy" from SOC :)

  11. Hey all!

    Nex, Welcome back and good luck with you new place! Hope you are out of the stone age in into the 21 century ASAP!!

    Ms. Q, Thanks for posting the pics. Where can I see those in larger size?

    SOC Posters, There are a couple of threads over at SOC (new ones). One is a poll currently LuNacy has 53 votes for those that want them to be a real couple (which we know they are already).

    I know I've been bugging alot about the SOC stuff, but we have to represent out girl and her man :) even more so now while they are on screen and in light of someones possible return. :P

  12. Hey all,

    No Tracy today. But there was a mention of her. When Lulu was leaving Leslie's to go meet Dillon, Luke said to her "Well now lilsten to yourself, you are limping after a Quartermaine" and Lulu said "Like you've never gone after Tracy" and Luke replied, "yeah, well I don't limp.

    Ms. Q, Thanks for the great vids!! Really love "Take Me Away" - great Tracy angst scenes and LuNacy hug/kiss scenes!

  13. Hi all! Gee, no kidding this place really IS a ghost town. Alan are you here? heh heh

    So I'll haunt you all with my boring life.... 1 paper down, 1 to go and and audiology mid-term on Tuesday:o I am so over this symester and it's not even half way through!!

    I have been checking out other boards lately since Alan has left the earth to rattle Tracy's chains and I have to say that alot of GH fans have been singing our girl's praises. There are even some Luke and Laura fans that have started to come around and said they like LuNacy better. Can ya believe it? Not all of course, but some. I think when they see them together affectionately lately, they like it, like we do, well not like we do, but you get my drift.

    With the exception of Tracy/LuNacy/Tracy&Alan the show blows BIG TIME lately. It's very confusing and doesn't seem to have any continuity IMO. It's all over the place.

    Ms. Q, Hope the celebrating one is true and it's the kind of celebrating WE want.

    Let Laura come back in march, april, whatever.. booooo... and let Scotty take her with him when he leaves. Even if Luke ends up going back to her it wont be without a fight from our girl even though I don't want her to fight over him BUT she will be getting screen time and she WILL rock out what ever is given to her -whether Lukey boy stays or goes.

    knh, about them hunting you down in the store to take a job there... are you young, rail thin and attractive? Or a model type? If so, then that's why they are haunting you. heehee

    What can I say, I'm in a silly mood today. I guess it was the extra hour sleep I lost on top of the usual.

    see ya lata - ta

  14. Ms. Q, I'm diggin' your new banner and avatar :)

    Just popping in to say hello since it's a ghost town this weekend. I look forward to reading all the new fic. I have tons to catch up on but I have 2 papers I have to get done by tomorrow afternoon. Hope that Tracy continues to get good stuff and that she gets to spend more time with Luke *fingers and toes crossed*.

    Back to attempt my papers which keep being interrupted by daydream visions of Luke and Tracy's YOWZA hug last week. heehee

    EDIT - SOC posters, there is a thread over there for fave female character - our girl is on the poll. Right now she has only one vote-MINE.

  15. So I guess Tracy will be left alone dealing with ghost Alan while Luke is off dealing with Scott. oh well. I HATE HATE HATE this whole RW s/l thing. It is a bore! They brought scott back for this dumbass storyline? What a waste. And it pisses me off that it takes Luke away from Tracy. Bad enough when he is out of town. Now there's non-sense going on IN town, and he has to run back and forth between Leslie's and the Q's. WTMF!!!! We can't even get a scene with her and Lulu cause Lulu's at Leslie's doing the Nancy Drew thing. As much as I'm miffed at Lulu right now for other reasons, and kind of don't want to see her, she has to get back to the Q's.

    Anyway, I am HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY that we have been getting our girl on screen and in some angsty and funny stuff. :)

  16. WOW! How scrumptious was that HUG!!!??? Can't we get ANYTHING hot without it being interrupted? arrgghh! I thought the way their heads were positioned as Luke pulled her up, that they were going to kiss, then I see Tracy's head shift, and I am like NOOOOOO don't move your head!!!!! LOL

    Loved the look on Luke's face when he was pulling her up out of the chair - Sexaaaay!

    We've been getting some great stuff from our girl this past week and I'm lovin' it! :)

    Ms. Q, Thanks for posting the clips!

  17. Lainey, Have a good trip! This means we will be getting tons of Tracy while you are gone. Hope you worked out the TIVO before you left. If not, you could always swing by my place on the way back from the airport. heh. Actually I sure SOMEONE will post clips. And Lainey? hopefully you will have time to write some fic while you are away?

    Hooked, Have a great vacation. If you start getting the shakes from withdrawal you could always sneak away and drop us a note. Hopefully I will have finished reading your stories by the time you get back :D

    Regency, I look forward to reading the tons of fic you've been working on!

    Thought this was interesting... For those of you who want to know the history and connotations of the term "Who's your daddy?"

  18. Totally LOVED LuNacy today!! Thought it was HOT that he made her call him Daddy!! LOL - They were too funny today!

    SOC posters, There are a number of Tracy threads there! Even one that thread called "Is Tracy a Desparate Housewife?" Where they are talking about how they want LuNacy sex already! Someone even posted the ABC comment line # to request that Luke and Tracy have sex, along with a script of how you can call and sound like you are 13-18! They are a riot over there!

  19. Alan: No, no. Oh, god, lulu, please try to understand -- I was so fond of your mother, but when you love somebody as much as I love monica, you'll say or -- or do anything to -- to protect them. Believe me, your father would've done the same thing --

    Aha!! Maybe it was Luke who did it to protect Laura from Rick!! And Tracy is protecting Luke. LOL. Actually I rather that Luke did it than Tracy. And once and for all...TRACY DID NOT KILL ANYONE. I don't care if Scotty didn't do it. Tracy sure as hell didn't. So let's calm down.

    Listen we got some physical contact between our girl and Luke today so let's enjoy that experience. Let's NOT look for stuff that is not necessarily there. Yes, we are used to TIIC bringing them 2 steps closer and 10 steps back, but let's freak WHEN they do it, not 'cause we are expecting it, because then we can't enjoy anything between Luke and Tracy.

    What we've been saying about the Luke/Tracy dynamic and response to comfort is interesting considering today... Luke put his hand on Tracy's shoulder and she freaked (sure, she didn't know it was him) but look at her response to a touch. Also, when Luke hugged her, SHE initiated it by pullling him closer to her by his coat. When she did this, he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her. See he wants to and is willing to touch her, but she has to want to be, and she has to allow him to do it. Now, given that hug today, without knowing for sure (and we don't), would you say that was the first time he hugged her since Alan died? I don't think so at all. I think that he has.

    And also, when Tracy walked over to Luke and linked her arm through his while he was snarking at Scotty, Luke's hand came up to, what looked like, put his hand on Tracy's. Well we've already talked about the poor camera angles and such so you can't actually see his hand on hers, but you see his hand come up as if to put it on hers. And I believe that's what Luke did because just before Scotty turned to walk in the room, he was looking at both Luke and Tracy and then lowered his eyes for a second to about where there hands would have been.

    I'm not going to respond to much to speculation about why Luke is at Leslie's alot lately, etc. etc. All I can do is remind everyone that Luke has been home for what 3 or 4 days and he has maybe went to Leslie's like maybe three times. Once to bring Lulu there, I believe, once to visit, and I believe another time to pick lulu up for the memorial. Laura's picture is on the mantle because she's Leslie's daughter. And what if the picture weren't there, what would we think then? Let's give ourselves a break guys. Ya see, he comforted our girl, and if she wants him to, he will do it more.

  20. Ms. Q, Thanks so much for the clips! YOU ARE A DOLL!!- and a life saver :)

    Lainey, That's right, they will HAVE to deal with Tracy if Laura comes back. Any chance that when Luke said to Tracy (the day he came back) "As much as I love her (Laura), I can't be with her" that he was not only speaking of her catatonic state? Well I can hope can't I?

    4XCrazy, Happy Birthday!!

    DruRocks, Welcome to the TQ Lovefest! Love your post.

    I know Luke has only been home for a couple of days but come on already, Mr. Tracy better comfort Mrs. Spencer soon!!

    Edit: About the show today.. err.. yesterday... At least Luke defended Tracy. Sorta. He did, didn't he? I'm not sure. And Dillon is an @$$ - That kid needs to get drop-kicked IN A BIG WAY, letting Scotty talk that way about his mother! At least Lulu was making a face when Scott started in calling her names, just before Luke walked in.

  21. Hey TL -- I am noticing you changed the pics in your signature and edited the fabulous, witty, insightful quote that was there... ha! ;) Why'd ya do that?!?!?!?

    ta ta


    Lainey, I got a PM from Ms. Q-tsy with a link to the new rules re: banner size and word count. So I had to resize the banner- argghhh!!! The word count can not be more than 50 words and i think I still I have like 54 there. These rules soooo blow! Kinda cramps my style. I can't tell ya how long I spent Lainey, scaling down your quote-it was agonzing! But the sentiment is still there. Right?

  22. I see a niiiiiiiiiiiiiice long chat with me about wardrobe in your future. ;) I prefer the HS dress to "trampoline robe," but I do realize the HS dress didn't go over well with some posters here. The Coleman suit was Business!Tracy. 2 pieces, pastel colors. What was wrong with it? :P And what are the couple other one? Just curious. Maybe the brown fur? (I loved the way she looked in that clip, so I had to put it in, LOL).

    Ms. Q, Actually, I think there was only one more I didn't like, and that was the floral jacket she wore with Robert at the HS. I'm just not into pastel florals. I like the green suit BUT it is not tailored to fit her properly. As for the Coleman suit, If I remember correctly, the jacket juts out at the hips - eek! You don't put a jacket that accentuates hips on a "hippy" person. I like the brown furry thing just fine, I think she looks good in that outfit. I think the red jacket from last week was cute, and i like the cut, but just not so much on Tracy-but still better than others. Our girl is sexy and she needs some sexy clothes. Her wardrobe could use ALOT of work. Speaking of which did you see that atrosity (sp?) she is wearing in the scene with Paul from the vid LadyAshton posted? Hell I'm surprised Paul didn't want to ger her out of it sooner, that thing could surely cause vertigo!

    Spoiler pic below from the vid LadyAshton posted of Paul and Tracy's honeymoon. It's big so If you don't want to see it, you better scroll fast! LOL. And that's only if I copied the url right - with me ya never know.



    Thanks again LadyAshton!!

  23. wwoooooohoooooo Lady Ashton, that was HOT!!

    I want a LuNacy scene like that NOW! AND I MEAN NOW!!!

    Oh, and thanks! LOVED IT! :)

    Got a little carried away after watching how bad Tracy wanted Paul in this scene and how passionate she was. So of course I would want a passionate scene EVEN BETTER than this for LuNacy. And we know Luke will be all to happy to deliver, unlike Paul. It was sad that she had to like beg him. Uggghh!! What a Putz!!

    Hooked, I finished watching the Ned and Jenny #3 last night - err - this morning - I wont even tell you how late I stayed up - but I have a hangover headache and I don't even drink! Totally LOVED Tracy and Marco together!! They were too funny! Especially when they were hiding in the bushes spying on Jenny and the Sentator.

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