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Posts posted by TracyLuv

  1. Wubs Spoilers...

    I don't like the sounds of these! Not at all! Not one bit! Nope. na-ah. NO WAY!

    **While Luke is busy with the Laura stuff, Tracey is busy with Scott Baldwin making a deal! Me: Okay, this one we knew. We're hoping she is scaming him.

    **Scotty and Tracey--a deliciously nasty duo! Me: Um.. Uh.. This doesn't sound like a scam. It sounds frightening! Muy, muy frightening!!!

    I think she is scamming scott cause I read in other spoilers that Tracy helps Luke out with Scott... so... Tracy's gonna stand by her Lukey poo. I think. <-------- sorry but I don't know how to use the black out thingy to cover it up.

  2. Pinkpopsicle, I LOVED IT!! Thanks! The "spanky's daddy" was way cute! ;)

    Yeah, it does seem like the upcoming LuNacy love has been inspiring you writers - keep it comin'!! Let's see, it's supposed to take place the week of the 16th right? So, that's at least 6 days away, no? It would be great to have a LuNacy love fic for every day leading up to that....mmmm.

    Lainey, you have email :)

  3. Nex, You beat me to it! I was just about to post Jen's url and I noticed you did it already. :)

    Smirks, Happy Birthday!!

    Ms. Q, Nex, do either of you have a clip (I don't even know if one exists) of the time when Luke and Tracy came back from Markem (sp?) Islands and Luke was calling Tracy his Jungle Queen? The actual part of that scene I am looking for is when Tracy said to Luke something about having him under her thumb (because it was discovered probably for the 100th time that he was skimming off her accounts), and Luke's response to being under Tracy's thumb was "ouch" (which he said in a VERRRRY sexy way, btw). Do either of you have that?

    I am going to attempt to try and make an mvid, which I doubt I will be successful at. It all seems so complicated and extremely time consuming, besides the fact that I don't have much confidence in my computer litteracy. Kudos to all of you remarkable, extremely talented mvid makers. Any song suggestions, btw? since I guess that is the best place to start, right?

    Lainey, I know what you mean about the expectations. I was just thinking yesterday about spoilers that sound like they are going to be a big deal and they are not. I remember when a spoiler said "Monica and Tracy attack Skye". What did that last like one or two lines? And I certainly understand about getting hopes up, that happens to me all the time which is why I had opted off the bus for a long time, at least publicly :) But I can't deny that I will always be a lifetime LuNacy fan, who will ALWAYS be on the bus whether I want to admit it out of dissappointment, or not. So, come on bus driver Lainey, be positive:). I know I try to keep my expectations low, but it's so damn hard when all I want is some LuNacy love to happen.


    Backseat Driver of the LuNatic Fringe Express B)

    EDIT: I just tried to check out the "The Wonderful Tracy Quartermaine" thread over at SOC and it's gone! I tried Hooked's link and I got a message that said that the thread is invalid. WTMF is up with that? I checked like the first 5 pages and it's not there. Hmmmm I wonder why it was deleted?

  4. Ms. Q, Thanks for the great vids! - plenty of my fave face touching :), the "bus" kiss saunter, the "success?" hug and all the fabulous new LuNacy clips! Loved your new fic!! Thanks for the LuNacy lovin' (finally :) ) It was great, I had to light up when I finished reading LOL. Thanks for posting the spoilers. I don't usually like them but these sound positive so... The speculation spumor of LuNacy love connection for the hanky panky was nice too.

    Lainey, I am partial to LuNacy fic, but i do read others. I don't mind the femslash but Alice? NO WAY!! Monica maybe (is that incest? LOL! - I know it's not) or Alexis, but NOT Alice. And even still I guess it's an atlternate reality alltogether with that fic, cause I can't picture Tracy saying half that stuff to a man, never mind a woman, it was out of character for her. oh, and congrats on your 200th post.

    Hooked, Thanks for the clip link! Oh, btw, if you didn't know already, Jen Bingley has the next Luke and Tracy DVD done. I am going to order that during the week along with the last Ned and Jenny.

    Have a good day all.

  5. Congrats on your highspeed Lainey!

    When I first discovered YouTube I had dial-up and I was frustrated with waiting almost 1 1/2 hours to download a 2 minute Tracy vid, I was so aggravated with it, It was then that I decided to get highspeed even though my daughter had been bugging me about getting it for years. My life has not been the same since. :)

  6. Loved your story Hooked!!! I don't really have a fave of yours. I love them all. I guess I just might be a little partial to the first one because it was the longest. I like ALOT of LuNacy dialogue, flirting and the time they spend together AS WELL AS the hanky panky ;) . Thanks again for the great story!!


    This appears word for word on JEonline. It's not just that I'm lazy and don't want to think of anything new to write, it's just that I'm crunched for time, not a good writer and it's exactly how I feel anyway :D

  7. Hey all!

    Deb, finally got around to watching your Voyager vid. You are such a talent!! Not a big sci-fi fan but I did watch "Lost in Space" back in the 70's (?) - That Dr. Smith was a riot!! The song kind of reminded me of a song that would have done well for the Rocky Horror Picture Show - LOL - especially the way the word "chaotica" was sung. BTW, was "the bride" Kate Mulgrew? - Loved your fic - it was waaaaay sexaaaaay! Especially loved the ending with Tracy's finger dripping with yumminess for her man. I get tingly thinking about that. I'm sending positive vibes your way that you will get through the work crunch. Hopefully it will go fast and will lead into the ecstacy of a LuNacy love scene. :D

    Pinkpopsicle, Thanks for the scans. Loved your fic! Hot Hot Hot! Love the detail ;). Loved "want a lick?" - oooooh lala and the "Who's your daddy" and her response.

    Hooked, ya gotta get crackin' on the next LuNacy love fic. PLEASE?

    knh, glad you don't have mono. I hate it too when it takes so long for docs to find out what's wrong. They should have tested for mono alot sooner. Sorry you had to go through that, but it sounds like now that they've figured it all out, you'll soon be on the road to recovery.

    Lainey, is it two days now 'til highspeed? I'm happy for ya girl :)

    Ms. Q, Hooraayyy for you and "turning" the 300th page!!

    About the spoilers - Happy now that the hanky panky term has become defined as adult fun/getting busy :D. It does annoy me however that it will interrupted. I mean GQ interrupted one of the hottest kisses about to take place between LuNacy early last year, Alan interrupted their grope hug a few weeks ago, and now Scott? ugghhh!! After that, how long do we have to wait for another one? I hope the drinking that they are doing prior, serves to loosen them up a bit, but I don't want them drunk when they do it. Also, what is this "perspective" change LuNacy are supposed to have after their night of drinking? It BETTER be positive, that's all I gotta say. And if Scott's gonna be interrupting... which I am assuming means they are in the middle of "it". The "it" he interrupts better be intercourse and not a prelude to it. I will be steaming it that happens.

  8. Watched today's show. What's up with Mama's high priestess garb? LOL and that necklace looks like an amulet! Is she going to perform the exorcism herself? Heheh.

    The show was too funny today. thought it was hilarious when she felt compelled to answer Alan and was trying to hold back and when she finally did - people were looking around like "who is she talking to" and then Tracy recovered by continuing to talk to the family like nothing happend. LOL

    I kinda liked the Dillon blackmail thing BUT I did not like his comment to the family about how they are letting Tracy get away with grand larceny. Will someone kick this kid's ass - PLEASE!!!!

    Loving the speculation of "hanky panky". Would totally totally love Luke and Spanky hanky panky:D. I'm corny, I know.

  9. Okay.. I'm on my mom's ancient computer.. so if this message comes out bizzare.. I'm sorry.

    So -- I won't get home until midnight or 1a. Missed GH because my sister's mother in law had to watch Dr. Phil. Is it worth watching? Is our girl on? Judging from the lack of action here, I'm guessing... NO! (wahhh)

    Just a quick note. NO she wasn't on Lainey. :( - DOUBLE WAHHH!!

    Nex, hooked, deb, ms. Q, Lainey, thanks for the well wishes!

    And thanks for the "happy holidays" from the guyum (non Jews) heheh.

    Nex, yeah, it's been a while since you've been here. A "punishment" is in order! LOL - a LuNacy vid maybe? J/K heehee I have chutzpah (balls/nerve) I know. Glad to see you back. Stop by the chat once in a while too, will ya.

  10. Looking forward to some great Tracy today, preferably with Luke. I hope the ghostbusting happens this week and I like the spumor too about Tracy supporting Luke.

    OT - Well as you can see I made it back from my MRI ALIVE!! Thanks for those of you who were sending positive vibes my way:) they helped, that and the valium of course;). Seriously is was very traumatic for me. My sister said to me would you rather get an MRI or your thyroid byopsied (which I've had several times already). I said I'd rather them stick 10 needles in my neck for the biopsy then to feel like I am in a headlock with some radioactive thing going through me for 30 mins. Anyway... Thank god it's over and hopefully will be able to some relief for my shoulder/neck/arm once results get back.

    Keith, Welcome back, good to see you.

    Lainey, Hooked, - Happy Passover to my Yiddisha TQ/LuNacy buds B)

    Ms. Q, I didn't realize you did the banner for the main page at dorian's LuNacy site. Nice work. :)

    MinervaFan, I will watch your vid later. I want to be fully aware, I'm feeling a little stoned right now. Well not but a little out of it and I want to enjoy it when I'm more awake.

    knh, Didn't I tell you to get better already!! :)

    Edit: I just realized my 200th post was of me pissin' -n- moanin' about my MRI to come. oh well.

  11. Ms. Q, Hope you are feeling better today. Thanks for the info on the other LuNacy site. I just joined. Wow, can't beleve there are other LuNacy fans out there we didn't know about.

    I'm going for my MRI again tomorrow morning. Wish me luck that I don't freak out. My doc prescribed some anti-anxiety for the procedure, but the thought of taking drugs freaks me out too. So y'all send me some positve vibes please (Deb-send me some of that Reiki please:) ) I'll be sending some to myself too BUT I think I'll need all I can get. Seriously I've had several anxiety attacks just thinking about it the last few days. Thanks.

    Will be doing some last minute Passover shopping this afternoon (Lainey, I'll be up in your neighborhood!), eh who am I kidding, I didn't even start yet, I leave everything for last minute and since this mama don't rattle no pots and pans, It's all prepared foods. Heh.

  12. I'm around Lainey :) I guess between Ms. Q being under the weather and Hooked having company, everybody else does have a life. Oh well. Yay!! Glad to hear you started writing. Am looking forward to reading your fic.

    Ms. Q, I agree about getting the word out about our groups and stuff. But how can we? We can't post links in other sites can we?

  13. Take care of yourself Ms. Q. We need ya healthy and happy :)

    Re-read all the new LuNacy fics last night. I was breathless. heehee ;)

    I joined dorianfan18's new LuNacy site. How cool is that, that there is a site devoted completely to LuNacy. Lovin' it. :)

    Hope to see some of you later. chat maybe? I am working 'til the end of the show tonite - ugh - so I wont be home 'til about 11pm eastern. Goin' to take a nap before I have to be back at work.

    Have a great day all.


  14. Ms. Q, I'm sending you some feel better hugs - {{Ms. Q}} :) How's your teef? :D. Hopefully now that this is done, it will be the end of the pain you've been having.

    MinervaFan - Woooohooooo!! LOVED, LOVED, LOVED "Kissing Luke Spencer" - VERY sexy! I sat here in a daze for a few minutes after reading it this morning just picturing it in my head all over again just savoring it before I let out a sigh and then realized what time it was when I snapped out of it and ran out the door 'cause I was late for work. LOL

    Hooked - LOVED "The Stakes Get Higher" YOWZA! - How HOT was that!!!! LOVED IT!! Since you are in bliss (opposite of writer's block :) ), when's the next one? heehee

    Lainey - Listen, Call it "Sustenance", "Choices", whatever ... just bring it on!! You know I'm a LuNacy junkie like you and now I'm on a binge, so I need another fix. :D. Don't worry that it's close to someone else's. You are good at what you do, you are like no one else, and no one else is like you. Don't overthink it - just feel it, and do your thang. Oh, and uh, welcome to the 21st century - highspeed internet will change your life.

    knh - get well girly-girl - PLEASE!

    My daughter got me an ipod nano for my birthday last year, the new metallic one - mine's hot pink, and she got it inscribed "To The Love of My Life Mommy". Awww isn't that sweet? Me and my baby girl are sissys like that.

    Budget cuts on GH? Puh-leeze with this nonsense already - they should get rid of Logan, Ford, Amelia, Stan, and anyone else new that I forgot. Well... 'cept Cooper 'cause he's a cutey pie.

  15. Have to leave for work, but just wanted to pop on to say that I am glad Fey is okay, Deb. It's a scary thing. I know you'll take care of your girl.

    Thanks for the CoH clips. Will chech them out later.

    Ms. Q, thanks for the YouTube stuff

    Hooked, thanks for the "little gift" heehee - YOWZA! :)

  16. Wow, I read this board everyday and I still never catch up. Between the clips and fic I have yet to download and read/watch it's like Tracy heaven in here! :)

    Ms. Q, I checked out the site for the FF you posted but whenever it starts to play, it immediatly stops and that happens with all the days. Do you have these as clips? Also - great job on Lainey and Hooked's banners! ;) ... AND yes, of course the dream with Deb must have been about the LuNacy bus :) what else? heehee

    Loved your vid Ms. Q! But will rewatch and tell you my fave parts later :)

    Hooked, Loved your LuNacy fic!! Loved how you had it take place after the LL2 wedding and the cute ending of course. Wouldn't it be grand especially since Tracy might not be on this week, that Luke istn' eiter and then when they finally show them, it the morning after "their nigtht" in her bedroom? YUM! You know I am a LuNacy junkie, so I'm going to have to need another fix ASAP - happy to see you are going to be supplying soon :) - AND.... Congrats on your 300th post!

    LadyAshton, Hooked, Thanks for the clips AGAIN!! Thankfully there is no way to overdose on the drug that is Tracy Quartermaine Spencer. .....ahhhhh

    LuNacy Bus Driver MinervaFan, Congrats on your 1000th post!!!!!

  17. MinervaFan - WOW!! what a voice! I am still in the middle of downloading but I downloaded and listened to Jester's Waltz first cause use said it fits LuNacy. You should totally make a LuNacy vid using that song. Bet it would be Fab! Thanks for sharing your songs with us. What a talent you are. Oh, btw, I forgot to mention this the other night in the breakroom, probably mentally blocked it out 'cause it's strange... LOL... BUT I had a dream of you the other nite. Fey, was in it too but more in a vague way. We were standing on an empty bus and we were talking about people ... can't remember exactly.... maybe people getting on the bus, cause they weren't there yet, and more people that we could/should get on the bus besides the ones we were waiting for, and YOU were going to be driving!!! weird huh?

    Hooked, I'm looking forward to your new LuNacy fic! so very looking forward to it! :)

    Smirks and Ms. Q, LOVE LOVE LOVE the banners!!! Our girl is totally smokin' ain't she?

    LadyAshton, thanks for the vintage clips!

    Pinkpopsicle, thanks for the great Jane pics!

  18. Some rambles from Lainey:

    ----I LOVED the elbow in the stomach during the 'wacky' toast. LOVED it! It was so intimate, and familiar and "wife-y." LOVED IT. In fact, I loved that she was right by his side during the whole damn wedding, and nobody -- not Leslie, not the kids --- thought that was strange. They have accepted her as 'his wife.' He has accepted her as 'his wife.' She is now acting like it (flirty touches, getting him coffee, getting his COAT!!), but my friends, WHEN DID SHE BECOME THAT SORT OF WIFE?!??! I'm all for it, but WHEN DID IT HAPPEN!?!?!?!? And does Guza know he skipped a part.. because in order to get to that point -- to be REAL man and wife.. uh... they have to be sleeping together. And as far as I can tell, they're not! Or........ (and here's the scary part) they are, and we're not seeing it. Oh man. Man oh man.

    ta ta



    I hope we didn't get cheated out of their fist love scene. You do have a point there Lainey about being so familiar with someone that you know they are sleeping together. I remember watching in the epi where they sat down at the wedding and she leaned on his hand to brace herself so she could lift her leg so as to cross them. I remember saying "hmmmmm...." when she did that. It was just to comfortable.... to knowing. I don't know, I'm suspicious now. I'd hate to think that we were cheated out of their first love scene or at least a prelude to it. Funny, how you could kiss someone but it doesn't necessarily mean you've slept with them, but with certain touches or body language it's a dead giveaway. Just when I was getting ready with a big post card blitz to the writers to ask for LuNacy sex. I guess it could be done anyway, telling them we wanna SEE something.

    To the recent suppliers of ALL THINGS TRACY/JANE... I am sooooo looking foward to checking out the CoH stuff, the screen caps, the fic, clips, etc., etc. *Mick does a Happy Dance*. Will have to check it all out later. I need to take a nap before I have to go back to work tonite.

  19. Nex, Thanks a ton for posting the edit for today! You are a doll! Funny 'cause when I went to watch again earlier tonite, right in the middle of the episode, my TIVO does a freak out - and WHAMO - all my episodes from March are gone - POOF! I have just about had it with my TIVO box. If I wasn't such a Tracy addict I'd throw the freakin' thing right out the window.

    oh, and Nex, you are right! That is TOTALLY Tracy's bra showing! heh heh. And I believe it is a scarf she is wearing with the jacket, I even thought so when we saw the spoiler pics from MediaNet.

    MinervaFan - It was great to see you in chat last night!! I know you are only able to make it in there once a week, so next week just make sure, it's when I'm there. LOL

    Anyone: I know i should remember, but I don't, the days Tracy was on this week 'cause as well as trying to download from Hella Good I think soapnet re-runs this week's episodes over the weekend so I would be able to TIVO again. So, was she on Tuesday, Wedneday and Thursday this week? Someone?

    Hooked, Ms. Q, Well the tech said I would have to come back to get the MRI done. He suggested I get a prescription for anxiety meds (even the thought of having to take drugs gives me anxiety) from my doc so I don't flip out during the MRI next time. He also said I could have someone sit in the room next to the machine. I mean even if someone comes in with me, I wont be able to see them because my head is in something where i can't turn it. :(

    Lainey, I hope you are right!! I want LuNacy action tomorrow, or at least an attempt since Ghost Alan will prob show up to ruin it. But I bet if they continued, he wouldn't be able to stand watching so maybe he'd take a powder. haha

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