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Posts posted by TracyLuv

  1. Will try to be around for BR tonite around 10:30/11:00 eastern, just have some dishes to do and laundry to put away. Deb, can ya bring some of Tracy's marshmellow/chocolate chip goop? heh heh Love your Tracy/Alan fic btw. :)

    For you SOCers there is a poll over there asking if you would like to see a LuNacy wedding. Here's the link (if I did it right)

    SOC Poll

    EDIT: My freakin' link doesn't work, 'cause I am internet challenged but there are two threads about a LuNacy wedding, One is a poll, and the other is a thread on the same topic - Deb has posted the wedding thread one below, the poll one is over there though also and will probably end up getting merged.

  2. I have TIVO but know nothing about making clips off of it. I didn't know that could be done. If a particular cable is needed that connects to your computer, etc. to be able to do it, I don't think I have one. Otherwise I'd be more than happy to.

  3. Are TIIC killing our couple or what???

    I haven't been "feelin'" LuNacy since the metrocourt! Actually I wasn't "feelin'" them at the metrocourt either, but I'm sure if their scenes hadn't been cut, I would be feeling differently right now. Here it is Tracy rips Luke a new one telling him, she is sick and tired of waiting for him to accept the fact the Laura is gone, and the next thing you know she is trying to help him. I mean, what was said or what happened at the metrocourt to change how she felt about things?? Something we didn't get to hear or see obviously. They are making Luke look even more abusive toward our girl than ever and they are making Tracy look pathetic and it is sooooo annoying the hell out of me.

    The only good thing about Tuesday's epi, was Luke calling her "baby" (twice), and Tracy's expression when Alan called Scott a toad. Oh yeah, and that the Q's are going to try and help Luke out. The only good thing about Wednesday's epi was Alan! I like that he is talking to Tracy about other stuff besides the will. Loved Alan talking to Luke about Tracy and Tracy's expression when she heard him. Liked that Alan said Tracy loves Luke and that Luke loves Tracy (as much as he can).

    I haven't seen our couple sparkle in a while. Even when they used to fight they sprakled, but I haven't seen it lately. And it bothers me.

    oh yeah, and I liked Tracy's hair both days. It beats how her hair looked when she was with Scott - eek! or Paul for that matter. I didn't mind the recycled red Jacket from Tues, but those pearls with it looked ridiculous. And I liked the pajama thingy whatever it is she wore today. That thing is sheer and you can see through it :o. LOL not much though just the straps of the "shell" whatever it is she wearing under it.

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVED YOUR FIC DEB!!!If I have a chance tonite before I go to sleep, I'm gonna read it again :D

    BTW, Happy Birthday to Fey!!

    Ms. Q, I like the blue set better. I LOVE them both BUT, I like more of her expressions in the blue set. Besides the blue set is newer Tracy and the scenes were "positive" as opposed to the red which I believe were taking place when the chair bound one popped into the HS.

    As far as the LuNacy bus goes, I'm still on it. Even if by their anniversary he hasn't significantly shown or told her that he loves her - I'll still be on the bus, even if hangin' on by the tail-pipe. Even if I stop watching the show. Which I'm sure I wont as long as Jane is still on. Although I want LuNacy together I was so proud of our girl when she ripped Lukey boy a new one because he deserved it, so I want her to continue to be firm and stand her ground. I don't want TIIC to ruin Tracy like I feel they have ruined Lulu (who could use a crack in the jaw), and Dillon (who could use a good kick in the @$$). I know Jane is a pro though and will rock it out anyway. But my problem has unfortunately always been that I am torn between Jane getting great stuff and Tracy having to endure pain all in the name of love. But I will take it in stride 'cause I feel TIIC are gearing up for something. What, I don't know. But they are. They took LuNacy from a sexless marriage to an all out "hump fest" couple in a matter of seconds from out of knowwhere and have given the chairbound one a "s/l" right in the middle of LuNacy, so I am bracing myself.

    Oh, BTW, I called the comment line again on Friday nite. They are probably gonna send the FBI after me if I keep calling. LOL. I ended up getting cut off before I finished but I did say that I really enjoyed Luke and Tracy together and that they have great potential as the ultimate scheme team. I told them that they have a growing fan base and are so fun and sexy to watch. I also requested before I was cut off, that they stop cutting their scenes because it is VERY obvious when watching the show.

    Back to my three papers due monday and my 15 minute presentation for my audiology class for Tuesday that I haven't even started working on. I am sooooo OVER this symester. ugh!

  5. After watching today's show....

    If things do not change and I do not see some signficant attempt on Luke's part to tell Tracy he does truly love her by their anniversary, I am out of the GH scene. I love Jane but I CANNOT watch the character of Tracy be reduced to what she has become because she fell in love with Luke Spencer. If he loved her in return it would be a different story. But as it turns out with them talking about Laura, EVERY SINGLE EPISODE, and Luke talking to Sonny about protecting Skye and how he's got a "good thing" going with Tracy and that's it, not to mention, that one minute Tracy and Luke are at the MC drinking and coming close to revealing feelings, to Tracy being out of town, I've just about had it. I think it's totally unfair of TIIC to not be consistent with LuNacy. Why have them have a s/l at all then? I don't get it. One minute Luke is jumping her bones and the next he's accusing her of scamming him. Not only that, they implied last week that Luke still cheats on Tracy. No way, I'm not having it. And I hope to stay mad long enough to write them a letter. I am just too angry to speak right now, let alone type a letter that would do anything other than telling TIIC, where to stick their show.

    I assume things will be business as usual when Tracy returns, then Edward's gonna try to have her committed, I wouldn't be surprised if Luke was out of town during this, and everyone will still be talking about laura EVERY SINGLE EPISODE, so I don't expect that things will improve between them. I know the scenes that didn't air were supposed to show differently, but I guess they decided to take another route. And I don't like the route they are taking. Anyway, I am assuming I will have to drop GH because I doubt things will be looking up for LuNacy, and since I am going away on vacation when school lets out, that will take me away from the show for a good period of time to make the transition to not watching anymore.

  6. Bummer our girl wasn't on today :( . Sometimes I feel like TIIC are playing with our head and toying with our emotions. Don't they understand we live through this stuff with our girl? aaarrrrggghhh! Anyhoo, I wanted to hug her yesterday when she looked at Luke and made that face after he ordered 3 of what she was having. Loved how she was looking at Luke when he said that she changed his life, she was sipping her drink and she looked like she was drinking him in. :D HOT!

    Hopefully LuNacy will be on again by Friday? Hope so.

    Now is the time for all good LoveFest friends to come to the aid of their fellow LuNatic. HUGS are needed. I'm surrounded by Drama Queens and I don't think TQ will be on today.

    Somebody give me some good news.


    No, really. Things are being thrown. I'm surrounded by insane people and my brain is going numb from the ARGH. Please, tell me something good. Show me a picture. Sing me a song. All together now: "The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round. The wheels of the bus go round and round, all the way to school!"

    {{{DEB}}} <---- Hugs for Deb!

    .... the horn on the bus goes toot, toot, toot.....

    Pinkpopsicle, LOVED your story :D

    nex, Thanks for the edit.

  7. Hey all. There's a reason they're not showing Tracy and Luke MetroCourt Scenes, and no, it's not so Jason, Liz, Carly, Sam, Chuggin' Charlie, and co. can have even more screentime. It's because GH is saving the wonderfulness for Mr. and Mrs. Spencer's 2nd Anniversary. :)

    THANKS Ms. Q, for the positivity!! :D

    Anybody got any new fic, vid or something? I have a HUGE VOID where the MC LuNacy scenes were supposed to be and I need to fill it SOON.

  8. Hey All,

    Behold.... New banner!! - and Quote!! :D

    Thanks to Pinkpopsicle for the screencap :mwah: -----> :*

    Thanks to Lainey for the quote :mwah: -------> :*

    SMHP is still holdin' strong though. heehee

    Ms. Q, You have email from moi :)

  9. It took some doing but I got 7 people from work tonite to call the comment line. They aksed about the scenes that didn't air on Friday and/or that they wanted Luke and Tracy to move on with their relaitonship already.

    MinervaFan, LOVE LOVE LOVED your vid!!! It was deep, real, and true. Love the end text "Luke and Tracy a match made on Earth" what a perfect ending to an awesome vid. Thanks. :)

    Ms. Q, Loved your vid too, it is VERY true of Tracy's character. You think Bruce wrote the song for Tracy? LOL

  10. We need to let our voices be heard and tell them we don't appreciate this nonsense.

    I made my call to the comment line last night. LOL. I was nervous and upset. but I did manage to spit out that I was a huge Luke and Tracy fan and that I really enjoyed watching them all this past week. I said that I knew that they were supposed to air on Friday again, and didn't, and asked them to please air their scenes on Monday. Oh well. Is that request too late, if it's been cut? probably, but anyway, I felt a little better doing it. I am having some people call today when I get to work. Will 10 people calling from NYC make a difference? I doubt it, but what the heck.

  11. I'll be around tonite Ms. Q, just not 'til 11pm my time. The Luke and Tracy thing was spoiled more than here I've read that spoiler at other places. If I had that number I know 10 people that I could get to call that comment line tonite!! I am so tired of them cutting LuNacy scenes. Going to check out your SOC thread.

  12. What is with this Dumbass show???!!! You know how long we've been waiting for this??? I can't believe it!!! If she's not in the breakdowns until May 1, so does that mean, Luke let her walk off and hide out somewhere while he is out pressing Dillon for info about dirt on Scott? So it's business as ususal? And a couple of week's later Alan welcomes her home, alone? I am sooooooo sick of this show!!

    Please, does someone have the comment number to this show?? I used to have it but misplaced it. Anyone?

  13. Well, Mama told Luke, now didn't she!!! YES!!! Go Woman, I LOVE YOU!!!!!

    When he told Tracy that if he loses Laura, their marriage is over it took everything I had in me not to crack the TV wide open with my GOOD hand!! I was like, no way man that MF (not MinervaFan - LOL) di'nt!! But our girl gave him the utlimatum IMO, at the end of the show!! There you are Tracy baby, I've missed ya Mama, don't EVER be at this man's mercy EVER AGAIN, I don't care how much you love him. Now, I suppose HE is going to run after HER - HE BETTER!!!!

    Mama turned it out today folks, I LOVE TRACY SO M'Fn MUCH!!!!

  14. Hey all, I guess i fell off the wagon.. well for tonite anyway. LOL. How could I not, after today's epi, right?

    I guess LuNacy were in the opening segment? My local news was on about the weather and when it went to GH it was the opening of the show thingy with the cast (Yes, I know it has a name, but my brain is fried from School right now) - arrrgghhh!! - so I programmed my TIVO to tape soapnet tonite.

    School has been kicking my @$$ since last week and it's not any better this week. Any time I had between school and work has been taken up with time of observing kids at a daycare center AND observing activities at an afterschool program. I should have started this about a month and a half ago, but was not willing to give up my free time then, but now of course I have no choice. And now I have to start working on a presentation I have to do for my Audiology class on speech reading (lip reading). I've missed you all the past couple of days, but this is where i started to mess up last symester, at the end of the symester, so, I'm a little nervous about being able to stay on top of things with school. Doctor's visits are going to have to be squeezed into my already hectic schedule since my MRI revealed that I have a herniated disc of the cervical spine. What the hell that is, I don't know. At any rate I have 3 options but my doc referred me to a neurologist to find the extent of the damage, as well as an orthopedist. AND once again THE DREADED biospy on my thyroid in 2 weeks!! That's always fun! :(

    Anyhoo, LOVED LuNacy! Hope it gets only sexier and more loving from here on out. As much as I hate the LuNacy love interruptions, I don't mind getting the steamy scenes that lead up to THE SCENE!! The anticipation is killing me. And who knows if we ever get to see them THIS close again. I'll settle for some affectionate scenes now and again after the lovin' takes place. :)

    some quick howdies,

    Hooked, Welcome back!! Hope your tootsies heal quickly and the scratchies you have too. Wicked is a Fab show, saw it 3 times on B'way. Will try to make chat for a few mins tonite.

    Lainey, funny, a friend of mine was over the other nite, and I made her watch Tuesday's show. Before things even got cookin' between LuNacy she said "what's that mess Tracy is wearing? What an atrocious shirt!" I had to keep rewinding so she could watch the scene because by the time she finished commenting on the shirt she kept missing the scene. When I finally told her to zip it until the scene was over - she kept going on about the shirt but added - "wow, is that Tracy moaning?" AND "WAIT!! Did Tracy just lift her leg around Luke? - REWIND IT REWIND IT!!" LOL

    MagicHappens, thanks for posting the spoilers. It's good to see some postive LuNacy ones for a change.

    Totem-Cat, Welcome

    Ms. Q, Haven't had a chance to see your new avatar, but will see it in a few mins. I'm sure it's fabulous. You always have some great ones.

    Hi also, to Deb, Nex, Angel, Smirks and TracyLuver

  15. Well guys, the time has come for some internet sobriety. LOL. I need some time off from internet Tracy stuff just to keep my sanity. I wont be on for most of next week. Try not to miss me toooo much, LOL yeah right. :P:)

    Hooked, what a cool painting!!! I could never think of anyting but people or flowers to paint 'cept when I was in school and we had to paint our interpretation of other artists famous paintings. Did you have a model, pic, or other painting to go by? Anyway, I LOVE it!! Oh, and have a good trip.

    MagicHappens, Happy belated Birthday

    Nex, Thanks again for the luscious edit of Luke and Tracy the other day.

  16. The ultimatum is that Tracy side with Luke or Scott. It will be one line and last two seconds. She will side with Luke, OF COURSE!!

    The realization they come to about their relationship is that they are THE Most sexy scheme team and they vow to stick with each other 'til death do they part!!

    That's my story and I'm stickin' with it. :)

    They both had plenty of opportunities to end it and they haven't (didn't someone say that? -heehee). Luke didn't end it when Laura came back, and Tracy didn't end it when Luke went away. They are a match and they know it. Tracy is madly in love with Luke and Luke loves Tracy, after all they've been through I hardly think that a night of drunkeness will make them realize any different.

    Please, no more spoilers, my nerves can't take it. :P

  17. Holy crap! Tracy and company have the main section in the PreVUE at this site. Jane Elliot even got the photo! CLICK ME FOR DETAILS.

    Guess the drinking and the almost sex is not the same night? Unless "realization about their relationship" has something to do with sex, but the drinks are at the MetroCourt...Agh! I have no idea!

    eek!! Just read the site. This "ultimatum" and "realization" stuff is getting me nervous!!

  18. Aint is a damn shame that we have to watch our LuNacy in slo-mo to get something out of it, and then FF thru the rest to get it over with??!!

    Maybe Lulu and her harem are getting mega airtime because they are leading into the "Night Shift" show? The show has been cast and they will all be on it. Including Georgie. I think the only ones that are cast that are older than Steve Burton and Kimberly Mc are Epiphany and Ms. Sneed.

  19. It made me uncomfortable because I see this as a sign of possible things to come--that TIIC will never take Luke and Tracy seriously as a couple, and their entire romance will be just randomness thrown together for "comic relief." They are the most interesting couple on the show, imho, and they're just...well, you know....

    Yeah, MF, I agree, that's why we need more scenes like the HS/LnL2 wedding, scenes where they show that they ARE a real couple.

    I kinda have my theory as to why they portray Luke and Tracy closeness as they do. Whether I am right or not or just making excuses or am happy to get what I can, who knows. But I often feel as though I have to rationalize what does not make sense. Unfortunately though, I'll have to save that for another time maybe. I have to run out the door, litterally, for work. ARRRGGHH!! I HATE mantinee days!!

  20. I watched Luke and Tracy's scenes again from yesterday. And I certainly agree that the missing scene from Monday would have made the difference in explaining how they came to the point they were at. I agree with MF (yes, that's MinervaFan, btw LOL) that it came from out of left field because we had not seen their relationship development to come anywhere near the physical closeness they shared yesterday. So that does bother me. I don't think their scene appeared forced at all. I did think it was strange, that Luke all of a sudden wanted to jump Tracy's bones the minute she said that there were times "I am so damn happy I married you". After Luke's initial jump to "Baby, talk dirty to me..." it didn't seem unatural to me at all. The rest of the scene was like lightning fast after that but it didn't seem off. What seemed off was how it was lead up to, and that, I believe, is TIIC fault. I think Jane was totally Fabulous!! Tony was good, but Jane was Fabulous!! As far as it being comical, the only thing comical to me was Luke's "talk dirty to me". After that, I don't think it was comical at all. People may have laughed because it was unexpected. But neither Luke nor Tracy made any goofy faces the whole time. They both seemed serious to me the whole time. It was Alan's sudden appearance IMO that turned everything that preceded him, into a joke. All in all I am happy though that they are finally showing something happening between LuNacy. I do feel that TIIC robbed us of the sentiment and emotion of the scene. But that's why they are called 'The Idiots In Charge" 'cause they are!! In the end, I would rather the scene took place than not. :)

    My fave "lightening round" parts were: Tracy looking at Luke's lips when she said "ya know what?... and the look on her face as she continued. She looked like she was so in love with Luke. I loved Luke's "Baby, talk dirty to me" I liked his arm kissing though it was in FF mode but if you do slo mo with your remote it looks sexier. I LOVED LOVED LOVED Tracy's delicious smile while he was kissing her arm. Of course I loved when he got on top of her as clumsy as it seemed - you should watch this in slo mo as Luke leaned her back he actually did a hop to be able to be postioned as to slide his leg between Tracy's!! LOL. Tracy's moans/grunts were HOT HOT HOT!! Luke's hand behind Tracy's head was to die for! And Tracy's leg up was SMOKIN'!!! BTW, nice shoes - thought they were sexy.

    I got all that out of a two second scene, not too bad is all I can say. :)

  21. OMG!!! The first 3 mins are like YOWZA of the show!!! Then, guess what? Alan pops in and interrupts it!! SOB!!!

    Spoiler for the beginning of todays show below

    first 5 seconds: Luke is on top of Tracy on the couch!!! And then Alan appears!

    My heart is beating soooo fast

    Edit: First scene: a toast "HB Tracy", Tracy: Sometimes I am so damn glad I married you. Luke: Talk dirty to me Tracy, kisses arm and gets on top of her on the couch, and she wraps her leg around him, he is kissing her neck.

    and BOOM!! Alan appears. That's it for now. I may not be able to finish watching the show.

    I am sooooo happy though

    Edit too: Next scene with them shows Tracy yelling at Alan in the chair about the details of the change of the will and Edward and Alice walk in - Edward claims he taped what she said. So no more attempts at hanky panky this epi I guess. Off for real this time to catch a least a half hour nap before work. Won't be back 'til late tonite.

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