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Posts posted by Soapsuds

  1. 1 minute ago, Maxim said:

    Don't remind me. 😇

    And keeping the topic on - https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joanna-johnson-lesbian-bold-and-the-beautiful_n_1515489

    Sorry if this has been posted before. I was just struck by this.

    "I was so worried I wouldn't be employable as an actress if people knew I was a lesbian," she said. "Or that I wouldn't be believable in romance stories. I had to deal with a lot of self-loathing."

    Heartbreaking what she had to fight through. 

    Go to divorce court.😂

    I was shocked JJ was a lesbian.



  2. 1 hour ago, AbcNbc247 said:


      Reveal hidden contents


    Flashbacks must be how he pads out the script because he doesn’t know what else to write.

    The episode was a short 36 min long. That's including all those flashbacks. 

  3. 13 hours ago, Maxim said:

    I read the last few pages...

    I don't want to argue or go into an argument. From what I understood here in the topic, I agree mostly with what @Sapounopera said in all their posts. That's how I feel about the situation, but I can understand other POVs too.

    I, myself, as a gay man coming from a terribly homophobic home country and raised in a terribly homophobic household... consider myself completely out of the closet, but I haven't screamed it out of the windows. And to this day I have gay friends who tell me... Are you ashamed if you don't want to go to this and that... pride event... Which I'm always shocked to hear. And my answer is always this - I've been in the organization of a huge pride event and just because I was not front and center, that doesn't mean I was not part of it. A very crucial part of it.

    So yes, only the people that know me, KNOW. I am married to a man, but even if I was married to a woman, I would not be shoving my private life into people's faces. My partner had a stalker that stole all his pictures and was making fake profiles with them... and I have learned from him that private info is private info. So yeah, we keep the lovey-dovey facebook pics at a minimum... I have met people who's first question to me was Are you gay... Well, no need to say that we didn't become friends.  

    I also understand that famous people coming out and saying they are gay has benefited the community and has bring so much freedom and joy to so much people, just by their courage and example. And I applaud them for it. But not everyone needs and can do it. And yes, that doesn't in my book, mean they are in the closet. I have always perceived that... once my mom and dad know... I'm out. But again... this is different to different people and different society situations. 




    Oh No Wow GIF by The Great British Bake OffOh My God Reaction GIF

  4. All these flashbacks are unnecessary.

    5 hours ago, ranger1rg said:

    To me, it's bad news when the biggest sign of Ron's return is that Leo is getting more airtime and is as obnoxious as ever.

    It's horrendous.

    It was! It was terrible!! And who wrote the episode? Jamey....ugh!!

  5. 14 hours ago, JAS0N47 said:

    Welcome back, ratings fans!  1994 and the first half of 1995 will be posted over the next month or so.

    FROM THE VAULT: WEEKLY DAYTIME NIELSEN RATINGS: WEEKS OF 1/3/94-1/7/94 & 1/10/94-1/14/94:


    The last resurgence of soaps. The numbers were still there but the OJ trial and panic by soaps proved fatal to the soaps.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Maxim said:

    They are, but I hate that type of macho guy always finding faults in the way I work the gym. Sometimes I think they are the male equivalent of a disturbingly annoying aunt that comes and starts touching the food while you are cooking and telling you where you are wrong. 



    I'd probably act dumb about how to use the equipment so they'd come over a lot.😂

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