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Posts posted by EricMontreal22

  1. I don't know that Margaery is underestimating Cersei, frankly. But Cersei did what she had to do, which was make the inroads I did not think her ego and paranoia left her capable of making. Margaery did get an dig in at the end, but I thought she was pretty straight with Cersei otherwise when she realized the Queen Regent was doing the same - or as straight as Margaery can be about her motives in her position.

    I thought that scene was brilliant. Michelle MacLaren, who is becoming one of my fave episode directors, also staged it wonderfully. For me it was all about how \ they’re both playing a game and, crucially, both know they’re playing a game. But they also obviously love this part of the game on some level that it seems almost like the only bit of joy they can hold on to, so they both agree to play it. If that makes ANY sense.

    Ron Carlivati should read the comments about creators not obsessing over the internet. As for *that* scene, I'm not really sure how at this point they can make any comment that will make anyone happy. Yeah, they screwed up by a not knowing it would gt such a strong reaction, and by publicly not even being on the same page, but...

    I know these past two episodes with their huge deviations from the books have made the book nazis :P mad, but storywise most of the changes make a lot of sense. Bran's story was pretty dull in the books, but to show more of it and add detail has helped. (While Danny's new plan makes a lot of sense, I admit that it does make me think we'll see random scenes of her doing nothing there until the final season 7 or whenever... meh.)

    Oh and boo to the season being half over.

  2. And Robson and Jerome are THE THE worse. I mean I liked the Stock/Aitken acts (which was when they left Waterman and their music became even more cheezy--Niki French who was actually a hit here, Scooch, etc) but Robson and Jerome were horrible covers for middle aged moms. The show they were pulled from, Soldier Soldier was a hit here in Canada, so I was mildly aware of them, though their songs weren't played here. AND he was blond--it is funny given the role he plays on the show.

    Some random, but less surprising UK actors popped up and it took me a while to recognize them, like the girl from Downton Abbey and the girl from Skins. (Well, and the guy from Skins, but I recognized him straight away.)
    s for the Dothraki--didn't they just mention them? I'm always hopeless at keeping track with all of that...

  3. In terms of clothing and the beard yeah he's nothing like book version Daario. However I find him a billion times more attractive than the ugly old actor they chose. This version looks young to me and hot enough to make a Queen want him.

    You were biased from the moment the earlier guy came on screen ;) But a 16 year old queen? Wouldn't she, even in Westboros prefer a smarmy looking boyband guy than someone who looks like he's from Mumford and Sons? :P

    I just find the casting weird. Apparently it was NOT due to people disliking the previous guy--but he got the lead in Transporter 4 or whatever number they're at, so asked to be let go. So I would have thought they could find someone with the right look than budget Eric Bana. With all of the characters on this show and the fact that minor characters, like Daario have minutes on screen and confusing names that sound like other names, distinctive looks are important. I don't see it myself, but apparently many people actually thought the new Daario looked like a slightly younger variation of Bronn.

  4. I think the new guy is fine, handsome and a better actor. I've already gotten used to him. But I slightly preferred the old one if only because he was sort of the exotic prettyboy you can see turning Daenerys's head, probably for worse than better in the long run. He fit the role better.

    That's exactly what I was trying to say, only better said. It's just the physical type (and I think the fact, which you may not agree with that the new guy looks, frankly, older than the other one) that makes him less distinctive to the men she already has serving her, etc.

  5. Wow, he's on Nashville too. Guess his career has taken off big time since Treme.

    I think he's been written out of Nashville for good--like many characters on that show he seemed to justbe a stop gap to fill story while they still get to the ultimate pairings.

    It's funny how apparently so many people didn't realize he was a recast of an old character. Maybe I only did because I knew the recast was coming. I know many didn't like the previous Daario, but I thought he fit the role a lot better--the pretty boy, much closer to Daenarys' age who is arrogant and despite herself she sorta is attracted to. It makes sense given how young she is. My problem with the recast--and he's probably a better actor--is frankly he LOOKS nearly as old as the other guys who have pursued her.

  6. Well, if The Queen of Thornes is right Margaery's prospects are much improved. She'll still be Queen and she gets to marry the nice boy, instead of his monster brother. He's probably too young for her to get much out of the marriage anytime soon, but given her marriage to Renly, she's too practical to mind that.

    Yeah, but do you think Cersei is gonna let that happen? (Oh and hi again, everyone!)

  7. AhI love Tovey. But I agree about Kevin.

    As for bottoming--it seemed to just fit into the power play issues that are really why K/P aren't a good match (IMHO.) It just seemed a no-brainer to Patrick that when he's with his slightly older, more powerful boss he just bends over...

  8. I've been listening to the "Talking..." podcasts and it sounds like the writers intend the Patrick/Richie relationship to go into season 2. I'm mixed about that.

    As usual, I agree completely with DifficultDiva's take on the Patrick/Kevin situation. After this 20 second clip HBO released, I'm more worried about the fate of Peri-peri chicken in San Francisco

  9. He was so pathetic! Brian knew exactly how to play him. I was truly disgusted with Michael, especially when he left a romantic getaway with Dave to go be with Brian who was in a car assault but was more than ok when he called that idiot.

    That was a storyline borrowed from the UK original--but it made a LOT more sense there. Just an example of how when the US show was based closely on the UK version they took stuff that was relatively subtle and complex and somehow removed the subtlety.

    Speaking of the UK version, I am very excited for Russell Davies return to channel 4 with his interlocking three new shows this Fall. http://www.channel4.com/info/press/news/russell-t-davies-explores-21st-century-gay-life-in-new-drama-for-c4%C2"'> I wonder if Showtime regrets passing on Cucumber (horrible name even though I now know the reference)?

  10. My god this episode couldn't have made the three leads even MORE unlikable.

    I know, isn't it great? :P

    Is it really a deal breaker that the leads (on a gay show) have to be likeable?

    If every lead had to be "likeable", would Breaking Bad, Mad Men or even Sopranos have lasted past their first seasons?

    Exactly. And aside from Auggie, who really is his own worst enemy, I appreciate that I at least understand where these characters come from when they do things that make me shake my head :P That would be my only issue, if the motivation made no sense.

  11. Ah now it's more clear--yes he did call him a !@#$%^&*]. Sunspear for some reason I thought you watched One Life to Live so woulda recognized him.

    Taoi, I'm a faithful reader of the AVClub but rarely talk on there--though I did post the link as well as a bit, when the discussion got to Queer as Folk about Russell Davies two interconnected gay shows coming to the UK this Fall. I'm Eric Henwood-Greer there :P I just use my facebook account.

    I still think Kevin and John looked a little strained at the party. I rewatched the episode last night and just that part where the sister suggests that John propose to Kevin seemed very awkward.

    No kidding--for everyone involved. Well except for the sister. I love just the nonchalant suggestion that Patrick will never get married, lol.

  12. Very hot friend. You've missed his sex scene then--bad friend.

    No Evans was just mentioned by Patrick and they showed him quickly. You're thinking of Kevin and John his boyfriend who we met for the first time last week. :P

  13. Did she try to hook them up? All I remember is he pointed out that growing up the guy was nice to him outside of school and a jerk in school and they showed him for all of ten seconds (but I was pretty certain it was Evans before the credits.)

    Your friend was in last week's episode? Why are you watching out of order :P

    As for Dom, I think his behaviour kinda makes sense. He's used to always doing everything on his own and not accepting the help from friends.

  14. (And I realize it was the same wedding--Gus knew John. I dunno why I was confused by that.)

    You're right I think. It just seemed odd that he was listed with the main speaking cast and not in smaller font with the wedding photographer, etc.

  15. I was confused--did the two weddings share a reception space? For $40 grand I wouldn't want to share :P

    I found it kinda funny that Scott Evans had a full credit even though he was shown for half a second and had no dialogue.

  16. What was Weekend's plot? It showed character growth, I agree, but a plot is a sequence of events. Looking has far more of a plot.

    You're right about Frank--I guess I saw it more as them trying to show (and perhaps too obviously) that he was the more domestic of the two, rather than the more "girlie" one.

    I dunno. The show works for me -- even comparing it to something like the US Queer as Folk I find it a refreshing change. That said, I do appreciate reading differing opinions, and I liked that you actually gave reasons for why you don't like it as opposed to just saying it was boring :P (And I actually find myself agreeing with some of your points.)

  17. Rewatching has made me realize how much I've changed as a viewer in the last decade. Stuff that I used to find cute or intriguing (Brian's relationship with Michael) now seems really unhealthy while I have a new appreciation for characters I didn't really get into the first time around (Emmet, Deb). Of course the stuff I didn't like before now seems unbearable (all things Rage). One thing that has remained is my feeling that Ted is deeply, deeply mentally ill.

    I can't figure out whether this show is more satire, farce, or soap opera. It can veers from complete inanity (again, Rage) service to clunky self-indulgence (Hunter likes girls, argh!) to deeply affecting drama (Michael tells Brian he knows about the cancer).

    One thing that's cracking me up is how very, very bad the show was at hiding the fact that they shoot in Canada.

    I don't think they even tried to hide the fact, unlike most TV shows, but it did make some parts--at least from my perspective as someone who lived for a while in Toronto and around the Church Street gay village--unintentionally funny. Like the whole charity bike ride storyline.

    I think Cowen/Lipp were too earnest to realize when their show fell into camp. However, I am certain some of the other writers, like Brad Fraser must have realized it. I do agree with you that, despite my many complaints, the show was sometimes deeply affecting.

  18. Ha I love when people feel the need to apologize for disliking a show. I don't think I'd like a show if it was one that nobody disliked (if that makes any sense...) But at least you watch which helps the show :P

    I never thought Frank was girlish, but I don't think Auggie's story is about him trying to get rid of him. Granted, part of the style of the show is that it doesn't have strong stories--and this goes back to people finding it boring. You either find that interesting, or not. I find all the characters to *some* level relatable enough that I can't say any are unlikeable, but then again, as I've said before here, I often tend to like shows (books, movies, plays...) where others complain that the characters are not likeable. I don't watch tv because the characters are people I'd want to have over for a dinner party.

    The show was given the greenlight, I suspect, largely due to the praise given Weekend (a film some hate for the same reasons.) And yeah, it's cheap, and it appeals to a desirable demographic. I do laugh whenever Dom brings up Piri Piri Chicken, but I think that's partly meant to happen. It's not like anyone involved thinks this is a all-important issue, but it shows what a rut the character is in and how desperate he is to try to get out of it. (Maybe it helps that I have a friend who was similarly obsessed with the food truck he opened in Montreal which, much to my other friends' amazement has actually been a success. He discussed his specialized sushi *endlessly*)

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