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Posts posted by WTGH

  1. I'm just happy we have a new cast photo.


    Not really feeling Eva, I like her but she's trying too hard, IMO. She'll be playing the Eva the Diva angle similar to the NayNay alter ego. 


    When Eva was shown in Tokyo, I immediately remembered when she was in Tokyo for ANTM: The Japanese customs challenge, the photoshoot with a cellphone. 


  2. A smart move by Flake,  an albeit short amount of time for an investigation...but just enough time for 11th hour allegations to surface. Possibly with more conclusive evidence. 


    The flip flop flakey Senators will immediately approve and hop on board Flake's decision. 

  3. OC DRAMA: Per Us Weekly, Gretchen and Slade have agreed to testify against Shannon and Tamra on behalf of Jim Bellino. 


    He claims that they "have indicated that they have testimony to provide (Beador and Judge) have a pattern and practice of fabricating stories about various individuals" that appeared on RHOC. He also alleged that their testimony will prove that Judge and Beador "harbor ill-will, anger or hostility" toward him. 


    Holy [!@#$%^&*]! Tamra must be having an aneurysm right about now. IIRC, Gretchen and Slade have never interacted with Shannon...how will they testify against her? :rolleyes:

  4. There is no solid proof that either exonerates or condemns Kavanaugh.


    Tomorrow's hearing will be futile: the right will declare victory in that no evidence has been found;  the left will claim ALL accusers needs to be heard. 


    After tomorrow, end this: Vote or withdraw.

  5. 3 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    Just saw the Jersey one instagram!


    The trailer looks better than the last 3-4 seasons, but I'm sick of the Teresa/Melissa family fighting.


    They'll play kissy kissy and AT THE FIRST OPPORTUNITY they're at each other's throats. We go one stop forward, five steps back.


    IMO, Melissa needs to leave. That way Teresa can be free to have drama with the rest of the cast.

    Looking back, Teresa has calmed down since S3 when Melissa joined. 



  6. Barbara looks interesting:


    -She ran a construction company

    -Current CEO of her own company, Evergreen Construction

    -Her own line of tools (although they're all suspiciously sold out coughGretchenChristinecough )

    -Has written two books

    -She's been in the WE network


    Bethenny will immediately feel threatened. :rolleyes:


    She vaguely reminds me of Cindy Barshop (whom I actually liked). 

  7. No definitive truth will be exposed in the hearings. It's a he said/she said WITH the addition of Kavanaugh having been previously investigated/vetted since 1993 for positions both in the Executive and Judicial branches. 


    In the end, Kavanaugh will scrape by and probably be confirmed. 


    Besides Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, special attention should be given to North Dakota Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (Democrat). She's up for reelection and Trump won ND by 36% in 2016.

  8. BH Drama:




    Per RadarOnline, LVP and Dorit are feuding:


    Dorit adopted a chihuahua from Vanderpump Dogs. She dumped it off at a  shelter shortly thereafter.


    The reason was because the dog "nipped" at her kids. The dog had been microchipped as belonging to Vanderpump Dogs. 


    Lisa is pissed. Apparently Dorit offered no explanation about why she chose to give the dog away instead of returning it to Lisa or notifying her about it. 



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