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Posts posted by 1974mdp

  1. 13 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    Well the Ashley story took a completely different twist than I ever could’ve imagined. I can’t think this was the original direction of the story when it started. I found it all well acted though and the twist was interesting. I’d say one of the better stories JG has done but mainly because I love the Abbott’s and anytime Ashley is front and center.

    I do think it’s still dumb her own daughter knows none of this has been going on.

    It's bizarre that NO ONE has bothered to tell Abby any of this. This shows what a non-character Abby has become.

    But, then none of the Newmans told her about the Jordan stuff, either...LOL.


  2. Just say with is Luna's father at this point, and why is Li so obsessed over it? 

    Again, people just repeat the same lines...day after day.

    I wonder what the actors think at this point. I'm sure many are thankful to have steady employment, but even they have to realize what crap the writing has been. They have to repeat these lines about toes, mints, and staplers!

  3. 13 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    I wonder how PM felt about what is obviously a mandate to have MB featured the most almost every month.

    This stifles creativity if they have to keep coming up with Sonny stuff month after month for decades.

    Don't know why they think he is such a draw that he has to be the #1 character.

    I do wonder if Sonny is really a character the core audience cares that much about at this point...an aging mobster? He's just kind of on repeat when it comes to his stories.

  4. 30 minutes ago, Maxim said:

    It's typical. That's because Brad is changing direction LITERALLY every day. And he seems to think this is modern. It literally feels like he is sitting and reading forum boards or facebook and saying to himself - Hmm... should I anger this fan base THIS week to make the ratings pop....Then... the next day he is - Oooh, maybe this was not a good idea, let me change that... and then he reads something else and is - let me return to it again, since these people seem bothered by it. He is acting like he is the daytime Madonna who pushes people's buttons and triggers the viewers... all while he is daytime's Kim Zolciak. The sheer amount of absurdity, stupidity and over the top camp he had to write so he can REDEEM Sheila Carter is a proof how out of touch with reality he is.

    A normal, adequate writer would have redeemed her without needing Sugar, toes, dungeons, homeless men, slasher-movie tricks and etc. And she is still not redeemed. He could have written in James and her daughter... given her something real to deal with, not cut her toes and watch us cringe when her body double is stalking Steffy.

    Sometimes I watch and am shocked of how deranged the plot is. The show is chaotic and boring at the same time, and I don't know how both things can be possible at the same time. Brad should get an award for this.


    Sheila is so overplayed at this point, too. They should have really killed her IMO and then brought on the daughter she had with Massimo. A character who could stir things up with a clean slate. Right now, the show is missing that type of character. Everyone just walks around like robots repeating the same lines over and over.

  5. 12 hours ago, janea4old said:

    This isn't a June spoiler though. 
    He'll appear around December-ish (different sites have heard different intel as to when he's coming but the dates vary slightly.)

    I hope it's long-term. I checked out of DAYS about a year ago after watching for many, many years. The show just became overrun with Dimeras and the over the top, sci-fi stuff (all that mask wearing!) finally turned me off for good. Plus, the Hortons basically disappeared.


  6. 3 hours ago, Khan said:

    I don't think it's that simple, though.  You could replace most of the background music, but what about the pop/rock songs that Lisa Hartman often performed on the show as Ciji (and later, as Cathy)?  You'd have to edit out those performances entirely, which, in turn, would affect the continuity of storylines, since music played an integral part in the storytelling during those years.

    Such a shame because when this show was good, it was REALLY good.

  7. 3 hours ago, Khan said:

    In a word: music rights.  (Okay, that's two words, lol).

    Streaming KNOTS on any platform is a challenge due to music rights, or so we've been told over the years by various folks.  Whenever they paid for the use of particular pieces of music, it was for a limited number of airings (don't know exactly how many).  Never had it occurred to producers that episodes still would be repeated decades later in syndication, let alone on the Internet.

    And, I wonder what the process and cost would be to replacing the background music.

  8. I tuned in today for the first time in a few weeks. Why did I do this to myself?

    But, anyway...

    So, Luna has the world's worst luck apparently. Not only will she never ever eat a "mint" again, but everybody used protection and it looks like she STILL got pregnant??? 

    I know why they don't because of their viewership, but it feels so outdated that no one mentions that IF Luna is pregnant, she can have it terminated. She doesn't have to become a mother. This isn't 1958.

  9. On 5/12/2024 at 2:49 AM, Jdee43 said:

    Jade and Danny get dumped. The last time their story is featured is episode 110 (12/31/84).  

    Watching the early episodes which I may have seen, but I was too young to remember most of it. M(B)R was soooooo green on SB. She must have take more acting lessons, classes before heading to DAYS. I actually found the guy who played Danny to be kind of entertaining, and he seemed to have a knack for playing the comedy parts. I think when Santana #1 and Rueben disappeared they sort of gave up on the Danny character, too.

    In an early episode, Rueben has a conversation with Cruz and mentions that he and Rosa had two other daughters. I think one may have been named Gabriela, but they were never mentioned again.



  10. I can't believe that this show is still NOT available for streaming. It feels like everything, the most obscure old TV shows, are available for streaming but not KNOTS. Does anyone have any info on why?

  11. 8 minutes ago, Planet Soap said:


    B&B Justin tries to overtake Spencer publications. This would ueled stories for years just like Brooke taking 51% of Forrester did. But instead it was over in two minutes. This was also a perfect opportunity to showcase a strong black villain which I'm not sure Bold has ever had.


    I thought the SAME EXACT THING at the time. That story could have been amazing. It should have played out in beats over a year with Justin eventually taking over the company AND marrying Katie while Bill sat in jail. Then, once Bill got out of jail, the fireworks would have been fantastic. Instead, it all got wrapped up in one episode, and we never saw Justin again.

    B&B just can not write for black characters long-term (or any sort of minority). They really had the chance at something with the Avants and let it disappear.

    I think the early B&B years with Bill Bell writing wasn't the most earth shattering, but I agree it was well-written solid soap. A bit slow, of course, but the 30 minute format worked well with that at the time. It's hard to top Sally Spectra and her introduction which really made the show click IMO. Early Brooke/Stephanie as was Caroline. If only the show now was a fraction of that well-written.

    As someone mentioned Lumina on AW...HORRIBLE. Remember Amanda and the secret garden? I assume they got a mandate to make the show more DAYS like, but that was never what AW was meant to be. The show shined when it focused on friendships, IMO.

    But, I'm not sure anything can top Erica's "unabortion" on AMC. Who the hell approved that????

  12. On 5/11/2024 at 7:39 PM, Xanthe said:

    I am always curious because his Jamie was so disappointing to me after Yates and of course Bekins: what was Greg Nelson like and what about that character made AW cast Lau as Jamie despite his personal issues? Was it just the simple calculus that the actor had been popular on AMC?

    He stayed on AW for almost 3.5 years, which is a strange length of time -- was he on a 3 year contract and then lingered a little bit longer?

    I started watching as kid when Lau played Jamie, so I didn't have any reference for the actors before him. But, it always seemed that they didn't quite know what to do with the character. Russell Todd's version, even though he was quite handsome, never really took, either. Just reading about the history of the show, IMO, TPTB aged Jamie way too quickly, too, and it prematurely aged the character of Rachel.

  13. On 5/7/2024 at 8:21 AM, DramatistDreamer said:

    Also, we don’t need to see religion play out extensively onscreen but I wouldn’t mind seeing family members enter the house after church, dressed in Sunday best getting ready for an elaborately prepared Sunday dinner. Who is invited, who is not, the “the Upstairs/Downstairs aspect with the machinations and conversations going on between the cook and housekeeping staff, could be an interesting view not portrayed in an American daytime soap opera before. It doesn’t need to be a regular thing but maybe an episode around Easter time etc.

    Not that they'd ever let the show get this complex, but, I've always thought B&B had the potential to explore the Upstairs/Downstairs aspect with Forrester Creations. You'd have all the execs and creatives "upstairs" and all the lower-income, not so glamourous underlings in the basement where Thorne once worked. Of course, there would be the classic character trying to claw their way up. Sigh. But, instead we just get constant conversations about mints, toes, and dialogue that goes in circles and has an amount of depth that even my betta fish could follow the show.

  14. 3 hours ago, Sapounopera said:

    I am bored to death with super rich characters, Dynasty was cancelled in 1989. I love having middle class people on soaps, someone very ambitious who wants to enter a (not crazy) rich person's world, people who careers, goals and dreams. I don't get why daytime is still obsessed with tycoons and billionaires. Primetime has more or less given up on them in decades.  

    ITA...for example, on Y&R, almost all the characters are already super rich and successful. There's not the class conflict or the person clawing their way up to provide conflict. Not to mention, it's hard to believe people are billionaires when their home is only about ten feet wide...cough...the Newmans..cough.

  15. On 4/30/2024 at 11:25 AM, DramatistDreamer said:

    Don’t get me started! I HATE Final Draft but basically Final Draft muscled out other competing software companies.
    First, it was FD and Moviemagic colluding to push out smaller screenwriting software companies by secretly buying them out (their own version of “catch and kill”) or just stomping out the vulnerable outfits. Then finally FD effectively rendered MM obsolete by out marketing them. FD is far from the best but they were and are the most ruthless and were able to get award winning screenwriters to promote their software.

    I despise Final Draft but unfortunately, they are inevitable.

    Final Draft is the buggiest software I've ever used. It makes me want to throw my computer out the window sometimes!

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