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Posts posted by Mitch64

  1. On 6/3/2024 at 6:58 PM, DRW50 said:

    That story with Beth scheming and Vanessa freezing Matt out could have been worthwhile if pushed further, instead of just Beth saying how old Vanessa looked (which felt like Rauch working out grudges against Maeve Kinkead). I wonder if any of that story was originally meant to go to Dinah as they were always hinting in Wendy Moniz's run of going for Dinah/Matt. 


    Actually the writer Hurst said they were trying to figure out a way to take advantage of BC and KMK's chemistry (I don't remember it) but she admitted they didn't really do it as well as they should have (I like her, she is very open about story slips..unlike other writers who will defend to the death their work.) I to think the comments on Van's age were from Rauch grinding his axe..which is funny, the rest of the cast had to comment on Reva's beauty in scenes and Zimmer is attractive (and was a complete knock out when first on the show) she looked rougher then MK.  I do wish they had written it as Van getting her groove back in the biz world, and doing long hours and loving it...but much of it is in avoidance to dealing with the fact that the bloom is off the rose with boytoy and she is bored with him.  That leads Matt to help Beth on a project (I would have her rehab a rape counseling facility to give her something to do then hang around the Spaulding liquor cart, humping the couch and chasing after anyone in pants) and they develop a bond and attraction, with no bad guys, no ageism, no Beth being a petty b*thc..

    Matt creeping after Dinah during Wheeler's time was creepy..."Matt, do you have a job, a family, anything but chasing after your, gotta admit, sex on a stick step daughter."

    18 hours ago, kalbir said:

    Marcy Walker joined GL in October 1993, under JFP watch and Nancy Curlee was HW. As we all know, Nancy Curlee left March 1994 and JFP left May 1995. Marcy Walker left sometime in summer 1995 I think, as her return to All My Children was that fall.

    Where she uttered a classic line..a character talking about Liza's producing her work on a show called something like "Guiding Light".....where Liza says, "Not my best work..let's move on" ! LOL 

    9 minutes ago, Sapounopera said:

    I certainly wouldn't want her as Morgan. She might have been interesting as a frigid Amanda.

    That's a good idea...they originally were going to cast a blonde "model" type for Amanda, and I can see that after spending time in Cali she goes blonde and high fashion...seeing an icy Amanda like early Bev/Alex would be cool. Thou I will always love sex pot campy vixen Toby Poser's Amanda, even if it made no sense!

  2. 2 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Having such entitled fan bases rarely worked out in the long run for GL "supercouples" (Gus/Harley and Michelle/Danny being others). Oddly I don't remember a lot of Reva and Josh fans behaving that way - maybe because toxic breakups were a part of their DNA.

    I don't know if they had to..Zimmer and Newman would bitch if they had two days off in a row off..and Zimmer had her little group that could stir up to write in. I think the difference is that both actors were smart enough to know that being together meant being pushed into listening to other's problems and then being scenery. They also wanted to work with other actors and knew that again, Jeva will come around again...and again...and again....

    5 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Around 2000 he was answering questions from SOD and responded to complaints from "Mattessa" fans by essentially saying nothing was ever good enough for them, and when the show had done a big story for them (maybe it was her return, or pregnancy, I don't know) their fans had just complained about them not being in tons of scenes and not being on every day of the week.

    I remember that it was a love scene and they were on a couch and the crazies were pissed they didn't get a bed! While the stories weren't  great...they did have the couple on a lot with the baby thing, Van at work, dealing with Dinah...and the Beth thing,,,which I have to say, did have potential if it was written more sensitively and if Beth was not another spoiler ready to drop her panties for any guy she could get. 

  3. 18 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Vanessa vs Vicky was yet another story of that period which seemed to mostly get dropped. A real waste. 

    To me Matt was worse than Frank because even if he was never the most interesting part of the Coopers, I did believe Frank's relationships with his family (especially Harley in her first stint). Matt had scenes with Bridget, and Nola, but I just never believed them as a family unit.

    IIRC Matt was initially intended as a love interest for Lucy (was it Lucy?) and the fling with Vanessa only became a real relationship because of vocal audience support (just ask Paul Rauch about that - if you want his spirit haunting you, anyway). I imagine that's one of the reasons why their relationship never felt overly genuine. 

    The scraps I've seen of them around the late '00s do feel like a more natural path of where their relationship would have gone rather than just a passive Vanessa wandering around in oversized pajama sets

    Oh I really liked that Van vs. Vickie thing, but then they brought back Marj and dropped that, only to drop Marj in a few months.  I always thought Van was the natural successor to Bev/Alex and Marj should never have been cast..Van figthing her old lover Alan for Spaulding would have been good..with a well cast Alan not RR. And yes, anything is better then Van spouting poetry in pajama pants...lol!

    I also agree on Frank being more believable than Matt....Frankie D is a terrible actor but in his early years he did have charm and he was always believable as a not so smart, nice guy who wanted to do good for his family..while Matt never connected to Bridget or Nola, and he should have seen Ed as another father figure but every time he calls him "Uncle Ed" its weird. I think the actor is pretty but really, not engaging.  

    Did Paul Rauch hate the Mattessa fans??For once I agree with him, if only he held the same disregard for Java fans, etc.

    14 hours ago, kalbir said:

    I didn't think much of Mark Derwin's acting when he was on Y&R, so I was surprised that he became so popular on GL. Remember 1993 SOD Awards he got Hottest Male Star over Antonio Sabato Jr. and was nominated for Lead Actor at the 1993 Daytime Emmys.

    Well, I gotta say I always found Derwin sexy (not a great actor but...) and still find him that way..there is just something naturally masculine about him ..so I can see older women like a pairing with Slezak...though again, it makes no sense. 

  4. On 5/28/2024 at 10:07 PM, P.J. said:

    Nola/Buzz had something to do with Buzz falling down stairs and getting amnesia. That is all I wish to recall, I just remember it was HORRID. Unpopular opinion---I was never a fan of Nola's fantasies. As a tween I thought they were boring, as an adult they just seem like an overblown gimmick.

    I can't even with Matt (or Great Value Boy Toy, as I like to call him.) I know people liked him and Vanessa, and I even understand why Vanessa had to move on from Billy. But some skank ass ex-gigolo? GROAN. 

    Nola having anything to do with Buzz is just nasty....I can see them as sparring partners/friends, with Nola bringing Buzzard down to earth and vice versa, but sad sack Nola stalking him? And yes, I thought the Nola fantasy got old when Long was writing them and they should have gone away, with Nola being an adult woman.

    I never bought Matt as a Reardon..for such a long running character, he was totally underwritten, what did he want in life besides Vanessa..he never seemed especially close or have chemistry with Bridget, Nola or Ed...he just was this fantasy figure for older women watching? The worst part is that Van became a sighing sap with him..they looked like they were going to light a fire under her when she went back to work at Spaulding, and Matt was panting after Beth, but this was Rauch so the older woman had to be pathetic instead of Van just icing Beth to death.

  5. On 5/27/2024 at 12:06 PM, P.J. said:

    Honestly, it's like they treated the fans like idiots. Like the only way we'd remember "hey, that's Nola and not Iva!" is with some wacky, fantasy laden story. Like a) the P&G shows hadn't been swapping actors like baseball cards for the prior 20 years and b) a week's worth of bitchy scenes between her and Vanessa wouldn't have made it plain.

    I don't remember the fantasy laden story..but I thought it would have been fun to bring Nola colorful and eccentric, rather than the lump of drab she was. They could have used her to bring back the new Michele (she picks her up on her school trip and takes her around to see all the Reardon relatives ) to explain Chile's new personality...(well the casting would have had to been better) so Ed is pissed off at her and Van ...(she was heavy into her holier then thou bore period with Matt) and it would have been fun to make mention of have her past "Well remember when you were dating Matt's uncle...no not Ed, I meant Tony..though could dating been what you called it???" And to have a past with Dinah "Oh that summer I spent with Aunt Nola and Uncle Quint in Marrakash gave me a new look.I was a bit drab before but not after Nola took me to that great lounge...and..what's the matter mother, you look like you have gas?" Her confronting Ed about Mo could have also finally put that storyline to bed with Ed admitting guilt (or something other then fish lips.)

    Maybe Nola could be writing romance adventure books and decides to hang out in SF for while...(I could see her staying at the BH and being the wacky landlady with money.) etc. Anything but a sad victim of Quint screwing around. 


  6. On 5/24/2024 at 9:04 PM, TEdgeofNight said:

    I met Laiby (Michael Laibson) at the GL fan club gathering in 1996. He didn’t impress me. He was arrogant. Why he went to this gathering of fans who loved the show and came in with an attitude astounded me. GL was not in great shape so why the attitude. Maybe because his job was on the line. He was thankfully fired soon after. I do have to say that his wife, Holly, was there and she was SO lovely! She was almost apologetic. Holly Laibson has since passed. She was a kind person. Michael, not so much. 

    I remember that time when the internet was just coming into its own and at the old GL dicussion list someone found Laiby's home number and posted it...which was a step too far. ("Sure, stranger who somehow got my phone number I would love to talk to you about what a sh@t job I am doing!") But actually Laiby was so in over his head, he actually was asking fans for suggestions.

    I don't get it, he worked under Marland and ATWT during its golden period, why was he so lost? HE brought back Brown as her iconic character but had the character written like she was Iva Snyder (Nola mopping around the boarding house because her husband cheater on her....she would go snatch that b*tch bald and kicked Quint in his nuts...) Maybe it was more McTavish but that was an era that really could have turned GL around.

  7. 18 hours ago, P.J. said:

    I really expect someone to reassure me that LM had long runs on EON and AMC for good reasons, and that sometimes even good actors can't overcome bad writing.

    As for his coaching, someone would have to remind me who or when he coached. If he's behind Todd Rotondi/Jen Onsach on ATWT in the early 00's, I wouldn't be impressed. 

    He was good on Edge...at first.....but then he did fall into the Shatner acting syndrome (LOL) I couldn't stand Kyle and Malloy's nostril flaring acting  but they were somehow popular.  The only thing I could think of is that they were trying to fill in the CB Alan void with a kind of Gothic type guy. The trouble was that he came on at a time of radical change, he was tied to the Lewis and Reva and no one else, and his   intro was stupid and creepy (not in a good way) with talking to pictures and the worst part...Mindy thinking she was in love with him, only to rejected and then out of characte shooting him. After his first year on Edge I found Malloy to just come off so unlikeable .  Tho I do think he really nailed the crazy Doctor with the aging serum on ATWT!

  8. 19 hours ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Yeah, CM should be punished for doing that to both her face & to her eyes! But perhaps she is being punished by having to live with it. She still has one of the most animated faces around but she's lost some flexibility she used to have. 

    EW apt at the end.jpg

    Alan Locher just posted this, as he said, "rare" look at Ellen Wheeler's apartment near the end of the show. Jill & Ellen worked here, a lot. Almost all of the time there would have been extra hours, after full days at the studio or at Peapack. I know that one of their routines was to take the scripts for Otalia & read them aloud. It was a kind of extra check. I realize this is not going to mean much to most of you but it means a great deal to me. This in a real sense is the birthplace of Otalia, one of the world's great, engaging love stories. 

    I know you and others like Otalia( Olive and Holly would have been hotter..Natalia was a bore) but "world's great and engaging love stories"??? If only they would have focused as much on the rest of the show and characters. 

    10 hours ago, TEdgeofNight said:

    To this date, Ellen Wheeler was the most inept EP in the history of daytime. She killed my GL. That stupid Peapack crap. Enough said. 

    Come on...you didn't  agree with putting the actor with the most longevity who was the defacto patriarch of the show on recurring, then having Rick and Phillip unwittingly kill him? All for non stop Jami, Gush, Coopers and freaking Jeffery all over the place?

  9. On 5/4/2024 at 6:52 AM, VelekaCarruthers said:

    This episode had to air after end of April 1985 but before mid July because Harding's name started appearing after the 2 week April writers' strike along with producers Laibson and Bogard (who were strike writers) but before Jack Sowards and Janet Stampfl's names started appearing in June/July 85, replacing Laibson and Bogart.  I'm assuming Stampfl had also been one of the strike writers.  Not sure about Sowards who was an vet tv writer.

    Thanks...I think this time is a very interesting time for ATWT...setting the table for Marland. I would love to hear more about Lemay and why he didn't stay and work with Marland. I think he has more of an edge to him, and as I mentioned, you could see him keeping Nancy true to her domineering character and edging Lisa back to manipulating things. 

  10. 3 hours ago, blueberrywaffle said:

    When did this episode air ?


    Gotta be right after the anniversary a Bob and Kim's wedding. Wagner wasn't on contract yet and Frannie was still pining over Kevin and not back from school. April 85?  

    I LOVE meddlesome stern Nancy! This is before Marland wussed her out and had to be when Lemay is consulting as he loves him some meddling matriarchs. I can see her softing as the years go by and they wanted Kim to be the one dispensing love in one hand and "kiddo" with the other, but I wish she hadn't become quite so bland a grandma.  Wagner seems to enjoy this and is a better fit for it as she was never as warm as Charita Bauer. 

    Added fun, this is when Lisa still had a thing for Bob, so she subtly tries to drive a wedge between Kim and Nancy and tells Kim to make kindney pie to get in with Nancy when she knows full well she hates it. Love bitchy Lisa but that didn't last long either when Marland comes and does tend to bland everyone out.

  11. On 4/29/2024 at 5:33 PM, Contessa Donatella said:

    The only clip I've posted recently with Cameron Mathison in it was hot angry sex with Drew & Nina so wrong blonde! Cynthia Watros!  Not Laura Wright. This has become a hilarious exchange, I gotta tell ya. LOL!!! 

    About KZ & Reva, sure thing, same page on that. 

    I would add that I came to an appreciation of GL late. My experience of the different periods you praise is only through the Soap Classics DVDs that were put out & YouTube. I personally do feel KZ & Reva is not only an example of one character eating a show but possibly the best example. If Kim was not front burner for ONE DAY she had her special fans on the phone to the studio, complaining, loudly, with great fervor. And I hated Paul Rauch's "vision" with overlit "too bright" scenes where the women typically were only allowed to wear certain colors, A-line skirts, plunging V-neckline blouses, etc. I know people here do not but I loved Harley, Buzz & Jonathan. Also Otalia & Jami. 

    Oyyy..what did Watros do to her face???? Between her and CM;s face, (well and his pecs) there was so much plastic to keep a recycling factory going for 50 years! Agree with the rest besides Harley, the shrew years, Buzz any minute he was on screen, Jonathon after he started taking hints from Zimmer on relying on "little tricks" to get you by (his was his annoying laugh) and when Kreizman started blowing him in his writing, and Otalia and Jami...but to each their own!

  12. 4 hours ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Well, if you're talking about GH & any actor "demanding too much" then you must be talking about one actor who is now gone or MB. You are certainly NOT accurately speaking of LW, NOT AT ALL. 

    But the reason I came here today is because my FB memories gave me these. 

    No, I was clearly talking about the Reva/Zimmer situation and how she had the show under a barrel...all because they let her.  LW just annoys me so whomever wants to yank on her all the good...(I think you posted a clip or pic of her and that Cameron Mathieson guy and they both looked like an aging Barbie and Ken doll set...okay, CM annoys me even more, he looks like his is made of weird plastic. ) 

  13. 18 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:

    I agree, in its own way, GH's infatuation with Carly (and Sonny and Jason) has hurt that soap the way the Reva tunnel vision hurt TGL. It's sad watching multiple soaps making the same sort of mistakes ad nauseum. No one wants to see another soap become extinct like TGL.

    And it makes no sense..TPTB especially in these cost conscious times should be able to let an actor go if they demand too much.  GL let Kimmer's ego and Rauch's stupidity make Reva the "star" so she could write her own check.  They should have done as ATWT did in the late 70s..slowly reemphasize Reva (like they did Lisa) so she is not the center of the universe.  Lisa was always important (well until the time of the Gautman) and in the mix, but not the star. 

    Anyone who wants to dis LW either on GL or GH is good with me! 

  14. 19 hours ago, Aback said:

    I've wondered this in like forever: why did ATWT constantly look 200% better than its sister show GL? Even when ratings were drowning, ATWT looked lush and soft, while GL would look drab and poor. Why?!

    You may be referring to the Rauch years where he blazed lights at the actors, had the women in pastel pantsuits and loved the women being blond...that always made the show look so washed out and "fake" but the critics raved about it..saying he made GL looks like a Reinassaince painting..lol!

  15. On 4/20/2024 at 9:41 AM, gimmetoo said:

    Brilliant interview...kudos to Locher for giving Caso the space to remember the glory years of ATWT.  

    Wonderful memories of story, casting and his collaboration with Marland.   Caso shed's new light on Marland's death and Michael David Morrison's.  

    A must watch for any ATWT fan. 

    A really good interview and Caso is on top of his game with his memory of things. I don't agree with Caso that the depressing stories of Margo's rape and the incest thing and the pulling the plug was stuff women could "relate to," but it was good drama if a bit much all at once. Interesting that Ann Sward suggested the Casey plug thing and wonder how she felt about Dolan getting it instead. 

    Caso seems to be a rare person in that business, he was savvy, knew how to run the business to make money, but still invested in quality and support of the actors, writers, staff AND respected the audience! Why he wasn't chosen to take over instead of the MADD cow.  Is she still alive? An interview with her would be.....interesting!


  16. On 4/19/2024 at 1:17 PM, wonderwoman1951 said:

    re maureen and roger: i always thought that rather than driving off the road and dying, had maureen gone to a lawyer and begun divorce proceedings against ed, things could have gotten very interesting between the two of them. not a romantic relationship — though they could have teased that — but their friendship would have deepened. ed would have fallen off the wagon into a bottle of scotch, and maureen and roger aside, dealing with michelle and that fact that maureen wasn’t her biological stories.

    jill farren phelps squandered so much potential story by killing off maureen. but… since buzz cooper arrived in springfield less than a month after maureen died, i’ve always believed it was to free up enough money to bring justin deas on board. 

    Parker seems to have confirmed that in the Locker Room one on Mo's death..."I think they needed money to pay for Justin" and was not throwing any shade on Deas...(must be an actor's life)  Total agree Mo initiating divorce, moving back into the boarding house...having to reluctantly take sides with Bridget against Van when the truth came out about Peter...(would be great scenes between MK and EP.and pave the way for a reunion with Ed when he too supports Bridget.) I do think a romance between her and Roger would have been too much...I always thought it made sense, Mo had so many brothers that she was used to taking care of bad boys, would have an affinity to both Ed and Roger.  And then Claire returns to light a match on the whole thing (I think during Ed and Holly's affair Mo mentions she never legally adopted Chelle, which made no sense as Chele always called her Mom..) it would finally give Fletcher a reason for existence to have them question Cheles paternity. 

    Much better then Buzz screaming at the top of his lungs but we could have had both..they could have freed up money by getting rid of Nick whose story was long stale..

  17. There is much worse acting but since he is ALWAYS being propped as THE actor of daytime, my good old friend Justin Deas on GL...both in finding out Nadine is dead and her body rotting away in the lake all winter (that's McTavish, you sick old bag) and when Reva finally dumps him and ends their dumb marriage (again, thanks McTavish.) His reactions are nothing close to what a normal person would do, when he should be dealing with shock and sadness that this woman who somehow stood by him for so long was killed and no one knew it, or simmering anger at Reva for once again, dragging an innocent bystander into Java hell...he simply YELLS and flaps his arms and moves all over the set, leaving his acting partner standing there dumbfounded...poor Frankie D is as usual lost when there is something more then "Hiya Pop" to say, Zimmer fairs better as she is an old vet of the scenery chewing upstaging Deas made his first few years of GL all ab out, but even she looks a little...lost  ("Wow..RN knows his place to stand there and let me do it all, this guy doesn't") 

  18. On 4/14/2024 at 12:24 PM, kalbir said:

    1983 was the transition year. February 1983 was EP change from Allen Potter to Gail Kobe, and HW change from L. Virginia Browne to Richard Culliton and Pamela Long. September 1983 Pamela Long became sole HW. If the dates are wrong, please correct.

    I recognize that from Spring 1983 to Summer 1984 Gail Kobe/Pamela Long set in motion characters and storylines that would carry GL through its final 25 years, but it was too much chasing 1980s trends which wasn't sustainable in the long term and the ratings from Fall 1984 onward reflected that.

    As a kid I caught some of GL during school breaks and then in high school got caught up in Nola and her shenanigans and watched it ever since.  I love the Dobson's more sophisticated characters and Marland's time...(more Nola and gang than anything else..) and really loved the first few years of Long/Kobe. The Bauers were the center of it all still, Reardon's provided warm working class action, Spaulding's were the rich and troubled families, the Lewis brought eccentric zest to the town (LOVED H.B. and Mindy) and Reva was great...earthy, sexy, full of heart and still could cause trouble..Zimmer was on fire then. The changes didn't bother me so much but even then it all fell apart,  it was unnecessary to write out Hope and Mike, kill Hillary (all could have been recast if the actors were problems) recast Ed, obscure the Reardon's make Van a boring housefrau (which she never really recovered from) and make the show all about Reva and the Lewis family.  The changes could have worked with the backbone of the Bauers and Reardon's in place to offset the OTT of Reva and the Lewises. The show never recovered from there. 

    Sadly, in 1985 the show could have used Bert's death as a turning point and bring back Mike and Hope (especially since Alan was lurking in the background) bring back Aunt Meta or at least Bea Reardon to provide a matriarch (but no, we get Sarah Shayne cause of course...Reva...) The show bumped along until Curlee really took over a lot of the writing. Had a few great years, and then all went to crap again (and I dumbly watched to the end..cause I loved this goofy show and saw the potential.) 

  19. On GL..who is "A. Spaulding" who framed Phillip.  It was supposed to be so smart with everyone in the Spaulding family's name starting with A (besides Phillip) and it might have been good if it lasted a few weeks, but it went on for months..and everyone was rewritten to act as if they did not want Phillip back in town (Alex loved Phillip, Alan of course thought he was the golden boy, and AM and he were getting along when Phillip left town...the only person that would have a motive would be Amanda who conceivably could have an issue of being the oldest but overshadowed by Phillip) but the audience figured out that it was actually Blake...(get it "a" Spaulding..) which, since she was already suffering another bad plot twist (having twins by two fathers) could have been interesting to see Phillip get revenge on the mother of both his uncles and best friends kids. But McTavish got p*ssed that people figured out and made the villain....Alan...which again could have been a turning point in their relationship, but soon Phillip was calling Alan "dad" and acting like everything was hunky dory. 

    Okay, Brandon is really Amanda's father was right up there.

  20. On 3/30/2024 at 9:32 PM, wonderwoman1951 said:

    exactly! all that history that was never explored. cannot recall katie and margo ever discussing casey’s death. and i don’t think katie and craig — her brother! — ever had a scene together. 

    Katie (with EddieMan) found the tape of Margo offing Casey..and they were like, "Oh, that's sad...but she did what she needed to do," and that was the end. It could have been dramatic but..no.  

    I didn't mind Katie that much either,  though I enjoyed her best in her early trouble making days. She held her own with Hayes that great scene where Kim told her to walk away from Chris now if she isn't totally onboard...but I wasn't a regular watcher through most of Sheffer and beyond to really understand why people were annoyed with her.

  21. 16 hours ago, j swift said:

    I would nominate the murder swap of Adam and Stuart on AMC as a terrible idea.

    It may an unpopular opinion, but I never enjoyed the character of Stuart, as I thought the overly precious portrayal of his unspecified developmental delay was insensitive. 

    I thought I was the only one..that stupid ass mug that the actor would put on so you knew he was Stuart was annoying and offensive.

  22. On 3/19/2024 at 2:06 PM, NothinButAttitude said:

    I would even be fine with them playing the same dynamics on a soap. Amelia's character being a force in the workplace while Petronia's character is a stuffy socialite who wants the best for her children. Make it happen, P&G and Michelle!!

    And Amelia was criminally pigeonholed on Passions, in my opinion. Even though Passions wasn't my cup of tea, I tried watching for Amelia, but I grew tired of her character yearning for her sister's husband and being bitter. It grew tiring. One of the many reasons I was unable to connect with Passions. 

    I can't believe McTrash screwed Gilly up by taking her out of Roger and the Spaulding's and having her chase after her own father..then McTavish tries to disguise it as a discussion on race by making her hot daddy a civil rights leader, when then shoots himself to frame Alan.  Damn, McTavish was just begging to get that show cancelled.

    I know that they wimped out on pairing AM and Gilly (or is that what JFP wants us to believe so she could put him with her pet Sonia Santra...) but instead of this storyline, they should have paired her with Nick (did they have chemistry) and her Mom would be torn between her snobbery of having her daughter involved with a Spaulding with an issue of her daughter in a mixed race relationship. Alex could have accepted the mixed race thing ("I did live in Paris in the 60s dear...") but given the past antagonism with Gilly, be wary....but realizing that she had to let her son live his life (and gasp, show some growth.) 

    England his still a piece of ass. I wish instead of Bridget and he getting together off screen they had them reunite during the Reva trial and then leave town happy. 

    8 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    The begging of Bert's pathetic farwell....(funny that the last clip of the intro, which was Bert, is not Miss Sally, it really says a lot of what GL became in a short time.) I love that in the 80s..all of Mindy's boyfriends were matching her hair pouf for pouf!

  23. 17 hours ago, j swift said:

    t is the same with EON, "half dark, half light, the edge of night.."

    God..I love that theme and the cheesy lyrics..I have a weird friend who if I ask how she is is will say..."Fine.....just living circles of ending strife..." and if I don't shut her up with go on with the whole song..then I have the damn theme in my head for the rest of the day.


    9 hours ago, P.J. said:

    FC...is Maureen's death is like two solid weeks of misery. I mean, it's great misery. But I can't recall any soap ever wallowing like that before or after. And they damn sure never ran pictures of the character during the entire credits crawl. I don't know if that's respect for the actress or making sure all the doors are locked and bolted.

    Ha...Zombie Mo breaking in the kitchen door to eat Lillian! It is weird...when other soap characters die its a "Oh, I will never recover " and next week everyone, including their lover has moved on...even when real people die their characters like Bert, Henry, H.B. its an episode or two and then move on, but this one was like real life...Nadine tells Bridget that the mayor was their, etc... So yea, I think they made it so intense that they were screaming "This is permanent, like in real life." 

    I was watching a few scenes after the funeral...Blake telling Holly to get her ass together for this, Van forcing Lillian to get her ass inside so people won't talk and it would be all about the scandal and not Mo...and Bridget and Nadine in the attic...everyone had a brain and a heart (even Nadine is not acting as goofy as she did when Buzz returned...) and I forgot GL was so damn good at that time...plus I love Bridge's line to Nadine in her funeral dress "Nadine, my God, what happened to you, did you get hit on the head and suddenly get taste?"

  24. 35 minutes ago, Sapounopera said:

    I feel that it was better than the 80s theme. I couldn't stand the visuals (still, better than the 80s visuals) but I prefered Paul Rauch's shortened version. The late 70s theme was just fine. 

    I loved Hold on to Love...I am such a dork when I hear it in that slow version I kinda get..."verklempt" Whatever you say about JFP she knew music and there are some great scenes of Hold being played over a montage...a great one with Hamp on horn playing it...I just think it's GL...hold on to love is not just romantic love but for family or community or whatever. My second is whatever the theme is over the iconic Van/Nola coming down the stairs opening..but I HATED the cheap them and opening they replaced it with. The late 70s theme was so damn depressing!

  25. On 3/9/2024 at 9:28 PM, Paul Raven said:

    Set in a diverse inner urban area, with the lead character a minister of  a non denominational church (Rev Ruthledge) his daughter (Mary) and Ned a I young man with a blank past. 

    I never understood why TPTB didn't do more with the 7th and 5th Street neighborhoods.   Obviously 7th street was an inner ring area with the hospital across the street, and 5th street along with it. The most we saw was a bunch of cliched white characters in the diner and when Alan wanted to knock down 5th stteet....all proclaiming Buzz the King of 5th steet in really bad Greek accents. The first Hispanic family should not have been a mob family but a new family moving into the area with the Reardon's and Coopers reflecting on the changing neighborhood. Or instead of Mel...pairing Rick with a Latina who is fighting the Santos family for all the bad that they had done the community...(i.e. brining in drugs, prostitutes, strong arming biz owners...if your going to do a mob do it right.) and waking Chele up and putting Danny on the offense. 

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