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Posts posted by Darn

  1. Here's another good clip, which also references Carla. 



    Oh my goodness this is a GREAT scene. Wow! I'm shocked it aired on daytime, because the daytime of the last 15 years has been lily white and stupefyingly regressive.

  2. This show could EASILY be on ABC, I wonder if Netflix and Warner Bros. would ever strike a deal with them. I mean, between The View name drop, the DWTS cast members and now JS on DWTS it's like corporate synergy.

  3. John Brotherton (RIP Jared, OLTL) plays a love interest in more than half the episodes of Netflix's Fuller House. Watch it, it's great!

    Vee mentioned it in his status feed. Ive never found JB appealing….but I heard he has gotten attractive….lol


    Who is checking Vee's status feed? I would never. JB looks good, his hair is questionable but he's tall and handsome and very funny.

  4. Netflix is the only "network" left that gets me excited when they announce a new project (speaking of which please watch this trailer for The Get Down, it looks phenomenal). Like with all things, anywhere, ever, their work can be hit or miss but it's mostly been hit for me (Love and Master of None left me feeling empty and disappointed). With their dramas I feel like I'm watching a complete thought if that makes any sense. A lot of network dramas leave me thinking "Well, they needed to fill 42 minutes this week".


    I finished the season this morning. It was such an enjoyable watch. I thought FH was cheesy even as a kid, I thought the Olsens looked like troll dolls, but it was a staple of my childhood so yes I got emotional at times. But also the show gets BETTER as it goes along. If you thought the first episode was complete cheese and had too many references to the original series just keep watching, they reign that in and give you a very classic sitcom. I'd highly recommend it, it's brain candy. Lots of nice people having fun, I can't complain.

  5. That's a lot of Naomi Campbell's questionable acting abilities.


    Given Empire's pacing, I bet every single one of her scenes happens in the first episode.



    Yeah, watch her get ousted before the first commercial break.

  6. That's a lot of Naomi Campbell's questionable acting abilities.


    Honestly it looks like more of the same and I do not want more of Empire changing hands by the scene. I can't believe this show shot it's wad in 22 episodes. 

  7. This is so fuking corny but my god I'm SMILING like a moron. I'm only half way through the first episode but I'm loving that they're getting through all the catchphrases now. Get that sh!t out of the way fast.

  8. I always thought it was a combo situation - they couldn't get Wright yet and weren't happy with any other choices, but JFP (and Mo Benard) pushed to put Bransford over for the others anyway and hoped she'd stick.



    I bet Mo pushed for her because she was the weaker/less accomplished actress, he could steamroll over the character with her in the role. Her casting was always baffling to me because she looked so...hard. Carly was never a wallflower but SJB had a softness to her and TB was all willowy and built like a preying mantis.

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