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Posts posted by gimmetoo

  1. 14 hours ago, VanessaReardon said:

    Lots of great JFP talk. Loved this chat. 


    YES agreed -- this was one of Locher's better ones, largely because all the actors were enthusiastic and Deas (despite being very low volume) is a hoot.  Thankfully Frank jumped right in at the beginning (plowing over Alan as host thank God).  So we didn't have to listen to Alan's Q&A's about the actor's knitting habits during quarantine.  The actors' enthusiasm and stories really brought this one to life...and Alan graciously just let the actors talk.  Same thing happened w/ Fiona's OLTL reunion a few weeks back.  The actors ran with the conversation...and the reunion was all the better for it.


    Compared to the torturous Ellen Dolan interview last week, this one deserved a DAYTIME EMMY.  After all those police station interrogation scenes, Ellen D sure does know how to NOT answer a question. 

  2. Agreed Robin Mattson wasn't quite the right fit for Delia -- it's about the only role she didn't quite gel with during her long soap career.  I LOVED Randall Edwards.  Randall's Delia felt more vulnerable and sympathetic.  You really rooted for her.


    In later years, Maggie felt like Delia 2.0.  Vulnerable, manipulative, spoiled...but you rooted for her.  


    Both Randall and Cali Timmons deserved bigger roles after RH.  Cali could have easily fit in on GL or Y&R.  And Randall's comedy chops deserved a bigger audience.  

  3. If Eileen’s health is not great, I am fine with my memories of her from all the years she gave us on TV.


    Don’t know Eileen personally, but she was an actress — and actresses generally care a lot about appearances.  We should respect that at 86, she has chosen to live her remaining days far away from the limelight.


    And let’s keep in mind, Don Hastings is the exception. At his age, it’s a rarity to be as sharp, witty and with it as he is…and I bet his stamina is partially due to having married a younger wife.


    I remember after Agnes Nixon had her stroke, she was interviewed on camera (with wonderful production values - no weak wifi in sight).  As much as I adore and respect Agnes, my preference would have been for her memoir and her many past interviews (when she was in great health) to have remained my final memory of Agnes.  She was a dynamo and a true trailblazer.  I prefer remembering her that way…


    As much as we all love Eileen, Alan is being very gracious in not having her on...

  4. This one was painful…PAINFUL.  

    There was a lot of tripping over each other and Alan interrupt-us.  


    Ellen clearly does not like discussing her soap days.  She comes across very sour about the experience, and almost unwilling to reflect.  Its like she’d rather discuss ANYTHING but her time on daytime.  Not sure why she even agreed to do these reunions 2x now…

    Example:  When Locher asked Ellen what it was like to work w/ Anne Sward (who played her mother for years), Ellen’s responds “you know she was just 3 years older than me.”  After at least 10 years of working together this is all she had to say…


    Scott was slightly more forthcoming and warmer…

    had stories about Benjamin Hendrickson, warm memories of Don Hastings.  Said Eileen was WACKY.  


    Locher was quick to wrap this one up thankfully...

  5. 13 hours ago, soapfave06 said:

    less on Tonja's social media/politics talk.


    Yes -- the reunion went off the rails a bit here and Locher knew it...

    Locher should really stop asking what "everyone's been up to during quarantine."  It's just a waste of time, leads nowhere and prevents the actors from talking about their roles / storylines.  


    The AMC reunions on EW.com have avoided these types of questions, sticking to JUST the show...and they have been much better and tighter because of it.  

  6. Just now, Forever8 said:

    One thing that bugs me about the reunions so far is that he hardly asks any of them fan questions. He perhaps start with one or two but lets the guests take over the conversation. He should ask each of his guests questions that were sent directly to be asked by fans and himself. 

    Totally agree.


    Despite the tech issues, the LOVING reunion worked so well w/ a big group because each actress was asked a pre-solicited fan question that pertained to their specific role or storyline. The format allowed for a great and lively (and very frank) discussion.


    Alan says he's "doing it for the fans" and always asks the same fan interaction question at the end (enough of this question for each interview)...but he could do a better job of involving the fans --- their questions would make it easier for him and more interesting for everyone.  


    I actually think his best interviews have been the OLTL & AMC ones --- he tends to rely on fan questions more, likely because he is less familiar with those shows.  

  7. I dont understand why Locher thinks a group of 5 works !?! 

    His best reunions are the smaller ones -- fewer tech issues, fewer ppl talking over each other and more depth / time for each person to talk.  You would think he would have learned this by now... 


    And would he PLEASE stop asking what they are up to during quarantine !  

    We have enough issues with our own homeschooling we don't need to hear about theirs.

    Alan, please keep it to stories about GL 🙏🏻


    51 minutes ago, EricMontreal22 said:

    The host made one of his first real faux pas I thought when he asked for memories of John Callahan.


    Agreed and the host asked for Vincent's memories of John today as well...with no mention of Marj Dusay.  He has asked about John in every episode. Clearly, he is confused as to John's role on AMC.  Yes, it was appropriate to discuss John w/ Eva and even Kelly, but it should have stopped there.  John did NOT play a legacy character and there are many actors far more important to AMC's legacy that should be remember before John C.  Certainly David Canary deserves the touching tributes, but Jill Larson should have been asked about James Mitchell, Vincent about Marj, etc.  I am hoping Susan is not asked about John C.  She should certainly remember David, but Larkin Malloy, Mark LaMura and Frances Heflin all worked much more extensively with Susan than John C.

  9. Agreed wish Darnell would have been asked about Jesse and Angie.  

    And Jill should have been asked about James Mitchell.  


    I'd rate Ep 1 higher -- the smaller group allows for more time for each to speak.  


    Today MEK and Darnell weren't given enough time...they were the show's leads for decades, and could have carried their own episode just the two of them.  Especially Darnell who we rarely hear from.  MEK has done several interviews in the last year -- he's a chatterbox one-on-one.  Today, he gallantly deferred to his female counterparts -- and Jennifer, Cady and Jill were amazing.  But I do wish the guys had been given more time to contribute.  


    But overall, these AMC reunions are excellent !  Very well done and although he's too young to remember AMC in its 80s heyday, Gerry Hall is doing well as hose / interviewer.  

  10. Enjoyed the stories about Larkin and Jordan Clarke today...and MOL's story of crushing on Krista while they were in their working together early on. 


    Alan's ability to access these actors is amazing...but agree he needs help w/ his interviewing skills. At one point today, Krista and MOL jumped in to ask questions.  The Loving reunion hosts had solicited questions from fans in advance and it prompted great conversation.  ALL questions related to their time on Loving and each person was asked their own question -- no discussion of home-schooling during quarantine, gardening under lockdown or the student films they did back in 82 thankfully !  


    The AMC reunions on EW.com this week have been very well done too...everything is all about AMC.



  11. Very entertaining and polished interview ! 

    The interviewer kept it all about AMC -- the reason we were all there.  


    Hopefully The Locher Room will take note...we do NOT need to hear about home-schooling and other non-soap related quarantine activities Alan...

  12. In Friday's Locher Room reunion, Jacob Young said Tony Geary got involved in the re-casting of Lucky -- and had "approval" of the Lucky recast.  So possibly TG felt Jacob Young was a better fit for him than Will Estes.  

  13. CAPITOL had a top notch cast -- they all went onto other shows.  Nicholas Walker, Marj Dusay, Tonja Walker, Catherine Hickland, Jess Walton, Chris Durham, etc.  


    Todd Curtis as Jordy Clegg was a natural as the rich playboy.  He shoulda done more -- just a natural in the clips above.



    Agree w/ your notes.  Here are a few of my own:


    Interesting that Julia Barr and Cady McClain both won for their work w/ Canary but he didn't win.  I'm actually glad someone else won that year...he had already won 3 times by then.


    Nice understated speech by A Martinez -- just perfect and a refreshing change from the melodrama so many actors bring to their acceptances (looking at you Cady...).


    Baffled by the Henry Darrow win.  His clip seemed weak, he wasn't known as a soap actor...and he was competing against soap opera royalty -- Ver Dorn and Kristoff went on to win in later years, but Robert Gentry, Roscoe Born, Redeker and Kin Shriner (beloved in the industry) never won and all appeared on multiple soaps !  And why 7 nominees in this category when supporting actress only had 5 ?  The mens acting categories always had more nominees than the womens.


    I loved Andy Kavovit, but his win reminds that the remarkable Scotty D never won.  If they couldn't find enough younger men to nominate this year, where was Scotty D ?  Certainly if Andy won an Emmy...then Scotty deserved a win at some point in his career.  But he went home w/ Maura so I guess that's his win ! 


    The Joan Rivers acceptance speech is raw and an historic moment in TV.  You really feel Joan's pain.   


    The pecking order of Conboy over JFP is interesting...when he gets on stage he makes a point to greet Nicholas Walker who he made a star on Capitol.  Didn't like Conboy's speech and he was dumped by TPTB the following year for not improving SB's ratings.  Proves ratings are more important than awards.  And why didn't the actors come on stage for Best Show back then ?!  





  15. Scotty D. was a hero today !


    His reverence and love for Kathy and Don was touching...He clearly understands and appreciates how the show and Don and Kathy changed the course of his life.  


    Wise move by Alan to get him in there -- as wonderful as it was to see Kim and Dr. Bob again, I don't think they could have carried the interview for an hour, and I bet they were glad to have someone else to share memories and do some of the talking.

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