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Posts posted by JarrodMFiresofLove

  1. 11 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    To tell you the truth, the last decade of ATWT with how the Marshall Travers and Doc Reese characters were portrayed, it was some of the worst portrayals of Black male characters the show has ever had. 


    Yes those were Hogan Sheffer creations, and not very good ones. I thought the whole relationship Margo had with Doc Reese was strange. It didn't make much sense.


    Some of the black females fared better. I enjoyed Bonnie McKechnie. She was originally a Doug Marland creation, now grown up and brought back to the show by Sheffer. Napiera Groves did a good job as teenaged Bonnie who created a lot of drama for everyone in her orbit.

  2. 4 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Very interesting interview that Eddie Earl Hatch in the late 1980s.  He does not have very flattering things to say about his time at ATWT. This is not how you spell 'role'.


    Dynamic Roll Pulls Hatch Back To Soaps



    Tucker, who I believe was out before Marland came, was treated the worst, IMO.  ATWT, like most daytime soaps does not have a good track record with Black characters.  The writing was always incomplete.  Tamara Tunie's exit, after all her years on the show, was written with as much care as Hatch's--none.


    I see Hatch worked as a fashion model...he definitely was eye candy in the 80s and should have been utilized more on ATWT. He only lasted a year at AMC. He had a two-year role on AW in the mid-90s.

  3. 5 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    From what I can see, other than being Steve's more financially savvy business partner and sidekick, the show did little with Tucker.  Heather Dalton had a father, at the very least, did we even know where Tucker came from?  His exit wasn't given even so much as a passing glance.


    Here's a clip of him from a few years ago for a reunion for a movie he was in called The Warriors.





    Yeah Tucker could have been a long-term character if the writers/producers had done right by him. Heather Dalton didn't last a long time either. As you say, she had some relatives introduced...and I think they put her with Roy Franklin (played by Count Stovall). But Heather and Roy were eventually phased out by Marland.

  4. I found some photos taken at a party to celebrate Eileen Fulton's return to ATWT in 1984. It was held at Chippendale's of all places. In this one photo there are four young actors from the show, but I think the guy on the left is misidentified. The other three are Kim Johnston Ulrich (Diana), Tracy Kolis (Juliette), Christan LeBlanc (Kirk). But I don't think the guy on the far left is Eddie Earl Hatch (Tucker) who is African American and does not look like this. Any guesses who he might really be?




  5. 24 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    Not sure if you want to be spoiled, but

      Hide contents

    Cal is murdered in early 1986



    Here's an old interview with Backus.





    Thanks for the spoiler. I must have missed Cal's exit. I remember very little about him. The article/interview with Backus is great. Love how he details working with Marland. Thank you for sharing the link!

  6. 7 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    Tucker was Steve's construction business partner, and he was dating Heather Dalton. I don't know if Marland wrote him out or not (although Iva eventually bought into Steve's business, or became manager there). Russ was a doctor who was obsessed with Betsy and was taking care of her or something, I think. Cal Randolph was opening a club (didn't Lisa take it over after Diana left Oakdale?) and also tied to the mob, and carried a torch for Maggie. I think they may have been involved in the past (I can't remember). Kent Bradford - wasn't he in a story with Kim and the psychologist she dated who was a psycho (played by Adam Drake from EON)? I can't remember. Many, many pages ago I posted an interview with Ernie where he talked about what a bad state ATWT was in behind the scenes when he was there. I think he also said one of the actors was a huge prima donna and this affected his material.


    Thank for the reply. I do remember Russ Elliot now, that was part of how Betsy was reintroduced (now played by Lindsay Frost). I still don't remember Emmett or the others.




    I just looked at the wiki page for the history of the show in the early 80s. First, there are a lot of errors on wiki, because it says the Dobsons were in charge of Whit's murder mystery when clearly we know it was Tom King & Millee Taggart. The Dobsons were already gone by this point launching "Santa Barbara." Also the wiki page says Marland wrote from 85 to 90, when in fact I believe Marland wrote till his death in 93, and his cowriters carried his bible forward into 94/95.


    The wiki page does say Tucker Foster was the first regular black character in the cast, which I found interesting, introduced as Steve's friend. Wiki also says Cal Randolph was an undercover FBI agent who turned out to be baby Jill's real father, but he ended up letting Frank & Maggie raise her. I am assuming Cal just left town around the time Frank & Maggie did, with Marland unwilling to continue any of that.


    Also, I should mention that on wiki it says Jay and Kirk were a few months apart. Was that ever said in the early introduction of the McColls? Because that means they retconned this when Dorothy turned out to be Whit's killer and Kirk's mother, because there's no way she would have been able to have two boys just months apart.

  7. 16 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    I've seen this promo on a number of occasions.  What I'd really like to see is the episode where Whit and Dorothy argued about telling Kurt, or was that done in flashback?  


    I think it was done in a flashback when they revealed her as the culprit. We were supposed to believe Jay was the killer with Steve being framed for it. Dorothy the housekeeper was not even a suspect. I think they devised all that retroactively when they decided to pin the murder on her and needed a motive. There was no real tension between Whit and Dorothy before his death.


    There are 35 contract players listed at the end of this August 1984 episode. Five of them I don't remember much, if anything, about them. I am guessing they didn't catch on and were soon junked by King/Taggart or Marland when he took over.


    So who was:

    TUCKER FOSTER (played by Eddie Earl Hatch)

    RUSS ELLIOT (played by Richard Backus...I think Backus ended up becoming a scriptwriter for the show.)

    EMMETT (no last name given, played by John DeVries)

    KENT BRADFORD (played by Ernie Townsend)
    CAL RANDOLPH (played by Luke Reilly)

  8. Just now, Soapsuds said:

    Yeah, Frank was way hotter than Steve. I never understood why Betsy chose Steve or Craig(who I thought was much hotter).


    Frank could've been a fashion model he was so hot. They didn't really put him front and center, because all the Andropolous stories revolved around Steve, then Nick, then finally Frank.


    How were Frank and Maggie written out? I am assuming it was when Marland took over or else right before Marland came aboard.

  9. 7 hours ago, robbwolff said:

    The episodes with Jermaine Jackson and Whitney Houston aired on August 1-2, 1984. Eileen Fulton returned as Lisa on the August 3 episode where she discovered Whit's dead body. 

    Thanks. So there wasn't much build up to Whit's death. It happens pretty fast. No wonder Robert Horton seems stressed in his scenes, knowing he's quickly being killed off. All of the main suspects were red herrings. If I remember correctly the housekeeper (Dorothy) did it; she turned out to be Kirk's mother and had a long-standing affair with Whit. Her motive for the killing was weak and nothing foreshadowed that. It was a very rushed murder mystery and probably solved within a month or two.


    The housekeeper exited as soon as she was revealed as the culprit, carted off to the loony bin. Except for Brian who stayed on a few more years, all the McColls were written off by 1985. I don't think the family really gelled with audiences. They were shoved on screen, dominated the airwaves and took away screen time from the other long-standing families. I think they were created to give LIsa a new makeshift family but when Eileen left and they had to recast her role it sort of defeated the main purpose of them being there. But at least it gave us Lucinda who was originally brought on as a business foe for Whit. I wouldn't be surprised if the original idea was for Lucinda to be the one who had an affair with Whit years ago and he spurned her, which is why she was out for revenge. And for Whit to be Lily's father. Of course Marland went in a whole other direction with Lucinda and Lily.

  10. Interesting throwback. Jay was very good looking. So was Mark Pinter back then and Robert Horton wasn't bad for an older guy. There was a homoerotic vibe going on in Steve and Frank's scenes at the hospital.


    I liked the sign outside the hospital that said Oakdale Memorial. A bit unrealistic most of the doctors are at the party. And only Jeff Ward is working. I always thought Robert Lipton was great as Jeff.This must be near the end of his run.


    In the credits I noticed Liz Hubbard's name all the way down at the bottom. This must have been right after she joined the show. There were too many McColls. Not enough Stewarts. Loved seeing David and Ellen dancing.The guy Kim was dancing with (Raymond Speer played by Donald May) didn't last long.The writers soon axed him and put her with Bob. So Raymond was Kim's last guy before settling in with Bob for the long haul.


    The actress with the strange last name who plays Maggie Crawford was very good. Can't remember what happened to baby Jill. Marland reused the name later when Linc Lafferty had a girlfriend named Jill. The black characters are very marginally used though of course the two pop singers are black and get plenty of screen time.


    I didn't mind this Frannie but Julianne Moore who soon replaced her was really the best one. The actress who played Diana became more known for her later role on Passions.


    The short cameo with Phyllis Diller was cute. Back in the days when these shows had big budgets and could bring all kinds of special guests in like this. I think Hilary Bailey was my favorite Margo though I did like Colin and Dolan a lot too. Hilary Bailey and Scott Bryce were so believable as brother and sister.


    Gunnar was listed in the credits but did not appear. John was married to Karen at this time. I see Shannon had not been introduced yet but I think she comes on the show soon after this. Lisa is not in the credits. I thought Betsy Von Furstenberg stayed in the role up till Eileen Fulton returned but I guess she did not and there was a bit of a gap.


    Does anyone know what month Whit died? The episode where he was killed was Eileen Fulton's first episode back on the show.

  11. 1 hour ago, Limenade said:

    By that time, really, I was not expecting CG and JP of being capable in exploring the subtleties of Nancy's remembrance of Chris and (vs.) Dan.


    By contrast - 

    I remember at the beginning of their courtship, Nancy told Dan that she'd rather not call him by the nickname used at the police station, "Mac".  When they agreed on "Dan," Nancy made a remark that her best friend's son was also named Dan - a nod to history and a reference to Dan Stewart.


    Then, when they danced for the first time - not sure the occasion - the music was, of course, "Always," that she had sung with Chris at their golden wedding anniversary (and used with great effect as flashback when MacLaughlin passed away).  The camera did not forget to capture a jolt of memory on Nancy's face even as she was in Dan's arms.


    Great comment. Do you think that was down to Marland's scripting? He was a sensitive writer and probably went out of his way to get those moments right on screen for the characters.

  12. 7 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:


    Other posters have made similar comments and I see the point, but to me, Chris really was the principle love of Nancy's life. They had been together over 50 years and had had four children together. Like many older widows after losing a long-time spouse, Nancy probably started "talking" to Chris in her head/heart long before she even met Dan. He certainly meant a lot to Nancy, but I saw Dan and Nancy's love story as more companion-based, while Chris remained her eternal love.


    I guess I can buy that. :)

  13. I've had time to reflect on the episode I watched yesterday, from the 31st of August 2010...the one about Nancy's death. I supposed the budget was low at that point and they wanted to use Larry Bryggman at the end, which I assume was not cheap. But it would have been nice if part of the episode had depicted the funeral with people like Nancy's daughter Penny and Nancy's best friend Ellen Stewart present. Also if I had been writing it, I would have brought Tom's daughter Lien back for the funeral. I think that would have brought things a bit more full circle in terms of the legacy characters.


    One thing that seemed off in the flashbacks was they had Tom remember talking with his grandmother after Dan died. But then in another flashback which seemed to be from Nancy's last year on the show, she tells Katie about how she still speaks to Chris all the time. As if Chris was still her husband in spirit and Dan meant nothing.


    I did not have a problem with the emphasis on Katie during parts of the episode. I think like Ellen, Lisa and Kim, another person that Nancy had become close to over the years was Katie. This show always was good at multigenerational relationships so it's kind of nice to see how Nancy's death impacts a younger character like Katie. Also I think we're supposed to believe that Katie becomes the new Nancy later on regardless of the show going off the air. She is the soulmate of this Chris the way Nancy was the soulmate of the other Chris. So it works for me.


    I do think it was a blessing in disguise that Helen Wagner passed before the end of the series with enough time for them to do this special episode near the end. A blessing because it gave us all those great flashbacks of the Hughes family over the years. The writers did not have to contrive an anniversary or some other hokey event to do this because Nancy's death just naturally lent itself to reflection of this kind. And probably if they had done something else with flashbacks we would not have seen Don Laughlin on the show again. I don't think he had appeared since Chris' death in 1985. Nancy never had flashbacks of him because Marland was eager to move her forward and put her into a new marriage with Dan. So right near the end, we do get to see Nancy and Chris in various flashbacks and though it's not the final episode of the program, it still helps give closure near the end.


    Another thing that struck me about this telecast is how well defined Nancy was as a character, probably because Irna Phillips had established her so clearly in the beginning and Helen Wagner never wavered in her portrayal. We don't really get cornerstone characters like this now on soaps. During the scene with Kim and the others in Tom's office, it is mentioned that Nancy was not one-dimensional. And the beauty of this character was she didn't need to have a second personality or occasional lapses in judgment to be multi-dimensional. She could be a woman with virtually no evil in her and still be a well-rounded character. That makes her a very special part of As the World Turns.


    Also I think the character is an important one because she really was a port in the storm to all these other ones. Lisa often turned to her for advice, so did Kim, Bob and Tom...as well as Nancy's other relatives and friends. One of my favorite storylines was one Doug Marland did where Nancy was volunteering and helping a young black girl to read. Again it was a multigenerational use of the character, this time across racial and class boundaries, and it gave Nancy so much more added meaning within the framework of the show.

  14. 6 hours ago, P.J. said:


    I would guess...


    Don Hastings

    Eileen Fulton

    Helen Wagner

    Kathy Hays

    Larry Bryggman

    Colleen Zenk

    Don McClaughlin

    Marie Masters

    Patricia Bruder

    (David Stewart)

    Rosemary Prinz

    Conrad Fawkes

    Martha Byrne

    Jon Hensley

    Scott Holmes

    Ellen Dolan

    Anthony Herrera

    Liz Hubbard

    Kathleen Widdoes

    Kelley M Hensley

    Ben Hendrickson

    Scott Bryce

    Maura West

    Michael Park


    If we were going simply by characters, Bob, Nancy and Tom would probably be on top of the heap, since they were Hugheses.


    Yes if we were going by character counts instead of actor counts, I think Tom would probably be first since that character was on the show so many years and as a young man he was always put in frontburner storylines. By the time Scott Holmes took over in '87, he'd already been prominently featured for about twenty years. I am sure that during the Justin Deas era, he was on four days a week. And if we add up all the actors who played Paul (going back to child star Danny Pintauro), I'd say he ranks high on the list too.

  15. I've been thinking about when I stopped watching As the World Turns. I was born in the 70s and I remember growing up it was always on in our living room during the summertime when I was home from school. With the advent of the VCR we taped it each day starting in 1985. So from 1985 forward I seldom missed it. Even in college I happened to catch it between classes. So if you count those early years when I was in grade school and watching it in the summers and holidays, I probably viewed it consistently from 1982 up till 2008. That's a long time. So why give up on a show after it had been such a huge part of your life?


    Well I think the show really started to fall apart in 2008. Letting key cast members go (Martha Byrne, Scott Bryce), cutting corners with the budget and putting cheap newbies front and center, poor writing, none of it helped. They also were using some of the new production model ideas that Ellen Wheeler was doing on Guiding Light. There was more filming outdoors with the younger cast, with some of the camera work seeming less professional. I could have overlooked that if the performances and stories were still strong...but they weren't.


    The last newer couple I liked was Gwen and Will. But then Jennifer Landon won some back-to-back Emmys and she suddenly became a favorite of Goutman and Passanante and it started feeling like she was on all the time. When they had her do that silly dual role (as Cleo I think the character's name was) in 2007 it was a real test of my patience. At that point she had a double frontburner storyline. I was relieved when she announced she was quitting in 2008, because as good as she was, she didn't deserve all that screen time at the expense of the vets.


    By then I was having trouble with the Lily recast; I didn't like how Lucinda was being written. I felt Holden had lost direction; Emily was all over the map reshaped to fit each new contrived story they threw at her; Carly and Jack were starting to feel played out; none of Passanante's new creations were very exciting. Julie PInson's character Janet was not gradually added in and overnight she was shoved down viewers' throats. It was just too much.


    Even when I heard the show had been canceled in late December 2009, I didn't even come back to watch the last nine months of the series. I just felt alienated from it all. I didn't even feel compelled to see the last broadcast and to this day I still have not seen how it ended. I have watched episodes from the Marland years on YouTube and while his writing had problems, it was just far superior to almost everything else other writers did that I'd rather remember the show during its heyday.


    The last episode I remember loving, and I mean really loving, was the special Doll House episode they did in December 2007. Other people might have disliked it, but I enjoyed seeing almost the entire cast being featured, with them all dressed in those spectacular clothes, and I loved how they used Nancy in the middle of it, how they used Barbara near the end of it; and how it was framed by Lucinda taking her granddaughter past a window where they saw the doll house. It felt like theater or like one of those old live anthology TV programs. The whole thing was innovative and fun. But I never felt like ATWT was ever classic again after that time and by the summer of 2008 I had finished with the show entirely.


    I bought the Soap Classics DVD which included that episode because it's one I wanted to have.

  16. 29 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:


    I wouldn’t count Helen Wagner out. I would imagine she was seen at least three or four times a week in the B/W years and only slightly less through the 70s.


    Jon Hensley and Liz Hubbard might rank higher than Scott Holmes.


    I thought about Hensley but he took some time off during the later part of Marland's tenure. Can't remember how long that absence was but yes I'm sure his total count is up there. I included Hubbard in my earlier post. Helen Wagner probably did have a lot of screen time in the early years but at one point Irna Phillips was going to fire her, so I don't think Irna always used her. And she was taken off contract for a few years in the early 80s. Marland certainly used her. But she never had a storyline again after Dan's death in 1996. So her last ten plus years her appearances were significantly reduced.

    1 hour ago, Soaplovers said:

    I was happy Martha was fired, I actually never liked her playing Lily whatsoever.  The only times I liked Lily was when anyone other than Martha was playing the character.  Anytime when Martha was playing the character, I was rooting for Lucinda to disown the little brat so she'd be free of her.. and than Princess Lily could go live with those hideous Snyders at the farm.


    Speaking of propping characters, did anyone think that even Marland was guilty of propping characters (Lily, for instance... and rapist/pedophile Rod/Josh)?


    Marland propped up a lot of characters (he was close friends with many of the cast members). So it wasn't just Lily and Josh. But I agree with the earlier comment that Lily became an "avatar" for all the under-18 stories. She was like Shirley Temple and Molly Ringwald rolled into one during those early years. The poor little rich girl experiencing growing pains.

  17. So which actors probably had the most appearances between 1956 and 2010?


    My guess is these people:


    Don Hastings (Never took time off from the show like Eileen Fulton did; front burner in the 60s and 70s; Marland gave him big stories in the 80s and early 90s. A bit of a slow period in the mid to late 90s, but Sheffer used him, most memorably in the Dr. Dekker story, and in the show's final years he was still a major presence with screen time.)

    Eileen Fulton (Despite a few departures, which were usually not more than a year or two, she drove the main storylines in the 60s and 70s. And she was still featured a lot in the 80s and 90s. Though she was still on contract she seemed more like a glorified recurring cast member in the last years of the show.)

    Kathryn Hays (Front burner in the 70s and 80s, still used often in the 90s and 2000s. If Kim hadn't married Bob, she might not have lasted.)

    Patricia Bruder (She once told an interviewer that Ellen was on the front burner for the first 15 years; from the mid-70s on she was more of a supporting player but still had frequent appearances; Marland didn't know what to do with her especially after he killed David off but he still put her in group scenes. After Marland's death the subsequent writing teams seldom used her and by 1995 she was gone, though she made a brief reappearance in '98. Ellen was totally forgotten in the 2000s, never mentioned anymore by Emily or Susan. But from 1960 to 1995 she made a substantial contribution to the show and I think she was probably in a large number of episodes.)

    Colleen Zenk (Never without a storyline from her arrival in 1978 to 2010. Her maternity leaves were usually short. Marland and Sheffer both used her as a lead antagonist in multiple storylines. She never had a replacement for illness.)

    Martha Byrne (Despite a two-or-three-year gap when Heather Rattray took over in the early 90s, she always had a lot of story; and later played a dual role for several years.)

    Elizabeth Hubbard (They wrote her out in the late 90s for awhile but she was soon back on the show again. Sheffer did not write for her, that was her only slow period. Marland wrote constantly for her.)

    Scott Holmes (Major storylines from 1987 to 2000. Sheffer did not write much for him but in the later part of the 2000s Passanante did feature him more often.)


  18. 10 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    That seemed very detached compared to the episode they did for Chris Hughes.  I'm surprised at how cool Bob was.  When Don McLaughlin passed, he was choking back tears, it felt so genuine.

    Nancy was on longer, her episode should've consisted of more than a cluster gathering of black clad characters in small room but these were the waning days, the show had probably been packing up the set, so it was what it was.


    I'm indifferent to the Katie character but I wouldn't blame her for taking the focus from Nancy.  If anyone did that it was Chris' ridiculous story.


    Yes, I just watched this on YouTube (thank you victoria foxton) and the stuff with Chris was kind of an emotional downer.


    4 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Goutman fired both Martha and Scott. The actress took over the role said she would step aside if they wanted to bring Martha back for the ending but Goutman refused.


    Goutman definitely should have brought Martha back as Lily at the end. It would have been nice to see her and Liz Hubbard acting together on screen again.

  19. 16 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    I had stopped watching too but isn't that episode posted on You Tube somewhere?  I feel as if I saw it.  I don't believe there was a funeral.  I was surprised at how minimal it all was given Helen Wagner's long tenure and Nancy Hughes' overall impact on the show.  The soaps always hide behind budget when they are called out for doing the least but they could've done better than what they did.   


    Also what I could never understand was, given the fact that TPTB knew that they had declining ratings and there were other P&G soaps that had recently been canceled over the last several years and given the age of the actress, why couldn't they take the time to film brief scene, in advance, of Nancy saying "Good night, Bob".  It made sense, since she delivered the first lines "Good morning, Bob".  Once the actress hit 90 years of age, they should've made some type of plans.  They could've added it as a part of a tribute and part of the show's final episode. 

    I was really mad at ATWT for not bothering to think ahead.  Then again, that had become the show's M.O. in their last decade-no respect for the show's history and no foresight for what could happen in the future.


    I was trying to figure out why I stopped watching but I think it had to do with Martha's exit and I couldn't get used to the new Lily. Also a lot of the veteran actors were not used enough and when they appeared they were typically in the background. And some of the new couples front and center were ones I couldn't warm up to. Also I loved Scott Bryce as Craig and was disappointed when they let him go (in 2008).

  20. So I have a question since I stopped watching the show after Martha Byrne left. Was Nancy's death filmed as a special episode? Did it pre-empt an episode that had already been filmed? I am reading things that there is a lost episode, and I am guessing it's because they pulled something to make room for Nancy's death. Did the Hughes family have a funeral for her? How was it written in? Thanks in advance for any clarification.

  21. 4 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    I've seen this same sentiment from a lot of people, too, and I still say it's nonsense because I am looking at quantitative facts that state that Maura West and Michael Park dominated airtime for 13 years. They were literally in the majority of thirteen years' worth of episodes. Over 3,400 episodes, and they were in most of them. But the show revolved around Katie. Got it.

    There's nothing wrong with just saying "I hated Katie, and she was on too much."


    I think if someone went back and looked through all those episodes they could figure out the amount of screen time per episode. We know that when Eileen Fulton appears in an episode by Hogan Sheffer, she's lucky if she gets two scenes. But episodes with Carly and Jack see them in anywhere from 5 to 10 scenes. So not only does CarJack appear the most, they usually have the most screen time in the episodes on which they appear. By comparison, a lot of time Katie was used as comic relief in quick scenes that were basically filler between the other main plots. So she was not really dominating the episodes in which she appeared.

  22. 5 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:

    Episode Count 1997-2010: 3444 episodes

    January 1, 1997-September 17, 2010


    1. Michael Park (Jack Snyder) – 2023

    2. Maura West (Carly Tenney) – 1955

    3. Jon Hensley (Holden Snyder) – 1580

    4. Ellen Dolan (Margo Hughes) – 1354

    5. Kelley Menighan Hensley (Emily Stewart) – 1413

    6. Terri Colombino (Katie Peretti Snyder) – 1383

    7. Martha Byrne (Lily Walsh) – 1368

    8. Colleen Zenk (Barbara Ryan) – 1293

    9. Elizabeth Hubbard (Lucinda Walsh) – 1109

    10. Lesli Kay (Molly Conlan) – 1060


    11. Benjamin Hendrickson (Hal Munson) – 1049

    12. Roger Howarth (Paul Ryan) – 994

    13. Scott Holmes (Tom Hughes) – 934

    14. Dusty Donovan (Grayson McCouch) – 917

    15. Trent Dawson (Henry Coleman) – 821

    16. Hunt Block (Craig Montgomery) – 803

    17. Peter Parros (Ben Harris) – 729

    18. Kathryn Hays (Kim Hughes) – 693

    19. Don Hastings (Bob Hughes) – 682

    20. Marie Wilson (Meg Snyder) – 636

    21. Mark Collier (Mike Kasnoff) – 610

    22. Cady McClain (Rosanna Cabot) – 590

    23. Jesse Soffer (Will Munson) – 571

    24. Larry Bryggman (John Dixon) – 561

    25. Marie Masters (Susan Stewart) – 556

    26. Eileen Fulton (Lisa) – 530

    27. Agim Kaba (Aaron Snyder) – 523

    28. Paul Leyden (Simon Frasier) – 520

    29. Jennifer Landon (Gwen Munson) – 502

    30. Jennifer Ferrin (Jennifer Munson) – 491


    31. Martha Byrne (Rose D’Angelo) – 482

    * Jessica Dunphy (Alison Stewart) – 482

    33. Van Hansis (Luke Snyder)– 431

    34. Tamara Tunie (Jessica Griffin) – 418

    35. Peyton List (Lucy Montgomery) – 408

    36. Annie Parisse (Julia Lindsey) – 405

    37. Kathleen Widdoes (Emma Snyder) – 400

    38. Anthony Herrera (James Stenbeck) – 375

    39. Mick Hazen (Parker Snyder) – 335

    40. Austin Peck (Brad Snyder) – 326


    41. Kristina Sisco (Abigail Williams) – 315

    42. Marnie Schulenburg (Alison Stewart) – 307

    * Paul Taylor (Isaac Jenkins) – 307

    44. Alexandra Chando (Maddie Coleman) – 306

    45. Lauren B. Martin (Camille Bennett) – 304

    46. Tom Eplin (Jake McKinnon) – 294

    47. Zach Roerig (Casey Hughes) – 292

    48. Ewa da Cruz (Vienna Hyatt) – 268

    49. Noelle Beck (Lily Walsh) – 266

    50. Scott DeFreitas (Andy Dixon) – 261

    51. Scott Holroyd (Paul Ryan) – 260

    52. Julie Pinson (Janet Ciccone) – 258

    53. Napiera Danielle (Bonnie McKechnie) – 246

    54. Bailey Chase (Chris Hughes) – 245

    55. Nathaniel Marston (Eddie Silva) – 236

    56. Kim Onasch (Jennifer Munson) – 231

    57. Cassandra Creech (Denise Maynard) – 227

    * Daniel Markel (David Stenbeck) – 227

    59. Helen Wagner (Nancy Hughes) – 222

    60. Jake Silbermann (Noah Mayer) – 220


    61. Jon Lindstrom (Craig Montgomery) – 219

    62. Paolo Seganti (Damian Grimaldi) – 202

    63. Billy Magnussen (Casey Hughes) – 197

    64. Elena Goode (Jade Taylor) – 194

    65. Craig Lawlor (Adam Munson) – 194

    66. Lamman Rucker (Marshall Travers) – 173

    67. Todd Rotondi (Bryant Montgomery) – 164

    68. Paul Korver (Chris Hughes) – 163

    69. Mary Beth Evans (Sierra Esteban) – 162

    70. Meredith Hagner (Liberty Ciccone) – 157


    71. Jamie Dudney (Georgia Tucker) – 156

    72. Keith Coulouris (Reid Hamilton) – 145

    73. Sherri Alexander (Samantha Markham) – 140

    74. Allie Gorenc (Sage Snyder) – 138

    75. Brett Groneman (Will Munson) – 138

    76. Anne Sayre (Mitzi Matters) – 136

    77. Tom Wiggin (Kirk Anderson) – 133

    78. Ashley Marie Greiner (Faith Snyder) – 131

    79. Kin Shriner (Keith Morrissey) – 130

    80. Jordana Brewster (Nikki Munson) – 118

    * Terri Garber (Iris Dumbrowski) – 118


    82. Chris Beetem (Jordan Sinclair) – 116

    83. Daniel Menake (Johnny Donovan) – 114

    84. Nick Kokotakis (Brad Snyder) – 109

    85. Scott Bryce (Craig Montgomery) – 108

    86. Sarah Brown (Julia Larrabee) – 107

    87. Justine Cotsonas (Sofie Duran) – 105

    88. Christopher Tavani (Luke Snyder) – 102

    89. Cole Kachelhoffer (Parker Munson) – 101

    90. Real Andrews (Walker Daniels) – 100

    * Dylan Bruce (Chris Hughes) – 100

    92. Spencer Grammer (Lucy Montgomery) – 96

    93. Michael Woods (Alec Wallace) – 94

    94. Jeffrey Meek (Craig Montgomery) – 92

    95. Dylan Denton (J.J. Larrabee) – 90

    * Stephen Schnetzer (Cass Winthrop) – 90

    97. Daniel Manche (J.J. Snyder) – 89

    98. Giovani Cimmino (Parker Snyder) – 87

    99. Chaunteé Schuler (Bonnie McKechnie) – 82

    100. John James (Ric Decker) – 81


    101. Jake Weary (Luke Snyder) – 78

    102. Cassidy Hinkle (Faith Snyder) – 74

    * Joanna Rhineheart (Jessica Griffin) – 74

    104. Hunter Garner (Billy Ross) – 72

    * Jordan Woolley (Nick Kasnoff) – 72

    106. Alyssa Diaz (Celia Ortega) – 71

    107. Jeremy Ian Zelig (Luke Snyder) – 69

    108. Joanna HartsHorne (Sarah Travers) – 68

    109. Bailey Harkins (Johnny Donovan) – 64

    * Alexander Walters (Mark Kasnoff) – 64


    111. Rebecca Anderson (Hope Dixon) – 60

    * Keara Dolan & Eliza Ryan (Faith Snyder) – 60

    113. Randolph Mantooth (Hal Munson) – 59

    114. Jon Prescott (Mike Kasnoff) – 58

    115. Eric Sheffer Stevens (Reid Oliver) – 57

    116. Susan Batten (Connor Walsh) – 56

    * Carl T. Evans (Nick Scudder) – 56

    * Patrick Tovatt (Cal Stricklyn) – 56

    119. McKenzie Satterthwaite (Nikki Munson) – 53

    120. Ellery Capshaw (Natalie Snyder) – 51

    * Monti Sharp (Lew McCloud) – 51


    122. Daniel Cosgrove (Chris Hughes) – 50

    * Vanessa Ray (Teri Ciccone) – 50

    124. A.J. Lamas (Rafe Ortega) – 49

    125. Guenia Lemos (Ruby Frank) – 48

    * DJ Lockhart (Doc Reese) – 48

    * Saundra McClain (Sarah Ruth Bennett) – 48

    * Duane McLaughlin (Dallas Griffin) – 48

    129. Ernest Waddell (Curtis Harris) – 47

    * Virginia Williams (Brandy Taylor) – 47


    131. Barbara Garrick (Rita Renfield) – 46

    132. Tony Musnate (Joe D’Angelo) – 45

    133. Danielle Alonso (Pilar Domingo) – 43

    * John Loprieno (Brad Snyder) – 43

    * Camryn Rose (Sage Snyder) – 43

    136. Joseph Cross (Casey Hughes) – 42

    137. Karl Girolamo (Kevin Davis) – 41

    * Traci Godfrey (Elaine Schiller) – 41

    139. Valentina de Angelis (Faith Snyder) – 40

    * Brian Gaskill (B.J. Green) – 40

    * Ben Levin (Gabriel Caras) – 40

    * Wolé Parks (Dallas Griffin) – 40

    * Chris Tardio (Dominic Ramsey) – 40


    144. Matt Cavenaugh (Adam Munson) – 39

    * Sarah Glendening (Lucy Montgomery) – 39

    * Chris Heuisler (Cole Norbeck) – 39

    * Jennifer Landon (Cleo Babbitt) – 39

    * Aidan Wagner (Cabot Sinclair) – 39

    * Sarah Wilson (Liberty Ciccone) – 39

    150. Dylan Bluestone (Daniel Hughes) – 38

    * Alex Charak (Elwood Hoffman) – 38


    152. Justin Weiss (Parker Munson) – 37

    153. Kristen Connolly (Josie Anderson) – 36

    * Bronson Picket (Diego Santana) – 36

    * Chad Tucker (Curtis Harris) – 36

    * Lauretta Vaughn (Kit Fowler) – 36

    * Davida Williams (Jade Taylor) – 36

    158. Roselyn Sanchez (Pilar Domingo) – 35

    159. David Allen (Chris Browning) – 34

    160. Shawn Christian (Mike Kasnoff) – 33

    * Mariah D’Aprile (Hope Dixon) – 33

    * Colleen Dion (Dahlia Ventura) – 33

    * Ben Jorgenson (Chris Hughes) – 33


    164. Benton Greene (Derek Coburn) – 32

    * Lea Salonga (Lien Hughes) – 32

    166. Daniel Hugh Kelley (Winston Mayer) – 31

    * Michael Lowry (Les Sweeney) – 31

    * Eric William Morris (Matt O’Connor) – 31

    169. Ritchie Coster (Gabriel Frank) – 30

    170. Tom Pelphrey (Mick Dante) – 29

    171. Lisa Brown (Iva Snyder) – 28

    * Evan Alex Cole (Hunter McDermott) – 28


    173. Tala Ashe (Ameera Ali Aziz) – 27

    * Tom Degnan (Adam Munson) – 27

    * Lucas Kelly (Cabot Montgomery) – 27

    * Laurence Lau (Brian Wheatley) – 27

    177. Jensen Buchanan (Vicky McKinnon) – 26

    * Lynn Herring (Audrey Coleman) – 26

    179. Wally Kurth (Sam Hutchins) – 25

    * Makayla Leigh (Natalie Snyder) – 25

    * Valerie Perrine (Dolores Pierce) – 25


    182. Lonette McKee (Sarah Ruth Bennett) – 24

    * Cruise Russo (Casey Hughes) – 24

    * Peter Vack (Casey Hughes) – 24

    185. Deirdre Skiles (Dani Andropoulous) – 23

    186. Kerr Smith (Ryder Hughes) – 22

    187. Brayden Schenck & Declan Schenck (Ethan Snyder) – 21

    188. Jared & Lindsey Baskin (Daniel Hughes) – 20

    189. Christina Chambers (Molly Conlan) – 19

    * Roy Eudon (Brad Snyder) – 19


    191. Bryan Abadrabo (Will Munson) – 18

    * Colleen Feehan (Sage Snyder) – 18

    * Alexandra Herzog (Jennifer Munson) – 18

    * Ryan Serhant (Evan Walsh) – 18

    * Alan White (Chris Hughes) – 18

    196. Kenneth Franklin (Dallas Griffin) – 17

    197. Matthew Morrison (Adam Munson) – 16

    * Yvonne Perry (Rosanna Cabot) – 16

    * Harry Zittel (Adam Munson) – 16

    200. Michael Cardelle (Rafe Ortega) – 15

    * Christian Siefert (Chris Hughes) – 15

    * Sam Stone (Daniel Hughes) – 15


    203. Nell Mooney (Spencer McKay)- 14

    * Isabella Palmieri (Natalie Snyder) – 14

    205. Graham Winton (Caleb Snyder) – 13

    206. Alexa Gerasimovich (Natalie Snyder) – 12

    207. Amy Princine (Alison Stewart) – 11

    208. Ed Fry (Larry McDermott) – 10

    * Allyson Rice-Taylor (Connor Walsh) – 10

    210. Ian Boyd (Casey Hughes) – 9


    211. Kelly Barrett (Maddie Coleman) – 5

    * Rosemary Prinz (Penny Hughes) – 5

    * Michael Swan (Duncan McKechnie) – 5

    214. Patricia Bruder (Ellen Stewart) – 4

    * Tyler Hudson (Kevin Davis) – 4

    * Emmy Rossum (Abigail Williams) – 4

    217. Carmen Duncan (Lisa) – 3

    * Gillian Spencer (Jennifer Sullivan) – 3

    * Anne Sward (Lyla Peretti) – 3

    220. Kevin Csolak (Daniel Hughes) – 2

    * John Howard (Paul Ryan) – 2

    * Amanda Seyfried (Lucy Montgomery) – 2


    223. Steve Bassett (Seth Snyder) – 1

    * Sarah Hyland (Alison Stewart) – 1

    * Chloe Morris (Bonnie McKechnie) – 1

    * Julianne Moore (Frannie Hughes) – 1


    According to this compiled list, in the last 12 years of the show, Eileen Fulton ranked 26th in  the number of appearances, Kathryn Hays was 18th, Don Hastings was 19th, and poor Helen Wagner was way down at 59th.

    Ellen Dolan is in the wrong spot. She should be right above Colleen Zenk. And if you add Martha Byrne's total for Lily and her total for Rose, she would come in third.

  23. 13 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:


    There's a section here for Episode Counts if you scroll all the way down on the main forum page. Here are the counts for the last month and year the show was on the air, plus a complete count for 1997-2010.


    Thanks for the link. I spotted some errors. Trent Dawson's character is listed as Holden instead of Henry. Also Ellen Dolan's total count from 97-10 is in the wrong spot; a few beneath her have more episodes. Is there a way for the original poster of the thread to fix it?


    I was shocked at Eileen Fulton barely appearing in the final year. She was averaging about one episode a month. She must have really fallen out of favor with Goutman and the writers. Her total count from 97-10 is in the 500 range but I think a lot of that came from her last big storyline (where Lisa married Eduardo Grimaldi) in the late 90s. She was very vocal about Hogan Sheffer not writing for her and I don't think Passanante wrote for her either. So the last decade Lisa was pretty much sidelined.

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