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Posts posted by Xanthe

  1. 17 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    She chose Jake as the true love of Paulina's life 😂

    Well, he did die on As the World Turns, so maybe she didn't consider that minor detail important even though the discussion frames it in the context of who she would like Paulina to be with in the unlikely eventuality of a revival of AW

  2. I caught the tail end of The Unfaithful on TCM today and Eddie Muller mentioned that Ann Sheridan had appeared on Another World. I know she has been mentioned here but I don't think her name came up when we were considering the most famous actors who had been on the show. I will have to go back to the novelizations to see how much impact Katherine Corning (Missy's mother) had.

  3. 1 hour ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    When Blaine first married Jerry, she wasn’t really in love with him. She was only using him in order to pass information to the mob. But at this point, she was really in love with him but I think was torn between wanting that simple life with him or the glamorous life with the mob. 

    Thanks. I was trying to figure out an explanation where Blaine's motives had been somewhat pure. This makes more sense.

    I went down the rabbit hole a bit hunting for Nancy as a child and watched some scenes from November with Tracy and Jason Dunlap. Olivia Delaney has come to Bay City and has decided to work at the hospital. Tracy has some out of town singing engagements planned so Jason has a new singer filling in, Lilly Grafton. She looked familiar but I couldn't find who played her.



  4. On 11/11/2022 at 7:22 PM, AbcNbc247 said:

    Here's an episode featuring the end of Blaine and Jerry's marriage. He was really good here. Full episodes from August-December 1980 are still uploaded, but they're hard to find.


    Thanks! Jerry seems like a real straight arrow here. Very confused about what Blaine is up to and why as she was convincingly attempting to insist she had not been at the club she wasn't prepared with a better cover story than "I don't have a double." (In fact if you think about it if she wasn't there how would she know there wasn't a woman who looked like her?)



  5. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:

    I know he will always be remembered as Batman, as it should be, but I really loved his work as Jerry. The role was nothing, but he was gorgeous, charismatic, and had a real warmth and humor that was wasted on a show which at that time was so moribund. He and Laura Malone also had tremendous chemistry. 

    This news just breaks my heart. 

    I remember Conroy from Search for Tomorrow but not really as Jerry. Did he leave the role before the whole schizophrenia storyline?

    Are there any clips of him as Jerry? I jumped around searching 1980 but mostly found only Mac and Rachel.

  6. 8 hours ago, victoria foxton said:


    In the scene where Jamie meets Julie Anne, they establish that they were at high school together and that her brother Zack is a little older than Jamie. I feel like this is partly to remind us not to think of Jamie as too old. 

  7. On 10/29/2022 at 11:27 AM, j swift said:

    AW - Reginald Love was originally referred to as Brandon

    Kathleen said her middle name was Theresa after her dead mother but when they started the Reginald storyline she became Mary.

    When Kathleen met up with Jake's mother to find out about Mary for a book she was writing the character was called Helen. Later Jake's parents were called Alice and Ray.

    Alicia Coppola has said that when she auditioned the character that became Lorna Devon was being called Mavis Lane.


  8. 10 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    Don Scardino was 35 when playing Chris and Nancy was supposed to about 20?

    Nancy had just graduated from high school with Marley and they were supposed to be 18 in 1985. I think Jane Cameron was closer to 25. Don Scardino was 37 (born in 1948!). 

  9. On 10/30/2022 at 1:09 AM, robbwolff said:

    Dennis was 24-25 years old by the summer of 1980 when Texas debuted.

    I know it's not always significant, but IRL Jim Poyner is about 14 years older than Chris Bruno. In fact Chris Bruno is a little bit younger than Jensen Buchanan.

    On 10/29/2022 at 9:39 PM, Tonksadora said:

    Oh, really? I always thought that Jamie & Dennis were older than the twins. And, I thought Lisa was older than Vicky but not as old as Dennis & Jamie. I cannot imagine Jamie being the same age as, for one example, Ben McKinnon. And his being a doctor argues for his being older. Of course he'd also been a novelist but that was another lifetime.

    I think it gets murky by the era of Russell Todd, but maybe I am biased because Stephen Yates' Jamie seemed closer to 30 than 20 and then Laurence Lau seemed a hair younger and both Lisa and Vicky seemed younger than MJ or Cecile or Blaine. 

    I should clarify that I wouldn't argue Jamie and Vicky were meant to be exact contemporaries, more that they were in a kind of vague flexible cohort of twentyish people. I'm not sure there was a teen set again until Matthew was aged up to Matt Crane. (Daniel Dale didn't have a set and Sandra Ferguson went right to Cory Publishing and Sam.)

    In some respects,  possibly the blondness, Dr Jamie Lau felt more like a retread of Chris Chapin. Don Scardino was I think playing a bit younger than his age to date Nancy.

  10. 2 minutes ago, j swift said:

    It never ceases to amaze me that as much I as enjoyed MPK's Sally, the character has no connection to who she was as a teen.  Caitlin was supposed to be the rebel who was corrupting good girl Sally.  Meanwhile, she's already been engaged a few times, had a kid, and had been a wild child. while Caitlin had only had the one romance with Brittney and was falsely imprisoned prior to Bay City for defending a lady.

    Sally had been married at least once, hadn't she? To one of the Hobsons maybe?

    It struck me in the Kyra Sedgwick clip that they were obviously trying to reform Sally starting with Dawn Benz who seemed much prissier than Jennifer Runyon. Also kind of wild to hear her say one moment that she is taking things slowly with Peter and the next moment that she is probably going to marry him. (Did Sally ever sleep with Peter?)

    When Catlin first came to Bay City he slept with Maisie while he was living at Smiley's and of course with Donna after he became her stableboy. He used to hint to Sally about his shameful past and it was only after some HW turnover that it became the sweet innocent monogamous tragedy of Brittany. 

    Jamie and Dennis really had their ages messed up as well. Cecile popped in with the more matronly set but Jamie and Dennis dropped down to become contemporaries of Marley and Victoria.

  11. This isn't a new clip but I saw the recent news that Kevin Bacon would be part of the MCU and it reminded me of Kyra Sedgwick as Julia. Here she has a scene with the minor Sally between Jennifer Runyon and Mary Page Keller. 



  12. 17 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Probably lol but at least it would have given her something to do. She pretty much became just a talk to after that first storyline. 

    She was living with Thomasina and Carter for a little while. They could have done something with that, either involving her in the drug storyline that both Nancy and Carter were tangentially involved in or making her a spoiler in Carter and Tom's marriage. 

    1 hour ago, teplin said:

    I really liked both Dee and Nancy. I don't think either fit the mold of traditional soap heroine, which is likely why they got rid of them, but I would have gladly watched many more years of them. 

    Nancy was shallow and immature a lot of the time, and when she had the teen group to hang out with or Ada to butt heads with she had something to do. When she was at a loose end after Perry's death they kind of made it part of her addiction storyline but they didn't do a good job of integrating her into another group. I  think it hurt her that Chris and Greg and Tony were all outsiders and also probably that they were mostly rich and/or professional so that there wasn't much conflict or character growth.  It could have been interesting to see her jealous of teen princess Amanda if they had kept her around.

  13. 42 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    I read somewhere once that, originally, once all the debutante stuff was over, Cass was going to cheat on Kathleen with her. I guess the story got dropped due all the turnaround behind the scenes that year.

    They did show Dee with an unrequited crush on Cass. IIRC Kathleen saw Dee kiss Cass, misunderstood, and broke up with Cass without telling him why.

    I feel like going any further than that with Cass and Dee would have been stretching it too far. I liked Dee but I have a hard time imagining Cass with her. 

  14. 37 minutes ago, j swift said:

    The movie is on YouTube, and while I didn't see Alexandra Wilson, there is a credit for Jocelyn Seagrave aka Julie from GL https://youtu.be/cpl2PxkSel4image.png

    Someone on social media recently said that Gen X'ers only use the internet for sleuthing about crime, and they weren't wrong.

    Alexandra Wilson's credit was shown at the start of the movie. I think she appears to work in the Just Sweats office and give John phone messages. Why that is a bigger/better credited part than Amanda I could not say.



    In a scene that starts just after 49 minutes in he seems to call her Christy.

  15. 14 minutes ago, j swift said:

    And, Antonio Sabato Jr starred in the tv movie about it titled "If Looks Could Kill"

    I did not know that. I see IMDB shows a credit for Alexandra Wilson, Josie #1, in the movie. No character name listed though. 

  16. 10 hours ago, Melroser said:

    I do remember Sara and I liked her. I know she didn't go anywhere, but I thought the actress (Missy Hughes) was interesting. 

    I wonder if the show intended for another character on the canvas to end up being her relative. With all the writer turnover on that show, it probably just got dropped. 

    Sara was around from October 1986 to October 1987. Rose started about the same time and apparently lasted only until February 1987. Margaret DePriest was the headwriter from March 1986 to January 1988 so it wasn't writer turnover that doomed them. 

    According to the AWHP Sara went on a date with Jamie at one point so it seems like they made several attempt to attach her to core characters but gave up. The only thing I remember is that Rose was a widow and Sara's father's death might have been related to her estrangement from the family. Oh, and Sara had a boyfriend Joe who was either no good or just someone her family disapproved of.

    Missy Hughes later married Hank Cheyne but in the mid-eighties she was apparently in a relationship with a guy who subsequently became involved in a conspiracy to commit murder and insurance fraud. I remember reading the story in I think Vanity Fair.


  17. 21 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    I think some of his prostitutes were the ones getting killed. 

    I forgot that Chad was still pimping when he first came on the scene. It makes me so angry that MJ had to absorb so much guilt and shame but Chad didn't really have to accept much blame and none of his other "girls" were really treated as people. I guess he felt some guilt when Dawn was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS because of his role as a pimp but since he wasn't directly responsible it felt like it was just to his credit as a flawed but human man that he had feelings.

  18. 7 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Sara. Another character who went nowhere 

    She was introduced working with Catlin to keep an eye on Brittany and Peter and I wondered whether they were trying her as a new love interest for Catlin (and really why they would call her Sara when he had just lost Sally?). Then of course Catlin left with Brittany and Sara glommed onto Chad without much effect. Chad wasn't really much of a character either -- he was a sort of spoiler for MJ and Adam and of course the link that brought Dawn to Bay City for a short while but he didn't have much going on of his own. Was he a suspect in the Sin Stalker storyline?

    9 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Yeah. It did kind of seem like there was a lot of Mitch propping at that time, at Mac’s expense 

    Rachel didn't really benefit from any of it either. Rachel was in a funk and Mitch criticized her art. Matthew ran away from home and Mitch nobly followed to protect him while Rachel panicked assuming Mitch had kidnapped him. Rachel was jealous that Mitch was responding to the attractions offered by Felicia.

    Did they intend a real triangle with Rachel/Mitch/Felicia so that Mac would seek comfort with Rose, or were they always making a straight shot for Mitch/Felicia and the rest was just filler?

    So thankful, by the way, that all this was before the trend to mash names together. Imagine Rac or Machel. Fitch or Melicia. Although perhaps Bratlin could have amused me.

  19. 1 hour ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    She had a flirtation with Mac while he was worried about Mitch being back in Rachel's life, and that's pretty much all I remember

    They revealed that she was Sara Montaigne's estranged mother and that she had at least one other child but for whatever reason the storyline was dropped. 

  20. 9 hours ago, slick jones said:

    My bad, she is in the Day Players section.  Thanks. I usually check there. 

    ANOTHER WORLD        Irene    1995

    Thank you, I refer to the AWHP all the time and somehow didn't realize there was a separate list with more details about the day player roles. 

    This is a tremendous amount of work you do and I find the research very interesting. 

  21. 10 minutes ago, slick jones said:








    THE EDGE OF NIGHT      Louise, April's Cellmate     1978-79

    AS THE WORLD TURNS     Judge ___ Briggs     1989

    ALL MY CHILDREN     Rae Ella    1994

    ONE LIFE TO LIVE    Dr. ___ Sands     1997

    THE BOOK OF DANIEL       Catherine Webster     2006

    ONE LIFE TO LIVE       Headmistress     2009


    STORM OF THECENTURY    Joanna Stanhope     1999

    PRINCE STREET    Unknown Role   1997; 2000

    BENJAMIN FRANKLIN        Silence Dogood    2002

    THE GUARDIAN     Laurie Solt      2001-04

    LAW AND ORDER     Judge Lisa Ctler     2001; 2003; 2009

    RESCUE ME      Ma Garrity   2009

    HOUSE OF CARDS    Margaret Tilden    2013; 2016

    MADAM SECRETARY   Dean Ward     2015-16

    DOUBT        Margaret Brennan    2017

    THE AFFAIR     Margaret Butler     2014-15; 2017; 2019

    Two standout roles:

    "Aunt Helen"  in THE AMERICANS  (1 Episode)    2014

    "Hudson University President Roberts" (2 episodes)    2014; 2015


    FIVE CORNERS      Mrs. Fitzgerald         1987

    MISS FIRECRACKER    Miss Lily      1989

    OUT OF THE RAIN      Ruth     1991

    BOB ROBERTS      Constance Roberts    1992

    THE LAST DAYS OF DISCO     Zenia   1998

    KINSEY       Barbara Merkle     2004

    PERFECT STRANGER     Elizabeth Clayton      2007

    DUPLICITY     Pam Frailes     2009

    ISN'T IT DELICIOUS     Joan Weldon     2013

    CLASS RANK     Barbara, Editor in Chief     2017

    OLD              Agnes     2021

    HE COURTROOM      Judge Easterbrook     2022

    Chalfant's Wikipedia page with a full list of theater and awards

    For what it's worth, the AWHP does have an entry for Kathleen Chalfant in the Actor Guide but there is no date or character name.

  22. 3 hours ago, Neil Johnson said:

    The person did post it publicly, but it may have been in a soap opera facebook group or something.  Perhaps not this forum -- I really don't remember. 

    Almost certainly not here. I remember seeing your question and being disappointed not to see any response. And then when you confirmed the name I ran a search of the forums and found no discussions mentioning Pryce except for chat about Game of Thrones and The New Pope.

    I am now driving myself crazy trying to tell whether this newspaper photo from the August 14th episode (the day of Zane's funeral) shows signs of a hastily correctedScreenshot_20220925-164101_YouTube.jpg Jonathan Pryce. John Considine talks about having to shoot 5 days' worth of episodes on his first day. The first airdate we see his face as Reginald is August 8, the preceding Friday so it's possible this was within the 5 days. I'd love it if Ellen Wheeler confirmed that she had to slap both Jonathan Pryce and then John Considine for the reshoot.

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