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Posts posted by Efulton

  1. I enjoyed Hugh Marlowe as Jim but Virginia Dwyer and Mary should have been there until the end.  There is no denying Harding Lemay was talented but his arrogance and ego (along with Paul Rauch's) did long term damage to Another World.

  2. I got this information from the Another World Homepage.


    Jacqueline Courtney (Alice Matthews Frame 1964): September 24, 1946 - December 20, 2010

    George Reinholt (Steve Frame 1968): August 22, 1939 - November 11, 2013.

  3. 1 hour ago, Xanthe said:


    Tastes vary, but I have to say that I thought Alice's style was beautifully modern and appropriate for her as the mature and confident doctor she was. She could however have had a more interesting storyline than her relationship with Mark Singleton. 

    I didn't mind her short hair either.  It was a bit shocking when she first appeared but she had such a beautiful face that it worked for her.  Now the jet black hair she had at the 50th anniversary of soaps is another story..

  4. 7 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:


    I did not mean that TPTB literally botched the character's opening scenes upon returning in May, 1984. I did feel, however, that once Alice was back in Bay City, the show failed to use her properly. The romance with Mark was a bust (IMHO) because even though the actor playing him was competent, there was no fire; no chemistry with Courtney. Mark was bland, not a leading man. More than being a supportive ear for Sally, Alice should have had a strong story of her own. Plus, she was given a hideous/butch haircut and dressed in ugly mannish clothes that were inappropriate.


    Writer Gary Tomlin later said in an interview that he did not know much about Alice's storyline history and her relationship with Rachel, so left that unmined. (Although AW finally did use a bit it when Rachel got amnesia and grilled Alice about their shared past, but it was too little, too late).


    I felt that the show made one bad decision after another, so the entire return ended up a failure.

    I totally agree that she needed a much better romance with some fire.  They should have put her with a younger man to do something unexpected with the character.  After a few years of bad writing I really enjoyed Dec 1982 - to Feb 1985 so i probably ignored some of the questionable writing decisions because overall the show had improved so much.

  5. 27 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:


    It is quite baffling how much TPTB TOTALLY botched Jacquie Courtney's return to the show. They completely screwed it up. I'd love to know what was going on behind the scenes at that time.

    I recently rewatched 1984-85 and I wouldn't say her return was botched.  Alice returned much stronger, had a career, was mentor to Thomasina, was involved in Sally's story and had a romance with Mark. It thought she fit in seamlessly after being away from Bay City for so many years.  Once Gary Tomlin and Richard Culliton left in early 1985 the writing went downhill for everyone and Alice was a casualty.  

  6. There a times when the death of an important character tells a good story - Susan & BJ (GH), Isabella (Days), Stephanie (B&B), Victor & Megan (OLTL), Will (AMC) but others make my blood boil.  The decisions on Another World were extremely short sighted and bother me the most.


    Lee Randolph

    Bill Matthews

    Steve Frame

    Mary Matthews

    John Randolph

    Steve Frame (again)

    Julia Shearer

    Sally Frame

    Quinn Harding

    Frankie Frame

    Bridget Connell

    Ryan Harrison


    • Lee and Bill were the next generation of the 2 core families.  There was so much future story potential for them. I don't know what Robert Cenedella was thinking. Lee could have left town if the character needed a break. Killing Bill to free up Melissa for Somerset was a smart move in the long run eh?
    • Killing Mary Matthews was the equivalent of killing Alice Horton, Kate Martin, Nancy Hughes or Bert Bauer.  The PTB should never have allowed Harding Lemay's to do this. This was the peak of his arrogance and decisions like this are why the core of AW was gutted by the time he left.  Each time the show tried to bring back the Matthews (1981, 1984 and lastly in 1989) they failed.  
    • Killing Steve Frame twice??!  Come on.  Seriously stupid.  I can accept the first time due to the issues with George Reinholt and because a window was left open a crack for his return. The second time was completely unnecessary. 
    • John Randolph wast the most logical choice to take over for Jim Matthews as the wise patriarch of Bay City.  As the longest serving cast member at the time Michael Ryan deserved much more respect than he was given.
    • Julia was yet another young Matthews that was wasted.  Faith Ford got the last laugh though.
    • Sally was popular for a decade. A recast that did not work (mainly because of the writing IMO) should not have lead to the death of a legacy character.  Sally could have simply taken Kevin and left town after finding out Catlin got Brittany pregnant.  
    • Quinn was beautiful, smart, had relationships with half of Bay City and Petronia Paley and James Pickens Jr had off the charts chemistry.  With all the upheaval on AW in the early 80s Quinn managed to stay relevant and one of the few things the show did well during that time period was feature interesting African American characters played by incredibly talented actors. 
    • Frankie Frame - do not get me started.
    • Not only was Bridget the only character in her age group she was played by a soap legend. Typical JFP move.
    • Ryan's body could have not been found or he could have been shipped off to a long term care facility. There was no need to kill him onscreen.  Lazy writing.





  7. 1 hour ago, dc11786 said:

    Efulton I've also started watching "Texas" from the beginning recently. I'm a little bit farther than you are (first week of October, 1980). I really enjoy it. Mike Marshall's suicide really allows the Corringtons to use those Southern Gothic flourishes that they excel at. I think Mike's death really propelled the show, it's just a shame that it wasn't included in the first week worth of episodes. If it was up to me, I think I would have made the concluding episode of the 90-minute "Another World" reach its ending with Sheik Zeidi in surgery with the assassination plot underway and use that story to propel the story on Monday. This way, Mike Marshall's suicide could be the first Friday cliffhanger. Also, I think I would have had Monday, August 4th episode of "Another World" end with Iris getting on the plane and episode 1 of "Texas" start with Iris arriving in Houston. 

    I have not seen the Another World episodes leading up to the launch of Texas since they first aired. I just remember really not liking the 1.5 episodes in general.


    1 hour ago, dc11786 said:

    I think the first week is clunky at times. The Kevin / Courtney romance is flawed. I haven't decided if I love or hate the twangy theme they use for these two. I find Lee Patterson incredibly gruff, which I think is intended, but he doesn't seem to crack enough around Courtney to make Kevin seem like a viable romantic lead. I know Patterson was a big deal on "One Life to Live," but I don't think it works here. With that said, I actually think I like Kevin more than I liked the bits I've seen recently of his Tom Dennison later in the decade on "One Life to life." I do find Patterson seems a bit more at ease with Elizabeth Allen as Victoria, but I wouldn't want a romance there. I just really like the friendship between Victoria and Kevin. 

    I completely agree with you about Lee Paterson. Kevin is constantly miserable. I guess that is the point since he wants to get out of his marriage to Reena and return no Bay City. I also find that in his scenes with Elizabeth Allen (who I love!) he relaxes and shows some warmth. It's too bad there is not more of that.

    1 hour ago, dc11786 said:

    I think the biggest revelation to me in all of this is Robert Gerringer who seems sort of flat character as Striker, but who has such a deeper inner life than I ever could imagine. The sequences where Striker learns that his beloved Vicky has been cuckolding him for years with his good friend Alex Wheeler are mesmerizing. Allen and Gerringer are amazing together as they play those confrontation scenes. I like this version of Vicky, deeply flawed, self centered like her daughter, but in love with two men, very appealing. Later in the show's run, I feel all those layers are pulled away. Watching this, I don't see why the show didn't have Victoria go after Grant Wheeler, Alex's brother, and then have Reena pursue Grant for all the years of suffering Victoria caused Reena and Striker. Then again, the later Striker "revelations" don't seem to fall in line with anything that is going on right now. 

    I have not seen these episodes yet but they sound great. I am looking forward to them.


    1 hour ago, dc11786 said:

    really like the set up of Billy Joe and Nita. Nita is a woman who is coming into her own and no longer needs a man like explosive Billy Joe, yet she is drawn to a man, Rikki Dekker, who is drawn to a similar level of danger. I like Billy Joe pursuing Elena because she is Rikki's sister, but I don't see how this is going to turn into the sort of romance I have seen between the two down the line. I also was surprised that the Corringtons went into Billy Joe's damaged psyche mentioning how Billy Joe was protecting his siblings growing up, implying he also may have been abused by his daddy, and making veiled comments about what he learned form the cops in prison. Like Victoria, I'm not sure how I'll find the later version of Billy Joe more appealing. 

    I love Nita. I think I remember Billy Joe sexually assaulting someone and not liking the character for the rest of the show's run but I may be remembering that wrong.


    1 hour ago, dc11786 said:

    Dawn and Dennis are pretty standard fare. Kimmel is super green. Poyner appears to be playing the material just as if it was Tom King's slow, talky "Another World." I did appreciate Dennis running around in his shorts while answering the phone when Iris called. I also get the angle they are going with Dawn and Dennis, an impulsive young love like Alex and iris. I just don't care about insolent Dawn. 

    I have only seen a couple episodes with Dawn and yes she does seem super green.


    1 hour ago, dc11786 said:

    Funny, I disagree with you on Joel Corodner and Catherine Hickland. Hickland is incredibly green, and I find Courtney to be uninspiring with Hickland's performance. I cannot disagree with others who say it hurts Courtney's character that she has no scenes with the other Marshalls. I didn't remember that initially the Marshall ranch was quite distance from Houston so I get some elements of it. Depsite this, Bart has made it out to the ranch twice to visit with Kate, while Courtney hasn't even managed a phone call home. The disconnect from the Marshall family is a serious problem especially since the show seems to be pitting Courtney vs Reena with Reena in a pretty ongoing friendship with Courtney's brother Justin. In terms of a character construct, I'm interested in Courtney. She's the brain. The smart one in the family who has never experienced life. Even in terms of her relationship with Kevin there are some intriguing angles. Kevin won't leave Reena, who he doesn't love, because she might lose Striker, her father, while Kevin's much more okay leaving Courtney, who he does love, who has actually lost her father. 

    There is something about Jole/Bart that gets on my nerves. I have not enjoyed any of his scenes so far. Maybe that will change. I suspect Catherine Hickland's stunning beauty may be blinding me from seeing her less than stunning acting skills. 🙂


    I sent a link of episode 1 to my cousin. It made her year.  We used to play Hitopah as kids.  lol

  8. I just watched the first 10 episodes of Texas after not seeing them since they first aired when I was 8 years old.I have to say I really enjoyed them and Iam looking forward to the next batch.I’ve read on this message board how the original setup was weak but I have to disagree.The original families - the Bellman’s (Striker, Victoria, Reena, Kevin, Samantha & Bart), Marshall’s(Kate, Mike, Justin, Paige, Dawn, Courtney, Ginny & Steven), Dekker’s (Maggie, Max, Rikki, Terry & Elena), Wheeler’s (Alex, Ryan + soon to be Iris & Dennis) and the Wright’s (Billy Joe & Nita) were interestingly intertwined and each family had unique dynamics. Most of the casting was spot on with several bright lights - Josephine Nichols (Kate), Jerry Lanning (Justin), Lisby Larson (Paige), Catherine Hickland (Courtney), Barbara Rucker (Ginny), John McCafferty (Billy Joe), Carla Borelli (Reena), Elizabeth Allen (Victoria) and Randy Hamilton (Rikki).It’s unfortunate that Lanning, Larson, Borelli and Hamilton never found another successful soap role.And damn Jim Poyner (Dennis) was cute and had leading man potential.Another World was shortsighted in not bringing him back to Bay City.

    Mike Marshall’s suicide, Iris being reunited with the first man she ever loved and the revelation that Alex is Dennis’ father drove story and shook up the canvas.


    I get some of the criticism - Iris losing her edge, Bart, Max and Clipper being annoying as hell and it was definitely more traditional and boring in comparison to its competition Guiding Light and especially General Hospital.


    But if you are looking for a classic soap to watch with big characters, big sets and big hair I say give Texas a shot.



  9. On 10/30/2020 at 9:34 PM, Xanthe said:


    Thanks. Was it a good idea to resurrect Steve and pair him with Rachel? My recollection of that period is dim,  and I just remember feeling more comfortable when Rachel was with Mac. 

    I recently rewatched 1981 on YouTube and I thought the setup for Steve’s return was well done.  Alice had returned to Bay City with Sally then got engaged to Mac.  Jamie felt that he had been replaced at Cory Publishing and in Mac’s  life by Sandy.  Rachel was debating moving away with Mitch and was not happy about Alice and Mac being together.  Steve returned and caused drama for all of them.  If George Reinholt and Jacqueline Courtney had returned as Steve and Alice I think it could have worked.  Corinne Jacker replacing L. Virginia Brown as head writer soon after Steve returned wrecked things as well. 

  10. 57 minutes ago, Xanthe said:


    Sure -- but they didn't give any of them to Judy Dewey. She seemed to exist only as a supporting character in Sandy's life (with a little bit of supportive sister to Larry and Catlin). She didn't have any personal goals or desires separate from the Corys, as far as I remember. If they liked Judy Dewey as an actress rather than just a tool for keeping Chris Rich on the show they could have given her all kinds of opportunities.

    Did Laura Malone's Blaine interact with Donna? I remember Donna clinging to Sandy as a protector and Judy Dewey's Blaine seeming peeved about it, but not any other kind of rivalry between Blaine and Donna.

    Valid points.  I only remember Judy Dewey and Anna Stuart having snarky interactions.  I don’t recall scenes between Laura Malone and Anna.  There may have been but I don’t recall.

  11. On 10/23/2020 at 8:22 PM, Xanthe said:


    She didn't really have any relationships to other characters or role other than Wife to Sandy. 

    I would disagree.  Both of Blaine’s brothers were in in Bay City.  As was her best friend Sally, ex husband  Jamie, in laws the Corys,  rival Donna.  Blaine had many storylines before Sandy and could have after Sandy if the writers wanted to write it.

  12. On 3/23/2011 at 2:46 PM, John said:

    When AW announced Cancelation In April 99 Rumor Has It That Vicky Whydham was so pissed when she left that night that the brass did not think she would show up so they called Marj Dusay who was already to fill in but VW showed up the next day.

    I think the called Marj Dusay when Charles Keating was fired and Ms. Wyndham called in sick.  They did not end up needed her though.

  13. On 7/18/2010 at 11:49 AM, Elsa said:




    Ava Lazar was GORGEOUS and the only Santana for me. Margaret Michaels' version was way too boring and Gina Gallego was so not... glamourous :D I never accepted anybody else until Wanda DeJesus took over. Why do you think she was an bad recast?


    SB was a great show until it became too dark after Eden's rape and all the cast changes ruined the show. By 1989 it was clear that SB was in trouble.

    Ava Lazar was my favourite Santana as well! 

    On 7/18/2010 at 12:09 PM, DRW50 said:


    Do you agree with those who think JFP ruined the show?

    I definitely agree with them!  There is a long list of reasons why but at the top are getting rid of what was left of the Lockridges and Andrades and  focusing too much on Cruz and Eden.

  14. 23 minutes ago, amybrickwallace said:

    For you long time viewers, why do you think Donna was the only member of the Love family (not counting Vicky and Marley) that caught on with the viewers? Reginald, Nicole and Peter were long gone by the time I started watching. 

    John Hutton's Peter Love was interesting and somewhat popular  The recasts and writers changing Peter's personality really ruined the character.  I liked all 3 Nicole's.  I never understood why Lauri Landy only lasted a few months.

  15. 30 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    I tried watching Texas. But 1980-81 is such a chore to watch. During the writers strike in the spring. It gets a little interesting. With the arrival of Chris. Who blackmailed Paige with her porno film. Chris's murder provided some excitement  Not much but some excitement. Texas had a good cast, Interesting characters and good sets. But it was so meh. It's like the writers had no idea. What to do with the characters. No wonder the legendary Beverlee McKinsey. After only a year and a half fled. Lisby Larson really shines. Pam Long was quite a good actors. With real presence and charm. Kin Shriner was completely squandered

    When I rewatch episodes on YouTube I am shocked at how boring many of them are.  I like the cast though.  Two of my favourite soap stories are from Texas -  Hi-to-pah and Ashley getting washed away in a flash flood and being returned to her family at Christmas by angel.  I was only 10 years old when I watched those stories so...

    1 hour ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    I think she went to New York to expand her boutique business and divorced Billy Joe

    Thanks.  I remember Billy Joe but I have no memory of Nita.

    5 hours ago, Neil Johnson said:


    If I'm not mistaken, Maggie Dekker was not written out, she just stopped appearing.  It's too bad, because the original writers (the Corringtons) had set up a mystery regarding the Dekkers and the Marshalls (probably regarding the parentage of Rikki Dekker) that was only alluded to -- and Maggie seemed to know the truth.   But when Maggie stopped appearing, whatever secret she held went with her, never to be mentioned.   

    Ricky Dekker!  😍

  16. Hey Texas fans I am hoping you can help me out with a few questions I have.


    • Was Nita Wright (played by Ellen Maxted) Billy Joe Wright's (played by John McCafferty) wife or sister?  And how was the character written off the show?
    • How was the character of Maggie Dekker (played by Shirley Slater) written out?
  17. 51 minutes ago, j swift said:

    Not only was Jamie's age in suspended animation, but he also seemed to have forgotten any of the lessons he learned from being in a triangle with Blaine and Sandy.  One would think that after his history with Blaine, Jamie would have learned to listen to his mother when some new vixen claims he fathered her baby.  Also, in the creepy-but-never-mentioned file, he dated Vicky's aunt Nicole back in the day. 

    Jamie never learned a lesson in his life!  For clarification Jamie was in a triangle with Cecile and Sandy.  Jamie and Blaine were long over before she got involved with Sandy.  Unless I’ve forgotten them getting back together before Richard Bekins left. 

  18. 2 minutes ago, j swift said:

    One last thought from Donna's introductory scene - I really liked Jennifer Runyon's Sally. 


    I am more familiar with Mary Page Keller's performance because that was the period that I watched the most, but in re-watching this scene I admire Ms. Runyon's take on the character.  Runyon's Sally is spunky and had the chutzpah to spare with Donna.  Keller's Sally was a good heroine/damsel-in-distress but she lacked some of the spark that made connected Sally with her history as a troubled teen.  It is akin to DAYS Hope wherein later writers forgot her subversive nature as a teen and only wrote her as sometimes sleuth and misbegotten Mom. 


    My interpretation was that Donna's disapproval of Sally was motivated by snobbery and protecting Peter, versus any real animosity toward her.  Sally's time with Caitlin was written as he was a bad boy and she was this sweet and innocent girl.  To me, Keller's Sally lacked the wit and self-assurance to battle Donna on her own.   However, if I remember correctly, Sally had already been married, she went through a rebellion period, and she wasn't always nice to those Hobson boys.  So, writing her as a wilting flower forced to choose between Peter and Caitlin was a bit of a character change for such a powerful young woman.  In hindsight, I wish they had stuck with bratty Sally. 

    Mary Page Keller was great as Sally but I LOVED Jennifer Runyon in the role.   

  19. 5 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:
    Oct 1967
    Barbara Rodell enters Another World as actress
    Barbara Rodell didn't have to be brought up to date on the storylines of "Another World" when she was selected by.producer Mary Harris to take over the role of Lee Randolph. "I was a regular viewer of the program for several years before I had any idea I'd ever play in it," says the pert, pretty brunette. The New York-born actress took over the role from Gaye Huston, who left the show after several years to accompany her husband, an actor, to Hollywood. She had previously appeared on the serial "Flame in the Wind" on ABC. She also has played in "The Nurses," J,'The Defenders," "Mr. Broadway" and others. She was seen with Suzy Parker in "Behind the Glass." When Miss Rodell started her career as an actress it was in a Summer stock company in State College, Parshe has appeared in a number of other stock companies and in workshop, but as yet to make it on Broadway. Making of commercials and doing some modeling; has also taken some of her time to date. She "Now that i have this wonderful part in 'Another World I'd love to get something on Broadway. I want to do everything -- TV, films, the theatre, i -just love to act. And I'm willing to take things one step at a time."

    Killing off Lee Randolph and then Bill Matthews were big mistakes by Robert Cenedella.  Both roles could have been recast or brought back later if the actors wanted to return.  They should have been the next generation of the Matthews and Randolph families. 

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