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Posts posted by Y&RWorldTurner

  1. Roger was never a hero though. He had heroic "moments," but his history and battles with his conscious were never whitewashed. To his last day, he was always the town pariah and never part of the establishment - no matter how much he really wanted to be deep inside.

  2. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/r0JTJc67neY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


    Dick Clark, Thank You For Introducing Madonna to The World

    Pop star's appearance on 'American Bandstand' remains one of her most legendary.

    By John Mitchell

    Twenty eight years later, it remains one of the most famous things she's ever said. Asked on "American Bandstand" by TV icon Dick Clark, who died on Wednesday at the age of 82, "What do you hope will happen, not only in 1984 but for the rest of your professional life? What are your dreams? What's left?" Madonna answered simply, famously and with characteristic directness.

    "To rule the world," she said without hesitation. And that's what she went on to do ... well, the pop world anyway.

    She was on "Bandstand," ostensibly, to perform "Holiday" and promote her self-titled debut, which was released a few months earlier in the summer of 1983, but in retrospect it feels like she was really there to prepare the world for what was coming. Like a Virgin dropped later that same year, and with its release Madonna went from being a well-liked and charismatic pop tart with a few radio hits to the most famous female singer on the planet.

    The "Bandstand" crowd went wild for then-25-year-old Madonna's performance, and Clark had a hard time getting a word in. When everyone finally settled down, he asked Madonna about her burgeoning career, including her early years in New York and touring Paris with "Born to Be Alive" singer Patrick Hernandez. "He offered me a tour with him as a background singer and a dancer," Madonna told Clark. "So I jumped on that boat and got into the music industry that way and started writing songs, and here I am."

    As news of Clark's passing began to surface, fans started posting the clip all over Twitter and soon enough, Madonna's herself chimed in, posting the video to her Facebook page with the message, "Even though I told him in 1984 that I wanted to rule the world, it's Dick Clark who has ruled the world."

    While "Bandstand" wasn't her first TV appearance and Clark certainly didn't discover Madonna -- she was already climbing the charts with "Holiday," which peaked at #16 the week after she appeared -- her visit to the show feels like the first seminal event in what went on to be one of the most legendary careers in pop-culture history. It's where things really began, months before she took the stage in a wedding dress at the first-ever MTV Video Music Awards.

    It's also a real showcase for the Madonna many fans love most. Playful, natural, beautiful and — most importantly — brimming with confidence, it's no surprise the emerging pop star on display on "Bandstand" that night went on to score 38 top tens, more than any performer in music history, 12 #1 singles and eight #1 albums, the latest of which, MDNA, debuted in the top spot 28 years, two months and 20 days after her visit to "American Bandstand."

    Today, many will be looking back on Dick Clark's many achievements and dissecting the almost immeasurable impact he had on music and television, and we'll remember for how genuinely excited he seemed to be talking to a little-known disco singer on January 14, 1984. His decision to invite her on that night quite literally changed the face of pop music forever, and for that we will always be thankful.

  3. Is there something I'm missing about Denise Alexander?

    Probably an unpopular opinion, but I don't understand why she was so popular at her height on both GH and DAYS. I don't think she's that great of an actress or pretty to look at...

  4. I think Patsy's always been full of crap and has never really been loyal to the show. She's always made it clear she sees it as her meal ticket.

    She only came back in December, after having a year off, and 5 months later, she's already taking 6 months off.

    I don't mind it with Charlie or Lindsey, as they've never slanted the show while they were off of it like Patsy did (though Lindsey did say at one point she never saw herself playing Carol again) in the past. They're also not prone to taking back to back breaks.

  5. Oh, the episode where Mandy looses poor Rolly and he ends up dead. Sharon blames Grant for it all though...

    The Greek-looking girl that played Janine is in this episode too.

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/BQ5MO4AbmwY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/683OFPUiSkc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    The follow-up episode ends with the Jazzy version of Julia's Theme in scenes between Ian and Cindy:

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/8m0K_xCnthM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/NaOpgzoVndA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    I'll always have a soft spot for Nigel. He was one of those loser-type characters down on his luck constantly, but there was a genuine niceness about him that wasn't forced.

  6. That offer with the tour tickets really helped first week sales, it's on her for not promoting the album at all though. A lot of people didn't even know she had a new album out, as she did no mainstream interviews or press for it.

    I think she just focuses on touring above all else in her career at this point, but I guess that's where the money is in this dying music business.

  7. Patsy and Lindsey are taking a 6 month break off the show.

    I can maybe understand Lindsey, though she hasn't done much since January, but Patsy just came back from a year off. Not that Patsy's ever been loyal to the show anyway...

    It's probably for the better, as Bianca has been an annoying runt since she got out of prison.

    Janine is the only character whose extended break will seriously impact the show, as she's become such a vital character.


  8. Hung Up was a massive hit and #1 globally, and has some type of record for hitting #1 in most global markets.

    But that type of music wasn't in at US radio at the time, and Madonna was over 45 (and ageism does exist on American radio), so it was never going to be a massive US hit.

  9. The fact that she had those couple of top 10 hits on the Hot 100 during the 2000's is actually impressive though. No one else from her generation or age group was even making the top 20 at that point. She's held up well for an artist whose first album was released in 1983.

    Thanks in part to her her advanced age, she can pretty much know that her career has as a singles artist has met a natural end. She'll never really be able to compete with those half her age or get substantial radio airplay again. But of course, worldwide, for the most part, her singles can still be top 10 or #1 hits. I guess that's just a different ballgame though.

    She's squarely an albums artist and a touring artist at this point in her career.

  10. The Revealed episodes tend to be narrated by random people, usually former stars of the show. There's never been a standard host.

    The Heather one was narrated by Josie Long, who has no connection to the show, but is a comedian.

  11. I don't mind the Mitchell's during their first 5 years or so on the show. Phil and Grant were actually quite goofy and light-hearted characters in the beginning (which is apparent in the episode I just posted).

    But by the late 90's, they were getting tired and really started to dominate the show.

  12. I think this episode is from 1990 is from Grant and Phil's second week on the show:

    And damn, Michelle Collins always looked so much older than Adam Woodyatt, and Peter Dean was always a terrible actor.

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pU8BTpTuyQA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/8yA9kWwTEh0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/5vr1GKv2diI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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