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Posts posted by truenorth

  1. I appreciate the positive thoughts--it's good encouragement to TRY and see this differently. I don't feel very positive, just sad that Luke is going. I don't have much else to say, yet, and repetition is undoubtedly boring to everyone else.

    I'm also away from home still, until next week, so I'll be posting again regularly, after that.

    I'm in NY, getting a new guide dog! It's excellent distraction from GH, which seems a good thing, at the moment. My new furry love is a black lab named Pearl.

  2. Halee, you're a star! Thank you! That's all I need to see--the rest I can read about in a recap. (I like to save Tracy's scenes, too.)

    I don't know what to make of Paul, yet. He talks as if it's not possible to visit Dillon, anywhere but in PC! :)

    I wondered why Tracy didn't just walk away, and not engage with him, at all. If this weren't a show that requires interaction, I'm sure that's how she would have dealt with this.

  3. Halee, thanks for giving us some Tracy, on a day when GH didn't. Those are some great clips (new to me). Very powerful scenes, with Edward, and then Lila--I liked how she held E. responsible, in part, too.

    Will you post them on Youtube? They should be there.

    Hi, PartyPerson. I hope you speak up more often; I really enjoy reading everyone's thoughts. And good luck with your writing.

    I really need to get working on mine, again, but the news of Luke's impending departure seems to have zapped my motivation. It's all just too sad for words. I'm sure dreaming up some fic might help, actually, if I let myself think about it.

  4. "I cannot imagine what you want, but Vegas is THAT way."

    Ha! She has the best lines.

    "If I were you I'd run like hell for the hills, because after the last few days I've had, I am itching for a fight."

    She misses Avery. And misses Dillon too. Aww, my poor Tracy.

    Mentioned Franco, too. Sometimes, it takes very little to make me happy. LOL

    And in Laura's very own, very clear words: "My marriage to Luke was over a long, long time ago. ... I really want to put that chapter of my life to rest."

  5. Oh, good! Tracy and Ava should be fun. (I'm ready for Ava/Denise to lose that accent, though!)

    I wish Michael hadn't handed Avery back to Sonny. Why not just let him visit? If the point was to keep Avery safe, she still needs that.

    And she'll miss her auntie Tracy. :)

    How many relocations/kidnappings has the poor baby lived through, now, in the six months of her life? Good thing it's not real!

  6. Sayeth MsQ:

    >the Quartermaines finding out LuNacy were married was the first time Luke called Tracy "Angel,"

    He said it more than once? Aww. I do remember the 2010 "Angel". I loved it. I'm sure lots of other people didn't. Ha!

    Since you brought up the endearments/nicknames, silly though it may be, that's one of the little things I'll really miss,

    when Luke's gone - no more Spanky. We haven't heard him say it much, this last year. Just a few Sweethearts, from Fluke.

    I'd like to know how they came up with Popsicle, of all things!

    >air date was 2/7/11.

    Wow, you found that quickly! That's my birthday. And a very funny clip, too!This cracked me up:

    Tracy: "I'd rather sleep in a snakepit!"

    Luke: "I can get snakes."

    Also how she stumbles over explaining how Maya is related to her.

  7. MsQ, as everr, thank you so much for being kind enough to describe the pic!

    As for today's ep, okay, so no news about Lucky. Why isn't someone assuming this is all a hoax? Why isn't Luke anxious to call Tracy, and tell her everything?

    I finally ordered some of Jen's DVDs, which should be here next week! Yay! I have an 8-hour flight to endure, next Saturday (the 4th. Oh, what fun!) so I hope to be able to take them along to pass the time. I hate to travel!

  8. Possibly I skimmed something important with Ned/Olivia--I don't care for her--but I never miss JE's scenes, and we never saw Ned tell Tracy or anyone at the Q's that the baby wasn't his, or even that it supposedly died. He just abruptly left town.

    I keep expecting Tracy to call and demand to know where Ned is, and why he's absent, when he should be helping to deal with this ELQ situation. WK doesn't have to be there, for that, but it's a little detail that would tie up loose ends. And it would be nice to give the impression that Tracy stays in touch with her sons, when they're away from PC.

    It would also have been a nice gesture for Michael to have said to Nik that Ned prepared him well, for running ELQ (when N. was going on, yesterday, about how much Michael could learn from him, the experienced businessman.)

  9. Thank you, MsQ, for the instructions for the FB and Twitter phobic among us. LOL

    And for the little tidbits--Michael taking down Edward's picture. How very sad.

    I'm not sure if there's more than one EW article, but the one I saw didn't even mention Jane, when naming cast members who were there for his last day. Unbelievable! (and I couldn't get the video clip to play--I even updated Flash, but no luck. Was she in that?)

    Nothing much to comment on, today, except, when will Luke wake up from this bad dream? :) Just say he's just been released from the hospital, and everything from the first week of June can be a crazy hallucination...with the exception of Dillon's presence. *sigh* I just felt so aggravated, after today's ep, that TG's last few weeks of screen time are being squandered with this crap, when Luke could be at home. They didn't even allow Luke and Tracy even a measly week of peace, before this started.

    It would have made more sense for Lulu to be the one in peril. Who cares about Lucky; he hasn't been seen in three or four years.

    I can't believe Luke didn't insist on proof that Lucky was alive, and actually in trouble! Lucky could just be on vacation! The Fluke SL wasn't even this ridiculous!

  10. ILTQ said:

    >much like Jane, I really don't do the social media thing, so if I wanted to see what others are saying about Jane or Tracy

    on Twitter, how would

    I search for it?

    >Yes, I am that unsophisticated.

    Me too. If anyone's willing to summarize what you see out there, I'd appreciate it, I'm mildly curious. :) I don't use

    either site (they don't play nicely with my screenreader, and besides, I just don't much see the point of them.) I'm kind

    of relieved JE doesn't post to them, because then I'd drive myself crazy trying to figure out how to participate, or

    feeling bad that I can't. Fewer sites to keep track of is good!

    >It irks me that people use the excuse that Luke is always

    leaving town, as proof he doesn't love Tracy, when they know he'd be leaving anyone he was with.

    Yeah, that really gets under my skin! Luke will be Luke, no matter who he loves.

    I read one other msg board, and there are a couple of truly obnoxious GF/Laura fans (and one who weirdly seems to have it

    in, personally, for TG, which mystifies and irritates me). She constantly mentions the Edward's heart medication incident,

    from 1981, to illustrate what an evil thing Tracy is--as though she hasn't watched anything of Tracy, since then. Today she

    said that Luke turning into Fluke was down to Tracy's influence! If he had been with Laura, the very same incidents would

    have happened, because that's the SL they wanted to write. I'm not going to bother engaging in debates. I don't have the

    energy for a losing cause.

    Seems that newer GH fans are bored by the Luke/Laura scenes. They...we...I have to count myself in that bunch... don't

    remember the great adventures of the past, so this reunion of sorts means very little. I have a chuckle, every time I read

    such a sentiment.

    I haven't watched many of the 90s clips with Paul, but he betrayed Tracy, and imo he is just boring; perhaps I'd feel

    differently, if I'd seen the progression of their SL. (and since voice is all I have to judge by, his does nothing, for

    me--he's not attractive, imo. LOL Luke and Ashton, and even Joe, on the other hand...)

    I hope the next love interest will be someone entirely new. There's no one around, currently, who I want to see Tracy with

    (please God, just not Sloane!) There's no one I like, much, except Franco.

    Jennifer (impostor Jennifer, even--it's not the same actress, right?) I didn't think it was possible to introduce anyone

    nuttier than Heather or Nina! What writer thought this disgusting twist was entertaining? Will Luke even be able to... no I

    CAN'T think about that.

    Damn that flighty Lucy! Can't wait to hear what Tracy has in store for her, today. :)

  11. Oh, Dillon! Why?!

    Wouldn't it be terrific if Tracy, on her own, came to the conclusion that there's more to this than she's been told? She's been living with Luke and his family and enemies for long enough now, that this should occur to her as a possibility. Because this just does not make sense, otherwise! Sooner or later, she should realize that.

    I'd love it to be Tracy, who has some key part in helping them fix this... whatever it is. But I just want JE involved in everything. LOL

  12. MsQ, regarding the ELQ shares, Sloane (who I can't stand, btw, he always sounds to me like he's reciting lines, not at all natural) told Nikolas yesterday, that he got BrookLynn's shares, by threatening to make it known that Olivia's baby is alive; Brooklyn was looking after the baby, apparently.

    And I agree with the rest of you--I just adore this Dillon! He's my hero. :)

    He should have simply gone off and told Tracy what he found out, instead of TELLING Luke that that was his intension. Announcing it only ensures that someone will talk him out of it, or stop him, in some other way. It's such an aggravating, common occurrence, on GH. Act, don't talk!

    I miss Ned.

    Oh yes, because each of them has such a strong personality, I'd love to see Je/Tracy in scenes with Ava, Nina or Dr. O. Franco, too. Any of these combinations would be comical, and pure gold. ... I just think Ava's too dangerous, and I don't want Tracy in the Jeromes' orbit. Liesl is the best option; clever writers could make it work.

    Hmm, maybe Nina can befriend Laura. They have that coma thing in common. LOL

  13. MsQ said:

    >I am confused as to who would kidnap Lucky and then demand Luke and Laura pretend to be together?

    Maybe a de-SORASed Lulu? :)

    It is SO lame! Getting more far-fetched by the minute.

    Did Laura really get such a phone call, and if so, why would she take seriously what sounds to me like a prank call? Oh, it's PC, where everything is life or death.

    Or is this about Tracy? Who would want her free, this much?

  14. MsQ, good observation, re the music in the scenes with Dillon/Tracy. I didn't notice, and I usually catch such things.

    I love Tracy's relationship with Lulu, and hope this continues, also. But it's lovely to have Dillon here, and to see him caring so much that his mother's been hurt.

    Tracy and Alice don't have a friendship, exactly, IMO. Tracy confides in her on rare occasions, but I don't think they could have any but occasional, casual interaction, since Alice is an employee, and her loyalties shift. Could you ever truly trust someone who's willing to put you in a sleeper hold?

    I have a hard time imagining Sabrina as Tracy's friend--though she does need one! I liked their scenes, and if this is the direction they take it, that would be nice for Tracy. At least Sabrina is kind, and not by nature a schemer. :) She's a bit timid, and Tracy might get impatient with that type of personality (or maybe that's just me!).

    Now, Tracy and Dr. O. comparing notes might be fun. :)

  15. I don't think Monica's been seen since Thanksgiving. 11-26-2014.

    I'd like to see her, too. Michael and Avery have moved in since the last sighting. Tracy and Luke, as well. Surely, Monica must have some choice comments, on any of this. :)

    Good that Lulu and Dillon badgered Luke into a tiny bit of a confession. I'm just beyond happy, today, that Luke finally admitted he was lying! Now make it right, and quick!

    tVfan4life, I don't actually believe that's a serious question, because obviously, LuNacy fans--well, maybe I should just speak for myself--don't want them to finish on a sour note of misunderstanding.


  16. Yeah, that's a given. :) He will. :) And a lot of us, too, I imagine. She'll be easier to tolerate, once Luke's out of the picture. I'll try to be more open-minded, when it comes to her--if I'm still watching.

    But what is so special about this woman? I don't see it. I'm sure viewing the 80s era clips might answer this, but I just can't.

  17. HookedonhGH, thank you for shedding some light on this SL.

    I hope these scenes aren't the last of LuNacy; I hope he will try to make amends. She can regretfully tell him it's too late, that she won't ever be put through something like this, again, but I want them to end on better terms.

    I hoped Luke might have a hand in reclaiming the ELQ shares, but there's probably not enough time, for that.

  18. Well gee, nothing like getting your heart ripped out, on a Tuesday afternoon.

    This whole business is so fishy, I can't believe nobody's questioning the obvious--that no one can switch on and off his feelings, in the space of five minutes! I guess Dillon tried.

    It HAS to be that there's some menace, and Luke believes secrecy will protect everyone.

    Even if that's the case, at the moment, I hope Tracy never listens to a word of Luke's, again, and doesn't even think about taking his sorry, faithless butt back!

    He should trust her, with whatever it is. At the very least, why can't he assure her that he will explain, in due time?

    Once the emotional shock has passed, I hope she'll be suspicious and sharp enough to see beyond this, and demand to know the real story--and it's not that Luke suddenly remembers he loves Laura. Tracy knows him, and the last ten years haven't been a lie. So either Fluke is in control again, or some other fiasco is afoot.

    Parents or no, if I were Lulu, I'd have said how ashamed I feel, of both of them, and then cut them off. Luke and Laura can't treat people this way, and still expect to be respected and embraced.


  19. You're right, that was some very satisfying dialogue! I especially liked the bit about Laura playing the ultimate damsel in distress. Ha! Luke seemed annoyed to see her, too. :)

    If all they're going to do is rehash the question of who Luke belongs with, then I'm starting to look forward to him being gone; at least anything else they do with Tracy (short of forgetting she exists) can't bother me, this much!

    But putting that aside, calming down a little, I'm sure they have to have more in store, than that. Sons in danger, or something, Luke will have to go off and deal with some contrived adventure. Business, as usual.

    I haven't been able to read any other threads about yesterday's ep; I can't yet stomach the glee of the Laura fans. I'm such a coward. LOL

  20. If this parting has to happen, I too would prefer it to be Tracy's choice. Or I'd rather there be no question as to his relationship status at all, and have him killed off, or be ill and die...anything, but what it seems they're doing.

    Maybe Laura is really Helena in disguise, and she's employing some mind control tactic. Better a ridiculous SL than a painful one.

  21. Well, I did think the hostility at Laura's appearance (on the part of characters, I mean) was a bit uncalled for. She's popped into town before, without this sort of reaction. Couldn't someone just offer her a chair and a drink, or something, and diffuse things--not indulge the drama of the scene?

    And why the heck COULDN'T Luke be with Tracy, at the end of his story? This is a ten-year long relationship, just as valid as anything else.

    Sickening, the way everyone kept talking about Laura staking her claim. what claim, for God's sake?!

    Why couldn't Luke just say he'd call her after the party? The next day? Send Lulu to find out what the damned emergency is!

    I am heartbroken, and that's no exaggeration.

    Oh...and last week, why weren't people surprised at the news of the engagement, in the first place? So much emphasis on the quick engagement, when the reaction should have been, What?--But they're already married, aren't they?

    This stupid, stupid show!

  22. Well, I do rather relish the idea of Laura in prison, forever after. :)

    I thought they weren't killing him off, that they were leaving the door open for a return (although that's unlikely). I don't want Luke to choose to leave Tracy and his family, so maybe they can leave him in a coma. They are fond of recycling ideas. It certainly sounds like he's saying goodbye, to everyone he shares a scene with, these last few days.

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