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Posts posted by truenorth

  1. Yes, I anticipated an update on how the operation went, today. Shame!


    I thought yesterday's ep should have closed when they took Tracy away, after her final line. That would have been a moving end to the show, even the week, had it been a Friday.


    Why hasn't Rachel stopped by the hospital to check in? She was concerned and there at the start, talking to Dillon, so I'd expect her to spare a minute to follow up.

  2. That's a great article; thanks for the link, msQ and HookedonGH. I just love JE's confidence and the personality that comes through in every word she says. But...I've never been a fan of Elvis, at all, so don't want to think about that! LOL


    Is it just me, I wonder, or did the question about her so-called lack of education strike anyone else as exceedingly rude? "Do you regret not being educated?" I would never ask such a thing of someone I respected, or anyone, really, in such a way! But maybe the fact of it being in print, and missing the vocal inflection makes it seem out of line.


    But what a missed opportunity to see some great acting, with the ATWT job falling through. How sad. I watched ATWT in the mid 90s, and what amazing stuff it would have been, and what fun, to have seen JE and Elizabeth Hubbard's Lucinda character in scenes together! *sigh*

    As for GH currently, I'm so eager to see smug, and boring-as-hell Nikolas get every drop of the comeuppance he deserves! Can't happen soon enough, for me. :)

    I haven't been watching for decades, but to me, Anna working with Sonny feels incredibly wrong and out of character, and I can't stand these scenes...maybe just because I despise Sonny so thoroughly, and am not happy with any situation that forces me to endure him. LOL Far too much time is devoted to him, and other characters defending his vile actions and questionable motives. It's disgusting!

    Also, why, all of a sudden, is Dillon receptive to Paul's presence, and why is he willing to risk Paul upsetting Tracy? Paul is not a source of support for Tracy! Makes no sense to me, and I absolutely adored Ned's vehement reaction to this, yesterday, it was the best part of the show. I love Ned!!

    The fact that no one's thought to wonder about Ashton continues to really annoy me. Just a throw-away remark about him would satisfy--someone wondering if he's suffering somewhere, too. Was this business planned, or is Ashton ill or dying from this?

    So, it's apparently okay to name Luke other times, but no one comments on possibly trying to reach him to inform him of this catastrophic thing that Tracy's going through? Furnish some explanation for this omission, because he would care, no matter what happened last summer. With a little creativity in the writing, people who aren't on the show don't need to essentially just drop off the face of the earth.


  3. Hookedongh, or anyone who can answer, do you know if they usually post interviews on the TVguide site? I hope so; I'm seeing this a little late, and I really would like to read it.


    I am not happy M.Easton has returned, and I want Dr. surly Mayes back as Tracy's doctor! :)

  4. Thanks for digging up the various spoilers, MsQ. I'm so excited Ned's coming back! I guess that'll be the 28th.


    These all sound like excellent upcoming scenes, if they can give her more than 3 mins of screen time! A heart-wrenching SL deserves that, and Je deserves that.


    I wouldn't mind if they just never reference this Monica/Ned thing again, though. Seems like it happened far too long ago to be a topic for anyone. On the other hand, any Ned airtime is great, and I'd rather rehash that than see him with Olivia. :)


    I'm all for Jason and Q's bonding. less Sam makes me happy. :) yeah, I know I can keep dreaming, on that.

  5. Tracy was quite emphatic, telling Dr. Mayes that she's MISS Quartermaine. :)


    She should have told Dillon the truth, though. Paul doesn't need to know, but Dillon should be aware. She could have asked him to stay, after Paul left.


    Oh, I can't wait to see Ned, too, MsQ! New Dillon makes the character more likeable, IMO (maybe it's just that he's no longer a teenager, and therefore more interesting to me), but Ned is my favorite of tracy's boys.


    I also miss seeing Lulu/Tracy interaction, and that they've dropped that connection doesn't make sense. There have been matters to discuss, with Dillon's part in the Lulu/Dante/Valerie saga.


    I agree ILTQ, Sam and co. always get far too much air time. It bores me to tears! If I have to watch St. Jason, why can't he explore his Q side, and spend a little time with the rest of his family? ?


    And thanks! The wedding was Monday, the 29th. :) We just had about 20 people, and had it in the garden of a historic hotel (the Menger in San Antonio...which is said to be haunted. Maybe I had more than 20 guests? Haha). It was low key and perfect.


    Although I was a bit tired, because my sister--who I rarely get to visit with--kept me out until 3AM, the night before, gossiping and having "one drink." Ha! Her one glass of wine turned into a few. I had a martini (in honor of our friend, of course, LOL...and because I do like them. One is usually enough for me. Anyway, everything went well, I'm just a bit let down to be back home in the cold and rain.



  6. BRING IT ON is right! Finally, a deep story for her!


    And the brusque Dr. Mays is back! I thought he would be someone Tracy might appreciate, but then he wasn't seen again.


    I liked Hayden/Rachel's concern for Tracy, and her little conversation with Dillon.

  7. There should be no single star of the show. Grr!


    I'm 43, and I enjoy the older characters more than younger ones, but I think that would have been true if I had watched in my 20s, too. Complicated backstory and history makes a character more sympathetic and interesting. However, all of it depends on writing, and if they wrote exceptionally well for a 22 year old character or couple, I'd tune in.


    As it is, it's a sweeps week, and all I've done is read summaries, to see if JE's been on, which would make it a day to watch. I do think things have improved with the new writers, but not enough. I will just never be a fan of mob SLs! Why haven't we had any Q-centric activity, this week?


    re last Tuesday, I hoped Monica would realize that something was off with Tracy.

  8. Thank you, MsQ. We're going to get married in Texas--where I'm from--so I'm very eagerly looking forward to five days of sunshine, and a break from the rainy, cold northwest. :)


    How can they NOT address Tracy's illness, soon... next week?! *furious* Yeah, they don't seem to care about her, or her fans very much, although I don't know why that should be. I'm glad to know she has some good scenes coming up, but at this rate, they'll probably be no more than two minutes in length.

  9. Yeah, I'm not holding my breath for Luke to come back, even for a day, as lovely as that might be. I'll just be happy with Ned, especially if we get scenes with Tracy and both her boys, together!!

    Seemed like what Tracy suffered today could be a stroke. This is going to be so, so  hard to watch, whatever it actually is!

    Well, I'm just relieved no one's suggested Jane's leaving the show!

    MsQ, I'm highly irritated about ME returning, too. I was glad when he left. He's boring! His voice is a monotone. Yeah, I'm bothered by such inconsequential things. :) They should make better use of the people who are already here, and stop bringing in, or bringing back, others.


    I rather like Ava, but as I've probably said, much of that is that I liked her on ATWT. What Ava's doing now is pretty dull, though. I've had more than enough of the constant fighting over baby Avery! Please, send that kid to be adopted out of state, where her biological parents can't find her! But as that won't happpen, I wholeheartedly loathe Sonny, so I hope Avery stays with Ava just to bug the hell out of that smug bastard. LOL


    Kiki can go. Any time. Forever. :) I only THOUGHT I disliked the previous actress's version of Kiki, but I truly can't stand this one. At least the first Kiki (sorry, I'm too lazy to look up her name) had a sort of innocent quality about her, and that was refreshing, among all the mobsters and other less than upstanding citizens. this new girl doesn't have that at all..


    If I could choose to ditch characters, it would be Sonny, Sam and Maxie, in that order. but I think I'm a broken record, on this. :))


    Speaking of dresses, what did Hayden/Rachel's Vegas dress look like?


    I'm getting married on the 29th (couldn't resist that date. Ha), and I'm having a huge panic over what to wear. It's just a courthouse wedding, so nothing TOO fancy, but I should probably have something a little dressy, and I don't have a clue! We've been together for 19 years, and just decided this on impulse a week ago, so this all feels like a bit of a joke, or an afterthought.  


  10. I thought it was just talking to Laura that made Tracy yawn. :)


    Thanks, MsQ. What great spoilers! Well, not that I want Tracy at death's door! But the possible visits from my next most beloved characters... I am overjoyed at the thought! I hope these aren't just rumors.


    What could Ashton's grudge against Tracy be?

  11. Oh, and I liked that she was talking to Ned. (I miss him about as much as I miss Luke.) they should have had her drop in some little detail about what Ned's up to. He only left PC because of Olivia, I think, and that business is mercifully finished. So what's keeping him away?

  12. Ashton?! Ah well, I did kind of enjoy today's scenes--except for that remark about "second honeymoon with Luke". *sob* (If Tracy can move on, why can't I?) ...and shouldn't that be fourth honeymoon... fifth? LOL Love her ckackling over Ashton's tale of getting told off. Ha! And "a certain herbal smoke." 


    I'm not sure whether I even like her yet, but for the wealth of potential SL for Tracy, would love it if Hayden/Rachel turns out to be Tracy's daughter. And please, let her be known as Rachel! Much nicer name.)


    And new fics are posted to ff.net, alternately archiveofourown.org.

  13. Happy 2016, all of you.


    I'm always glad to hear Luke mentioned by name, though it still makes me sad. And also hopeful, for a split second... because when a character is mentioned by name, it usually means we'll see them soon. *sigh* If I could have my wish, I'd be overjoyed to see him back, even for a brief appearance.



    re Laura's request for info about Luke's whereabouts, I'd have preferred Tracy to say that she has in fact been in touch with him. We don't need to see him to know he's still in contact and part of her life, even if it's only by occasional phone call or Skype (we know they know how to Skype, from the Fluke days.) I would expect him to stay in touch with Lulu, as well. A throw-away comment between Tracy and Lulu could cover this, sufficiently.


    I don't expect anything like this, in reality, but I would take this opportunity with Tracy's trip to Mexico, to make use of flashbacks, since we don't have TG himself, and have her process what's happened with Luke... and give fans a better sense of closure than we got. I want to see a bit more creativity!


    Who IS Hayden? I rather liked Tracy and H. sparring. Each of them has met her match, I think. :) I look forward to more of that.


    And what was with the odd comment of Laura's to Tracy, about how T. might find she doesn't mind being alone? Didn't sit well, with me, but then, Laura puts me on edge, anyway. :) Tracy HAS been on her own, often. She isn't in an out of relationships, like say Sam or Liz, so what was that remark about?


    Will we see yesterday's new doctor again? I like him!


    Tracy might like him. :)


  14. Nice Thanksgiving show. And we could actually hear Tracy singing!


    I hope Dillon isn't really leaving. Not the best timing, to mention that to his mother on Thanksgiving. It struck me as painfully sad, what with Ned and Luke leaving this year, too. She doesn't need any other losses! Neither do I! LOL


    I hope all of you enjoyed the holiday.


    I didn't plan very well, and so had to travel the day AFTER Thanksgiving, to Texas to my family. My mom saved me some pie. :) I've been trying to break the ice with my 4-year-old niece, who doesn't remember me! Aww.

  15. THREE days this week! Thanks Sean! that's good news.


    Is Paul actually living at the mansion? Shouldn't he be at the Metro Court, where his phone calls can't be overheard? :)


    I don't expect immediate change with the new writers--although I hope I'm wrong about that--but it did seem that the writing was a touch improved, in the Franco/Kiki/Nina scenes.


    And I didn't mind Hayden today, which is a first. :)


  16. Hooked, here are the lines, from the 9/21 ep. Hearing it makes all the difference, and I'd love to know what Tracy's expression was like, too.

    Maxie: Life is so much better when you have someone to share it with. I mean, yes, you can sit at home with your
    heart padlocked, but where does that get you, aside from alone and bitter? I understand there are extenuating circumstances, like it was only recently
    that Luke broke your heart, but do you regret the time you spent with him?

    Tracy: Luke's the exception to the rule. And Luke Spencer and Paul Hornsby have nothing in common. No offense.

    Dillon: None taken. I'd have to agree. For all of his failings, Luke honestly loved my mother. Correction -- he does love my mother. My dad is a different story. It's actually a relief to see that he
    is a nice, smart, capable guy with a good sense of humor. But let's review what he and my mother have in common. Me, a broken marriage, and, I mean, that's
    pretty much it.



  17. Hi, everyone.

    I'm sorry there's so little to say. JE's had so little air time!

    I'm not crazy about Olivia, but I regret that those scenes were cut; it would have been something different.

    Maxie and Tracy?--utterly ridiculous that Tracy would talk to her about personal matters.

    I'm sick of hearing about Dillon's movie, and am disgusted that Michael's gone back to the dark side. I truly hate mob SLs, I love the soapier stuff that is often missing, so there's just nothing in GH at the moment to tune in for. *grump* (I joked about taking up a British soap, some time back, and now I have. :) Thank goodness for DailyMotion and Youtube! But it all just makes me think about how much better GH COULD be...)

    I'm so disappointed they've chosen this path for Paul. So, has he been in the background, for the last two years? His scenes with Ava on Tuesday could have been just a continuation of Fluke, the next chapter! (I'd prefer Fluke, to this.)

    Dillon's comment, his certainty that Luke still loves Tracy made me cry. I'm glad it was acknowledged, and it was powerful, because really, I keep expecting never to hear his name--out of sight, out of mind. I'd be happy also if they'd make it known that she's still in touch with Luke. We don't have to see or hear him, for that.

    It's tough to move on, when they give us so little to fill the Luke void. And now that we know Paul's motivation for being in PC, I am not interested in seeing Tracy get involved with him, any further.


  18. Hi, Luann. Glad you're here! How long have you been watching GH?

    I'm almost to that point--I haven't watched a full ep in over a month, since TG left. Luke and Tracy were the draw, for me, and I only have a passing interest in other characters and storylines, although I'm hopeful that may change, with input from new writers. I enjoy Franco and Dr. O. and sometimes Ava, quite a lot, but don't think I'd tune in, just for them. But yeah, I'll ALWAYS watch JE's scenes.

    Actually, I've been thinking the same thing, that we should have some central place to find clips and maybe fanfic. I've never created a website, and didn't want to put anyone to trouble, and such a job. But maybe just organizing what we already have, and putting it on Sendspace, permanently (I pay for it), or Dropbox, would be a good idea. It would be helpful to have it, both for any new fan, and any of us trying to work on writing fanfics, with sketchy memories of the show! LOL Youtube is a treasure, but overwhelming, since not everyone is dilligent about labeling clips with dates, and such, so that makes it tough to watch SLs, in order.

    As for fan fiction, I was going to compile links, but I realized that would take ages!

    So for now, for anyone who wants it, here's a large collection of stories about or including Tracy. This is perhaps 100+ stories, or more, I'm not sure. These are my personal favorites, and just what I've saved, for the moment...

    If you don't wish to get that, my suggestions are to seek out stories by DebbieB, Ivy Kendall, RegencyG, Laineybev714, and MS. Quartermaine, just to start with--there are certainly more, beyond that. Browse  fanfiction.net, livejournal and archiveofourown.org. (and be aware that you may see the same stories on multiple sites, but all sites don't necessarily have the most updated versions of those stories.)

    And thank you, this reminder is just the kick in the tail I needed, to get working on my own Tracy story, again! LOL It's on ff.net, but not included in that folder... Seems a bit presumptuous, to put it in. LOL


  19. Another MONTH? Grr!

    I don't understand... Why would TPTB spend money taping scenes, and then scrap them? They know how much air time they have, and how much material will fill it. Why waste what's already done?

    As for today, Dillon DID go to Georgie's funeral, didn't he? I'm almost certain I recall him being in those clips.

    Yeah, I'll probably warm to Paul, in time. Helps that he's a different actor,. :)


  20. Finally, Tracy! What an event!

    Because I knew she'd be there, I watched the ep. I've skipped most of the last month, I just don't care about any of the SLs.

    Nice that Luke was mentioned. I felt a little like crying. It wouldn't be realistic for Tracy to move on, immediately, glad they acknowledged that, even though it's a soap world, and moving on is their business. *sigh* I'd be happy with an occasional line to indicate she's still in touch with Luke.

    I am eager to see what the new writers can do. Hopefully, they'll bring a breath of fresh air to PC.

    Does Carly have a wedding every year? LOL Last year, about this time, she was set to marry Franco. Glad that's over!

    OT - I so wish this site would bring back the mobile page display option. It had much less clutter on each page, and even though I'm on a laptop, I preferred it. I hate change!


  21. Hi, everyone.

    Whew, I was afraid the site would never come back. :)

    And where's our Tracy? Two weeks, and NOTHING? Any spoilerish info, out there? (Did Luke leave a letter for her, too? I guess that's a bit of fanfic, in the making.)

    I saw the chat room link about half an hour too late! Will try again, if people convene, another day. Hopefully it will work for me. That would be so much fun.

    Is there a way to view the mobile version of this site, as before? It was easier... but I don't see the option to change to that, anymore. *grumble*

  22. Impressive list, MSQ. You covered nearly everything! Some of those I haven't seen or even read about. florida? Kidnapping?

    Does anyone have clips they would be willing to share? (Jen's DVDs start with Nov. 2005, and I REALLY want to see what transpired before that, starting with Vegas.)

    2009 - I'd add that scene in June when Luke tells Tracy he's not leaving her for anybody. I think it would have been better if they didn't have an audience for that conversation (Holly was there, I think), but I like it for the emotion behind the words expressed, by both of them.

    And I count 2014 as relevant, even though it was mostly Fluke, since it was always Luke.

    Well, I knew today would be wrenching, there was only one way this could go, and it wasn't Luke and Tracy together. Even knowing what was likely, I still cried. A lot. More comments later; I'm really trying to put it out of my mind, for now, but I had to come see what the rest of you thought, first.

    re pancakes - oh, so now we're going to bash Luke, whenever possible? Luke never made breakfast, yeah, he must have been a terrible husband.

    I just have to say that I hate the phrase "one thing led to another." whenever and wherever I hear it! Find some other way to say it, writers. And I'd be more interested in seeing where this SL with Paul goes, if he and Tracy hadn't slept together the first minute Paul's in town, and before Luke's departure.

    Seems like there's too much revenge and grief sex, on this show. :) I don't really get how the two go together--especially when the people involved are virtually strangers!

    If it had been with Luke, I'd have been okay with it. Grief/break up lovemaking would be understandable, and that would have made me cry, too, but I wouldn't mind. And we didn't get so much as a kiss!

    OT - MsQ, yes! I AM very ready to go home, to introduce the puppy to her new home and her new pack/family (I have a partner, and also another dog), and get back to normal routines. Three weeks is too long to be away. Just five more days!

  23. Oh, and I'll gladly take one of those chocolate chippers. :) And contribute to the luring back of former posters with some homemade gingerbread; Tracy fans probably like a little spice, after all.

    See, I had nothing worthwhile to say. LOL

    Except that I will feel even more cheated if we get only one day of Luke/Tracy, before he leaves.

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