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Posts posted by cuzIsaySo

  1. Thanks amybrickwallace. Thats how i remember it but i was like 10 when it all played out. Did Nick Hartley and Jeffrey Conrad fought over Kelly or was the actor who played Nick already gone by the time the show paired Kelly with Mason's half-brother?

    I always thought Kelly was far better with Dylan in terms of chemistry (what the show did with it is criminal if you ask me) but I also liked her with Nick. Jeffrey was a nice fit but I dont get why Nick and Kelly didnt work out after the Dylan debacle.

  2. What i heard was that the show-runner wanted Doug savant to re-sign and to SWAY HIM they brought in a niece for Matt, ensuring him more airtime (without having to rely on finding him a love interest). It turned out to still be too little too late and Doug savant announced he wasnt re-newing.

    But i may be wrong.

  3. The best were probably MArcia cross and laura leighton but i feel like throwing anne-marie johnson in there cuz i felt she could have held her own for a while had she not been killed off.

    Thomas calabro was a cut above most of his male co-stars but is that really a statement on his skills lol

    I think Kelly Rutherford had skills but she was playing a non character so there was nothing for her to show it.

    The worst was Andrew shue. I dont think he could handle being more than some pool boy with no line. He quit acting altogether didnt he? Smartest move ever.

    I ve seen cutboard with more screen presence than he did.

    Brooke Langton isnt trailing too far behind him as far as worst performer.

  4. I dont necessarily disagree with the end of her stint but overall I feel that DZ was one of the stronger actresses the show has.

    I dont think Merryl streep would have shown up for work either with the garbage they threw at DZ's character in her later years.

    Who did you think was the strongest performers and the weakest, regardless of the plot?

  5. I beg to disagree about Dz. I saw her as Bitchtoria on OTH and she basically made the later seasons worth watching for me.

    I think DZ'S jo was interesting at the beginning and her romance with Jake certainly was something i enjoyed. But towards the end she became a watered-down version of who she used to be. I blame the writing not the skills of DZ as an actress.

  6. I can't say that i particularly enjoy Jo around that time either but i still found her better than towards the end of her run.

    Most of the longtimers were written out after becoming such an island character that removing them from the canvas left little to no impact overall.

    Most characters involved in the Richard Hart arc became unwatchable and meaner that they needed to be. Somewhere along the way the producers mistook spiteful with edgy and bitter for vulnerable.

  7. If the friends-dont-sleep-with-a-friend's-ex rule applied in the MP universe, most characters on this show would have been monks and nuns by the end of season 2 lol

    I didnt like Jo towards the end of her run becuz they made her such an island from the rest of the show just like Jake & Alison (this pairing i really really really loathed). Actually thats something they did to pretty much every member of the old guard when it came time to write them out.

  8. What a disgusting storyline. Glad Roscoe borne decided to walk. I usually hate when actors pull "crap" like that but in that case I applaud him.

    At the risk of sidetracking this thread who was writing at the time? Was it mcTavish? I cant believe they even imagined such a horrible storyline.

  9. I realize that the producers were limited in how much they could show Matt having a full-fledged life but even the steve carrington story on Dynasty was more progressive and it was a decade prior to Matt Fielding.

    I dont blame doug savant for exiting when he did. The show would have spent season five (or was it six) being the rebellous teen police and have no sex to make sure he was a suitable guardian to his niece.

  10. I only watched the first 2 seasons but it redefines mindless fluff. But for some reasons i ended up enjoying it simply becuz it seemed that everyone involved were on in the joke. They knew it wasnt masterpiece theater or re-inventing anything and that the acting was subpar at best. But they seemed dedicated to at least deliver what the product was meant to be.

    Gregory Michaels is the one weak point of the show. For a supposed lead he spent most of the first two seasons wishing he was anywhere but there.

    A crime when you get to portray love/sex scenes with charlie david lol

  11. I think KL initially hired the adults' on-screen kids based solely on how cute they were before they hit puberty. The one that fare the best was Tonya Crowe but at one point the show should have recast the parts of eric and Michael (even though i though he was really cute) to provide them with longetivity potential.

    The eric vs Michael feud could have driven thek show for years and Linda was probably the one thing that made the Fairgate boys interesting.

    Can someone clarify one thing about the Michael/linda story for me. When they first got together behind eric's back she told him that eric was abusive and once hit her. Was it revealed that it was either true or not? I know karen refused to buy what Linda said but i never felt it was definitely explored.

  12. Back then they cut a kiss Matt shared with one of Billy's friend. Matt was the typical asexual non-threatening gay male cliché. I think all of his storylines were about raising a kid as a single gay father or being pissed off as his love interest du jour cuz he wasnt marching in a gay pride parade.

    I dont remember one single storyline involving Matt that wasnt an awkward PSA.

    Matt wasnt a character he was a publiv service announcement.

  13. Sorry, I just thought Pat Petersen couldn't act. :(

    And youre not totally wrong about that lol

    But i think out of all karen's kids he was the less annoying. And i hate saying bad things about the deads but steve shaw was nothing to write home about either.

    You will be happy to know that PP hasnt had a gig in like 20 years though lol

  14. Had the show been about camp it would have worked slightly better. But it was way too serious and french canadian notoriously dont feel too much sympathy for the wealthy so thats why it failed. But it had some good elements.

    Has Dante's Cove been covered in this thread? It was produced by Logo.

    Imagine a cross btwn Queer as folks, Melrose Place and Dark shadow. The acting was mostly inexistent but it starred Tracy Scoggins and Thea Gill as evil witches who tormented a bunch of lesbian, gay and bi characters played by good looking actors hired for their look rather than for their acting abilities.

  15. I didnt get to watch some of the stuff towards the end becuz my local station which broadcast the show in french decided not to air the last couple of seasons so I only watched some later stuff on yt so im unfamiliar with the show towards the end of its run.

    I remember getting so mad becuz they stopped broadcasting with no warning and left most of the storylines that were on-going unresolved. Santa Barbara was a huge hit in Quebec. Loving too. Which has always been fascinating to me. I imagined they would have both been a hit in the US.

  16. i admit that I hated that they didnt delve further in the Williams family dynamic and was sad to see Lynne Moody be written out becuz I wish the show did something with Gary & Pat and maybe Frank & Val (enjoyed both friendships and thought G&P had potential to have a fling).

    But this only highlights how little care primetime in general had for afro-american characters.

    And Pat's death gave some good material for Kent Master and Larry Riley. The if you're going to do it do it right scene is one that stands out in my mind.

    KL in my eyes was one of the best primetime show of that era and I feel it didnt get the recognition that it deserved. So I get why its cast was so protective of it as opposed to say Dynasty or Dallas who garnered more publicity even though KL outlast them all.

    One thing that always disapointed me was that there was no gay character. I understand this being a different time but to me Michael Fairgate coming out to Karen would have been a terrific storyline.

    I always thought Michael was a perfect fit for any coming out storyline. I never bought any of his relationship with any female (even though the Paige/Michael thing was good and I loved Linda) and i always imagined he was deep into denial. Sorry but the way he acted around Johnny Rourke screamed unspoken crush to me.

    Anyone thought that Michael was probably in the closet? That always was my theory.

  17. At one point Michael really should have written off women and hook up with Matt.

    But I think out of all the whack job Michael was involved with Taylor was the best match.

    Sydney briefly dated Jake didnt she? They should have been bigger than what they were if you ask me.

  18. Ahh Mount Royal! Wikipedia says it was Canada's answer to Dynasty and I'd say that's about right...except for one thing: Alexis. Mount Royal simply didn't have an Alexis or JR, no antagonist, the closest thing was the character Stefanie who was a daddy's girl model in Paris.

    Like most Canadian television programs, Mount Royal tried but it just didn't have the punch of its international counterparts (a Canadian answer to Coronation Street, Riverdale, was another example of this).

    The one thing I'll give Mount Royal was that it looked beautiful, it was shot on location in Montreal and Paris and it LOOKED rich, just gorgeous.

    No one will know if it cuz it was made in Quebec but the cloosest thing canada ever had to an answer to Dynasty was probably La Misere des Riches (which roughly translated would sound something awful like Rich people's lives suck too)

    It was an hybrid of high camp and melodrama not necessarily one of french-canadian's forte and was a french co-production. It was supposed to sale in the european market but im not sure it performed well enough to find many distributor.

    Will look up on yt if theres any of it available.

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