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Posts posted by KMan101

  1. I see buzz (moreso making fun of) for B&B on Twitter. Not so much for Y&R. The occasional stan war pops up for the latter. 


    DAYS feels like it gets the most and GH is right up there.


    Y&R is just treading water, not very interesting, and when I try to watch, the dialogue feels stilted and forced (often awkward as well) and many actors seem bored. 


    It comes off as the writers trying to fill in the blanks and pull off an episode while Griffith offers up plot points (barely) and nothing in between.

  2. On 9/17/2021 at 12:10 AM, clubkidjeff said:

    So who can see "MarDevil" exposing Paulina's secret?  I felt today's episode with Paulina confiding in Marlena is leading up to something.

    By the way I agree with most of the replies in here, just too many to quote 😉


    That's my guess. It had to serve a purpose and MarDevil (I assume) is presiding over the ceremony. 


    Looks like Roman and Kate are attending together. Guess they do decide to get back together. I'm good with that. They somehow work together and Kate being the town welcome wagon for every man over 40 is played out.

  3. 8 hours ago, ChitHappens said:

    Can you imagine Stafford pulling this off?  Absolutely not!  Watros is straddling a woman truly in love vs a complete break from reality so well.  

    As for Gladys, this woman is a breath of fresh air, especially in that age group.   

    Enjoyed Fridays show!  


    God no. Stafford would be soooooo bad. 


    I love Gladys. She's so entertaining. And this show needs it.


    Friday's episode was good

  4. 3 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    They did seem to go after the TOLN/PP soaps in a very aggressively negative manner, as if the turf they were protecting were their very own, all because their preferred HWs didnt get to write the online versions of AMC and OLTL.

    Well, since I want CG to get as few clicks as possible, I won't even be doing that.


    Yep and I haven't forgotten that they did that. 


    And same. I have no interest in Goutman. 

    53 minutes ago, amybrickwallace said:

    Plus, Locher is not exactly a scintillating interviewer.


    lol nope.


    I'd die if he asked "so why was Eileen Fulton sidelined for the last decade of ATWT after speaking out?"


    He would never. And part of me gets why. You don't do that if you deliberately want to remain 'neutral'. 

  5. 20 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    So glad Victor's back. Always enjoy him throwing shade. Days finally remembered Sarah. Don't know about Roman & Kate. They did have chemistry back in the day. But i never cared for JT's Roman.  The mob stuff with Jake looks boring. As does the Chloe/Brady/Phillip redux. I just know that at the wedding Lani's true origins will be revealed. MarDevil levitating. 😂




    Hey ... they're trying here it seems. We aren't getting the 90s budget back ever. LOL. Wish they had the Beyond Salem budget but I'll take it. We'll see how it goes ... I have my expections in check but sometimes it's the little things as a DAYS fan that excite me. LOL. I see the flaws but sometimes it's fun to just enjoy things. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    No one is going to confront Goutman about any of those things as he would not agree to the interview otherwise. Much as I find Locher to be cloying, it's not as if he is an outlier. The soap press of the last 20 years has been a shambles, and helped kill the genre.


    Very much agreed. The 'soap press' is mostly a joke and did help kill the genre. They also stopped holding soaps accountable when they veered off track for fear of losing their precious scoops and contacts. I see that now with the 'media' on social media. They refuse to criticize or hold the show/executives accountable and approach it with a 'nothing to see here' attitude. It's more or less the same thing.

  7. 18 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    The Paulina marriage is good too. We get to see Marla Gibbs again.


    Ah yep. That too. I bet a secret gets dropped LMAO. Dr. MarDevil spills Paulina's secret? Love love love Marla Gibbs is back already. They aren't stupid. Get her back ASAP.


    I think 4/5 months ahead is good enough which gives them enough flexibility but also 'time'

  8. 1 minute ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    If you ask me, Freddie probably spent all this time telling himself that he was moving past Days and Sonny, but after seeing Zach Tinker, he realized that, deep down, he wasn't. 

    I really do feel bad for him. 


    I hate to say it, but something always did seem a little off with her lol 


    She seems nice enough but I agree, there's something off with her. Glad I'm not alone in thinking that.


    I feel bad for him too and agree with you. I think he sees a missed opportunity, which it was. And now there's likely no way they don't go with Tinker, so yeah, it has to sting. But I can see why he gets ridiculed a bit. He opens himself up to it, really lol.

  9. I don't know whether to 'spoil' it or not since it's already aired but LOL, Hollyoaks can still deliver an OMG moment. 



    Bye Bye Brody!


    And Maxine has REALLY bad taste in men. I LOVE Nikki Sanderson but Maxine feels very much wash/rinse/repeat. Stuck in a never ending rut of crying and or abuse. They also don't seem very invested in her as a character IMO. While things happen to her character she feels reactionary. If that makes any sense. I'd love for them to do something different with her. If not, it might be time to make a tough call.

  10. 8 minutes ago, wingwalker said:

    As for Freddie, On some level, I do get it. Being in the role for nearly 10 years and find out you can be easily replaced and most people don't miss you, probably is hard, but a lot of it is Freddie's own fault. His last 3-4 years he didn't look like he wanted to be there. He turned them down to do this, in an industry where recasts happen all the time. His video where he gave his blessing to Zach and wished him good luck should have been his last one. Doing his "review" was a mistake. I also see he has some video Q&A with Chandler scheduled for October,  I feel like that's going to be a mistake also.  I know it's for charity, but that to me still comes across as shady. You can't claim your done with acting, DAYS and give your recast your blessing, only then to try and still hang around like a bad smell. 


    It does seem like he can't let go even though he chose to move on (I do sometimes wonder if his wife pushed the move and focus on YouTube, but I'm just surmising). Although a part of me wonders if he doesn't want to seem 'disrespectful' and not participate in DAYS related things (especially for charity but like you said it just feels like he's clinging). It has to be a weird situation, because it reads like one lol. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    The end was good. The rest is garbage especially Cin have a spawn...

    I'm reading rumors that Ben is the hero of the possession storyline. This story was only brought back to pimp Ben and how great he is...what a shame.


    Hence why I said 'at the end' LOL. I highlighted what interested me: MarDevil, EJ/Nicole and John Aniston came back in time to carry the lackluster Xander/Gwen. How could they get them so wrong? Two lively scheming characters and this is what we get? 

  12. 7 minutes ago, jam6242 said:

    I'm really happy for Bill.  So glad he isn't going to have to play out a depressing dementia storyline.  I saw many people thinking he had it in real life.  Obviously he does not.  I've never seen Doug acting evil in any way before.  Even when he was supposed to be "bad" he was more of a rascal than anything, lol.  Also glad they've calmed Julie down.  Hope that continues.


    I agree. And also agreed on calming Julie down. 


    I did see some speculation on social media that he ends up like Father Francis did, in a coma in the hospital. Hope not. I mean, I don't expect him to continue carrying this for months but I hope Doug and Julie aren't pushed off to the side. Guess we'll see.

  13. 15 minutes ago, j swift said:

    For me, (and I don't know if this is attributed to the acting or the writing), but prior to Watros it was often difficult for me to differentiate Nina from Ava, as they are both bad girls who are trying to gain sympathy based on romantic pairing (gross over-generalization, but true to my experience as a casual viewer). 

    However, I think Watros adds complexity to Nina by playing her loss, both in maturity and experience, over the years she spent in coma.  She seems less unhinged and more damaged, which is really what made this story work for me.  It was as if Nina saw a shared partner in Sonny because they both missed a part of their past, and she was desperate to create a new life for herself. 


    Well said

  14. 31 minutes ago, carolineg said:



    I am assuming Dee was playing it like she misheard him and that's he's mentally ill.   I don't think even Marlena would automatically jump to the fact that he's the devil since no one has literally mentioned it in years until today.  I love that John kept his priest collar.  It makes sense, but it's just so weird because no one has mentioned this stuff in so long.

    How does Marlena being possessed by the devil play in to the Sami Brady life story that much?  She was out of town most of it as a runaway.  Johnny should really make Marlena's life story not Sami's since Sami is only like 45 and it's more interesting. 


    Yeah. I mean, I get choosing his mom Sami but at the same time, Marlena's life would make far more of an interesting movie. Hell, both would, really. LOL. And they intersect at many periods, most notably the Reilly period. I love the revisiting of the history either way. For years they ignored the Reilly period (which I could understand for a time) and I knew Ron would be the writer who was all over it lol, for better or worse. (Tomlin touched on the Reilly years a bit with bringing Kristen back)

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