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Posts posted by chicklitsandfantasies

  1. I finally caught up.

    I can't stand that bitch nurse. She's awful!

    I can't stand Hanna's self righteous ass.

    Amanda's antics are too over the top.

    I expected Candace to wear a much better outfit then the ghetto bird's uniform to the club.

    Someone suggested this show needs a romance. I can't even imagine them handling that well.

  2. Mariah makes me laugh with her hilarious comments. "I stopped aging at 17!"

    A lot of people are mad she "dissed" Ariana Grande. I wish people would stop comparing that teenybopper copycat to MC in the first place. I need for Ariana to go find her own musical identity and stop trying so hard to bite off late 90s Mariah.

  3. Mom asked me what part of the hospital that waiting room was supposed to be in. She said it couldn't have been the ER if baby daddy was passing through there for a checkup. I wanted to know why there were so many damn extras there. And that nurse giving out medical info was some fuckery.

    The Reverend Al Sharpton wannabe is so bad!

  4. And yes to the hospital scene! Why did they give those nurses lines amongst themselves? Waste of time. That couple were played by awful actors, especially that father. Again what was the point? Oh boy and then they get a SECOND scene? Torture

    Oh dear lord, these fools got a THIRD scene....shoot me now! Poor Crystal Fox for being stuck with three non-actors for an entire episode.

    I was over at my aunt's house the other day and she asked me if I was still watching. She said she'd tried to watch that episode but changed the channel because of the pointless hospital scenes between the nurses we didn't even know and the bad acting father and daughter.

  5. Anyone who thinks this garbage s/b a daily soap is an idiot!

    The ransom guy and the druggie daughter?! Wow! Just wow!

    I'm sure TP was patting himself on the back for such stellar scenes. PUKE!

    And the nurses complaining about the ghetto hospital too. So unnecessary!

    I saw a lot of people praising Candace's story about how she learned to be the way she is from a transvestite but I wasn't impressed.

  6. Rubbish! Unadulterated Rubbish!

    The show starts with Candace and that speed bump talking about an inheritance, takes it into the house and it runs for the first 12 minutes? Hello, there was a hit and run!!!!!

    The scenes at the hospital were embarrassing. The casting call for those performers, "Must have no acting experience at all". Horrible OTT scenes. The father, the minister, the girl and Crystal were all painful to watch. The directing of those scenes were of grade school caliber.

    And after all these years, Pete Parros is still trying to act. Wish he'd just give up already.

    Terrible return from hiatus jeal0002.gifjeal0002.gifjeal0002.gif

    I think there were a total of 6 or 7 scenes. Yes, I've been reduced to clocking the scenes for this clusterfuck of a show!

    People keep saying this should be a daily soap but I can't imagine how bad it would be to watch them drag these scenes out for 5 days. Bad idea to spend half the episode having this stranger berate his drugged out daughter in the hospital.

    Candace and Katherine are the only reason I watch this show though I have a soft spot for the eye candy Adrian Bellani provides and I'm hoping he's shirtless when his character makes his appearance.

  7. Tyler Perry must have been watching Passions on yt. A lot of Jim and Katherine's scenes were exactly like early Julian and Ivy.

    All those scenes at the hospital were so long and drawn out. And that chick playing the mother was terrible.

  8. I am seriously considering watching this show for sh&ts and giggles. It always appeared to be a fun potential watch no matter what the quality.

    In the begging it was good by the end I would laugh at how awful it was when I wasn't cringing. Especially the Pretty Crane saga that story was so bad from start to finish. A lot of the men had the personality of cardboard they were like accessories the women fought over.

  9. Looks like Debbi Morgan got an upcoming gig:


    As I mentioned in the PP thread, this subject matter is not really my thing and we all know how fickle the TV medium is but it's great that Debbi lined up another job. And cable also tends to be a bit more generous to cultivating shows these days than 'one and done' network TV, which cancels programs with a quickness.

    I heard about this project a couple of months ago. I won't be watching

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