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Posts posted by Maxim

  1. 1 hour ago, ranger1rg said:

    I'll take your word for it. I haven't given it that much attention, and I know I've missed posts by others.

    You replied to yourself then. You attack me and criticise me and then say you haven't given it much attention and maybe missed something. Well. Good for you. 

    God... the show must be so boring that people need to make drama here. :D

    People... I have Never wanted to start a thing with aanyone. NEVER. I don't know you and I rarely write because I am scared of the reaction.

    Every time I comment about the Show... there has been a response telling me My opinion is invalid. Every time I have an unpopular opinion there has been drama.


    I don't need this toxicity in my life.

    And this is the last post in which I will address anyone outside the topic.

    I will not be made to take part in petty conflicts with people I don't know and don't want to know.

    Me commenting about Steffy being disappointing does not mean others are not. Am I required to say that All characters are bad... to suit you better ...??? 

    Am I allowed to have an opinion about a God damn soap opera. 

    And that's why I'm scared to write in this forum.

    This is unsettling.


  2. 1 hour ago, Soapfan8 said:

    What about ka’s Taylor? What are your thoughts?

    I like how she is acting but I think Taylor is in a bit of a plateo. Nothings really happening with her. And I find it hard to believe her main goal is to find the woman that practically destroyed her life.. Brooke.. a date...

    Bradley is ignoring 30 years of history.

    But I like the actress a lot.

  3. 1 hour ago, dragonflies said:

    Steffy has the most character growth of anyone on the show, and you wanna single her out, yeah the parent trapping was dumb, but that's Bradley for ya

    WHen Brooke, Donna, Eric, Liam, Bill, even Sheila, show any character growth let me know till then I gotta laugh when someone knocks another character for something that doesn't make sense, all the while sporting an avatar of a character who's the most regressed on the whole show. Just Saying Come On GIF by A Little Late With Lilly Singh

    So you can single out Brooke and call her regressed and I can't tell my opinion of Steffy. Are you living inside the show?

    I MEAN... real housewives of new york no GIF



  4. 54 minutes ago, Marquise said:

    thank you so much Angel! I knew we had to be patient :) BTW i am watching 2007 in between and 2023. I have no memory of 2007 at all. Now Taylor is pregnant with Brookes baby lol What is your opinion about 2007

    I think 2007 is bad. Back in 2007 I liked it... but years later this year is one of the worst for me. 

  5. 12 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    LMAO what obsession, what on earth are you even talking about? 

    Yeah being a mature character with actual character growth is boring, I forgot, she could be like Brooke who has no growth at all, and blames everyone else for her actions or Donna etc *smh* 

    I am talking about what I'm seeing. Here on Earth. On my TV, in my living room. :D

    Yes, In my opinion, Steffy is way too obsessed with her mother and father's love life. First 5 months of 2022 were Steffy telling Ridge he should not trust Brooke. She was like a bully repeating the same things. 

    And then the boring scenes with her shirtless husband. Is that good storytelling? I can see that man shirtless 100 times and then it's just boring. Again, my opinion. I don't want to offend any super fans out there. Lol.

    I like my characters to have dept and do something that surprises me, you know. Steffy and Finn are so predictable, it's like a bad reality show.

    And... when did I say that I want her to be like Brooke?

    Brooke has been a ruined character ever since 2002-2005. But she is Brooke... she is the ultimate heroine of the show. No way I will compare the two. Brooke gave us 25 years of entertainment.

    Steffy in 2022, 2023 is just a basic cliche of a character with no dept and soul. Bradley struggles to write for her. He is better when he writes for the good girl... Hope sound more real to me. 

    I really dream of this show to be better written. Even Steffy could be made interesting. She just needs Stories and dialogue.

    You react so emotionally to comments about fictional characters..  I mean.. Steffy is not your mother or sister. I can think and say whatever I want.  Please don't take every criticism about the show so serious.  Or do... I don't care.

    It's funny and predictable... these responses. Just like the show nowadays.

  6. Steffy is the shows most disappointing character. Every cliche in the book. I think she had potential but... they give her too much obsession with other people. Especially her father and mother. Steffy was more interesting in the beginning.

    I remember her theme song..." show them what you got and you get what you want... stop being a good girl"

    The 2023 steffy is soooo boring.


  7. On 4/19/2023 at 5:45 PM, Videnbas said:

    So I just made it to episode 2100, and the year 1995 has been exactly the way I remembered it. It kept the momentum up until the point where Sheila and Anthony got written out (and I thoroughly enjoyed watching both of them go off the rails), but then it dropped DEAD. There is literally nothing going on. The major conflict is the poorly built triangle between Jessica, Dylan and Maggie (with Maggie supposedly being more in love than ever before in her life after knowing a guy for a few weeks). The rest is basically things wrapping up (Thorne/Macy planning a wedding, Sally/Jasmine getting out of the hospital, Taylor divorcing Ridge and moving into the beach house while Ridge and Brooke are happy together) or very very minor plot developments (Rick and CJ getting into a fight at baseball practice - oh, the drama!).

    The first half of 1995 I really enjoyed watching because of the dark "twin storylines" of Sheila and Anthony. They felt like the final acts of two story arcs that had been developing for a long time - Sheila's past with Lauren in Genoa City finally catching up to her and driving her to take extreme action, and Anthony's obsession with Macy (which was there from his first episode) finally coming to a head in a storyline that (cleverly) was built almost entirely on twisted fragments of Thorne's, Macy's, and Anthony's character histories. There was a sense of long term storytelling, structure, and payoff to those two storylines.

    Taylor's return from the dead, however, had well and truly lost its momentum by 1995. It had been dragged on for too long and at this point her disguises and phony accents were ridiculous rather than intriguing. And her revelation to Ridge - the culmination of 10 months of storyline - fell flat.

    And since Jessica was such a lackluster character, putting more focus on her by setting up a triangle with her and her mother was a mistake in my opinion. Especially since Dylan is a far more dynamic character when he's away from Jessica (he even has more chemistry with Sally).

    The fall of 1995 is the first time I feel like the show could have ended and I would be okay with that.

    Absolutely... Bradley really dig a grave for Bold from mid 1994 to end of 1995. Its surprising it managed to survive. 

  8. I think soon the youtube channel will stop uploading. I just sense that after uploading 4 episodes a day... and now... only 1... It would take like YEEEARS to upload up to 2005... Which is where the episodes are available in youtube. They really ruined it for all. There are people that know me that have stopped watching because the youtube channel is uploading only one episode a day and its too slow. I dont share the vault because I dont want it to become too public and get flagged again. So... they really ruined it.

  9. 9 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    When have I ever complained and where in my post did I complain, but keep reaching, I watch cause I don't nitpick every......single.....thing, even when it's bad I watch.

    No dearie all YOU do is complain about everything, not just BOLD, every show you watch all there is complain. I rarely complain, I am usually positive, I throw in a snarky remark, and hate on character's, but that's NOT a complaint, learn the difference. BYE now

    But anywho, don't like what I say, there's an IGNORE button, use it.

    and I apologize @Errol I just get damn irritated when there's nothing but complaints, yes the show can be bad, but even when it's good, there's nothing but complaints and why? Cause BELL is HW

    Can this off topic ranting stop. Why do you want to have the last word on this...  didn't you understand that we Can complain if we want to. We complain ON topic and we follow the rules that is to talk ON topic. YOU complain about Us complaining which is personal and OFF TOPIC. 

    And thank you for reminding of that ignore button. :)

    and let's bring the topic back

    When is Brooke getting pregnant by that waiter? Joke aside... they look very hot together and Brooke really needs that fresh little something in her life.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Noel said:

    As human beings, we all have our likes, indifferences, and dislikes. We also have the right to watch whatever we want. As soap viewers, we also bear the qualities that I've just described. Why do we watch soaps then? Because we want to, that's why. I'm not pissed at the question, but it's just about as equivalent as saying, "If you don't like it, then don't watch it" or "Put up or shut up." 

    Moreover, please refrain from telling members on this board their "personality flaws" when you haven't met them physically nor established a true relationship with them. I always find it odd that people are so quick to judge others when they're the ones who simply refuse to look at their own problems further than their own backyard.

    Other than that, B&B is terrible for the time being, lol! 😆😄🤡

    Amen!!!! This board is too toxic. Sometimes I am literally scared to speak my mind. I wake up to see my words twisted and taken out of context. Amen to you.

    37 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:


    I forgot about Jack. You would think these new BFFs would talk about him once in a while. Well, maybe now they can raise him together.

    I think 2007 is like erased from history in the show. Haha

  11. It's completely Right to expect realism. In the sense that I don't want to watch stories that don't make sense... characters that act like cartoons... for example the first 7 years of Bold it was all realistic and these people on the screen were alive, they were multi dimensional. 

    Nowadays it's one dimensional boring and completely absurd storylines that read like coming from this forum board.

    A writer... should have talent and should be emotionally intelligent to be able to write for shows like that. Shows that deal with people... over the age of 10.

    So... yeah... realism is very much needed. It's not the only thing that we need but it's needed.

    I mean... do you remember when Taylor got pregnant by Brooke's baby. That's the level of unrealistic that I don't want to see.


  12. So far 1999 has been good. We are at the beginning.

    But I'm getting worried since there are no 2000 episodes in german and 1999 is the last full year I can watch. I will wait till episodes are available and continue. Maybe start from beginning soon if there are none.

    It's been a very interesting process my partner and I started the show year and a half ago and managed to watch complete 1987 to 1998 in 19 months. 

    I would continue but there is this gap in the episodes and I don't want to miss them.

    If anyone has anything in german from 2000 and 2001 to complete the unfull 2 years I would be so happy. Even 2002 in better german quality will be amazing since the English ones are absurd looking. I am thinking of merging the english audio with better german picture if episodes are available. I will do them myself and reupload them. Maybe... i am only dreaming... Maybe the wonderful angel @rsclassicfanforever will save us one last time... i can only pray.

    It's sad to stop watching even when it's the Bradley Bell period.

    We still have 1999 to go but...I am already sad.

    1998 and 1999 are a lot better. Maybe because of Amber and Brooke. These characters are working and driving the story.


  13. I watched again... since I am a masochist and have been watching since I can tie my shoes... 

    Well... let me say one thing. Katherine Kelly Lang looks so good it's actually shocking. That woman puts some 30 and even 20 years old in her small pocket. 

    Bold really have amazing luck when it came to casting. 36 years later and I'm sure that casting agent looks at KKL and says... I did my job.

    She is so hot and I'm a gay man and can see it.

    That's why it's so sad to see how much potential is wasted. Give that woman a meaty real storyline she can rock. Give her her backbone back. Brooke needs to be CEO or Forrester again... dating this cute waiter. She Does not Need to be in that old Ridge drama. 

  14. So Brooke is doing this all over again. But this time she is not 35... it's so sad seeing the same old thing repeated till you are sick. How many times will that woman be made to act a scene like this...

    And here I was dreaming of a story with that hot young waiter. Brooke could have been on fire with him.

    No... it's destiny for the 102000 time.

  15. 2 hours ago, dragonflies said:




    lol complain much? So why are you even watching then 

    Are you Bradley Bell? 

    2 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    Oh and please stop using someone having dementia as an insult, it's gross and offensive

    Grow a sense of humour. My grandmother died of dementia and I was not using it to insult anyone. The whole comment was just my sense of humor and me being honest. But.

    I am not going to write in this forum ever again. Every time I try to speak my mind people like that come and make it something it isn't. 

    I was complaining about a god damn soap opera. Are you kidding me...

  16. This sudden absurd rewrite has made 2023 the ultimate worst year of the show ever. It's a complete mess. No character is the same and everyone is acting like they don't know who they are. 

    Brooke and Taylor's after 60 friendship has become cartoonish and unrealistic for women that age. 

    That dialogue about Braylor. I mean... are they 13? This is not how 60 year old women act.

    Bill slept with Sheila so that he can do this laughable conspiracy with the help of Ridge. This is like written by someone on these boards. It's so bad. Did he have sex with her every time or did Ridge come and help when he couldn't do it... Sheila maybe didn't notice in the dark.

    Is Bradley Bell on acid or does he have starting phase of dementia.

    Don't start me on the Hope, Liam "drama" and the boring Sinn shirtless scenes. I mean... what's new.

    The show is begging to be cancelled.

    It's offensive to viewers and so out of touch with reality... who do they think their viewers are... idiots or 9 year Olds?

    Maybe Bill is now faking that he was faking that he was faking that he was faking. 

    And maybe soon it will be revealed that Bill is Lauren with a mask on.


  17. On 3/31/2023 at 10:38 PM, Vizion said:

    I have never understood anyone who liked 94-96/97 it was AWFUL. Boring. 1994 really does highlight what a bad writer Brad Bell was. It was his first full year writing the show and just 5 or 6 months in we were having to watch Stephanie reduced to nothing but protecting boring Jessica's virtue, all of the Spectras basically backburned and the only person we ever saw at Spectra was Dylan...oh and Ivana in yet another story nobody cared about. Macy and Thorne's singing contract story was atrocious. Princess Leila went on entirely too long! Hunter returned in fall 1994 and Taylor did not reveal herself until almost summer of 1995 and then by like November it was announced Hunter had been cast on Melrose. So they wasted allllllll that time in Morocco instead of immediately getting the character back to LA. Ridge and Brooke were boring as all hell, doin nothing but having sex with zero conflict or even real conversations. 95 was also a big bunch of nothing (except entirely too much focus on the kids like it had suddenly morphed into a Nickelodeon show).

    I completely agree.

  18. 2 hours ago, Soapfan8 said:

    So far how would you rank the first 11 years from best to worst

    1.1993 - The episodes leading to BELIEF are masterpiece. Both me and my partner who had never watched Bold in his life... made him a fan now. We would rewatch the company fights scenes 10 times and make short clips from it. IT IS ICONIC. Sheila is lurking in the dark with her evil cleverness. The show is 10 out of 10.

    2.1992 - I simply love this period. I love Taylor when she was winning. I loved the fights with Brooke. 10 out of 10.

    3.1987 - I mean... THE BEGINNING. It was like a fairytale. I LOVED the first 250 episodes!!!!!!!!!

    4.1991 - Brooke taking Eric from Stephanie... Stephanie homeless. TALK ABOUT LEGENDARY!!!!!!!!!!!! 

    5.1988 - Stephanie VS Brooke started pretty much here. The first slap... Stephanie won the first round. AMAZING.

    6.1989 - Amazing DARK year with shocking twists.. Angela was SICK AND AMAZING storyline.

    7.1990 - I loved this year but it was more calmish after the incredibly dramatic 1989!

    8.1998 - Had some great moments... but the real camp has started.

    9.1996 -   I was surprised by this year. Had some very good moments. I cried during some episodes. I loved Stephanie's mercury poisoning

    10.1995 - The show didnt know what it was. Was it teen show now or not. TOO MUCH new characters... Storylines lacked cohesion. It WAS BORING.

    11.1994- COMPLETE MESS compared to 1987-1993. If I had started watching here I would have stopped. The Leila storyline changed to show into a caricature of itself. It was absurd and DESTROYED Taylor's character. The show started to sound MELODRAMATIC and poorly written

    12. 1997 - This year... was A MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It started great... the first 40-50 episodes... then it spiraled... I couldnt bear the Grant Chambers storyline and Ridge in jail WENT FOR SO LONG. Maggie and James were also so unbeliavable. It was the most boring year of the show I have watched from the 90s.




  19. I'm near 1999 and let me say...

    Everything past Belief has been crap compared to the first 7 years. 

    I tried to make myself like it and even had moments when I wanted to believe it was back... but now watched...1994 to 1998...

    The Titanic has sank and the band is Still playing.

    I am still hopeful for 1999 to 2002... 

    Because hope dies last.

    But watching these first 7 seasons in dept made me just not like anything since. And I once watched all these seasons as a teenager and loved them.

    My main issues.

    1. Disgustingly bad dialogue and repeated scenes that make you want to vomit.

    There are moments when there are 5 episodes in which the same scene is repeated. We also have flashbacks all the time.

    2. Taylor has been destroyed as a character. The smart interesting woman of 1990 to 1993 is gone and there is this pathetic crying all the time victim.

    3. The show looks and feels cheaper. The clothes look worse and sometimes I forget I an watching a show about fashion people.

    The first 7 years were so glamorous and beautiful.

    4. Making Brooke the slut from the valley made the whole war between her and Stephanie a cartoon. The beginning... the first 7 years it was very high level quality conflict. Stephanie was not so cartoonish.


    Overall I am thinking of re watching the first 1700 episodes and just never going pass that. But I will continue with 1999.



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