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Posts posted by AllMyDaysatGH

  1. Wow that episode was from 2007, I was off a year. LOL. I remember loving it, especially the "Everybody Wants To Be a Martin" part.

    Bobbie has an amazing voice. One of the reasons why I couldn't stop thinking about that song was because of how she kept singing it ALL. THROUGHOUT. THE EPISODE! "Laaa-dedahh-dee (x5).....dream a little dream of me". Eventually I forgot about it but there was always a little part that was stuck in my head, and I wanted to see/hear it again but could never find it until now ;-)

  2. Ok I wasn't sure where to ask this so just decided to ask here. I really liked Krystal (still do) from the start and LOVED the few times when Bobbie Eakes has sang on the show. Does anyone remember this one time when Krystal sang, and her voice was in the background of a montage? I forget where exactly but she was standing on a balcony and started singing, then a montage followed. I have been driving myself crazy for a couple years trying to find a clip of that moment. It had to have happened between 2004-2006 somewhere. Everytime I try to find it on YT, I always end up with the clip of Krystal singing karaoke at the bar on Valentine's day, which was good but not what I'm looking for!! sleep.gif lol

    That leads me to ask if anyone remembers other times they liked on AMC where a cast member sang, or a time when the show had a musical guest, etc, that they really enjoyed.

  3. I'll miss when there was actual Kane family drama, when Kendall used to refer to her mother as "Erica"! I love the togetherness they have now but deep down will always miss when Erica & Kendall had actual problems and Bianca was in the middle.

  4. Thank you to everyone who provided clips/screencaps/magazine shots in this thread. Amazing & I throughly enjoyed looking at them! Omg I am dying thinking about no longer having AMC in my life.

    I forgot that Lily once thought Aidan was her bf

    I remember loving Lily & all of her S/L's (yes even Ava). What a great find Leven Rambin was. Of course Lily & Aiden were never going to work but I still liked the story and how the show went with it. I really miss Lily & Reggie and the whole Kane/Montgomery group as a whole. Erica/Jackson/Kendall/Bianca/Lily/Reggie were all amazing together to me!

    Back to Lily, I think I'm in the minority but I LOVED her & Jonathon together. One of my fave S/L's was when Lily was lost in New York and Jonathan saved her from that lunatic rapist (played by Matt Walton). The NY location shoots were captured beautifully and I just loved the story behind it.

  5. R Sinclair I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story, the way you described how you began watching AMC is so similar to how I started. And I used to watch AMC as soon as I got home from school as well...LOL literally took my shoes off and headed straight for the VCR remote. And if I had homework, it could wait...I had to watch AMC first and my mom & I made an agreement that I had to do homework straight after it was over ;-P eventually when I got into Middle School & especially High School now I was busier and had to watch it later in the night...

    Jonathan, I'm terribly jealous of you & anyone else who has old VHS tapes of AMC. I only had one little tape that I used and used so I never got to save, LOL. I still have that tape though and in the way back of it is this one episode of AMC where Greenlee & Kendall trash talked & humiliated Krystal at a bar (I forget the name of it, not The Comeback).

    Anyone who watched while they were in school, did any of your friends? If not, did you tell them? I always kept it to myself LOL but I did have one teacher in 4th grade who watched and we discussed it sometimes (on the down low, of course). Thinking back, it's so hilarious what we used to talk about...

    I want the last episode to begin with this...


    I'd love to see a revamped, all new version of this opening with the same music (or maybe a new version of that to) open the finale. Or would that be to much/unnecessary...lol? I think it would be awesome. But it would be just fine if it opened with the original

    Does anyone think Agnes will make an appearance in the last episode? Maybe reading the AMC poem again or something. I think the poem should definitely be included in some way no matter what.

  6. I always watched AMC with my mom but didn't really start paying attention and taping it until around October 2003 when the Babe/JR/Jamie stuff started. IDK about anyone else, but I was hooked on that!! I loved the whole beginnings of that story & all through the baby switch. Along with that, I also fell in love with AM/Kendall ;-).

  7. I enjoy watching all these clips being posted by you guys, I hope people continue to share their faves (& maybe even not so much faves) as the months progress!

    One of the best recent storyline's, IMO, was "The Quad"! Not so much because of the entanglements (all I really cared about was JR & Annie ending up together), but because it pitted Annie & Marissa against each other which provided for some great scenes! Not just great, but classic mostly thanks to Annie biggrin.gif Who could forget this one, ;-P

  8. :lol: I definitely meant 2001 (it's nearly finals time, I've been typing up papers and projects every day!). June 7, to be exact. I wonder what the last ten years would have been like had I not randomly clicked to AMC that day, or rather, if my lusty eye didn't catch "older man" Jesse McCartney being all rebellious that day.

    I often wonder that myself...what would my life be like if I never came across AMC?? Or any of the soaps actually. What if my mom didn't watch them?? I seriously cannot imagine how it would be ohmy.gif And I kind of don't want to...lol


    Oh gosh how I am going to miss her so!! I just realized I won't be seeing her on my screen daily for much longer! :( I will follow AM wherever she goes...

    Goodbye to the Hos :(

    I'll miss the AMC threads mainly because of your kickarse screen caps & little traditions like 'The ho's'! :(

  9. Beautiful post, AMS!

    I take pride in the fact that this show, written by Passanante and Culliton and Rayfield and Cascio and McTavish, was a special, special thing for a kid who, at the time, needed another world to escape to for an hour every day.

    I love this part! ICAM.

    I started watching in June 2011 when I was eleven years old,


  10. I am always jealous of people here & other places who havewatched AMC (& other soaps) since 'the good ol' days'! I've watched since I was 10 & that means 2003....LOL. ugh. I got attached to AMC for some reason right away, there was something about it...and though it's not as great now, that something is *still* there, but as faint as can be. I'll truly miss it..

  11. Yeah I'm not really sure why it's called Stefano's theme. It played alot during the whole Sydnapping storyline last year, it still plays from time to time but I would say it's more EJ's theme than Stefano's.

    "Nighttime Hope's Theme" really is awful.

    Agreed with the bolded, I thought the same as well. It reminds me of EJ & they do frequently play it in his scenes. LOL

    And yes, VERY awful! Ugh that whaling, screaming lady. The worst!

  12. DAYS composer D. Brent Nelson has a website. You can listen to some of his cues (or download, just right-click and save as). Most of them are recent stuff but there are two from the 90s, "Making an Escape" and "Racing Against Time". I love "Making an Escape", great action cue that played alot back in 1997.


    Thanks for this!!

    I just listened to all of the cues. "Weaving a web" drives me CRAZY when it's ever (all the time) used on DAYS. Also "Stefano's Theme", I don't think that's really Stefano's is it? They use that cue all the time in different situations. I don't like that one either.

    I love "Together" and "A Good Day" blush.gif Those ones are beautiful. "Heist" is interesting to.

    "Nighttime Hope's Theme" ph34r.gifph34r.gif

  13. White is a gem too, I loved his scenes with Wiggins where he declared he loved her during sex and then practically had a mini breakdown at what occured. I love Wiggins too, the writing for her character worries me a bit because they take her all over the place it seems, but her scenes of confession at the father daughter thing was well written and well acted.

    I could not agree more! They did take her all over the place, at times I just didn't understand WTH she was doing. I think they took it way to far with her. I found her very fun & interesting in the beginning, it wasn't until after that purity ball (which I thought was insanely hilarious & wrong, LOL!!) that I really started getting turned off by her. When she had sex with Frank that was just the end of it for me. That was just to much. So disgusting!!

    But I agree the scenes where Lip said he loved her were quite good...

    Sir Macy as Frank. Frank is a drunk narcissist but I agree with Julia he's wierdly the glue that holds the cast of charcters together with their drives/motivations and situations. When he goes off into one of his many speeches, it's wierd how it's written, it's like three points are met each time 1)Frank's selfish 2) Frank's a narcissist liar 3) Frank's lazy but he may not be as dum as he looks, and then the overlying issue is Frank's a drunk

    Great observation...ITA

    And I see what you guys are saying about Frank...

    P.S. Joan Cusack Rocks

    AGREED!! She is made of complete awesome. I LOVE her on this show. Sheila is my fave character. She's hilarious, fun, amazing. I was so happy for her when she finally brought up the courage to go outside ... ;-)

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