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Posts posted by AllMyDaysatGH

  1. I love the show! I hadn't heard of it until it was a little past the middle of its first season. I heard nothing but good things about it so caught up with it onDemand. I am so glad I started watching. This show is just the best...I'm addicted. I love Emmy Rossum as Fiona. Jeremy Allen White (Lip) & Cameron Monaghan (Ian) are fantastic. My favorite out of everyone is Sheila. Omg, AMAZING. I just love Joan Cusack in this role!!

    Not really a fan of William Macy (Frank). He's a good actor but I'm just not into Franks wild drunk antics one bit. I'm more interested in the S/L's other than his. The season was heavy on him and I found my attention going off into elsewhere at times when he was shown. I get he's the star of the show but I think it would be a lot better if he was phased out a bit.

    I cannot wait until the show is back next year. Gosh that is so far away, I don't think I can wait! lol. The finale was ok, I'm glad Fiona decided to stay in Chicago. I was a fan of her & Steve up until his lies started to come out. I'd like to see Fiona & Tony (the cop) maybe get closer next season. I don't understand why Lip would go back to Karen after what she did with his dad?? It was definitely a WTF moment for me watching him go so easy on her after being so angry. Also when Ian told Fiona he was gay and she said she already knew. I wanted to know how she knew?? That scene should have been longer. I didn't like the way it ended.

  2. *shocked they let you do Rehab*

    I want her to make a comeback, too. I always want the drugged out/screwed up ones to come back and prove that the talent is still in there, it's just buried hard times. I feel for Amy though because Adele has basically come in and picked up where she left off, so she'd have to really define who Amy Winehouse is again and get herself out there. And the next time they try to make her go to rehab, her ass needs to say "'kay, 'kay, 'kay..."

    Lol I had to do some convincing with the director to let me cause at first he was a little hesitant but at the end of the day let me because it was all good fun & I already had a set plan to sing it and wouldn't take no for an answer!! ;-P

    Agreed with the bolded! I feel the exact same way. You bring up a good point with Adele, that made me think of an idea...I would love if those two collaborated one day.

  3. I totally agree. "Rehab" was my SH!T all through the summer before my senior year of high school. I'd always act out the video whenever it came on MTV :lol:


    LOL! That is so funny. Rehab is an amazing song, I love the retro early 60's vibe it has and how Amy's personal drama is instilled into it (and made catchy & fun). I know that song by heart, I sang it at my schools talent show before back in 2009. There used to be a video on YT of it but it got removed!

    I literally dream of Amy making a colossal comeback & being at the top again. I believe she can do it and I'll never stop hoping...

  4. I really need Amy Winehouse to make a huge comeback. Come out with an off the wall single/album and just take off again. I love her and think she is brilliant! My biggest hope is that this girl gets herself together one day soon & graces us with her effortless, gem of a voice again!

  5. IDK about anyone else, but I am rolleyes.gif at this "I found god" S/L with Fitz. I never cared about that guy much before anyways, seems like the show is trying to make him happen now all of a sudden. He was better as a bully. Plus I really don't care about Claire or Eli that much.

    Loving the runaway Alli S/L

    I feel like Jenna has been pregnant for like 18 decades, that baby should be out by now I think. Also can the show please stop letting that girl sing!! ph34r.gif

  6. Adele is fantastic, she has such great control of her voice & her music just hits you like an unexpected storm that you end up embracing. I think she is one of the finest quality artists we have around to date..

    I got 21 the day after it came out on the 23 last month & could not stop listening. "Set Fire To The Rain" is my absolute DRUG. Best song on the album, IMO...all of the songs on there are amazing though. Other tracks I love, "Rumour Has It", "Turning Tables", & "Rolling In The Deep". Nothing could top 19 to me but this album comes pretty damn close...

    "Cold Shoulder" is my all time favorite song of hers so far.....amazing.

  7. He's always been quite good to you!? Is there something you're not telling us!? :lol:

    LMFAO!! Maybe I should have phrased that differently tongue.gif

    Yeah Riley is out to everyone at school, I think he officially came out at school when he came out to the football team and then nominated him and Zane for King and King at the Degrassi dance.

    I like Zane a lot because of how open he is & how he encouraged Riley to just embrace being gay and not hide it. Sometimes I thought he was a little to harsh with Riley and your right he was insensitive to him still being in the closet, I was confused with him at times because one minute he'd be fine with Riley wanting to keep it a secret & the next he'd find a reason to be upset with him.

  8. I still find him cringe-worthy to watch sometimes, but I think he's definitely gotten better. He did good in the scenes where he was trying to explain to his mom that he is gay & this is not just going to go away.

    I love the actor who plays Zane! He has always been quite good to me..

  9. So Drake and a couple chicks on the CW , anymore peeps make it big after Degrassi?

    Not that I can think of...Shenae Grimes & Aubrey Graham (Drake) are the only two I think who really made it big after Degrassi...

    Speaking of hair, I agree that Riley (I promise I will try to remember his name now and not refer to him as Gay Greek :lol:) needs to cut that mop. There was a scene where he wasn't wearing a shirt with his hair and chest pubes all wet and frizzed, BARF. I'm surprised they cut Sav's Steven Cojocaru 'do, thought that would be his signature look.

    And the thing is, Riley's hair was short all through S9, and he looked MUCH better. No clue why they let him grow it out again.

    Well you guys got your wish, he finally cut his hair!! Looks SO much better!!

    Now he needs to work on that chest ph34r.gif

    The Riley/Zane storyline has gotten a LOT better! I am loving it & it's so sad watching Riley's mom reject him being gay and thinking of it as being a "phase".

    LMAO @ Drew high of shrooms. Those were the scenes I was waiting for and I wasn't disappointed!!

    Love that Alli is back!

    The last two episodes have been great! That first episode just shouldn't have aired at all LOL.

  10. Did anyone see this girls cover of "Born This Way" on YouTube? Thought she did great! Lady Gaga even gave her a shoutout on Twitter, said she cried over it or something, and I believe she was featured on Good Morning America this morning.

  11. LOL!! "Giant girlfriend".

    I agree with you, that was not a very good premiere! I was so looking forward to the show especially after seeing the promo. It seems almost none of what happened in that promo, at least S/L related, happened on the premiere. Lets hope they're saving all that for next week ;-)

  12. Watched last nights premiere. So the show is called Degrassi: In To Deep now....ok. I guess they're gonna have a different name for each new season now or what? lol

    I thought it was pretty boring, I was expecting things to be a bit more exciting. I didn't care much for the S/L's that they showcased. I did like the Fiona/Adam stuff a lot. I think they are great and the show is doing a nice job handling Fiona's alcoholism. She is a straight up hot mess and I'm glad the intervention worked and she's headed off to rehab. I think there is so much potential in a love story between Adam & Fiona and I'm looking forward to whatever's next with them...

    Dave meeting a new girl was nice but then when he realized she was like 8 feet tall he was regretting even talking to her. LOL. I did not like how this was handled at all and I just don't care for Dave all that much anyway...

    I liked the Anya stuff with the older doctor. It would have been more interesting if she actually got to go on the weekend getaway that he was planning. To bad her mom had to find out and Anya had to tell the doctor she was only 17 years old haha. Now she's waiting until she's18 and then they can date.

    I hope it's more interesting next week. I want to see Alli, Sav, Drew, & Zane/Riley S/L's.

    The acting certainly is bad yet almost charmingly so. :lol: I find the bad acting and lame dialogue here more endearing than the strident acting and "smart, witty" dialogue in TNG (though I love that series too, and yes I am still lightyears behind in my viewing).

    Yeah, like I said, the acting is bad, but I love it just the way it is. I wouldn't want them to be better or for the dialogue to be any different because it all still manages to suck me in very well and it's just part of the show's charm.

    Nicely put guys lol i feel the exact same way...

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