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Posts posted by Melroser

  1. On 4/12/2024 at 9:39 AM, Cheap21 said:

    I dont even remember Daphne and Thomas being a part of it. Didnt remember Heather till I saw pictures of her with Laura

    Josie Bissett also appeared as a very, bitter Jane. 

  2. They should have a teenager outside The Gates filming herself for Tik Tok. She tells her "followers" that her momma gave her up as a child to live with a poor family while her momma proceeded to live the high life. Given up because her father was the butler and her momma didn't want a scandal. Then she tells her "followers" the scandal is about to be broughten! 


    You'll have the upper class family, the poor adoptive family, and the servants to give storyline to.  

  3. Harsh, but I have to say that Texas was very boring at times. I was only 7 when the show started. I remember being devastated when it was taken off the air though. I grew to love it. Brette, Rikki, Ruby, Mark were a great quad. The show definitely had some talent, just not the writing. 

  4. I could see CBS being the one to push Linda Gray out. Considering how prominent she was in the follow-up movies, as well as the reboot, she must have still enjoyed portraying the character. It's hard to say, though. Maybe she just wanted a break after a long-run.

  5. Thank you for the pics and listing who they are. I saw the full group photo somewhere and I didn't know who half the people are. Most of that is from aging, as we all do, and not having seen these people for years. 


  6. Just finishing S9, the "dream season". I am curious if anyone knows when the producers/writers knew that Patrick Duffy would be back for S10. Was it a last minute addition for the finale? Did they know a few months before the season ended? Curious if his return impacted the last few episodes or if at the time of the writing they had fully intended to pick up where they were leaving off. I wonder what the writers thought if they were moving forward with their own vision and then told to scrap it all because Duffy was coming back. 

    Sorry, I love backstage stuff. haha. 

    I started watching Dallas as a teen when Duffy returned for S10. I just, for the first time, watched through from Episode One thru S9. 

  7. I've been trying to get back into GH because I enjoy a lot of the actors. The show needs to rein in the number of stories and characters in the mix. Make it a tighter show. There are many characters around that aren't essential to anything. Cody, Sasha, Drew, Michael, Willow, Marshall, Gregory, for examples. I would bring back Lulu for a Jason/Sam/Dante/Lulu mix and she could be support for Maxie. 

  8. 51 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    To be fair, the announcement and ensuing discussion inadvertently got
    posted onto the Days April 2024 spoilers thread,
    (even though this is a November 2024 spoiler).
    So there has been some posting about it.

    I forget that all spoilers are basically in one thread now. Apologies. I was thinking that KA's return should have it's own thread. It's that important and a "hot topic".  😀

  9. The gorilla storyline would never have happened if it weren't for the cancellation. It was a lame way to do a "throw back" to the show's history on a short time frame.

    I still miss this show everyday. This was my show and I was devastated at its cancellation. Whenever I'm not feeling well or just feeling the blues, I often pull up clips/episodes on youtube and watch my friends. Yes, I know...that's kind of sad, but it makes me feel better. Cass. Felicia. Cecile. Vicky. Jake. Paulina. The Corys. Such a great ensemble of actors! 

  10. As far as people in their 60's living at MP, I would love to see Amanda end up owning the building again somehow. She could be the landlord again for a new generation of younger people. Maybe the son or daughter of other characters move in (how about Michael and Taylor's son so we can get some Taylor/Amanda scenes again). The "OGs" could pop in and out but not necessarily be the focus. Maybe Sydney could be suing Amanda for the building or something so that the two square off again. Sydney always trying to get on top and always failing. 😂

  11. I almost peed myself last night (on my birthday no less) when I saw this last night. My fave show of all-time. I am here for anything that brings back my Sydney (deaths be damned) and Amanda. I have some hope that with Leighton and Zuniga as producers that this show would stay more true to the original. Unlike the CW reboot where the showrunners admitted that they never watched one episode of the original. This reboot would do well to completely ignore CW's. 

    I wonder which original character will have died for the first episode. Didn't Thomas Calabro distance himself from all things Melrose after the reboot (understandably so)? If he won't be a part of it, maybe it's Michael's death at the beginning. I could see Josie Bissett and Lisa Rinna coming aboard for eps. Hopefully, Grant Show makes appearances. 

    I do hope the show features some sons and daughters of the originals to help phase in a new generation. As much as I love the original cast, it won't pull in new viewers if it's just the older generation. 

    GOD I wish Ella could show! I loved Katie Cassidy in the reboot. The best part. 

  12. Style wise, I hope this new show brings back longer scenes instead of these 10-15 second whiplash shifts between 20 characters a day. Longer scenes, if written well, can bring much more impact and help people to invest in what's going on. 

    I also don't want to see the Peapack model of shooting since P&G is involved. I hope they don't have any ideas on using this to keep the budget "cheap". It'll look it. 

  13. Sorry if this has been brought up already.

    I'm watching from the beginning as I never started as a teenager until Bobby returned in the shower. At the beginning of S7 now and Barbara Bel Geddes hasn't been in the first several episodes. Was there a particular reason for this? She left for a season shortly after correct? Was she just trying to cut back on the number of episodes?

    watching from the beginning the most shocking thing for me to discover was that Christopher was Kristen's child. I never knew that!! I just always knew that he had been adopted.  

  14. 24 minutes ago, Xanthe said:

    I think you're mixing up Nancy's boyfriends -- Chris Chapin was gone by the time the Sin Stalker started murdering prostitutes. Nancy had started dating Greg Houston (played by Christopher Cousins, dark haired) in June 1986 right around the time Chris left, and then in December she met Tony Carlisle (played by John H Brennan, blond haired). The murders had started by November but I don't know exactly when they jumped from "MJ is surprisingly invested in the murders of prostitutes, it's like she thinks they're human or something" to "there's a serial killer in town and even nice girls like Cheryl had better be careful".

    I know Greg was killed by the Sin Stalker. I think both Greg and Tony were probably suspects. Definitely not Chris Chapin.


    You're right! Tony! (Nancy was clearly not a fave of mine. LOL!) 

  15. On 2/6/2024 at 3:25 PM, adrnyc said:

    The Sin Stalker storyline was the best!!! That was back when you literally had to tune in every day to see what happened next. Killing off Maisie and Quinn meant that ANYONE could be killed. It was riveting to my teenage self. Every Friday when he attacked someone, I never knew if they were going to survive or not. And actually having Crystal Gayle on the show and being attacked. My little gay boy self watched those episodes over and over and over. 

    I never enjoy serial killer storylines where they just kill inconsequential characters on the periphery. In order for the storyline to have any weight means you have to kill off at least one major character and a beloved supporting character. Otherwise, it's just a waste of time.

    I loved that storyline because it added such mystery! I was 14 in '87 and couldn't wait to watch every day too. The fact that they purposely led the audience to believe the stalker was someone different at different time helped. Chris Chapin. Chad Rollo. I distinctly remember them making it look like Peter was the stalker then suddenly went a different direction. Poor Philece Sampler (whom I loved) got attacked how many times? 

    I do wish though that they hadn't killed off Quinn. I felt it left a big hole after. 

  16. I thought Anna Stuart had said in interviews she had no intention of staying beyond her contract and then the cancellation came down so she stayed until the last day. I think she believed Donna no longer had any story of her own and was just on as Vicky's support system/talk to.  

  17. Didn't the Lumina storyline at one point involve Alice Barrett's return as Anne? I thought there was a hint of Jordan Stark being involved with her coming to Bay City and then it got dropped. Probably because of the cancellation.  I was hoping they were leaning toward it really being Frankie that was brainwashed into thinking she was Anne. I also thought that Alice once said in an interview that she believed the intention was for Anne to be revealed as Frankie but it got cut short and they brought Frankie in as a ghost on the last episode. 

    Maybe I'm making this all up, but I was hoping she was going to be Frankie and was so excited for the Lila/Cass/Frankie triangle. It has so much potential and then the show ended. 

    If the show wanted to insist on the sci-fi/supernatural storylines, I would have had Jordan Stark turn out to be a long-lost Frame (instead of David) who was bringing back his dead family members with the use of his "freak machine" in the office.  Alice as Frankie. George Reinholdt as Steven. Christine Jones as Janice. Therefore, bringing back Jacquie Courtney to try and determine if Steve was really Steve since they saw a different Steve (David Canary) before. Get the Alice/Steve/Rachel storyline going just in time for Janice to appear. I mean, come on, like the show had anything to lose. It would be a farfetched storyline, but you know viewers are willing to accept about anything if it leads to something they like. Would Alice/Steve/Rachel get some former viewers to pop in? Who knows at that point?

    There were so many characters they could have gotten rid of to make some room: Cindy, Etta Mae, Nick, Remy, Gary, Joe. I believe Anna Stuart wasn't re-upping. 

  18. I really liked the chemistry between Cali and Tom. I think they could have worked well with her continuing as Paulina. Judi Evans changed the character too much. Judi playing Nancy though could have been great. I could just imagine what a Cali/Tom/Judi triangle could have been! Plus, Judi is a strong enough actor to be placed as Vicky Wyndham's sister. The two could have had their own rivalry of sorts and Nancy/Amanda could be another angle. 

  19. I thought AW was pursuing Judi Evans for Paulina initially but she re-upped with DAYS instead. They hired Cali Timmins. Then Judi became available and was willing to join the show so they grabbed her.

    I do remember rumblings in the press that Cali was unhappy in the role which could have led to the replacement when Judi was available. I think Cali thought Paulina was weak because she was manipulated by Ken and then Jake. 

    I believe Sharon Gabet's husband stepped in to get her off the AW. The "abusive" nature of Brittany and Peter's relationship was taking an emotional toll on her while she was pregnant. He was able to get her out of her contract early. 

    I loved both Cali Timmins and Sharon Gabet on AW. I was so disappointed when each of them left. Such wasted opportunities. 

  20. I agree about Audra. I was lukewarm about her in the beginning, but enjoy her more now that they've mixed her up with most of the canvas. I'd rather have someone come on the canvas with a past connection to Audra than this new character of Erin's. We still don't know much about Audra. Her past should be very interesting if it has made her the character she is. 

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