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Posts posted by lovely_m

  1. 10 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    I don't believe it either. Still, what if it were true? It won't change my vote. I can't think of anything that could at this point. 


    Vote for the man with one accuser or the man with twenty six. 


    I wonder why she waited until he was a presidential nominee rather than when he was a candidate for vice president instead.  Reade did herself a disservice by coming out now since the statue of limitations already past and most dem voters don't want another four years of Trump.  


    11 hours ago, DRW50 said:

     If Biden wins it's going to be very close. 


    Justin Amash is doing his best to help with that.  He's giving Republicans who don't want to vote for Trump but can't vote for a dem a way out.

  2. 36 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    It's a mix of cultism and shilling for attention/cash with both groups. You can always tell who the biggest phonies are as they will jump to Bernie without hesitation and are extremely aggressive about it. One man on Twitter who claimed to be a huge Warren support recently went full Bernie bro to the point of taunting others for having "Bernie Derangement Syndrome" (eventually he deleted it). The phoniness is just another reason I don't trust his supporters. They are selfish and fickle and disturbed and I don't think they will be there when we need them, when the battle really starts. 



    It doesn't surprise me that Warren supporters(not all) would gravitate towards Sanders since both are promising free stuff.


  3. 2 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    I wonder what TS is thinking? He's making it harder for Biden and after all those impeachment ads he ran you'd think he'd want to get rid of Trump at all costs.


    This may sound crazy, but what if he's trying to help Bernie. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Khan said:


    I'm not sure Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar would listen.  To anyone.  Not even to Barack Obama.


    Four years ago, when Joe Biden considered running for the Democratic nomination, Obama advised him not to.  In retrospect, Biden shouldn't have taken Obama's advice, as that (the 2016 election) was probably his best chance to become president.



    I wonder if Obama told him that because he knew it was considered to be "Hillary's turn" and the DNC would have wanted Clinton instead of him.  I know the general public would have wanted Biden over Clinton.

  5. 11 hours ago, Chris B said:


    Biden still got around 40% of the black vote in Nevada. I think what is going to hurt him in SC where he polls second, is the split vote. If Amy and Pete dropped out now, Biden would easily win SC and he'd be in a better shot for Super Tuesday. Texas and Florida would complete the turnaround for Biden. The problem is, nobody is going to drop out. There isn't a leader who can go to an Amy or a Pete and tell them to stand down and run for Governor or Senate. They have absolutely no logical path to the nomination even if Biden and Bloomberg drop out, so it's just a shame they won't drop out so he can unite the moderate vote.


    Could Obama tell Amy and Pete to drop out?  I"m sure he has pull with the party still. 


    He should also tell Bloomberg to stop using him in his ads or say he doesn't endorse Bloomberg.


    Tom Steyer needs to drop out like yesterday.  If Biden doesn't have enough black voters to take Bernie down, it will Styer's fault.


    I'm sad to say that I think the latino vote will help Bernie in Texas.

  6. 23 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    As for Biden, the media bent over backwards for months at the expense of Castro, Booker , and especially HARRIS.


    If there is anyone the media bent over backwards for it was Elizabeth Warren, they just tolerated Biden because he was seen as the most electable and because he was Obama's VP. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Khan said:


    Agree.  Not only because the story in question is likely untrue, but also because (to me) it comes across as pandering to POC.  (Relax, Uncle Joe.  We've got your back.)


    Black people absolutely.  Latinos seem to gravitate more towards Bernie Sanders and I'm not sure about other ethnic groups.

  8. 2 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Also, any 78 year old who had had a heart attack would have been told not to participate. 


    John McCain's health was such a big deal and so was Hillary's when she fainted, so it amazes me that Bernie had a heart attack and the media for the most part has ignored it. McCain released his health records but Bernie won't do any of that.

  9. 1 hour ago, Chris B said:

    She is just a disgrace to me. She has COMPLETELY ignored minority voters, issues and events unless forced to attend because everybody else is. She’s finding a bit of success and NOW she wants to reach out? That is so disingenuous. We are literally to the point of voting and she’s only reaching out bc she has no choice.


    How much does the fact that Iowa and New Hampshire are the first states in the primary cause this?  If feels like these candidates have been living in Iowa for a long time.

  10. 32 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    The newest excuse of the cultists is it's all a setup by people pretending to be Bernie supporters. 


    At least Trump cultists are honest about their bigotry. 


    It's not just rando nobodies, David Klion is threatening to put people on list if they are thinking of voting for Bloomberg.   I'm sure this applies to anyone else as well


  11. 27 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I really, really, REALLY don't want this to come down to a contest between Bernie Sanders (or Mike Bloomberg) and Pete Buttigieg.  "Baby Boomers vs. Millennials" cage matches never end well.


    Oddly enough the 78 year old man who had a heart attack would win the millenial vote over the actual millenial.

  12. 1 minute ago, Khan said:

    I think Pete Buttigieg's supporters are more enamored with the idea of making history than anything else.


    I've always kind of thought that if he were hetero he would have been out the race by now.  Vox and Salon would have crucified him by now.

  13. 28 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Lawd...Biden is one awful speaker.

    Oh Amy you haven't beaten Bernie nor Mayor Pete. How in the hell are you going to beat Trump. Silly Amy....


    I believe most Bernie candidates would have an easier time winning the general than the primary.


    5 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    I wish Pete would drop out, endorse Amy, with the offer that he would have a high profile role in her administration (not VP). They are bleeding each other out and helping someone who is showing incredible weakness limp through.


    It ticks me off that a man who's only experience is being mayor of a small city (and a poor one at that) is able to be a top contender for president.  Lord knows if he were a woman he wouldn't be.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Khan said:


    A "disaster"?  Perhaps.  But, as we know already, Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren were looking ahead of NH.  So, the results aren't entirely unexpected.


    I know Biden is hoping black people save him, but it looks like Bloomberg is going to screw him up there.  I don't know what can save Warren at this point.

  15. Film people on twitter are overreacting to the Spielberg's proposal. All he's asking for is that the Netflix movies appear in theaters for 4 weeks.  Disagreement is understandably, but it's overblown. 


    I hate when people say "why don't you make better movies" because sometimes quality doesn't get people to the movie theaters.  I bet most of the people who watched Roma on Netflix wouldn't watch it in theaters.


    I'm not as impressed by Netflix(or HBO) as others are just because it's easier for them to have freedom when they don't have to worry about things box office or ratings.  Despite that they make plenty of crap.  To be honest, I think one reason people support the streaming services is because it makes them seem cutting edge.



  16. 6 minutes ago, xtr said:

    The Oscars have been kind of weird for various years now regarding the Best Picture field. Multiples time you'll have films that are heavily favored/nominated/win multiple awards lose out to a film that barely wins any awards. There have been some surprises sneaking in and winning Best Picture. And you also have quite a few films that no one has hardly seen or care to see winning Best Picture. 


    I wonder if that has to do with Best Picture being preferential ballot and people voting for it because they don't like being told what to like.


    It's so weird, this movie was critically slammed and didn't make much money so it's weird that it got all the awards.

  17. On 3/25/2018 at 9:04 PM, jcar03 said:


    Hanyu and Fernandez (Gold and Bronze at Olympics) weren't there.  But if Chen had a marginally better short skate at the Olympics he could of won.  Chen won the free skate by nearly 9 points.


    I'm glad he didn't win the Olympics because he (to me) wasn't as well rounded as the men who did medal.


    On 1/25/2019 at 9:43 PM, jcar03 said:

    Dare I hope that this Alysa Liu is our next great hope for American skating?  


    I always worry how her(and the Russian quadsters) jumps are going to hold up since I don't think she's hit puberty yet.

  18. 16 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    It's nice to see you here. It's been a long while. 




    48 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I'm not shocked.  Elizabeth Taylor won an Academy Award for a movie ("Butterfield 8") that everyone and his cousin agreed was a hot, steaming pile of garbage.  Of course, her almost dying arguably had a lot to do with it.


    As terrible as it sounds, I always thought that was why Heath Ledger dying is the main reason he won.


  19. On 2/2/2019 at 9:52 PM, DRW50 said:

    A lot of people seem to love Rami Malek (although I'm not sure how many will forget his middling response to the Singer situation) but I will be surprised if he actually wins. It's too much of a hot potato, especially when they have someone like Christian Bale giving the type of performance they frequently reward. 


    I'm kind of shocked to see Bohemian Rhapsody(and Green Book) getting all these awards and nominations when the film was critically panned.  I thought that the association with Brian Singer post #MeToo would have prevented that. 

  20. 4 hours ago, Chris B said:

    Both the flashback storyline and apocalypse  stories could’ve created either two great connected seasons or one strong 15 episode season. They crammed far too much into ten episodes. I have no idea how it’ll be wrapped up. So many good ideas but the structure of the season kills all momentum.


    I'm hoping we'll find out that this will continue on to season 9, because the apocalypse and its aftermath should a big deal.  I loved episodes 4,5, and 7 but  I hate the fact that they have basically abandoned the outpost storyline. I want to find out what the hell is so special about the two teenagers. 


    Too bad about the warlocks, I did like them a lot.


    What the hell happened to Kyle?


  21. I saw this and thought that it was a C+ pilot at best and didn't deserve the label critically acclaimed.  I seriously have no idea what the critics saw in this other than a desperate need for a non-supernatural teen show or they lowered their standards for this type of show. 


    Did Berlanti see the Funny or Die Edgy Archie and not get the joke or did he just want to have an alternate universe Archie fanfic come to life? 


    I had my problems with it, but there was enough good for me see if it improves.

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