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Posts posted by JellicleCat

  1. 3 minutes ago, Lye-C said:

    I was instructed to come here. It’s supposed to be a safe haven for Passions threads. Since you’re trolling me, I’m adding you as one of my ignored users. 

    You call that trolling?!   😆

  2. 3 hours ago, Lye-C said:

    This thread ought to be for fans only. You can bash JER and my soap elsewhere. 

    This board ought to be for grownups only. This kind of attitude belongs in kindergarten.

  3. 2 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    When Ferguson was  asked about her time as Brooke, she said she was lucky, because she happened to be there at a time when  a big story was climaxing for Brooke.  I do wonder if they may have timed it that way to send a message to  KKL.

    She might have been lucky, but we (the audience) was not. KKL not being there for the revelation that Rick was the one who shot Grant lessened the impact considerably. I felt completely underwhelmed by it and constantly thought how much better those scenes would have been with KKL there instead of Sandra Ferguson.

  4. I think KKL's been able to sell most of the ridiculous stuff she's been asked to play over the years, but the scene where Brooke finds the letter of apology Stephanie wrote to her after she, however unwittingly, set up Brooke's rape, is a notable exception. She wails, flails her arms and ends up having a Scarlett O'Hara-moment where she declares that she will get through this and get her life back (or something similar). And although KKL is a perfectly fine soap-actress, Vivien Leigh she ain't....   🤭

  5. 59 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    So I watched again. Liam really is a complete a.sshole. What an unlikeable leading man.


    Steffy and Hope come off as so pathetic for being obsessed with this guy that just goes back and forth between them whenever he feels like it.


    I'm sure Brad Bell thinks he's found a new version of Taylor/Ridge/Brooke with this, but boy is he wrong.....  🤮

    This crap is inferior in every way possible, and makes the T/R/B triangle look like Masterpiece Theatre.

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