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Posts posted by TracyQartermaine

  1. Damn does anyone has a lunk to where I can see this?

    Try youtube.

    Just type Tracy Quartermaine in then go newest and it should be there\

    Can't wait to see to see the episode

    Screemed in form room when I found out

    I am now the school freak and proud of.

    Oh and my music binder now proudly have Pictures of Tracy, Luke, Dillon and Paul on it. (only used paul and Tracy photo because TRacy looks AMAZING)

  2. Thanks for the pics Hooked!

    That makes me all warm and fuzzy seeing them together again! :)

    AHHHHHHHH thank God I don't know how much longer I would have lasted without LuNacy on the computer.

    I got so desperate I watched all of 2008 LuNacy just to remember when times were got.

    Why can't Luke have another heart attack so he will stay in one place and we will FINALLY have some decent LuNacy romance


    Stupid Producers

  3. I guess I am the only poster left! LOL. MinervaFan said she tried to post today but it wouldn't let her.

    Tracy was on today. Haven't watched but heard she was on with Lulu I guess.

    There is some speculation in the IL that Tracy's old flame calls and that he starts blackmailing her and that he has connections in PC. Sounds like Uncle Rudy--but we all know how Tracy spoilers that sound good are usually ones that magically don't happen--e.g. Jerry sends Tracy 10 million dollars and what she does with it changes PC forevah! LOL

    Oh liking the 10 millionn dollar idea mwohahahaha

    oh oh oh maybe shoe could have everyone assasinated but herself, Luke and the very dwindling numbers of Q's

  4. In an effort to learn how to make a video/slide show type thing for my son's bar mitzvah, I had my 12 year old son teach me tonight how to use Window Movie Maker. I was practicing with GH clips to get the hang of it. I'm sure the editing job is not great as there were my first attempt to use the program, but I went ahead and did the clips for the last four episodes in July. They were stupid snippet scenes, with a grand total probably of 6 minutes for the month, but here they are for any of you who keep clips..










    Hey guys

    sorry havent been around lately to bimp up the thred count

    LOVE YOU HOOKED for the clips

    l;ove the intercveiw as well

    oh and I know it's a bit late but Happy BIFDAY Nex

  5. Hi all.

    I had typed a novel but my computer froze up so I lost it. To recap what I had said regarding the Q Brunch. I did have a great time but I felt that the order in which they did things sucked. There was no Q&A with the actors and since it was running long and I had to haul butt to Rick's event, I didn't get time with the actors besides a quick photo and autograph. Leslie was there with John Ingle, John J York, Bergan Williams, Drew Garrett, Peter Hanson and Denise Alexander. I didn't get to see Drew (he had to use the little boys room!) and Denise and Peter left before I got to them (Peter wasn't feeling well).

    Here are my pix:





    I would Just like to say

    Jealous Much!!

    Maybe I will make the 14 hour flight to come up next year


  6. Apparently Tracy was on today - anyone watch live? (I serious have to buy myself a DVR.) Apparently she told Michael he has to ask permission to leave, he can't just come and go as he pleases. Chip from the Country Club called her too I guess. Can't wait to see it. Man I miss CaziGirl.

    And guess what The Diva learned at Opera Camp today - how to be a diva! I might rue this camp.

    Hehehe I can see you as an Opera Diva Remos

    So did Anyone see today's epi

    Won't be home to Late because of chior.

    Ohhh exiting news

    On Saturday I was crowned Miss. Gold Coast Showteen


    Sooooo Cool

  7. Funny has heard from TL. Ms.Q is on summer vacation somewhere I'd imagine. I see our Australian buddies here in the off hours regularly. MF checked in with the news that her 'puter doesn't work... Lainey travelling?

    Wooo Australians

    Boo I have to go back to school today :mad:

    Very sad :(

    Also sad that there has been no Tracy for ages I think I am in withdrawl


  8. You know, you gotta love GH and the stupidness of the writers, a temporary license?!?!? Who the hell ever heard of such a thing, that a mother can just waltz into the DMV and request one for her child?

    BTW, as of last night there is still nothing new posted at Hella Good for GH clips!

    Oh Nex you are so vigalent




    Sorry haven't been on much

    got promoted at work

    am now officialy a dirve-thru chick at Macca's


  9. Yup and just typical that the Q stuff would be cut. I"ve seen a few drops about a Brooklyn recast--but I don't believe that either at all.

    They should stop getting hopes up like that.

    I think it is cruel.

    Well I didn't win the Mudgeeraba Teen showgirl contest <_<

    Some girl who called everybody by there first names beat me


    but now I am trying to win Gold Coast Teen Princess

    Heres hoping

    Wish me luck

  10. Hey! Back from my trip. Nothing new I Have heard other than Tracy's part in the ethan storyline is probably gone and with JMB working on other projects and Michael/Kristina going on the run soon--I don't expect much of Tracy or the Qs anymore either! :( I think we will have a typical Tracy-free July and August. Not what I wanted to hear, but seems to be the way the tide is turning. Ethan is all up with Rebecca/Nik now.

    So stupid as they spent 5 months of him having scenes with Luke and Tracy alone. What a bummer.

    I totaly agree with you

  11. Seriously?! Please tell me ur joking.... please! Oh gawd...

    Thanks for the recaps Remos! I haven't been watching cuz I'm in NJ visiting family. Note: 4 year old + ice cream = insanity

    Thanks for the clips nex[/b!

    Hey angel I love your new banner very swish

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