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Posts posted by TracyQartermaine

  1. As for today, it seems as though Tracy?Luke were on today but I don't really know much more than that.

    GH Recap - Tracy Today as well as LuNacy, Luke and Ethan Maya and Ethan, Edward and Molly and Edward and Luke.


    Luke was yelling on his phone at the high rollers. He says to Ethan that he want to earn an honest buck to pay for Tracy's Wedding. He also says that it is more complicated than the Normandy Invasion. Ethan compares the Wedding to WW3. Luke says he "I love this woman." Ethan talks about Maya and Vegas and how she won't sleep with him sleep with him.

    At the Quartermaine mansion and Molly want to interview Edward for her history class. Edward does not want it to be taken out of context or on the internet. She says she could interview Mike. Edward says that she would end up in a poker game. He orders some cookie and says how nice it is to have children in the house. Molly asks him what matters most and he says family. Molly says "No offence but most of your family does not seem to like you." LOL

    Ethan and Luke still talking about Maya, Ethan wants to know why she would shut him out. Luke suggests maybe it’s to even the score. Ethan says that he assumed since they were married that they would get some more private time on a regular basis. Luke says “Assume nothing with woman.” Then you can hear Tracy outside say “I don’t believe it. Luke Spencer!” Luke says “My precious” Than Tracy lays into him “Really, why is this place closed? Why it is not filled with happy customers gaily losing their money with a smile on their face.” Luke says that it was because he wanted it to be just the two of then tonight with no one to distract them. Tracy sees what’s going on and says that he closed it for high rollers who blew him off (man she’s good). Luke says she is so wrong. Tracy reminds him that is he doesn’t pay for the wedding there is no wedding. He says he will pay for the wedding of her dreams or they can go to a beach on Normandy wait Atlantic City and get everything happening. Tracy says that it translates to you want to find your high rollers, get in the game and pocket the money the money. Luke says that she’s breaking his heart. Tracy says “My house. Your money. Our wedding. Got that?” Luke says he’s got it and Tracy says “good” and then Maya burst in. She starts rambling on about Lisa and Vegas and how she has been playing games blah, blah, blah and they kiss. You can see Tracy and Luke hugging in the background. The Ethan says “Great you’re beautiful, I forgive you, let’s go have sex.” Tracy cringes, Maya rollers her eyes and Luke says I don’t teach him that, that’s no my way. They look at each other.

    Molly and Edward are sitting in the living room and she says have you ever tired to make emends for the mistakes you’ve made with your family? Edward says can we go off the books, Molly says that she is very good at keeping secrets. He starts to talk about how Maya has fallen in love with Ethan. Molly says that he’s pretty cute. Edward says he has potential and that he’s bright, molly says that he is forgiving. He says that Maya has fallen head over heels for him, but she can’t admit it. Edward says he sees a great deal of promise; he knew it when he saw him for the first time stealing trinkets. He says “Ethan is a diamond in the rough, I can mold him since he is now a member of the family, I can mold him into the kind of man who can run ELQ and kind of man who can turn it into the dynamic corporation that it once was.” Molly says that Ethan is not the corporate type. Edward says that it is his second choice, the other being to follow in Luke’s footsteps. Edwards says that as long as he is married to Maya h can influence him. Molly sates that Ethan is Luke’s son. Why would he turn him over to you? Edward says that she is a very smart girl and to have a cookie.

    Ethan and Maya are yelling at each other. She says that she wants to call of the deal and she doesn’t care about the money. Ethan tries to convince her that he was joking. Luke and Tracy look unconvinced. He says he was being a fool, Maya says you’re always being a fool. They fight some more, he says he can be charming, Maya say that he’s not listening, that the marriage is affecting her life, job and that she thinks about him all the time and that it is not worth it. Ethan says they have a great deal and why make it complicated. Maya say is that how you see our marriage, just a deal. He is like yeah she yells at him about not wanting Edwards’s money and doing something to make it right. She runs out Ethan finishes his drink and goes after her. Tracy and Luke look little shell shocked. He says “wow, aren’t you glad we are passed all that?” Tracy says Maya has a point, Luke disagrees and says she’s scared. Tracy says that she doesn’t want Edward to double cross them and he will. She tries to work out what angle the Edward is playing she knows that he wants to support Maya and says why does he not just giver her the money. Luke asks “Would she take it?” Tracy says “no. But why not find another hoop for her to jump through. Why bring Ethan in on this? It doesn’t make sense.” Luke says “no, but we make sense. That’s all that’s important really. That’s all that matters.” They lean in to kiss he stops and says “wait a minute your right, it doesn’t make sense. That old wind bag is up to something. Definitely.”

    Luke walks into the mansion living room and Edward says go away you don’t live hear yet. Luke says that he is going to give Edward credit where credit is due. Edward tries to blow him off and says he don’t want to talk. Luke say he almost brought the “benevolent old codger routine of yours because you do it so well.” Edward says “I wonder if Alice is too besotted to through you out on your ear” He calls Edward a cagey adversary and Edward once again tries to blow him off. Luke says that the game he is playing with Ethan and Maya is about getting back at him.

    Ethan and Maya talk about marriage, Ethan wants to know what he did. Maya says it’s not what you did it is what you’ve done and what he is going to do. She says he is a player and that players are fun until they break your heart and leave. She says she is going to leave and Ethan says he is not playing her, using her or lying to her. He says he does not have a hidden agenda. He said that he wants Edward’s money but he can get money from anywhere and it is supposed to be about them. Maya goes on about why me, why not some other woman. He says because they are not her, he says he cares about her Maya says something sarcastic about caring and you have to contain yourself and Ethan kisses her to shut her up.


  2. I was fiddling at home with my image software and superimposing Tracy heads onto wedding dresses to see what they look like.

    Now I can admit I have the worst image software imaginable so my attempts are not as good as Ms.Q. Here is what I cam up with:


    Yay for LuNacy Wedding :D

  3. i think i actually like this dress! Fun!!!

    i wanna see "luke's" getup now...

    I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Exited for the wedding


    Going crazy

    All I want for Christmas is a nice wedding with NED adn DILLON there aswell

    Will they bring them pack???

    PLEASE bring them back


    Hooked I am SOOOOOOOO JEALOUS :)

  4. Hi Guys,

    No I have not been around for ages. Really busy with grade 12 and work. About to graduate, anyway have caught up on tracy scemes. Meh they are not that good. kinda the same story line at last eyar with holly and the fake heart attack. I also have made a new video

    Miss you guys and will be back now



  5. ARG I hate that they brought Skye back

    It going to be all Luke and Skye crap again

    Hey Nex do you have the clips?



    Oh and I forgot to say LOOOOOOVED Tracy's attempt to buy of Maya

    "Shall we sart the bidding off a 50'000"


    Looooooooooooved JI and JE together

    Best Quartermaine stuff in a long while

    hehe Edward intro for Tracy sooo good

  6. HOLY CRAP!!!! It's slow here, I don't have much to say, just that I will have last weeks clips up soon. I am going to put Mon and Fri's episodes together since they are barely 5 minutes total!

    I agree nex it is dead

    I have started re-making vids again

    One should be up today at the latest ad the other one in the next week or so

    Thanks guys

  7. i never watched Gina T on GL, but damn if the girl doesn't have chemistry! I hate Todd,but the snappy dialogue between them was pretty good last week. Generally I don't like OLTL that much though.

    Stuart was so good on DOOL last Friday--he even got some kissing action! Love DOOL so much--John Anniston is the best! Love victor, love vivian, love kate, etc....I really like Crystal Chappell too!

    Sorry for the OT....but just a commentary!

    I think that it shows how pathetic GH has gotten when we are talking about OLTL



  8. They are also in the medianet pics for this week with Ethan at the HS...I'm guessing that is on Wed because that is when Luke is supposed to worry about Lulu's future.

    No Tracy in medianet pics for week of the 8th. Luke is in a couple with Nik. Helena is back and in some shots with NIk and some with Ethan/Liz at LIz's house. I think Ethan is hanging around Liz hoping she will go for the brother trifecta! LOL

    I'd like to think they might have a scene or two on valentines day, but I'm not really expectng they will.

    I thought that too about the kareoke episode. Did she say ILY back?

    I really hope they do get some air time on valentines day

    Maybe like 2007 that was goood

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