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Posts posted by TracyQartermaine

  1. Hey I am at work tommorrow Morning from 8 til 11 and that is my usual Recap time so I might be a tad late with the recaps and the clips for tommorrow.

    Yay only 1 more hours :wub:

    Still Crazy exited even though I am pretty sure tommorrow will be a disapointment <_<

    Yay LuNacy Wedding anyway :lol:

  2. Hi all. Could someone please post today's Tracy clip? For some reason my laptop recorded Let's Make a Deal today instead of GH? I'm a little freaked out that my computer is turning all HAL 9000 on me and refusing to record GH because it's so crappy.

    Thanx in advance!

    I'll have them up within the hour :)

  3. Hey she's in it! and she's throwing her flowers, which means the deed is done. Thank Gawd! :wub: :wub:

    Slow down the vid when she is throwing the flowers. Jason is at the wedding in his traditional black t and leather. Jason! Ha! (likely to guard Brenda)

    It would have been classy of them to bring in monica for this Quartermaine event, but noooooo.

    I wish they did have the whole Quartermaone clan there for the wedding.

    Oh well you can't win them all

    At least they get marrried :wub:

  4. GH Recap - Tracy Scenes


    Luke and Luck walk into the Haunted Star and see Ethan and Maya, Luke asks where Tracy is and Maya tells him she is in the back. Tracy walks in and says “Look what the cart dragged in.” Luke says he is the twitching carcass of the rodent who is about to become your loving husband. Luke asks if she thought he had skipped town she said no.

    Luke says he was on his way to open the Haunted Star but he got sidetracked. Tracy says “Where? The Canadian Border.” Luke starts talking about Canada. Lucky says that it’s his fault Luke is late. Tracy says it doesn’t matter he will either show up at the wedding or not and if he doesn’t he better have paid for a party because she wants to eat, sleep and be merry. Luke says there won’t be much of a celebration without the groom. Tracy says she will be celebrating being rid of him at last. Luke says there will be no celebration because he will be there and the she is stuck with him. Tracy says it’s up to him.


    Todays was a dissapointment

    I wanted nore Tracy


    Stupid Balken

  5. One thing about watching live tv is that I have to gag through the mob crap in order to see LuNacy. but i can't wait either for the wedding. Well at lease Tracy knows Luke is in town and he hasn't run away.

    Remos are you writing the wedding night or the honeymoon? :wub:

    Arg I agree I have had to sut through 12:30 of mob stuff

    Driving me up the wall

    Seriously 12:30 mins in NO Tracy


  6. TQ, are you still counting down the days to the wedding? Haha. I cannot wait either. It is going to be amazing :wub::wub:



    My family, friend and workers are soooo suck of hearing about the wedding


    ONE DAY TO GOOOOOOOOO :wub::wub::wub:

    I have a few old Jane Elliot interviews from her various soaps - I would be happy to post them here but I wanted to ask first because I thought it would be rude to just throw things in and assume someone wants to read them cluttering up the board. If you're interested in any of them let me know and I will post a few.

    Yes PLEASE

    LOVE to read them ^_^

  7. Ms.Q: Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love

    The banner toooo cute

    Linnie: I think that you should get a job as a GH script writer! But I can only hold out for so long. Tracy hasn't been part of a meaty storyline for ages. *Fingers crossed* heres hoping anyway!!!!!!

    Halee: Tee Hee matching Hair cuts LOVE IT

    Hooked: BIG Thank You Hug for posting the scans

    Yay only 4 more Days to Wedding Time!!!!!!

    Dum Dum da Dum

    Dum Dum da Dum

    Dum Dum da daaa dum da daaa dum da da

  8. Thanks for the articles, Hooked!

    This wedding is going to be freakin' awesome! I am glad that Brook Lynn is going to convince Tracy to marry Luke. At least Tracy can share scenes with one of her three descendants. I wonder if there will be mention of Ned and Dillon. Hopefully, the writers will at least acknowledge why they couldn't make it there.

    That what I said

    Oh Great Minds think alike

    I wanted Ned and Dillon at the wedding

    But I was told that Ned is on DOOL and Dillon on OLTL

    They could still come back *Fingers Crossed*

  9. "I don't think I could live without Tracy, to tell you the truth."

    Well said, Mr. Spencer!

    Now if you don't forget it. All will be grand.

    Um... today was 100% about Luke and Tracy. This is going to be his second "REAL" marriage, which means he equates it with the first. Put down the dope LnL fans. Your couple is DEAD! Over. Buried. Kaput.

    Viva la LuNacy.


    GH you BEST not F up this wedding. You better not!!!!!

    I agree 100%

    If they screw this up there will be one abusive letter coming there way!!!!

    They own Tracy

  10. Thanks! I appreciate what you went through to give me this information!!! By the way, I think it is about time some guy comes into the picture to make Luke jealous again! I am tired of all of Luke's past loves coming back to town.

    Who could come back

    Not Paul he was a bastard



    Oh I know Tracy and Scott again! That would be fun


    Or Tracy and Jax!

    They were cute togeather


  11. TracyQ, I can't believe you have graduated from high school. When you first posted here, you were what, 13 or 14? Time flies.

    Am totally loving Tracy and Brook. Kind of came out of nowhere, but Nikolas had a good line about family that summed it up.

    Yep I was 14 an in year 9

    Wow that seems ages ago

    Loving :wub: Tracy/Brook scenes.

    Want more

  12. GH Recap – Tracy Scenes


    Brook asks Tracy why she is convinced that the wedding is going to fail. Tracy says it’s because she has years of experience with the groom. Brook wants to know why he would bail if he is getting everything he wants. Tracy says that she has no doubt that Luke will pay for her wedding but when the music starts and she walks down the aisle that Elvis would have left the building. Brook says she should cancel the wedding. Tracy looks sad.

    Luke asks Lucky if he is trying to force him into marriage. Lucky asks why there is a problem; he has been married to Tracy for years even though it was fraudulent. Luke asks if he is going to talk him into it. Lucky says no but the question is not weather he can afford Tracy’s wedding but if he can afford to lose her.

    Tracy says that Luke is afraid of commitment not even her assets will get him to the alter. Brook says that she is just imagining the worst possible situation so it won’t hurt if Luke lets her down. Tracy says that she expects he will let her down. She says “I hope he breaks my heart once and for all.” Brook asks why and Tracy says it will cure her of loving him. Luke walks in and tells Brook to bestow wishes on his soon to be blushing bride. Brook says that she hope the wedding will be beautiful. Luke says that it’s going to be wonderful, right sweetheart to Tracy. Tracy says she knows what she is expecting and Luke says that he knows what he is going to deliver.

    Brooks asks Nic if he is going to be her date. Nic said he wouldn’t miss it. Brook says that Tracy thinks Luke is going stand her up. Nic says it wouldn’t surprise him. Brook says that she really wants to be there for Tracy (awww :wub: ) and that it hurts when the one you love does not love you back. Nic says he never has really fond of Tracy but he hope her courage get rewarded (Don’t We all).

    Tracy looks at her ring and says to Luke that he is running out of time. Luke asks if she is implying that he is having second thoughts. Tracy says “are you” and Luke says “I love you spanky.” He says the only problem is that she has Champaign tastes and he is on a beer budget. Tracy asks if he wants to cancel the wedding. Luke says that he wants to elope. Tracy reminds him that the minister’s fee is non-refundable. Luke says “we can take him with us.” Tracy asks if he is prepared to lose her. He says no and Tracy says “Good. Right answer. Wedding as planned December 21st. My house. Pre-Nup. Sober.” Luke nod and says sober.


    Sorry left out a hunk of the recap

    My Bad thought that was the end

    Well her is the rest


    Brook gets up and tells Nic she is worried about her grandmother. Nic says that this is way families are. Brook goes over to Tracy and says that she will do anything she wants, where anything, do what ever she says and bring or not bring who ever she wants because it is her day. Tracy tells brook not to patronise her. Brook says that she is just trying to be nice. Tracy says that is she wants to be nice forget everything she said because she was indulging in a moment of self pity. Tracy then reminds her that they have not finished talking about Nic paying her. Brook says “whatever you say Granny” Tracy says they will have this fight after the wedding. Brook leaves and Luke enters. Tracy asks if he has made any money yet. Luke says he will find a way to pay for the carnival she is planning. Tracy says that it is a very simple ceremony. Luke says “Right. Simple ceremony.” Tracy Smiles.

    Ethan walks in. Luke tells him that he doesn’t know how to pay for the wedding. Ethan says they can work it out. Luke says that she is setting some very high expectations. Luke says his instinct tell him to jump ship. Ethan says if he runs Tracy won’t take him back. Luke agrees and says that’s why he can’t do it. Luke says he has only ever been married once for real and that we all no how that turned out. Luke says he wants to bail. Ethan asks what is stopping him. Luke says that he can’t live without Tracy. Tracy is standing in the corner behind then smiling.


    *Waves to Nex*

    Hey Nex are you doing clips today or am I?

    Thanks TracyQ

  13. GH Recap – Tracy Scenes


    Brook asks Tracy why she is convinced that the wedding is going to fail. Tracy says it’s because she has years of experience with the groom. Brook wants to know why he would bail if he is getting everything he wants. Tracy says that she has no doubt that Luke will pay for her wedding but when the music starts and she walks down the aisle that Elvis would have left the building. Brook says she should cancel the wedding. Tracy looks sad.

    Luke asks Lucky if he is trying to force him into marriage. Lucky asks why there is a problem; he has been married to Tracy for years even though it was fraudulent. Luke asks if he is going to talk him into it. Lucky says no but the question is not weather he can afford Tracy’s wedding but if he can afford to lose her.

    Tracy says that Luke is afraid of commitment not even her assets will get him to the alter. Brook says that she is just imagining the worst possible situation so it won’t hurt if Luke lets her down. Tracy says that she expects he will let her down. She says “I hope he breaks my heart once and for all.” Brook asks why and Tracy says it will cure her of loving him. Luke walks in and tells Brook to bestow wishes on his soon to be blushing bride. Brook says that she hope the wedding will be beautiful. Luke says that it’s going to be wonderful, right sweetheart to Tracy. Tracy says she knows what she is expecting and Luke says that he knows what he is going to deliver.

    Brooks asks Nic if he is going to be her date. Nic said he wouldn’t miss it. Brook says that Tracy thinks Luke is going stand her up. Nic says it wouldn’t surprise him. Brook says that she really wants to be there for Tracy (awww :wub: ) and that it hurts when the one you love does not love you back. Nic says he never has really fond of Tracy but he hope her courage get rewarded (Don’t We all).

    Tracy looks at her ring and says to Luke that he is running out of time. Luke asks if she is implying that he is having second thoughts. Tracy says “are you” and Luke says “I love you spanky.” He says the only problem is that she has Champaign tastes and he is on a beer budget. Tracy asks if he wants to cancel the wedding. Luke says that he wants to elope. Tracy reminds him that the minister’s fee is non-refundable. Luke says “we can take him with us.” Tracy asks if he is prepared to lose her. He says no and Tracy says “Good. Right answer. Wedding as planned December 21st. My house. Pre-Nup. Sober.” Luke nod and says sober.


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