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Posts posted by TracyQartermaine

  1. Could someone please fill me in on what happened with Luke, Tracy, Skye, and Coleman in 2005? I missed that whole storyline. Thanks!

    There was just one problem. Helena was unable to reclaim the 15 million dollars that Luke had transferred into Tracy's accounts. Tracy decided to keep it, but this was completely unacceptable to Luke, who wanted the cash for himself. He, of course, had a plan. In May, Luke enlisted Dillon and Georgie's help and set a plan into action. Tracy received a phone call from Dillon, in which he lied and told her that he and Georgie had eloped. Tracy took a flight to Las Vegas to put a stop to it, but she was "too late". She decided to drown her sorrows in a nearby bar, where Luke joined her. The next morning, Tracy woke up in a tacky hotel room, in Luke's shirt, with a shiny diamond ring on her finger. Unbeknownst to her at the time, she had drunkenly agreed to marry Luke Spencer! She was horrified, especially when Luke assured her that they consummated the marriage, thus making an annulment impossible. Tracy asked what Luke wanted. His response was "alimony." He would gladly divorce Tracy if she gave him 15 million dollars in the settlement. Tracy refused.

    The next couple of months resulted in a full battle of one-upmanship, as Tracy and Luke took turns trying to get out a marriage that neither of them wanted to be in. Tracy tried to prove that Luke was committing adultery with Skye. Luke went as far as putting the owner of Jake's bar, Coleman, in bed with Tracy, and took photos. Tracy believed she was sleeping with Luke and didn't realize what happened until the next morning. Luke insisted that the photos proved adultery and that he would be able to get the cash. But, Tracy turned the tables on Luke when she decided to pursue a relationship with Coleman! Luke was jealous and decided not to divorce her. Meanwhile, Coleman and Skye spent some time together. Tracy and Luke caught them, and later, when Coleman had some harsh words to say about Tracy, she kicked him out. Luke finally decided he was tired of the games and agreed to a divorce, but Tracy, angry about Skye and Coleman, wasn't going to give him one or the 15 million. The game was back on.

    Afterwards, in June, 2005, Luke agreed to help Tracy maintain her position as CEO of ELQ. For three months, which would be long enough to solidify the position, he would also have to act as a real husband, and then she'd give him the divorce and the alimony. Luke, indeed, acted as a real husband, as he comforted Tracy when she was forced to give up Lila's former position as Director of the GH Charitable Endowment. Skye saw that Luke really wasn't acting, and that he and Tracy did have a growing bond. However, this didn't last long. When it was time to vote for the new CEO of ELQ, Luke didn't support his wife, and she lost out to Lorenzo Alcazar. Luke broke his end of the deal, and Tracy wanted Luke to be miserable, so she assured him they'd be married for a long, long time. At this time, Luke took off on a mission for Lorenzo.

    With Luke gone for the summer, Tracy did not have much to do. One afternoon, Lorenzo summoned Tracy to his house to share his plans for ELQ. She found out that he was going to use her family's company to front his illegal activities. Tracy forbade him from doing so, but when Lorenzo indirectly threatened to make her disappear, she agreed to his plans. She went to Europe and was not seen again until October. While searching for her husband, Tracy had been kidnapped. Luke refused to pay the ransom and said he'd still get the alimony if she died. Skye was appalled and requested that Lorenzo put up the cash. It didn't matter in the end, though, because Tracy irritated her kidnapper so much that he let her go. In November, tragedy hit Port Charles, when two trains collided. Lucky, was onboard, and Luke went to rescue him. Tracy was fearful but was relieved when Luke emerged from the tunnel. In December, Tracy revealed to Jax that she had no intentions of divorcing Luke. Lulu, Luke's daughter, who had moved in with the Quartermaines the month before, overheard and spilled the information to her dad. Luke thought it interesting, but was still not over Skye.

    From http://www.soapcentral.com/gh/whoswho/tracy.php

    Thats it in anutshell :lol:

  2. I know it's been forever since I have done this, but with all the problems I have been having with my computer, this is a rare treat, even for me. :) Today's clips......


    Thanks Nex

    8 - 4 at work today :wacko: so didn't get time

    Hi everyone! I am very excited about posting here. I have lurked here for a while. I became interested in the show mainly because of Tracy. There was a scene that Tracy had with Lorenzo in the Metro Court in the summer of '06 that really impressed me. It was when Luke had left after their kiss in the Q's garden. I appreciated Jane Elliot's acting. I was drawn into the LuNacy drama that fall, but I didn't start watching regularly until '08. I haven't seen today's episode yet, but it sounds great.

    Hey Welcome :D

    Alwyas noce to see another Tracy fan lurking around ^_^

  3. Dear GH wardrobe dept

    Please burn this hideous dead animal jacket that Tracy has been wearing since 2005!




    Dear GH Wardrobe dept

    While you are at it can you please burn the infamous teal jacket that has been circulating since 2003!




    and this


    And please get rid of this hideous thing


    Thank You


  4. GH Recap – Tracy Scenes


    Luke and Ethan are at the Haunted Star talking about the high rollers. Luke wants to keep 70% of the profits to pay for Tracy’s wedding. Ethan tells Luke to tell Tracy to simplify the wedding. Luke says that he is not lying down in front of that steamroller. Luke says that he is going to do it her way. Lucky and Siobhan come in. Luke says he needs a favour. He wants them to relieve the high rollers of a sizable amount of income. Lucky says is it for his get away and Luke says no it’s for the wedding. Siobhan asks if he wants Lucky to fleece some unsuspecting customers to pay for the wedding. Tracy walks in and says “Hello husband-to-be. What are you plotting with your offspring? And why are there no customers again?” Luke smiles.

    Brook and Nic are talking at the Haunted Star. They talk about music, social skill she says something about paying her????? Brook says hi to Lucky as both he and Siobhan walk by. Nic asks why he hasn’t kept in touch; Lucy says it because he was in Manhattan with Siobhan. Brook asks if she likes it, Siobhan says it was exiting blah, blah. Romantic talk, more talking, I wasn’t paying that much attention. Nic asks Brook if she wants’ to say hi to her grandmother. She says she isn’t close but okay Tracy is her grandmother. Siobhan asks if she is going to the wedding. Brook looks confused

    Tracy and Luke are at the bar. She says that she is getting the dress designed and flying in the minister. Luke says that it sounds wonderful but how is he supposed to pay for it, sell a kidney. She says to rob, steal and pilfer as long as it’s not from her. Luke asks if she is missing the point. Tracy says what point is that. Luke says that this is their engagement and they should be enjoying it. Then he talks about a beach. Tracy says that he has scammed her for yeas and now it is time to even the score and that if he loves her as much as he says he does he’ll suck it up.

    Brook says to Tracy that her invitation got lost in the mail. Tracy says of course she is invited and that she and Luke are very exited to finally get married. Luke says “Beyond exited.” Tracy says to Brook that she hopes she can come. Brook asks if she can bring Nic. Luke says it might be a problem for Lucky. Brook asks why and goes on about Luck and Siobhan and stuff. Lucky asks if he can speak to Luke and Nic. Tracy says to Brook that the thing with Nic has gone on far too long. Brook tells “granny” to relax. Tracy tells her to not call her that. Brook says that there is nothing going on between her and Nic.

    Luke tells Nic he I invited to TRACY”S wedding and for a gift cash is always tasteful. Lucky asks if he can speak to Luke.

    Lucky wants to make sure that Luke does not want the cash to bolt. Luke says no. No. No no no no. He says he is getting twitchy about Tracy turning the wedding from minimal to bloated dog and pony show. Lucky says it’s not about the money it’s about Tracy and how you can’t live without her. Luke says he can live without her but not happily and not for very long. Lucky says if you think about running out on her he will put Luke in a lock-up until the wedding and force him to the alter in shackles. Luke laughs.

    Brook asks if Tracy is happy or exited. Tracy says she would be if she actually thought she was getting married. Brook says “what are you talking about?” Tracy tells her that is a distinct possibility that she is going to come down the stairs and there will be a big empty space where the groom should be standing. Luke will be on a plane to nowhere running for his life.


  5. I think Tracy should be the one not to show up for the wedding. When Hooked, mentioned it last week, I thought about it and how much material can come from that???? If Tracy was to disappear as Luke waits for her at the end of the isle! All the Spencermaines go looking for her, only to have Luke realize he knows where she is.....the Q crypt 'talking' with her momma. Only then does he realize the depth of her insecurities with regards to him truly loving her. They walk into the wedding arm and arm and get married. :) Now THAT would be a real holiday treat!!!!! Wishfull thinking, I know!

    I agree Nex

    If she leaves him he finally get a taste of his own medacine as well.

    I can just see Luke's face standing at the end of the isle waiting, waiting, looking concerned.

    Come GH don't let me down

    All I want for christmas is a half decent wedding :lol:

  6. Hey guys!!! Long time no see. ;/ Hope everyone is well.

    Our girl has been looking VERY fabu for a long time. now. Can't wait for the wedding.

    I've been busy as all heck since late summer working 8 days a week. heh ;). The show "Rain... A tribute to the Beatles" is currently running in my theatre and is leaving mid Jan to make room for "Catch Me If You Can" coming in March. Have been laid up for 3 days now since my back went out. The pain is excruciating at times. like back labor :(...

    Anyone know how BSG and the baby are doing? I don't have anyone's # anymore. I lost them along with my phone and sim card quite a while ago. Effin phone was a hunk of junk anyway. I think I may have posted my new number a while back (this was BEFORE i lost my phone). Anyway here it is.... 718-916-3996.

    Well, it's off for some rest with an ice pack and some meds. Do you all ever have chats anymore? I remember we used to have a blast there! teehee.

    *Waves to TRacyLuv*

    Good to hear from you


    Exited for Tracy tommorrow

    It was been a long three days without her

  7. In my obsessive snooping I have found some more spoilers

    Not as random but corroborate some of the other rumors floating around

    Luke and Tracy's wedding might LOOK fabulous but all sorts of wrong is going to happen! Watch 12/21!

    After a truth is spilled at the wedding, someone is arrested

    Monica does NOT attend the wedding (boo hiss)

    Luke hears from Laura via a phone call.

    Luke starts getting cold feet

    Luke tells Edward to lay off

    Nothing really new

  8. So Brook Lynn convinces Tracy to go through with it, if I am understanding correctly?

    Seems strange that Brook would be the one and not Lulu considering their relationships with Tracy, but how neat that Brook and Tracy will be getting scenes! And scenes of the non-snarky variety. Much as I love the snark, it's nice that TPTB remembered that Tracy and Brook are family. :wub:

    *waves to TracyQartermaine* How've you been?

    Hi Ms.Q :D

    I have been great

    Finally finished year 12 and now can get back to my true passion


    How have you been??

    Made another wedding Picture this time with Luke as well ^_^


  9. Found some spoilers

    Meh ther pretty average

    Luke has a run in with some of the Balkan's men.

    Does Tracy have a connection to the Balkan?

    Edward wants Maya to have more to do at the hospital.

    Tracy and the Balkan?????????????

  10. SOW: Sneak Peeks week of Dec 13th

    Theo sues the hospital for malpractice.

    Lisa faces firing over the antibiotics theft.

    Lucky vows to get a flighty Luke to the altar on time.

    Brook Lynn and Nikolas share secrets of their past.

    Someone in Ireland calls someone in Port Charles.

    Can�t Miss: Monday, Dec. 13 � S&B play loin magnets.

    Week of Dec. 20:

    Luke and Tracy's wedding day arrives.Sonny defends his relationship with Brenda.

    Jason and Sam celebrate with a Charlie Brown Christmas tree.

    Somebody pops the question


    Sucks that lunacy's wedding turns into sonny asking brenda to marry him when things go awry. can't they at least have one freaking episode about their wedding without the mob crap....maybe we'll get lucky and Tracy will be a runaway bride as a last minute surprise and leave luke at the alter!

    Lucky better get Luke to the Alter

    I agree that the mob crap should stay away from the wedding

    Why ruin a nice moment with Sonny/Brenda/Carly/Dante Crap <_<

    I hate these writer they should just leave well-enough alone

  11. Tracy admits to Brooke Lynn that she thinks Luke will leave her at the altar, in spite of Lucky vowing to get his father there by any means necessary. Siobhan notices him bonding with his brother, who has been busy bonding with Brooke Lynn, and then asks Nikolas to help her take Lucky off of the Balkan case. Her family ends up calling Lucky. Meanwhile, Luke tries to keep himself from running and then tells Dante about his doubts concerning Sonny and Brenda. Simultaneously, Lulu doubts Dante’s feelings since she’s starting to think he still loves Brenda.

    Yay :lol:

    I don't know if it is enough to break the 100 episode count but a storyline is a storyline

    As long as they get married and it ends well I will be satisfied

  12. Someone posted one and I think it was one off for JE. I am almost positive she was on 10 times in November but it said 9. If it was 10, then she would have been at 79 after November. She has been on 4 times thus far in December so that would be 83. I think other than the year of luke's heart attack where she broke 100, this will be the highest episode count since 2003.

    So if she is at 83 now, we know there are probably at least 4 more dates, maybe 5 for december...13th 14th maybe 15th 21st and 22nd. Althoug hif the wedding is the 21st and 22nd, I woudl think maybe she would be on the 20th too.

    I have that she was in 10 episodes for November

    11-3-10 - Luke Begs for Marriage

    11-4-10 - Brenda talks to Edward and Luke comes Home

    11-9-10 - Luke at the Quartermaines

    11-10-10 - Maya and Ethan get Married

    11-11-10 - Wedding Flashbacks

    11-15-10 - Trouble in Vegas

    11-16-10 - Honeymoon in Vegas

    11-17-10 - Home from Vegas

    11-18-10 - Wedding Plans

    11-24-10 - Quartermaine Thanksgiving

    Just coming in to remind everyone that LuNacy has always gotten better in their moments then we've anticipated, but I think it's AMAZING that the stage is being set for all the Junior Spencermaines to rally around Ma and Pa and show their support. I can't wait to see it.

    I agree Remos

    I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Exited for the 21st and 22nd


    I just hope that they do it justice

  13. Okay, TracyQ--you supply the clips and recaps today and I'll supply the spoilers from my "friend". This is what they had til the 31st...


    I Like it

    21'st - With Lucky, Lulu, Ethan, Edward and Alexis’ help, Luke and Tracy manage to make it all the way to the altar – where they hit a slight snag despite Luke’s profession of love.

    22nd - Luke’s kids make a passionate argument for why Luke and Tracy should stop sabotaging their wedding. But it is Brook Lynn who finally convinces Tracy – and the couple ultimate seal their marriage with a kiss.

    No not a snag

    They better not mess with the wedding

    Brook Lynn - Hmmmmm that different

  14. GH Recap – Tracy Scenes


    Luke and Edward are sitting in the living room discussing Ethan. Edward said that Luke has finally snapped. Luke implies that Edward wants to keep him under his wing and that’s why he offered them the one million dollars. Edward says that Luke does not lack ego, he also says that it might be Tracy’s mission to make him suffer but that he has better thinks to do. Luke gives him a trade-mark ‘I don’t believe you’ look.

    Luke says that Edward has no fondness for Ethan. He tries to find out the angle Edward it playing. Edward says it’s because he felt guilty about what he did with Mary Mae and Justus. Luke thinks he is ruining two more lives. Edward says that it he looked closer he would see that Maya loves Ethan and all he cares about is her happiness. Luke says “Really? Since when?”

    Luke says that he was crazy about Mary Mae. He says “I know you Edward you have an ulterior motive wrapped around all of your other ulterior motives.” Ethan and Maya enter and want to know what the emergency is. Edward says that it wasn’t him who called then but that it’s gratifying to seen them together. Luke tells them to beware of the angle Edward is playing. He says because he is playing with the two of them that it is going to cost him something. Edward laughs and says “this from the man who is marring my daughter for her bank account.” Tracy enters (about time) and says “oh good, you’re here and guess what. Nobody leave until the bride says so.”

    Tracy says that she want to finalize the wedding party and the guest list. Luke says they could jus elope and that there is a beach head on Normandy with their name on it. Maya attempts to say something but Tracy interrupts her by saying that Lucky is the best-man and Lulu is the maid-of-honour. She tells Ethan he is a groomsmen and that Maya is a bridesmaid. Maya says since when, Tracy says since they saved her from another drunken debacle in Vegas. Lulu walks in and says Sorry for being late. Luke tells her to run while there is still time. Tracy tells her that there a million things to de and that she could use her help. Luke says “Hey you’ve got plenty of help right here. I will do anything you say sweetheart.” Ethan says that he and Maya want to go and Edward stops them and says that he has something very important to say. Tracy says “Thank you Daddy” He responds by saying “Not about you Tracy. It’s about these newlyweds.” Edwards says that because he is playing to keep them together they have to live together as mister and missus Lovett. They have some doubt and he says that either you live together or you don’t get a cent. Tracy says “Can we get back to MY wedding please. Anybody who lets me down there is no wedding and Luke will no who to blame.” Luke responds by saying “it’s going to be my fault? I have all the responsibility. Anybody lets you down weddings off and it’s my fault. If the cheese balls are stale it’s my fault.” Lulu butts in saying that Tracy is a bride and perhaps he should treat her that way. Tracy and Lulu smile at each other and both look at Luke who kind of smiling back.

    Lulu says that they should all just suck it up and be supportive for Tracy’s sake. Tracy thanks her and says that she gives new mean to maid-of-honour. Ethan says that he will do anything she wants and that if he moves in with Maya he will be more accessible for his groomsmen duties. Maya says the need to talk about it and they leave. Tracy reminds Luke that he has not lived up to his end of the deal. He says “Check your carrots baby that is some bling-button you’re sporting.” Tracy says that she was actually talking about the pre-nup. He stumbles through saying he’ll get to it and he just hasn’t had an opportunity to have his lawyers look over it yet. She reminds him that he doesn’t have lawyers and goes to check the flowers. Edward goes to Maya an Ethan and say either they co-habitat or the deal is off. Maya says yes but she needs time to make arrangements. Edward says what arrangements and the he is giving then he whole east wing. Ethan looks happy and repeats the east wing. Luke then goes on some spiel about the Quartermaines and their way of life. Lulu says that she want to have a talk with him.

    Lulu wants to know what Luke is up to. She says that she thinks that he is going to scam Tracy before he marries her. Luke denies it and tells her to put it out of her mind and that he loves her. Lulu says that Tracy has made herself very vulnerable and that she trusts him to marry her. Luke says he knows and he wonders if all this concern is for Tracy’s feelings.

    Lulu wants to know why Luke is so determined to hate Dante. Luke says that he doesn’t hate him he is just not fond of his career choice. Lulu says that it has to be something more. Luke compares himself to Dante and talk about adrenalin and how addictive it is and the older you get the more you need. He than says that Dante’s Grandfather is addicted to gambling and that Sonny is addicted to power. Lulu says that he is addicted to freedom. Luke says he has made peace with that and so has Tracy. Luke wants to know what Lulu is going to have to make peace with. He reminds her that Dante is a cop and everyday he could be killed. He asks her if she is ready to make pace with that.


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