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Posts posted by rhinohide

  1. 8 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    A lot (not all) of the Bernie supporters need to make it all about them. I noticed that when I was reading about their reaction to Ellison losing:




    Tensions exploded on the floor Saturday as members of Ellison’s team sent voting members text messages during the first round voting process claiming an endorsement from Buttigieg — which Buttigieg then rebutted on Twitter. Only after voting closed did Ellison forces text out a correction. As the second round of voting finished, Ellison’s team circulated a last-second endorsement from former chair Howard Dean, feeling the need to clarify “This is real."


    When Perez won, Ellison backers erupted in anger, chanting “Party of the people, not big money!” But that fury turned to relief and big smiles as Ellison took the deputy chair title.


    One of the reasons I am not involved in any party stuff is because I could never put up with this type of narcissism, the equivalent of children crying about someone else getting candy until they get a piece too.


    It's been disheartening how much of this DNC race has become one more personality contest. It doesn't really give me hope that the party will be unified. They are lucky that so many people are fighting back against Trump, but that is in spite of the Democratic Party, not because of them. The party still seems to be fascinated by its own navel.


    The DNC learned nothing from this election.



     Marceline is right. Many Bernie supporters are not Democrats. That includes me. I'm a former moderate Republican (there is no such thing anymore) who is registered in WV as "No Party Affiliation" because there is actually a fringe party called the Independant Party. At least there was when I first went to register to vote when we moved here 22 years ago. I dislike both parties and think both are corrupt.  The Democratic Party is no more the Party of FDR or Kennedy than the GOP is still the Party of Lincoln. I've never been more proud to cast my vote than when I voted for Barak Obama, first in the primary vs. Hillary Clinton, and then both his Presidential Campaigns.  I will always be grateful for his leadership and dignity but I opposed the TPP, The Iran Deal and more than a few of his foreign policies. 


    Bernie supporters want to shift the Democratic Party, much the same way The Koch Bros and the Tea Party shifted the GOP. I don't believe a third party will ever emerge, much less prevail. The Democratic Party remains the best hope to defeat the evil empire, but if they continue to do the same things that brought them down, they will not achieve different results. Putting yet another establishment insider in charge of the most Herculean rebuild the party has faced in my lifetime is more of the same ol' samo.  It's very discouraging. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    The problem is they aren't exposed when they go on these shows. They are normalized. "Extreme" comments are chipped away at because they are never that extreme, as the people involved always pop back up. This Milo guy was a key figure in harassing a woman in large part because she was black, to the point where people hacked her just to humiliate her in the most personal way possible. And yet he still makes the rounds of talk shows, likely sitting and laughing it up with scum like Bill Maher when they aren't oncamera, because he's part of the circuit. Kellyanne Conway goes around spreading lies and inanity and insanity, but she still gets booked, no matter how much hypocrites like CNN or MSNBC pretend they are appalled, because she's also part of the circuit. That's not even getting into the lesser known carnival acts who pop up all over cable news. 


    It's a sick but mutually beneficial relationship. These people get more attention, the "shocked" networks and hosts get more ratings and go viral. Matt Lauer doesn't give a damn about Trump, but he gets to be a social media hero for a day because he tsk-tsks Kellyanne Conway. 


    They're playing us for fools. 

    Damn!  I can't argue against your logic. Except to say, this xenophobic, white supremacist bullshit is suddenly normalized anyway. At least if it's forced into mainstream news programming, responsible broadcasters have the opportunity to confront it and oppose it directly. 

  3. 23 hours ago, Khan said:




    IMO, it isn't.  People like Tomi and Milo have always had a presence on television, but they used to be confined to local and public-access shows, daytime talk shows (usually during sweeps, whenever Oprah, Phil, Geraldo or Sally Jessy would bring on the race-baiters) and syndicated, late-late-night stuff like "The Morton Downey, Jr. Show."  Most understood (or seemed to understand) that those were fringe personalities at best and totally not suited for the more "respectable" network and cable shows that aired during prime time.  Gosh, how I miss those days.

    I think it's a mistake to relegate those people to off mainstream media.  One of the most alarming aspects of this election cycle, for me, was that there are enough wicked people in this world to elect that orange smear in America's underpants. This killed the part of my soul that once believed fundamentally decent people could just disagree on policy.  I was naive. Embarrassingly so. I guess it was easy to ignore that the majority of people in my home state and my adopted state held such reprehensible ideas because their spokespeople have been positioned as "fringe" by mainstream news sources. They are not fringe. They form the core of the GOP now. They need to be revealed. Exposed at every opportunity.  


    Pat Robertson claiming that opposition to Trump is the same as opposition to God needs to be heard by everyone. Not just the people who agree. I never want to make the mistake of underestimating them again. Keep them where I can see them. 

  4. 2 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    Jason Chaffetz just got roasted big time at a town hall in his district. 1200 people in attendance and 1000 who could not get in the venue outside. And he cut it off it was so brutal.


    Jason Chaffetz Town Hall


    Hillary Clinton endured an 11-hour Benghazi hearing. 

    Chaffetz left his town hall 40 minutes early.


  5. I am losing my damn mind. Every day  there is a new godawful chapter in this great American tragedy. I live in one of the poorest states in the country. We rank near last in everything but lead the nation in heroin overdoses and opioid abuse. One of my Senators Shelley Moore Capito just got her bill passed today that allows  mining companies to dump debris into our streams. Among other contaminants, arsenic.  She's also supporting Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education.  There isn't a single city/town in the state with a population > 50,000 and our population continues to shrink.  Repealing ACA will leave thousands of out of work miners devoid of their benefits for black lung disease.  The state voted for the orange smear in America's underpants 4-1.  

  6. Star seems interesting enough. I wondering if the ratings does well is the Latin magazine going to complain about that.

    I can honestly say I am not interested in Star. A white leading lady in a sea of blackness makes me feel some type of way. I think I will pass!

    I was thinking the same thing.  But then I honestly never thought I would get hooked on a show about an AA family immersed in the Hip Hop music industry, so live and learn. 

  7. I really have barely watched this show, but my husband and my daughter have gotten into it on Netflix and are just about caught up, so we watched last night. One of the reasons I just can't really get into it is because I do not like Meredith, and I'm not all that crazy about Derrick, but this death was very well done IMO. It was really horrible watching and knowing Derrick was fully aware of the mistakes being made and that death was inevitable. That would be terrible!

  8. A Vanity Fair article calls the show "the most progressive on TV":


    I wonder if the more conservative viewers are turned off. Like I said, even I was surprised by the frankness of the gay sex depictions, especially when the assistant took off his pants, clearly glancing down at his erection. I haven't seen many heterosexual scenes that suggestive on network TV. Happy that they are pushing boundaries, and good for Paul Lee and his team for allowing it. Too bad the show just isn't good.

    I wonder why progressive seems to translate to sexually explicit. I don't find it tasteful and I don't think it adds to the storytelling. Not offended or shocked. Just kind of bored with the attempt to shock. I'm still watching, for now.

  9. It looks like they do have the past episodes of Sleepy Hollow on Hulu.

    I really like the new guy! A lot! He's going to fit into the scheme so well, and I love that Ichabod is already kind of wary/jealous of him. I'm happy Ichabod can now buy a beer. Good episode. I was kind of thrown by the sheriff giving Abbie the file on her mother. I was expecting there to be something more nefarious and secretive.

  10. LOL.

    “It’s the type of show that we get very talented fans, I think because they’re always having their imagination sparked, so we get lots of pictures and we get fan fiction. Mainly about—” Tom said, pointing at himself and his co-star, Nicole.

    “Usually dirty fan fiction,” Nicole chimed in, laughing. “Stop doing that.”

    “That’s the stuff that I wrote. I’m afraid,” Tom jokingly confessed.

    Read more at http://www.accesshollywood.com/nicole-beharie-sleepy-hollow-season-2-will-be-juicy_article_94095#0m1xJB1vhKJ2UuIk.99

  11. I didn't realize we were supposed to see more than a deep platonic bond between Bree and Jamie. I think there's a mutual respect and yes love between them, but I don't see the two being in love at all.

    I see love, or at least a genuine deep and abiding affection, but I never saw sexual attraction I guess. I think Jaime respects and trusts Brienne in a way that he's never respected a woman before. I mean she's the antithesis of what he considers women to be. She's the polar opposite of Cersei. I think he is intrigued and puzzled by her. I'm not sure what Brienne feels for Jaime. She might be attracted to him, but I don't think she's ever allowed herself to want a man or feel sexual desire for a man, because she thinks she's unappealing and that was just something that wasn't going to be a part of her life.

    This is just another one of the many relationships on this show that can't be pigeonholed into some soapy standard. It's both more complex and in a way more simple all at once. I loved the scene where he walked in on Brienne in the bath. I think he was attracted to her in a way there, and it surprised him. There was something more intimate about that sharing of a bath than in the sex scenes on this show.

  12. I think he's been written out of Nashville for good--like many characters on that show he seemed to justbe a stop gap to fill story while they still get to the ultimate pairings.

    It's funny how apparently so many people didn't realize he was a recast of an old character. Maybe I only did because I knew the recast was coming. I know many didn't like the previous Daario, but I thought he fit the role a lot better--the pretty boy, much closer to Daenarys' age who is arrogant and despite herself she sorta is attracted to. It makes sense given how young she is. My problem with the recast--and he's probably a better actor--is frankly he LOOKS nearly as old as the other guys who have pursued her.

    Guilty. I knew something was off, but I really didn't remember the original so it flew right by me. And i actually didnt recognize him as the guy from Orphan Black either. Honestly, as someone pointed out already, I do sometimes have a hard time keeping up with so many characters with similar names and so many ties to different families/stories and there are so many dirty guys with facial hair they aren't very distinctive.
  13. I honestly forgot about the scene until I logged on here. I was much more appalled that people in the town were dumb enough to think Tyrion would kill the king on his wedding day in front of everyone.

    I agree.

    The original script from the Jaime/Cersei scenes has supposedly be uncovered, and it shows it was originally much different and more detailed than what aired.


  14. No one is saying he was a good and noble fellow. What we're saying (well, two of us) was that he wasn't a rapist. I don't think every person on this show who does terrible things is a rapist or is going to become a rapist. If I did, then there would be about a dozen characters or so characters who would be free of that trope.

    I realize that. What always bothers me about these discussions regarding rape (not rape) is the implication that somehow rape is the worst thing anyone can do. That Jaime wasn't a rapist, and that somehow placed him higher on the scale of morality than the other male characters. Rape is horrible. But it's not the worst thing anyone can do IMO. The Wilding didn't rape the child or his mother. He just forced the child to watch his parents being slaughtered and told him he was going to eat them.

  15. I am reading a lot of commentary about how Jaime's redemption is in jeopardy after this, but perhaps that is for the best. I love Jaime and think aside from that archer guy who can shoot an arrow and hit any target from anywhere he is the coolest stylish warrior on the show (although Dany's boyfriend warrior did a neat trick against that horse). But anyway, if Jaime is redeemed and becomes Ser Romance-A-Lot with Brienne or whoever then that means what Jaime did to Bran is acceptable because we are willing to accept it so it doesn't intrude on our liking him.

    Jaime is the character who kicked the whole series off when he pushed Bran out the window and I think people forget he is better than Cersei and Tywin but not by much. He cavalierly killed his own squire cousin while held captive. She is vindictive and cruel, he may not be vindictive but he is cruel and but just doesn't put as much energy into it. Jaime is a complicated character and had love of Brienne just changed him and tied him nicely into a little love story then we would have no further use for him.

    Jaime's the one who tried to murder a child by pushing him out of a window. He was never a good and noble fellow.

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