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AMC #32 - Adam's FINAL Storyline Begins!





Created By: Agnes Nixon

Written By: Casey Hutchison


Afternoon has fallen upon Pine Valley. At Bianca’s Hotel Room, Joshua still stands in the doorway.


BIANCA: You do not have any news on my mother. I know that you are just trying to fool me, and I will not have it. It is not something I enjoy. Joshua, I have been through a very traumatic experience, and all I want to do is crawl into bed, and look at pictures of my dead wife and I, because that is the way I am choosing to grieve.


JOSHUA: Bianca, please hear me out.


BIANCA: I am not in the business of hearing people out.


Then, Krystal walks up to Bianca’s door.


KRYSTAL: Bianca, is he bothering you sweetheart?


BIANCA: Yeah, he is.


KRYSTAL: Joshua, how about you take a hike, before I get hotel security up here? I am sure they would love to haul your ass off for harassment.


JOSHUA: Fine…, I’ll go.


Joshua walks off. Krystal enters, as Bianca shuts the door.


KRYSTAL: What did that creep want?


BIANCA: He just told me he had something about my mother. I’m sure it is just something he cooked up. Don’t worry about it. So, why are you here?


KRYSTAL: Unfortunately, we have a funeral to plan.



At Pine Valley Hospital, Adam is in a private room. Joe enters, with Adam’s chart.


JOE: Good afternoon, Adam. I see that you are here for the results of a blood test.


ADAM: Yes, I am here for that. I had one done a couple of weeks ago by Doctor Mcquality. He is on vacation, so you are subbing in.


JOE: That is correct.


ADAM: And, I would appreciate it if you could just give me the stamp of approval, because I have a board meeting in about an hour. I still have some prepping to do.


JOE: Adam, I am so sorry, but I cannot let you walk out this door that easily.


ADAM: What are you talking about? What’s wrong?


JOE: I regret to inform you, but you are very sick.




David is working very hard to find his mystery patient. Kevin is in his office with him.


DAVID: (on the phone) Listen, Cara I will take Oliver for the weekend. There is no reason to worry about it. I understand. Alright, bye.


David hangs up the phone.


DAVID: So, I want you to know Kevin, that you are still taking over JR’s life. Just because I have a patient missing does not mean you get a break.


KEVIN: I understand. So, the guards snatch him tonight?


DAVID: Yes, and then tomorrow morning, you wake up as JR Chandler.


Then, there is a knock at the door. David and Kevin give one another a look. Kevin looks around, and races to the closet. He hides in there, as David answers the door.


DAVID: Oh, what a surprise.


BROOKE: Cut the crap. We need to talk.


DAVID: What about?


BROOKE: Who the hell your mystery patient is. And, what you plan to do with my husband.



At the Chandler Mansion, Stuart and Marian come down the stairs together. The two are both still in their pajamas.


MARIAN: (Sighs) I have enjoyed this day so much.


STUART: I have too, my love. It has been so much to have all of our meals in bed, so far. And, watch old romantic comedies together.


MARIAN: I hope that we can stay like this forever.


STUART: We can.


MARIAN: Stuart Chandler, what are you doing here?


STUART: Marry me again, Marian. Marry me.



Back at Bianca’s Hotel Room, Krystal and Bianca have a binder open, and they are looking through flower arrangements, and pictures.


BIANCA: So, what do you think we should have for Marisa’s big picture to go on the stand. I was thinking something fun and flattering. Maybe a picture of her outside.


KRYSTAL: Okay, I like that idea. And, for the flowers, should we do maybe white orchids? I know she loved orchids, and white would go with her soul. Pure, and lovely.


Bianca lightly laughs, and casually stands. Krystal stands after her.


KRYSTAL: What is it?


BIANCA: She was a sucker for tradition.


KRYSTAL: (Sighs) It is one of the things I loved about her.


BIANCA: I remembered that she just had to have us wear white on our wedding day. She would not stand for anything else, Also, it had to be in a church. Our wedding was in a church (laughs), and I loved it. It was a damn good traditional wedding.


KRYSTAL: I am glad that we can remember her as a happy person. She always was, but she was not afraid to show the strength that she carried around.


BIANCA: You got that right. She always had this thing about her. She was thin, and sweet, but no one, and I mean no one wanted to mess with her.


KRYSTAL: That is very true. Listen, I know that this is very hard, but you will get through it, Bianca. It takes time, but life will be back to normal. I’ve been through this before. Twice actually. I had an ectopic pregnancy, then Babe.


BIANCA: Is Marisa going to be buried next to Babe?


KRYSTAL: That is the plan.

BIANCA: Good. Family should always be together.


KRYSTAL: Yes, yes they should. Come here.


Krystal and Bianca both start to lightly cry, as they both go into a hug.



Back at David’s Penthouse, Brooke shuts the door.


BROOKE: David, my ears are open for listening. Now, I know that you are going to make me run and run around these conversational circles that you present in every discussion, but you are not going to it now. Tell me, what is going on?


DAVID: How dare you come into my office, and demand all of this.


BROOKE: How dare I? How dare you! How dare you, David Hayward! You are the reason for my marriage ending. For me moving back into my penthouse, and petitioning for divorce.


DAVID: I thought you said Adam’s lying was.


BROOKE: He would not have had to have told any lies, if it was not for you jumping into our marriage, and doing all this wack stuff.


DAVID: He is Adam Chandler. No matter what plan he is involved in, no matter what day of the week it is, Adam will always lie.


Then, a woman enters. Brooke turns around, upon hearing the door open.


SKYE: I can attest to the lying part of Adam. Hello Brooke, David. So, what is going on here? I would love to jump into the mix.



Back at The Chandler Mansion, Marian is in shock, and a tad confused.


MARIAN: Stuart, we are married. We’ve been married since 1999.


STUART: I should have been more clear.


MARIAN: What do you mean, sweetheart?


STUART: I want to renew our vows. That basically renews our marriage.


MARIAN: And, why do you want to do that?


STUART: Life is too short. I love you with all of my being, and I want to love you more and more. Renewing our vows would be a way to once again stick our love together.


MARIAN: I see. But, I do not need some phony ceremony.


STUART: It won’t be phony. In fact, you can organize it.


MARIAN: What do you mean?


STUART: We never had a real wedding. We had to rush through things. What if this could be our time for a wedding? You can pick whatever you want. Never mind the cost.


MARIAN: I like the way you think.


STUART: So, is that a deal?


MARIAN: You bet it is.


They laugh, as they go into a kiss, then a tight hug.



Back at Pine Valley Hospital, Adam stands up from the examination bed.


ADAM: So, let me get this straight. I need a lung transplant, because I have a disease where cells are attacking my lung?


JOE: That is correct. Now, this is extremely rare. There have only been two people to ever report this. One came from Zurich. The other from Russia.


ADAM: Just my luck to get it.


JOE: Adam, we have already found a match.


ADAM: Who?


JOE: Stuart.


***FADE OUT***






This lung storyline sadly will be Adam and Stuart’s last. They have been magical characters to write for. David Canary was an extraordinary actor. He will be missed here on ALL MY CHILDREN fanfiction. I hope you continue to read into his last storyline.



Head Writer, Casey Hutchison




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