AMC #17 - J.R. Goes To See His Son!

All My Children - Episode #17
Created By: Agnes Nixon
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Jake and Amanda are having breakfast.
Jake: So, did you get that fight that Trevor had with that kid at school, under control?
Amanda: Yeah, it was no problem. The principal completely understood that things like this happen. Trevor and the other child just got a detention.
Jake: Have you taken away his video games yet?
Amanda: First time I heard about the fight.
Jake: Good. So, how is everything with you?
Amanda: Well...
Jake: What?
Amanda: I have some news to share with you.
Stuart is tying his tie. Adam enters, and shuts the door. Stuart turns to Adam.
Adam: Looking nice for Marian?
Stuart: I'm going to pick her up. We already agreed on that.
Adam: Yes, yes we have.
Stuart: Anyways, thanks for coming up here to see me, but I have to finish getting ready.
Adam: Stuart, can I ask you a question?
Stuart: Sure.
Adam: What happen to you?
Stuart: What do you mean?
Adam: Why the dark turn brother? Why the change?
Downstairs, J.R. rings the doorbell. Scott goes to answer it.
Scott: What the hell are you doing here, J.R.
J.R.: I think you know.
Scott: No, no I do not.
J.R.: I'm here to see my son.
Tad and Dixie are pacing around the hospital waiting room. Angie enters.
Tad: Angie, there you are. What is it? How's my mother?
Angie: Tad, this is very hard to tell you.
Tad: Angie...
Angie: Tad...
Tad: What is it?
Angie: It is bad news.
Jesse and Brot enter Jesse's office. They are laughing and having a good time.
Jesse: What's the news, Brot?
Brot: Oh, it is time to tell you?
Jesse: We had breakfast. We did some outside patrolling. What is it?
Brot: (Laughs)
Jesse: Since, 6 AM you have said that you have great news. What is it?
Brot: You are going to be a grandpa, Jesse.
Jake takes a drink of his orange juice.
Jake: What is it?
Amanda: I am actually very happy to share this with you.
Jake: What?
Amanda: Jake, this news is good for both of us.
Jake: What is it? You are keeping me in suspense.
Amanda: I-I-I
Jake: (Laughs) WHAT?!
Amanda: I'm pregnant. We are going to have another baby.
Jake and Amanda stand up. They are laughing, hugging, and kissing.
Jake: I'm gonna have another baby! (Laughs)
Jesse sits down.
Jesse: I'm going to be a grandpa?
Brot: Yeah, Natalia is pregnant.
Jesse: How long?
Brot: Ten weeks.
Jesse: That long?
Jesse stands.
Brot: Yeah.
Jesse: How come you waited this long?
Brot: We just wanted to make sure that nothing bad happened to the baby.
Jesse: Good idea. Come here.
Jesse shakes Brot's hand. It turns to a hug.
Jesse: You, Brot Monroe, have given me one of the best gifts, I have ever received.
Brot: I'm glad I could do that for you.
Jesse: (Laughs) Same here.
The camera zooms in on Jesse's face.
J.R. enters. Scott shuts the door.
J.R.: So, where is he?
Scott: Seriously?
J.R.: What?
Scott: J.R., it is ten thirty in the morning. He is obviously at elementary school.
J.R.: Oh, yeah. Sorry.
Scott: He gets off at three.
J.R.: I forgot.
Scott: Of course you did.
J.R.: What is that supposed to mean?
Scott: It means, that you haven't been in Little A's life. He probably has forgotten all about you. J.R., he is eight years old now. He is different. He probably doesn't even remember you.
J.R.: Watch your step.
Scott: (Laughs) Are you threatening me?
J.R.: Take it how you want it.
Scott: I guess I will.
J.R.: Listen, I will be back here by three.
Scott: J.R., I'm not letting you see him.
J.R.: Why the hell not?!
Scott: Because, he doesn't need you. Madison and I are raising A.J. just fine.
J.R.: You and Madison?
Scott: Damn right.
J.R.: Are you telling me, that, that crazy bitch is taking care of my son.
Scott: Watch your step J.R.
J.R.: You gonna hit me?
Scott: Don't tempt me.
J.R.: (Laughs)
Scott: I think you should just stop laughing, and leave. I will call the police.
J.R.: You may have kept me away from my son this time, but don't count on a next time.
Scott: There won't be a next time.
J.R.: Oh, there will be. Have a nice day.
Scott: Not sure I'm going to say the same to you.
J.R.: Didn't plan on it.
J.R. exits.
Scott: Don't worry A.J. He won't come anywhere near you.
Stuart checks his watch.
Stuart: I don't have time to tell you the changing of my life.
Adam: You will.
Stuart: Do you really want to come after me?
Adam: I am Adam Chandler. Just because I did something wrong, doesn't mean that I won't come after you. No matter what you have on me, things don't change.
Stuart: They have Adam. Things have changed.
Adam: Anyways, answer my question.
Stuart: Fine, I will. Adam I am tired.
Adam: What do you mean?
Stuart: I am tired of you stomping on me. It is time for things to change. Not only in this mansion, but in Pine Valley. I am going to step up. I am going to claim my place in this town.
Adam: Well brother, good luck to you.
Stuart: Thank you. Now, I really do have to go pick up Marian.
Adam: Go right ahead.
Stuart exits. As this happens, Adam gets out his phone. He dials, and puts it to his ear.
Adam: Hi, we have a problem. A big one. Meet me in the park. ASAP.
Dixie face tells us that she is deeply worried.
Dixie: Angie, what is it? What's wrong with Opal?
Angie: (Sighs) It is very serious.
Tad: Is it the tumor.
Angie: Yes.
Dixie: What's wrong with the tumor now?
Angie: It has enlarged. Greatly.
Dixie: What does that mean?
Angie: It means, that it might be too late to save Opal's life.
Dixie: Oh my god. Tad, are you alright?
Tad: No, of course not.
Dixie puts her arms around Tad. The camera zooms in on Tad's face. A tear falls.
Liza: I need to leave.
Greenlee: Jesse, we need your help.
Dixie: She will make it through.
Tad: How can you be so sure?
Stuart: I'm here.
Asher: Dad...
Frankie: What is it?
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