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James Warrick Takes Drastic Action! #157



Mary Carters Apartment.

thCAVCMY3I.jpgMary enters her apartment and turns the light on as her father James is still holding her at gun point.

Mary: My own father holding me at gun point. Isnt that a bit extreme? Im no mother but surely this is not how you raise a child?

Mary crosses her arms.

james2_zpsff268914.pngJames: Well I certainly didnt raise you to be a whore. Why would you sleep with your sisters babys father? What did you gain?

Mary: I had to teach her a lesson. She almost exposed-

Mary quits speaking realizing she is about to tell too much.

James: Expose what? This plan you have concocted with your mother Sheila?

Mary: Dad in your golden age I do believe you need a hearing aid. How many times do I have to tell you Sheila is dead?

James: Sheila is not dead! You want to know how I know? I have been caring for her for the last few years. Sheila is not dead, but she did escape my care. Ive held her locked up. Since oh let me thinkOh yea, I remember Mary Margaret.

Mary: Please do tell. And do not call me that. I hate that name.

James: When Paul thought he tracked down Sheila in Argentina I think it was October 2006, well it wasnt Sheila. Paul thought it was Sheila who had undergone plastic surgery to look like Phyllis.

Mary: Common knowledge.

James: Well thats just it. It wasnt Sheila, it was Sugar.

Mary: Sugar? The woman who took my moms face in jail after getting plastic surgery?

James: Yes. Sugar was freed. And by this time I already had the real Sheila in my custody.

Mary: So Sugar then what... got her face changed to look like Phyllis?

James: Yes. She was a disturbed soul. We came up with a plan to let everyone think Sugars Sheila with Phyllis face was actually Sheila. Sugar would do anything I told her to do. She had to be sacrificed in order to heal your mother.

Mary: So when did you capture Sheila?

James: Right after her fiasco with Tom Fisher. After she was trapped in the cave- in from the shelter. A body was never found. Thats when I made the switch.

Mary: And you think shes right here in Genoa City?

James: I know she is. Ive been watching you and your sister Daisy for weeks.

Mary: I dont know what you are talking about. And you are a sick man saying these horrible things about my mother. Why would you do this to me? I already mourned her once.

James: Youre up to no good and as soon as you take a shower to wash off that back alley from you we are going to pay your mother a visit.

Mary: Youre crazy. Yes I am going to take a shower but by the time Im done, if you are still here Im calling the police.

Just then Daisy walks in. She sees James holding Mary at gun point.

thCA5GRL7N.jpgDaisy: What is going on here?

Mary gets nervous.

James smiles at Daisy.

He walks over to her, gun still in hand.

James: Im Mary Margarets father James.

Daisy: Mary are you ok what is going on here?

Mary: Daisy, my dad seems to think mother is still alive.

Daisy: Why would he think that?

James: Oh not you too. At least one of you can have the decency to be honest. Ive been watching you girls for weeks.

Daisy: So you are the one whos been stalking us?

Mary: Yes.

Daisy: And you thought it was Lauren Mary. You owe me an apology.

Mary: Daisy now is not the time.

James: On the contrary, now is the time. You see Daisy; Ive captured some very nasty things on my camera here. Youre sister here has something to tell you dont you dear?

He says looking at her. Mary is very nervous. Her cheeks turn red.

Daisy: Mary what is he talking about?

James: Its about Daniel.

Daisy: Excuse me? Daniel? What about him? What pictures do you have James?

Mary: Dad dont do this. Fine.You know what just fine you win Ill take you to Sheila.

James: Ah ha!!!! I knew it. I knew she was alive.

Daisy: Someone wants to tell me what is going on here?

James: Dont worry Daisy. Im going to save all of you. Sheilas reign of terror is over.

By any means necessary.

James opens his jacket to reveal he is laced with bombs.

Mary and Daisy look on in horror.


Created by William J. Bell and Lee Philip Bell

Episode 157: James Warrick Takes Drastic Action!

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: Casey Hutchinson, Martin Saenz, Alex Washington- Beebs, Rob Wolf

Inside Spencers New Apartment.studio-apartment-interior-design_zps586df47f.jpg

Hillary, Roxanne and Spencer all look at each other, with Roxanne and Hillary stunned and becoming very disappointed learning they are half-sisters.

They stand up getting themselves back together from the catfight that just took place. Hillary pulls her hair back into a pony tail as Roxanne blows on her nails. They bothey square each other up.

thCAEKX2FU.jpgSpencer: You two are tripping for fighting in my damn hall way! I could get put out. I just moved in. What is this all about?

imagesCAUNXA3A_zps52f3f6ae.jpgHillary: Roxi is just a bit jealous of me.

thumbnailCAERFBK3.jpgRoxanne: No No boo Ill stop you right there. Keep it all the way one hundred. There is nothing to be jealous of. You are a whore. Nothing more.

Hillary: That rhymes. How cute and childish.

Spencer: Lets sit down so I can explain to the both of you how you two are sisters. You will not be fighting like this.

Roxanne: Do not speak for me. I dont like Hillary. Period.

Hillary: Ask her dad. Ask Roxanne why she doesnt like me?

Spencer turns to look at Roxanne.

Spencer: Roxanne tell me what problem you have with Hillary?

Roxanne flashes back to Hillarys apartment the night when Nate walked out Hillarys door zipping up his pants then Hillary coming out insinuating they had sex.

At Glowormgloworm_zpsb13c99e4.jpg

Victoria and Rafe are going over Victoria's case, as they have dinner.

victoria_zps81cb0093.pngVictoria: We have to really move on this. Have you met with J.T.'s lawyer yet?

Rafe: No.

Victoria: Go ahead and make an appointment. I want to be there as well.

Rafe slows Victoria down.

thumbnailCAO2YMGR.jpgRafe: Are you alright, Victoria?

Victoria: Not really.

Rafe: What is wrong?

Victoria: I do not want to lose my child. Again I should say. I lost my husband, my family, I cant lose Reed too, Rafe.

Neils Penthouseneilsapt_zps5d24e71d.jpg

Neil is sitting on the sofa as Leslie is massaging his shoulders.

Neil: That feels so good.

thCAKWZY6E.jpgLeslie: I bet, with all these knots Im feeling. So hows Devon?

Neil: He is ok. That fire at the Chancellor mansion was incredible. Karynn is a real character.

Les: Ok so how does the Chancellor Mansion catch on fire and burn down?

Neil: Its pretty crazy.

Les: It has to be.

Neil: Karynn was grilling some hot dogs over a make shift fire pit. She then somehow falls to the ground. She had a bottle of liquor in her hand. The liquor caught with the fire and there went the mansion. The drought weve had made it easy for the fire to spread.

Les: All that over some hot dogs?

Neil: It seems that way.

Les: You are right, that is some cray.

Then the doorbell rings. Neil looks at his watch and wonders who it could be. He gets up to answer. Its a messenger with an envelope.

Neil: What is this?

Messenger: I dont know Mr. Winters I was just told to hand this to you in person.

Neil grabs the envelope and thanks the messenger. He closes the door and looks at the envelope intently. Leslie walks over to him.

Les: What is it?

Neil: I dont know. The messenger guy says he was told to deliver it to me in person.

Neil opens the envelope and pulls out a letter. He reads it and his face frowns up as he reads it.

Les: Neil what?

Back at Gloworm

Victoria is looking through files, that Rafe gave her.

Victoria: What am I looking at here?

Rafe: These are all the judges who rule on child custody, in Genoa City.

Victoria: So, which one do you think we would most likely get?

Rafe: Judge Santos. He usually favors the mother.

Victoria: That is great.

Rafe takes the file away.

Rafe: Let's go ahead and move on.

Victoria: To what?

Rafe: Is there anything that J.T. can use against you?

Victoria: (Laughs) Oh, Rafe there is a lot of stuff.

Rafe: Like what?

Victoria: I have been married six times. That only goes to show that, I cannot provide a stable relationship.

Rafe: Yeah, he could put that against you.

Victoria: I have also been arrested three times.

Rafe: But, two of those times, the charges were dropped. So, he could only use one against you.

Victoria: Oh, yeah. True.

Rafe: Anything else?

Victoria: No. Rafe...

Rafe: Yeah?

Victoria: Who do you think has a better shot at winning? Honest answer. The odds do seem pretty stacked against me. JT won custody of Reed the first time.

Rafe: To tell you the truth Victoria, like you asked for. You. But are you sure this is what you want to do or is this on a whim because your lonely now that Billy left you to be with Chloe?

Victoria looks away from Rafe unable to give him an answer. She kind of wonders what is she really doing.

Back at Marys Apt.

Mary and Daisy look at James with big eyes looking at the bombs in his jacket.

Mary: Dad have you gone mad?

James: Not at all. But I do intend to stop your mother once and for all. She has hurt too many people for far too long. One minute shes dead the next shes not. Shes Phyllis then she is not. The people are confused. We need closure. This story is old and been going on to damn long. Im going to end all of it.

Daisy: By doing what? Being a terrorist? Are you a writer, are you writing this story?

James: Well I guess you could call me a writer. I like head writer better. Im going to advance this long running story to its final stages. I know your crazy mother is alive and you will take me to her.

Daisy: And then what? Youre going to blow her up? Is that in the script?

James: Im prepared to do what I have to do as you can see.

Daisy: Shes dead you crazy old man. Dont you get it?

James: Wrong flower girl. I been watching you two for weeks. Mary just visited her a few days ago, its a place outside of Genoa City.

Daisy: Then if you know so much then take yourself to where you think Sheila is.

James: Mary take me to her.

Mary: Daisy has a point. If you think my mother is alive and know where she is then why do you need me to take you there?

James: Because if you dont, Ill have to inform the flower here about your betrayal.

Daisy: What betrayal? Mary what did you do to me? Is it about that camera?

Mary: Nothing Daisy relax! Old man is going senile. He cant handle all his responsibilities. Hell hes a jack of all trades, a terrorist, a kidnapper, a peeping tom, a hostage taker, a photographer, a stalker and a writer oh and a senior citizen. Of course hes going to talk crazy.

James: Flower let me show you here on my camera what pictures of I captured.

James finagles with the camera and turns it on.

Mary: Ok father Ill take you to Sheila.

Daisy: MARY!! What are you doing?

James: The right thing.

Daisy: I want to know what you did to me Mary. You caved in so easily once James brought up this betrayal and pictures.

Mary: Daisy Im sorry. I have to do this.

James: Good lets go. Its getting hot wearing all these bombs.

Mary grabs her keys and walks out the door as James follows her. Before James leaves though he turns to look at Daisy. He smiles at her.

James: This will be all over soon. Sheila will no longer haunt us. Remember Im the headwriter.

He winks at her and walks out the door.

Daisy has a look of worried confusion on her face as she doesnt know what to make of the situation. After James closes the door she pulls out her cell phone and begins to send a text to Sheila.

Mary sold us out. She is brining James 2 Verdon Lou

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Welcome back... again LOL! This was a great sjow, but there were some SERIOUS gramatical errors. Anyways let's get started! So, Rox/Hillary/Spencer will be interesting for your show. This familial relation ties are going to take some time and effort. I'm interested to see how you plan on playing that card. Neil/Les are one of your hottest couples. You spice them up!!! I wonder what Neil received. Vic/Rafe scenes that I wrote turned out well. And I can see you added some stuff which made them EVEN BETTER!!!! I do like where Victoria's character is headed. Her story is very Y&R. Finally, Mary/James/Daisy. They are some messed up people. James had a bomb on him. That is some scary stuff. What exactly is he planning? How does Mary really fit in to it all? And how will Daisy feel about the Mary/Daniel sex truth? I'm looking forward to what you have in store! Keep up the good work!

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