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James Warrick Arrives and vows to stop the Carter Plan #156



imagesCAHKR5JS_zps984b1aa4.jpgDown the street from GC Nights a reunion and a confrontation between a mother and father takes place. Daniel is still knocked unconscious on the ground with no pants on from the camera blow to the head from James Warrick.

james2_zpsff268914.pngJames: I watched you this whole time young lady.

thCAE12Z40.jpgMary: Did you like what you saw you pervert?

James: You will not speak to me in that tone. Not after what I caught you doing. Having sex with your sister’s baby’s father. Why would you do such a thing? What has Sheila done to you? What is she doing to you?

Mary: Sheila is dead. That bitch Lauren killed her.

James: You know as well as I do that is not very true. I’ve been caring for Sheila for years. She’s not dead. But she did escape my care. I know she’s near Mary, or is it Vandalynn?

Mary: It’s only Vandalynn when I’m being naughty. I like Vandalynn, she let’s loose.

James: I don’t like Vandalynn. She seems she’s all about Vandalism’s.

Mary: Ha ha that’s cute. Vandalism.

James: Young lady we are going to your place right now so you can wash the stench of alley and sex off of you.

He grabs her arm and tries to drag her off but Mary resists.

Mary: Keep your hands off of me! I’m not going anywhere with you!

James aims his gun at Mary.

James: You wanna try that again Mary Margaret?

Mary: You’re aiming a gun at your own daughter?

James: And you were being a salacious slut in the back of an alley.

Mary: I don’t understand why you are calling me all these horrible names.

James: Because of all the horrible things you are doing. Now enough of this charade. This madness stops now! After you wash that whore off of you, we are going to go see dear mother, Sheila Carter.

He jams the gun in Mary’s back and she obliges to his demands. They walk off leaving Daniel in the alleyway.

imagesCAQCG4VW_zps1f3bf012.jpgHe slowly comes to. He regains his composure and looks around. He feels a cool draft on the lower part of his body and sees a pair of jeans lying next to him. He looks down and sees he is naked in his glory. He grabs his jeans and stumbles towards the door way of GC nights. He opens the door trying not to fall out as he is dizzy from the blow to his head. He stumbles inside the bar and then collapses. Daisy, Roxanne and Tyler all look on in shock. Daisy runs over to him as Tyler picks up the phone and dials 911.

imagesCA7K9T0D_zps3987aa39.jpgRoxanne: Since when do naked ass men walk into bars? I don’t know if it’s a new trend or not but I like it.

Tyler chuckles at Roxanne.



Created by William J Bell and Lee Philip Bell

Episode 156: James Warrick Arrives and vows to stop the Carter Plan

Written by ML Cooks and Casey Hutchinson

Creative Consults: Cary Richardson, Alexander Washington-Beebs, Martin Sanez, and Rob Wolf



GC Nights bar2.jpg

Roxanne rushes over to Daisy and kneels down next to her as Daisy is checking for a pulse on Daniel. Tyler rushes over with a blanket. To cover him up.

Tyler than throws the blanket on Daniel.

Roxanne: I’m so stunned at penis walking into the club. Who does that?

imagesCA7P22AB_zps395c068a.jpgTyler: Daniel surely doesn’t. Something is wrong. Blood is coming from his head. He was with some one earlier this evening.

thCADBKYJS-1.jpgDaisy: Like who? He was here before? A woman? I’ll kill her. Daniel is mine. We have a family.

Roxanne: Hold on girl. Can’t kill nobody remember you done with that crazy life. You not about that life no more.

Daisy: I love Daniel. We share a child and no woman or anything will keep us apart.

Tyler: I think I said too much.

The paramedics arrive and rush over to a still unresponsive Daniel. They put him on a gurney and hook him up to an IV. The ambulance then rushes off.

Daisy stands up. She then thinks of Lucy.

Daisy: My daughter… Daniel is injured then who has my daughter? I have to go find out.

Roxanne: You want me to come with you? I can’t have my new friend out here on the streets killing folks.

Daisy smiles.

Daisy: I’ll be ok. Thank you. I’ll call you soon.

Roxanne: Seeing all this makes me want to make things right with my new found father. So that’s where I’m headed if you need me.

They hug and they both leave the club.

Tyler continues to think of the blonde bombshell Daniel was with at the bar earlier and contemplates the fact she has something to do with Daniel’s injury.



imagesCA8SBOUY_zps54cf761b.jpgHillary arrives home from work and is looking forward to relaxing after being in stilettos and business attire all day. Her smile turns into a frown when she sees her apartment door has been kicked in. She panics and runs up to the door and looks inside her place and sees it is totally trashed. From inside her apartment she looks across the hall at the door to Roxanne’s apartment. Hillary thinks to her self that Roxanne did this. She shakes her in disappointment and pulls out her cell phone to make a call.

Hillary: Hello is this a bad time?

Male Voice: No who is this?

Hillary: Oh come it’s been that long since you’ve heard from me you don’t know my own voice?

Voice: Hillary how great to hear from you, are you in town?

Hillary: I am. I came here to help you but instead I’m in need of some help.

Voice: 2212 Kingston dr. apartment 2b. Come right over.

Hillary: Thanks, I’ll be over in a bit.

Hillary hangs up her phone and is flustered still looking at her trashed place.

Hillary: Roxanne you are going to be sorry for this.

Hillary then leaves the apartment building.



GC MemorialimagesCAV2LZV6_zps53ad10dd.jpg

Snapper with Jill, Nikki, Mac and Brock all rush into the hospital. Right behind them storms in Sister Patterson and her church bus full including Devon, Neil, Nina, Chance, and Philip.

They see Nate and walk over to him. Sister Patterson barges onto the front of the crowd.

Sister Patterson: We are hear my child to do the work that needs to done.

Nate: Come again?

Sister Patterson: We are ready, willing, abled and equipped with the tools to do the job that needs to be done Brother Hastings.

Nate: I’m assuming you are here about Esther, Karl and Karynn.

Jill_zps2ba9c426.pngJill: No Dr. Hastings, Esther only.

Sister Patterson turns to Jill.

Sister Patterson: Now see that is the ugly I’m talking about. We don’t need all that evilness from you Jill. We need to care and pray for all God’s chillrens‘.

Jill: You’re getting so annoying and tired. Who are you really?

Sister Patterson takes out a bottle of cooking oil out of her oversized bag and unscrews the top.

Nate: Sister we are not frying nothing here this is a hospital.

Sister Patterson: Won’t be no cooking’s today brother. This oil is special. You see…

Sister Patterson pours some in her hand.

Sister Patterson: This oil here is special like I said.

Sister Patterson throws it on Jill’s for head then puts the palm on her hand on Jill’ head and pushes her back.

Sister Patterson: This is the lord’s oil. This praying oil. Jill has a nasty ass spirit in her and we need this oil here- you see to fight it. Drive this demon out my GOD! Yes! We ask of you to give Jill the strength she needs, oh lord yes, to fight that vile demon that makes her spew such careless remarks. This demon made her attack the elderly my god!! In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Sister Patterson then pushes Jill backward and Snapper catches her.

images2_zpse1bbaee6.jpgPaul: Ok I’ve seen enough. Nate this woman needs a mental evaluation.

Nate: Paul it’s ok. She’s new at my church.

Sister Patterson: I am not insane. I am a commander of my army. We are soldiers for the lord and I got the tools right here. Brother Nate I got my prayer warriors right here. Lead us to the right areas of our loved ones and we will make it an oh happy day.

Then Sister Patterson jumps for joy.

Sister Patterson: YES HALLUEJIUAH!! AMEND!!!! Everyone needs healing Brother Nate, we can do this right here. Join me in song choir.

Sister Patterson pulls out her baton from her holy bag and turns to the crowd but in her mind the church choir. She begins to sing Oh, Happy Day, very loudly and out of pitch. Some wouldn’t even call it singing.ilny_4_36.jpg

Sister Patterson: (singing) Oh happy day. … Oh happy day…

Sister Patterson is angered when her choir doesn’t respond to her commands.

Sister Patterson: Hear me and hear me now! I am a commander on the battlefield of sin. I only do his work and I only know how to speak the truth. That’s all I can do. I am an agent of God and when I begin to sing this oh heavenly tune again I’m going to need all abled bodied souls, to join in. We need to sang this song, oh lord, to heal all this evilness and this sickness in this hospital.

Nate: Sister Patterson Please not right here.

Sister Patterson: Never mind all that Brother Nate, you hear? We are doing his work. We are at war and don’t you stop us. Now choir let me hear thy voices.

“Oh Happy day…..Oh Happy day.” Everyone slowly joins in with Sister Patterson. “ When Jesus washed…Oh yes you did lawd, you washed…You washed our sins away.”

Sister Patterson then steps up the song and she begins to clap. As the crowd sings she hollers over them

“ Yes sing it. Let me hear it!”

The emergency room has come to a complete halt as everyone looks on at the impromptu church vigil .






Daniel’s House

Daisy pounds on the front door. Phyllis opens and Daisy is shocked to see Phyllis there using a walker.

imagesCAJYHLAL_zps6f3181ca.jpgPhyllis: What in the hell are you doing here crazy Bitch?

imagesCA7UNK71_zps7132f78c.jpgDaisy: As old as you are and I should add crippled, why are you so childish?

Phyllis: I can do that, I don’t like you, you are a physco. Why are you here?

Daisy: Where is Lucy?

Phyllis: You are not getting any where near her!

Daisy: Well then you need to get over to memorial. Daniel has been hurt.

Phyllis: You are lying! This is a ploy to get Lucy. It’s not gonna work. You can do better than that surely.

Daisy: I’m not lying. I saw it. Roxanne and I were having drinks at GC Nights and then in walks Daniel with no pants on and blood coming from his head. He collapsed.

Phyllis: Do you know how crazy that sounds?

Lucy then begins to cry in the background.

Daisy: My daughter needs me. I can stay here while you go to Daniel to make sure he’s ok.

Phyllis: Daisy don’t let this walker fool you. You try to enter this house so help me God I’ll beat the hell out of you with this damn walker!

Daisy: Yea right you crippled bitch! One kick from me to you and it’s over. Now step aside or I’ll have to escalate this and we don’t want that.

Phyllis: I think we do so then you can go back to jail.

Daisy: Phyllis just move please. Can’t you hear my daughter crying? She wants her mother please I’m begging you I haven’t seen her in a couple of years. You are a mother you know what that is like.

Phyllis walks away from the door just enough with her walker so she can slam the door in Daisy’s face. Daisy is stunned and then hurt. She then pounds on the door. Phyllis walks over to Lucy and gives her a bottle. Daisy is still pounding on the door.

Daisy: I will break this door down Phyllis and then I’m going to shove that walker up your ass! I will get my daughter no one will stop me!

Daisy then begins to kick at the door trying to bust it down.

Phyllis picks up the phone and calls over to Memorial to find out if Daisy’s story checks out. Phyllis gasps when she learns it’s true.

Phyllis hangs up the phone and looks at the door realizing that Daisy has stopped attacking the door. She wonders if she’s left. She slowly walks over to it and opens it. She sees Daisy smiling and dangling a set of keys.

Daisy: It seems your son is having an emergency and you have no means to the hospital. As a good mother like myself you would want to get down there right?

Phyllis: I don’t care Daisy you are not going to be left alone with Lucy.

Daisy: To show you I’m the bigger woman here let me suggest a compromise. I’ll drive you to the hospital and you can bring Lucy. You can keep an eye on her or us. As long as I can see my daughter. Just until you are done.

Phyllis: Damn it Bitch! You try anything I swear you will regret it.

Daisy: I want to earn your trust.

Phyllis: Yea after acting like a big bad wolf trying to break the damn door down!

Phyllis sits in her wheel chair and she grabs Lucy. Daisy pushes them out to her car.

Phyllis is on edge and tense as she wonders if she can really trust Daisy.



Back at the Hospital

Nate is at the nurse’s station doing some charting when Devon walks up behind him

imagesCA0LEUUJ_zps0a469630.jpgDevon: You make it all look so good don’t you?

Nate turns around to look at Devon.

Nate: I was waiting on this. You going to hit me again?

Devon: I wouldn’t want to mess up your pretty white doctor’s coat there”

Devon says brushing off Nate’s should and fixing his white coat.

Nate: Are you going to make a scene? This really isn’t the place nor the time.

Devon: It wasn’t your place to be sleeping with Roxanne. My woman. The woman I want to marry.

Nate: I never slept with Roxanne. Had you stayed that day you caught us in an embrace Roxanne would have explained that to you.

Devon: Actions speak louder than words family.

Nate: Yes we are family and that’s why I wouldn’t hurt you like that by sleeping with Roxanne behind your back.

Devon: Than what was it?

Nate: I had an attraction to Roxanne. We have been fighting it for months.

Devon: Months? So you’re saying Roxanne has feelings for you too then?

Nate: I don’t want to speak for Roxanne. I also won’t share with you the things Rox and I talk about.

Devon scoffs at Nate.

Devon: Rox? That’s a joke. So I caught you two at the park in an embrace and you both lied to me then. You told me that embrace was nothing. Yet since that time and I assume even before that you two had this attraction to one another. You and I even talked about it. You told me there was nothing between you and Roxanne. That was a lie to so why should I believe you now when you say you didn’t sleep with Roxanne?

Nate: You just have to take my word for it. Ask Roxanne.

Devon: Have you spoken to Roxanne since I caught you two?

Abby then walks over to Devon seeing the two getting more intense.

imagesCAUGZZ2C_zpsface33ce.jpgAbby: Devon come on let’s not do this here.

Devon: No no Abby I want to know. Nate answer the question. Have you spoken to Roxanne since the day I caught you two in an romantic embrace at your apartment?

Nate: Have you?

Devon is about to punch Nate but catches himself.

Abby pulls Devon away. Nate takes a deep breath turns around and gets back to his paper work.



Roxanne is about to knock on a door when she hears heels stomping towards her. She pauses and wonders who it could be walking so fast. Up the corridor is Hillary looking down on a business card. She looks up and sees Roxanne.

Hillary: What the hell are you doing here?

Roxanne: I got business bitch and you?

Hillary: No class at all. Is that how you really speak?

Roxanne: To a bitch I don’t like I sure do.

Hillary: And why don’t you like me Roxi?

Roxanne: Get my name right tramp! I’m only going to say it once.

Hillary: So petty. You’re mad because I slept with Nathan.

Roxanne: You mean Nate and no I’m not,.. I love Devon.

Hillary: If that makes you sleep better at night then by all means. And I bet it was you who trashed my place.

Roxanne: Prove it.

Hillary: You just seem like you would do something so low class. Your speech is low class.

Roxanne: Oh yea Bitch? So you put two and two together and you got four or what?

Hillary: No I got Nate and I know you want him. That’s why your acting like this,.. you’re mad. Sorry Roxi you can’t have both Devon and Nate.

Roxanne grabs Hillary’s neck and slams her head against a door. She does this several times.

Between each pound Roxanne speaks:

I told yo bitch ass (pound) to get (pound) my damn (pound) name right (pound)”

Hillary grabs Roxanne’s ponytail and yanks it very hard while using her other hand to claw Roxanne’s face. Roxanne screams and let’s go of Hillary’s neck. She backs away from Hillary unable to bear the stinging pain of open flesh wounds on her face. Hillary then stomps on Roxanne’s foot with the heel of her stiletto. Roxanne’s hollers out in pain and in anger grabs Hillary’s neck again to pound it against the door. Only this time the door swings open and they fly into an apartment. They crash onto the ground.

It just happens to be Spencer’s new apartment.

thCANS4T73.jpgSpencer: Hillary, Roxanne. What the hell is this? I just moved here damn it you two going to get me put out!

Roxanne regains her composure and sits on top of Hillary still choking her. Hillary is trying to break out of Roxanne’s grip.

Spencer grabs Roxanne and pulls her off of Hillary. Hillary chokes and coughs catching her breath.

Roxanne: Let me go!! I’m going to whoop dat’ ass!!

Roxanne says as she struggles to free herself from Spencer’s hold.

Spencer: No Roxanne!! I can’t have you fighting your half sister.

Hillary and Roxanne both pause what they were doing and look at him.

Hillary: Say who?

Spencer: Roxanne this is my daughter Hillary and Hillary this is my new found daughter Roxanne. Now stop all this fighting and tell me what is going on?

RoxannethumbnailCAERFBK3-1.jpg and HillaryimagesCAUNXA3A_zps52f3f6ae.jpg are stunned just learning they are half sisters….


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Well, I said it once, I'll say it again, James Warwick is so needed in all this. Love you bringing him to school that ho Vandalism. And as always, Sister Patterson gives me life. So awesome again seeing her up and down the halls of GCH sangin. Amazing. The twist of Roxanne and Hilary being sisters is amazing. GREAT ending!! Awesome job, ML!

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  • Members

LOVED THIS EPISODE!!!!!!!! You had the drama with Hillary and Roxanne The comedy relief with Sister Patterson And the mystery with James Great job ML!!!

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A balanced episode...

The seriousness of Daniel's injuries, to Sister Patterson's comic relief, to Roxanne and Hilary's fight, and Phyllis and Daisy's confrontation.

I'm glad you recapped some of the stories that you wrote. Nate sleeping with Hilary. And I'm glad Hilary fought back and did not let Roxanne push her around...and their father catching them...nice twist at the end...

I wonder if James Warwick is going to be able to straighten out his promiscuous daughter.

Looking forward to the next one...nice!!

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