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Karl Sheds Light on his Connection to Kay #153



Chancellor Estate, Karls Room, Bathroomdeiagosbathroom.jpg

Karl is sitting in a warm bath enjoying the clean surroundings and the feel of a hot bath. Mac turns on the power jets. Karl moans and continues to relax.


: This feels good. Thank you my angel.

Mac: Mac_zps228e274b.jpg

Youre welcome.

Mac watches the frail old man relax. She decides to start her line of questioning.


So I think we should get to know one another since you and Karynn claim you are grandmas brother and sister.


Its true angel. Katherine is our older sister. Im the youngest of the three.


How were you all separated? Grandma never told us she had siblings.


Our parents, Walter and Edna Mae could only afford to take care of one child. Walter was injured in the last year of the war in France that rendered him disabled. Edna Mae and Walter had Kay in 1928 a year before the depression. The financial strain of Walters disability and raising Kathy put a strain on them. By the time Karynn and I came along, there was no hope for us. They kept Katherine, and gave up both me and Karynn. We learned about it when we were about 21. We were so busy, caught up in our own lives, and didnt understand how our birth parents kept Kathy but gave us up.




Thats what we called her over time. We, especially Karynn resented the fact that our parents chose Katherine over us. Its how she feels.


Wow, I dont know what to say. Was there no help from the government to help you and the family out?


Angel we are talking different times. We didnt have things like social security or programs, or even veteran benefits. Karynn and I were born after the depression hit. There was no money anywhere.


Incredible. So much history here.


Yes. Army wages arent what they are now back then. Not only that, I learned that Edna Mae was also taking care of her sick mother and brother as well. So with all of that, they gave us up unable to afford to care for us. Not to mention the depression hit. We were born a few years fresh from the depression. Edna Mae and Walter sold Karynn and I for money just as the depression tighten its grip on the family into the black market in order to pay for surmounting medical bills and just to barely get by.


Im very sorry to hear.


So am I. Our adoptive parents were killed back in the bayou when we were just about ten, Karynn was 11, shes a year older than me


The bayou you mean New Orleans.


Correct. Karynn and I remained very close ever since, we had to fend for ourselves in foster care. Though she got married and had a family of her own as I did too, we remained close, through everything her divorce and then losing my wife to hurricane Katrina. Angel weve been through a lot.


It shows.




Episode 153: Karl Sheds Light on his Connection to Kay

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: Martin Saenz, Nate Richardson, with Alexander Washington Beeby and Rob Wolff and also Casey Hutchinson



Newman Tower, House of Kemhouseofkem_zpscfd0ef67.jpg

Daisy walks into the lobby where Mason greets her.


: Ms. Carter, thank you for stopping back in today. Im very sorry about what happened when you came yesterday, as you can see this job fair has turned up a lot of prospects.

Daisy: thCADBKYJS-1.jpg

No problem. I thank you for taking the time out to hear my story.


If you will have a seat over there-

He says pointing to where other job seekers are sitting.


Ill tell Mr. Abbott you are here.


Thank you Mr. McCreedy.


Please, its Mason.

Daisy smiles and looks for a seat next to the other job seekers. In the crowd she sees Roxanne, Noah and Scotty. She grabs a seat next to Roxanne. They smile at each other.

Daisy begins to make small talk to pass the time up.


I was here yesterday and you could barely get in.

Roxanne: imagesCA7K9T0D_zps3987aa39.jpg

I know. I came in too. I hear they are hiring for everything.


I hope so. I need a job so I can get my daughter back.


Where is she?


My babys father has her and wont let me see her.


Im sorry to hear that. I wish you all the luck here today.


Thank you.

Noah makes small talk to Scotty.

Noah: Noah_zps73cfbcec.png

Scotty its been a long time since Ive seen you. Where you been?

Scotty: scottythree.jpg

Oh here and there. Protecting my mom from a crazy criminal.

He says as he shoots Daisy a look.

Daisy rolls her eyes at Scotty.


Ah I get it now. Hows your mom doing?


Shes good. Tough as ever.


Im surprised you are here considering your mother runs her own fashion house at Fenmores.


Well I want to branch out and make a name for myself.


Yea same reason Im here. To do my own thing. You got designs or something?


No but I was hoping to model or do some executive works.

imagesCAQCG4VW_zps1f3bf012.jpgThen Daniel walks in. He looks at the job applicants. Noah gets up to greet him.


Danny boy, how you been bro?


I was ok until my psycho baby mothers decided to foot loose it from jail.

Daisy stands up in outrage.


I have a right to be here! Im trying to get my life together for my daughter. You are harassing me Daniel. I came in here like a respectful adult and look at you, acting childish. You too Scotty.


Yea well you just better leave my mother alone.


Your mother attacked me! But Im not here for that.


Whoa guys. I think we all need to relax. Daisy here was minding her own business.


Roxanne you have no idea what this crazy ass Bitch is capable of.


Now thats enough! Im not going to sit here and let you disrespect her like that. Like she said she came in here peacefully and respectfully. Shes trying to get her life back on track, but your not giving her a chance to do that and how dare you call the mother of your child a bitch?


And who the hell are you?

Roxanne gets up out her chair and approaches Daniel. Noah jumps in front of the two.


This has gotten outta hand.

Daisy pulls Roxanne back.


Please dont get in trouble for me. I can handle Daniel. Im just going to ignore him and let him look like an ass by himself.


Its ok girl. Sounds like you need some team mates on your team. These men trying to bully you.

Mason walks out Keemos office.


Ms. Carter, Mr. Abbott will see you now.

Daisy looks at Noah, Danny and Scotty and smiles.


Wish me luck boys.


Gone head girl. Ill be waiting for you.


Thank you.

Daisy enters Keemos office as Daniel looks at Roxanne.




Keep your nose out my business.


Stop harassing my friend.


Oh shes your friend now?


Thats right. So stay the hell away from her!

Daniel scoffs at Roxanne and takes a seat a few rows further back and Noah follows.



Back at the Chancellor Estate103632369_6cfe8fd0e6.jpg

Nina walks into Karls room.


What is going on around here? People are beginning to show up for the will reading and Karynn is still asleep down stairs on the couch snoring up a storm. There is an empty bottle of Tequila in her lap.

Philip: philip_zpse4fb4fbf.png

Shes passed out. We found Karl up here by himself sitting in his bodily fluids. Mac is in the bathroom now trying to get him cleaned up while getting to know him.

Brock then enters the bedroom with the wheel chair.


This is absolute madness. So while Karynn is drinking bottles of Tequila downstairs Karl is up here left to fend for himself?

Brock: Brock_zps7b0c07c7.png

It looks that way.


This has to stop. We have to do something.


Mac wants me to ask for blood test.


I think its a good idea.


I do to Brock. This whole situation is bizarre. Katherine never mentioned having a brother or sister ever.


But Esther knows them. She knew exactly who Karynn was when she arrived.


So what does that mean?


Esther knows more about Katherine then we do I guess I dont know.

Then their conversation is stopped when Mac opens the door.


Hes ready to get back in his chair.


Ok then I have it right here all cleaned up.

Brock pushes the wheel chair into the bathroom as Philip follows to help Brock lift Karl back in it. Nina can do nothing but look on in disbelief.Nina2_zpse9517a22.png



Outside in the drivewayIMG_0042.jpg

Nikki and Paul steps out of a black limo as Jill gets out her Lexus as both cars have arrived at the same time.


Thank you Paul for coming here with me for support. I couldn't get through Kays will reading alone. Victoria has her hands full and-

Paul then engulfs Nikki in a hug.

Paul: images1_zps57d12aaa.jpg

You dont need to make excuses. I had to come anyway. I have the final report on Katherine and Tuckers death and Ive been asked to share the details here. But the limo was a bit much; I could have driven my truck over here.

Jill walks over to them

Jill: imagesCA946KAL_zps27ce0620.jpg

Who do you think you are Krystal Carrington or something pulling up in a limo?


A bad day Jill, again?


Funny how timely you are here but you took your sweet ass time getting to the hospital after I told you Kay was on her deathbed.


Jill thats enough. We dont need that today.


When Kay needed Nikki, where was she? Drinking at the club.


I wasnt and am not drinking Jill. You got a lot of nerve showing your face here. How many husbands of Katherines did you sleep with?


What happened to Jack? Youre with Paul now? Moving fast Nikki. Slow down on those drinks.


Its none of your business what goes on in my personal life. Youre the one who needs a man, maybe you wouldnt be such a bitch if you had one. Come on Paul lets go.

Nikki and Paul walk off. Jill chuckles as she follows them inside.



House of Kem

Daisy takes a seat in front of Keemos desk.

Keemo: thCA17L1E1.jpg

Thank you for stopping back in today Ms. Carter. I was not expecting such a turn out for our job fair yesterday.


I just thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak with you.


Great, let me tell you about what House of Kem is. Its a start up fashion house that plans to rival Jabot, Forrester Creations, and Fenmores.


Fenmores does have nice fashions and accessories.


: Im glad you think so. Im aiming to make young people look beautiful. This is sort of like a second chance for me and its why Im considering hiring you Daisy.




I read your letter. I was touched and I really sympathize with your plight to put your family back together. Im sorry to hear about what Lauren did to your family.


Its ok, Im just trying to move past it and get my life back together.


: I have many various positions open. Do you think you can help make the designs?


I will do just about anything you want me to do as long as its legal.


Everything is legit here. Tell you what, I have your information here, and I need to put a new team in place as we are starting from just about scratch. So let me do these last few interviews and talk over with Mason Ill be in touch soon.


So Im hired?


: Yes.

Daisy is so overwhelmed with joy she has tears in her eyes.


Youve answered my prayers Mr. Abbott. Im sorry forgive me.


: Its ok. Im glad I can give you this chance. I believe in you Daisy.


Thank you so much. I wont let you down.

Daisy gets up and heads out the office with tears in her eyes. Roxanne, Noah, Nick, and Scotty look at her.


Well looks like you didnt get the job.


I knew this place wouldnt hire a psycho like you.

Roxanne gets up and walks over to her and put her arm around her.

Daisy daps her eyes dry and looks at all three of the guys. She smiles.


I start Monday.

Roxanne screams out in joy and hugs Daisy. They jump around in excitement.


They hired you? This place must be desperate.


No worries Scotty, after I get done talking with Mr. Abbott, Daisy will be out on her ass before she even gets started.


You a hater! Forget him Daisy.

She says looking at her.


Im up next and once I get hired, cuz I know I will, well go have a few drinks.


Sounds good.

Roxanne looks at all three men and rolls her eyes at all three of them and then walks into Keemos office for her interview.

Daniel gets up and approaches Daisy.


This little sympathy act your pulling right here, yea well its not going to work. You are not going to get my daughter. Never. Ever! Not in a million years.


You also said I was never getting out of jail yet here I am. Your life could be so much easier. Lets just be a family under one roof for our daughter and end all of this fighting. Lets do whats best for Lucy.


Whats best for Lucy is you as far away from her as possible. Im not going to let a lunatic like you raise a child of mine.

Noah approaches Daniel


Back off a little Daniel.


Noah you have no idea what this girl is capable of. Shes the daughter of Sheila Carter. That name alone is enough to tell you that Daisy Carter is bad news.


Kick me while Im down. Its all ok. I got a plan and I will get what I want. My family under one roof that includes you Daniel. Me, you and our baby girl.


I hope they drug test here because you are surely smoking something really good.

Roxanne then walks out of Keemos office with a million dollar smile.


Lets go party.

Daisy smiles and with Roxanne they begin to walk out to the lobby where the elevators are.

Back inside H.O.K

Mason walks out of Keemos office.


Daniel Romalotti, Mr. Abbott will see you now.

Daniel looks to Scotty


Good now I can put a stop to Daisys insane plan.


Good luck bro.

Daniel walks into the office and the door closes behind him.

Scotty and Noah are the only ones in the lobby. Scotty is looking at Noah, studying him. Noah can sense that Scotty is looking at him but is too afraid to get confirmation to find out for sure. Noah decides to glance at Scotty and he sees Scotty looking at him. Scotty winks at Noah. Noah frowns at Scotty and then he turns away so his side is facing Scotty.

I dont think Noah is gay. Too bad, I would give him a good go. Scotty thinks to himself.



Back at The Chancellor Estate

Devon, Neil, Nikki, and Paul all mingle in the foyer. Nina walks down the stairs and barges into the living room.


Where the hell is she?


Karynn and Esther?


I havent seen any of them since we got here. Something wrong?

Everyone gasp when they see Brock and Philip carrying Karl down the stairs.


What happened?


That drunk Karynn. Has anyone seen her?

Then the door bell rings. Jill standing closest to the door opens it. She nearly faints when she sees who is at the door.


Snapper, big brother is that you?


: Its me.


Come here you.

They hug.


So good to see you where is Jennifer?


Dealing with her internship.


This is a wonderful surprise what brings you here?


I was asked by Katherine.


Wait, Katherine asked you here, she summoned you from the will?




Why on Gods green earth would Katherine summon you of all people to the will reading?


Brock told me you were going to need me. That something big was going to happen.


What in hell is Katherine up to?


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Loved the young adult scenes at House of Kem.

No one really knows who they are dealing with once it comes to Daisy.



But what will happen during this will reading of Kay's?


I LOVE how u have been showcasing Mac's kindness!

Very well done!




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I see the set up here with Daisy and all of them. I figured Roxanne and Daisy would become friends after seeing her being ganged up. Roxanne knows what it's like to have the odds against her.

Nice bonding moment between Karl and Mac. He seems sincere and Mac seems to be taking a liking to him.

And the biggest setup of them all is Kay's will reading. I know you will deliver the drama..


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Ohhh Roxanne, you have no idea what kind of trap you're falling into.

I really liked the confrontation between Nikki and Jill. it felt very natural. The scenes with Karl and Mac filled in a lot for us, so good work there.

I really can't wait to see how this will reading goes down. I know something major will happen, and I really can't wait to find out what it is. I know you'll give us the goods!

Great work!

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