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Meet Karl Sheppard, Kay’s Younger Brother #152



Chancellor Estate103632369_6cfe8fd0e6.jpg

Brock and Mac descend the stairs together.

Mac: Mac_zps228e274b.jpg

A big day.

Brock: Brock_zps7b0c07c7.png

Katherine’s will reading. I just know we are in for some surprises from Kay.


I hope nothing bad.


You never know.



Episode 152: Meet Karl Sheppard, Kay’s Younger Brother

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: Martin Saenz, Cary Richardson with Alexander Washington-beeby and Rob Wolf


Brock and Mac walk into the living room and see Karynn passed out on the couch.

“Help! Help ME! Please anybody!”

They both hear. Mac and Brock look at each other.


That sounds like Karl.

Mac then runs up the stairs and into Karl’s room. She immediately stops dead in her tracks when the essence of urine and feces attacks her nose.

Karl turns his wheel chair to see who has entered his room.


Please help me young lady. Where in the hell is my sister Karynn? I haven not eaten anything since lunch time yesterdee‘. I got medication to take. I’m dirty, I’m tired, and my back is killing me sitting in this wheel chair all day and night. Can you please help an old man like me out?

Mac is flabbergasted looking at Karl and his condition. She’s feels extreme sadness and compassion.


Karynn forgot about you?


Yes that old drunken fool did. Tell me, is she passed out some where?


In fact she is. Down stairs.


Damn her.


Let me go get some help.

Mac leaves the room and calls out for Brock. She walks back into Karl’s room and opens a window. She then goes into the bathroom and fills the tub up with warm water.


Don’t worry Karl, my dad and I will get you all fixed up. And I’m going to see to it, this doesn’t happen again!


Thank you kind heart. It’s nice to be around some one who has compassion. Karynn is a bitter old drunken money hungry mess.




Mary Carter’s apt.

thCAVCMY3I.jpgMary is in the full bath in her bedroom putting on make up and styling her hair. As she does she admires her own beauty. She remembers the nights of great sex with Noah in her car and Scotty in his mother’s bedroom. She feels victorious at her tawdry seductions. She then thinks of Daisy and her situation. Mary remembers she has a plan to help Daisy obtain her goals which is to reunite her family which includes Daniel.

I need to do this for Daisy so she can help in momma bear’s plan. She won’t focus on anything else but Daniel and Lucy. Once I do what I need to do to help Daisy in her cause only then can she get back on track with the Carter family plan.”

She thinks to herself.

“She may be mad at first but in time she will understand I did what I did for her.”

She then says out loud as Daisy walks in.

Daisy: thCAGSHTOS-1.jpg

Who are you doing what for?

Mary looks at Daisy in the mirror and smiles.


What are you doing, transforming into Vandalynn mode?


You could say something like that.


Well what are you up to now?


Oh, I just need to help you get your family under one roof. Once I help you do that then you can switch your focus on momma bear’s plan. This is important for our family Daisy. We need you to help.


I know I know Mary, but I have a child now. I just want to be a good mother. Simply put. Besides we have other things that we need to worry about.

Mary turns around to look at her.


Like what?


Some one is stalking us.




Daniel’s House1164119_151317.jpg

imagesCACWTA6U_zps7acd3e7e.jpgPhyllis is awoken when baby Lucy begins to cry.



She pauses and waits for a response.


Damn it Daniel don’t you hear your daughter crying?

Phyllis struggles to get up and put herself in her wheel chair but she manages using the techniques the physical therapist taught her in the rehabilitation facility. She wheels her self to the nursery and picks up baby Lucy and holds her. Lucy begins to quiet down. Phyllis calls out for Daniel again. She struggles but manages to push herself out into the living room with one hand on the baby the other on the wheel of the chair. She realizes Daniel is not home.


Where the hell is Daniel at?




Neil’s Penthouse

Neil answers a knock at the door. He opens and sees Devon. They hug.

Neil: imagesCAHTD0UC_zpsa39fd494.jpg

Devon my man, how are you?

Devon: imagesCAB9NZL3_zpse6b2c41e.jpg

I’m ok. Today is the reading of Katherine’s Will.


Yea I know I got your text last night.


I appreciate you coming with me. I don’t know what to expect.


Well what ever it is you take it and hold on to it. How was the service with Brock and Mac.?


It was nice. We all needed that closure.


Yes I agree. Brock and Mac were cool this time?


Very. Brock explained things. He’s just not used to me be being a Chancellor. I can understand that beings that he really doesn’t live in Genoa City so he couldn’t see it everyday you know what I mean?


I do son. I’m glad you were able to reach an understanding with your uncle and cousin. You have a lot of people that care about you. You will always be my son. No matter what.


Thank you Neil. I do appreciate that. I take comfort in that. Knowing what Tucker did to Kay I just can’t imagine we have the same blood in our veins. I’m nothing like him and for him to be so cruel as to want to take out his own mother for material gain. It makes no sense to me.


Let’s thank God you have no traits like Tucker McCall.


Then that leaves Harmony. She’s not to much better.


She did blow out of town kind of fast. I thought we were building something then poof- she’s gone. With a hand written good bye.


But you moved on though, with Leslie?


Well, I guess you can say we are dating. Malcolm isn’t to happy with that but what can you do about that? Malcolm hasn’t been happy in a long time.


Sophia’s death really crushed him. I think a lot of his anger comes from that and your affair with her.


And our son Moses. Devon I really do feel bad about that. I’m not proud of what I did to my little brother. But I don’t regret my son.


I’m just saying I can understand Malcolm’s pain. Having the one you love cheat on you.

Neil frowns at Devon picking up that Devon is talking about something else.


Everything ok with you and Roxanne son?


No offense Neil but I’m not trying to talk about Roxanne today. I just want to make it through this will reading and that crazy woman at the Chancellor Estate.


What crazy woman?


A woman claiming to be Katherine’s sister, Karynn. I’m telling you Neil she’s obnoxious and ignorant.


I never knew Kay had siblings. I guess today we will learn more about Katherine then we ever knew.


Your right.”

They both leave his penthouse to head over to the Chancellor Estate.



At the Estate

Brock walks into Karl’s room and is stopped when Karl’s body odor slaps his nose. Brock covers his face with his hand.


What in God’s name happened in here?

Karl looks down and begins to cry.


I’m so sorry. I hate living like this, being like this. I can’t do for myself. Please forgive me.

Mac gives Brock a “Shut your big mouth up” kind of look. Mac walks over to Karl and puts her arm around him.


Karl we are gonna get you cleaned up and back to new again. Don’t worry about anything. Don’t feel like that please.


Look at me. I’m a helpless shitty cripple. I got sh!t and piss all over me, I can’t clean myself. That is no way to live. I have to depend on a moody drunken old crow for my lively hood and half the time Karynn is passed out. I don’t want to go on. Please help me end it.

Mac is overwhelmed and has tears in her eyes. She looks at Brock not believing what she is hearing.


Karl I’m going to get Philip and we can help you get cleaned up. We will lift you into the tub and you can then relax.


How does that sound Karl? Soak in a nice bubble bath and get the bloods flowing. We’ll get you some fresh clothes, and I’ll personally make you something to eat. I’m kinda of hungry myself. Everything is going to be ok I promise you.

Karl cries. He holds her hand.


Angel. Oh my angel. You are a sweet girl. I’m sorry I’m like this. Never get old you hear. It’s not nice. I can’t breath, I can’t hear, I can’t walk, I can’t control my bodily fluids, I ache all the damn time. It’s terrible. I don’t know what ever I did in life to end up like this.

Mac thinks this could be an opportunity to talk with Karl to learn about who they “The Sheppard’s” really are.


Maybe we can talk about it as I help you wash up?


You wanna listen to me? Karynn always tells me to shut up.


I’m going to take care of Karynn to. Don’t you worry about her.

Philip and Brock walk back into the room. They push Karl into the bathroom and takes his shirt of. With Brock on the right and Philip on the left they both reach under Karl’s arms to stand him up as Mac undress his lower half of his body.


I’m so sorry. A man who can’t control his body. You all are to kind.

Philip: philip_zpse4fb4fbf.png

It’s ok Karl. We all need some help some times.

Philip and Brock walk Karl over to the tub. They ease him into the nice bubble bath. Karl let out a few moans.


Is the water to hot?


No sir. It’s wonderful. You are all too kind. I am so grateful.

Mac ushers Philip and Brock out of the bathroom


Thank you guys so much. I got a plan.


A plan for what?


He’s much easier to talk to unlike that old crusty bat Karynn. He’s very vulnerable right now. I’m going to pick his brain just to find out what he and that monster is all about. I’m going to help him wash up and you know, chat with him.


Sounds good.


Yea, hear his side of everything. Maybe you can find out if they are imposters and then we can end this charade.


: Exactly.


We’ll be right out here when you ready to put him back in the wheel chair.


Tell you what, why don’t you clean and sanitize the wheel chair. We don’t want to put a clean body into a dirty wheel chair.


I’ll take care of it.

Mac then enters the bathroom with her mission for intelligence on the so called “Sheppard’s“.



Back at Mary’s


Stalking us?


Yes, when I came home last evening I caught some one in a black car with binoculars looking up in the window at you. When I called out to them they just sped off.


Watching me? Do you think it’s Victor? He did say he’d be watching us.


That old mumbling fool. I don’t think that’s Victor’s style. I bet you it was that Bitch Lauren.


Why would you say that?


It would be like her to do something so sneaky yet cowardly like watching us. After our incident the other day, there is no telling what she will do.


Damn it Daisy I told you not to go see her! I told you not to do anything rash. We don’t want people to know we are sisters. It would blow the lid off my cover. Scotty and Lauren doesn’t know I’m really Sheila’s daughter. I need to keep it that way for a bit longer. If it is Lauren then now she knows we are connected. Damn it!


Look I’m sorry. I had to let her know she didn’t win and she is going to pay for what she did to our family.


: You over played your hand. Momma bear is not going to like this. For someone who wants to only focus on her selfish ass plan instead of the Carter family plan you sure made one hell of a mess of things


I’m so sick of it always being about momma bear. I’m a mom too damn it! Look I have a job interview to get to and I can‘t be stressed or late. I’m taking your car thanks in advance and be careful.

They both look out her bedroom window and look down at the street and see the black car with tinted windows. The person looking through their binoculars see that both Daisy and Van are looking at them and then speeds off from the scene once again.

Daisy and Mary look at each other.


What did I tell you?


Do you really think its Lauren?




Well you be careful going out then too.


I’m not worried about the red head this time. I got my stun gun and I’m going to fry that bitch.

Daisy pulls it out and hit’s the on button. Mary jumps back with the loud flickering noise from the mini bolts of the electricity which scares her.


I’ll be ok. I’m going to look the door until you get back. If any one is dumb enough to come up here then I got my gun.


Good girl. Carter girls always prepared.

Daisy leaves as Mary locks up. She wonders if her cover as Vandalynn is compromised.


Damn you Daisy! If you ruined things for me I swear I will get you back!

She says out loud.



Lauren’s Apt

The phone answers and Fenmore answers it.

imagesCAW6ZON4_zps86dcbbaa.jpg“No my mom is not here. I thought she was down there at the store. She was supposed to take me to summer camp at the “Y”


Strange. Lauren was supposed to open up this morning but we have not heard from her. We thought she overslept.


That is odd, when I woke up she was not home.

Then Lauren barges in with binoculars strapped around her neck. Fenmore looks at her in bewilderment.


Never mind she just showed up.

Fenmore hangs up the phone.


Mom where have you been? What have you been doing with those binoculars? That was the store and you haven’t been there all morning. I’m late for summer camp we were supposed to leave an hour ago. You didn’t answer your cell.

Lauren: imagesCA6GSYIY_zps7392afbd.jpg

Honey I’m sorry. I lost track of time. No time for questions. Let’s just get you to your summer camp. I’ll explain on the way to the Y.

Fenmore follows Lauren out the door and onto the elevator. Fenmore studies his mom as the elevator travels down to the first floor.


Mom are you ok? You look like you ran a marathon this morning. You’re distant.


There’s just a new store opening up down the street from Fenmore’s. I was trying to get a peek at what they were doing.

Fenmore smiles as the elevator doors open and the walk over to Lauren’s car.

Fenmore stops.


What’s the matter honey?


The windows mom. When did you tint them and why are they so dark? First the gun, now the windows, the binoculars. Something is way off here. You’ve been acting very strange since Daisy showed up. What’s going on mom what are you doing?


Recommended Comments

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I feel sorry that Lauren is not safe. Makes me sad for her. I absolutely loved the last scene Daisy and Mary (Vandalynn) were in. I wanna point out that the beggining of this show was very choppy. Also some characters had lines where they did not speak nor act like themselves. You have gotta be careful with that. I loved that they helped Karl. Everyone has a heart... no matter how cold.

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So another really good episode. I really liked the scenes and thought Neil and Devon's scenes were really good. I liked Karl and Mac's beginning to bond, even if it's partly a ruse to dig into Karynn's schemes.

I thought the dialogue was as good as ever, and I KNEW Lauren was the stalker. haha. It makes sense. Lauren never feels safe with Daisy around, nor should she.

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I like how you have Lauren turning the tables on the sisters. SHE'S the stalker.

Karl painted Karynn in a bad light, but somehow I think he really is a good person being taken care of, sort of, by a drunk, and he is funny, too.

Warming how Mac and Brock bonded with Katherine's brother Karl.

Neil and Devon's scenes were deep as well. Discussing the people that are closest to them.

Good episode...

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