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The New Chancellor Family #151



Mary Carters’ Apartment

Daisy walks out of the bathroom and into the kitchen where Mary, best known as Vandalynn these days is fixing up some breakfast. She puts some turkey bacon, an omelet and toast onto a plate and sets it on the table.

Daisy: thCAGSHTOS-1.jpg

For me?

Mary: thCAVCMY3I.jpg

Yes dear sister. You haven’t eaten very well since you’ve been in jail I’m sure. And I’m so glad to have you here. I hardly know any one here in Genoa City other than Scotty and Noah and it’s been kind of lonely. Besides, I thought you should have a great breakfast for your job hunting today.


I really appreciate that.

Daisy begins to munch on her breakfast as Mary sits down next to her with a cup of tea.


I’m going to help you put your family back together. You deserve that.


I thank you. I’m just trying to be good and look like a good mother to a court. Who knows, if I play my cards right maybe I can get Daniel to love me and we can be a family.


Do you think you can get Daniel to love you?


I do. Once I show him I’m a changed person and through our daughter he’ll understand we should be a family under one roof.


Well you know momma bear’s plan does not require us to be good.


Mary, I can’t focus on mother’s plan. My only plan is to get my family back!

Daisy then slams her fork down, gets up grabs her purse and Mary’s car keys.


I’ll be back in a few hours. Thank you for letting me use your car.


Yea sure.

Mary says not rally paying attention to Daisy at this moment. Mary realizes that Daisy cannot be counted in this plan with Sheila because she wants to be good so she can reunite with her family.


Well sister, if it’s Daniel you want, then Daniel you shall have. Anything to get your mind back on track with this plan. Operation Danny Boy begins now.” Mary leaves her place and goes for a walk through the nearby Genoa City Park. She takes this walk to formulate a plan to get Daisy what she wants: her family. Unbeknownst to Mary some one, in a black car is watching her, following her every move, with their foot on the break to keep pace with Mary as she walks. They arrive at the park and the car pulls into a parking space. They continue watch Mary’s every little step.


Episode 151: The New Chancellor Family

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: C Nate Richardson, Martin Saenz with Alex Washington Beeby, Rob Wolff and Monique Cooks



Chancellor Estate

Brock walks down the stairs as he hears Karynn yelling at Devon.

Karynn: imagesCA94IQ2C_zps4f0c4ce3.jpg

Let me put all of this together. First we got a black president and now a black Chancellor. I can’t believe we have a black Chancellor in this family!

Devon: imagesCADG303N_zpsb12cae10.jpg

So the hell what I’m black you old bigot! What difference does that make lady?

Karynn feels a tight grip on her arm and she is pulled from the door by Brock.


Get your damn hands off of me Bastard!”

Karynn then slaps Brock.

Mac enters the door way.

Mac: Mac_zps228e274b.jpg

Now that is enough! How dare you hit my dad?


He grabbed me!


You were being obnoxious! Who is this woman? The hired help? We need a new human resource person for this house. Kay hasn’t been gone but more than a few weeks and already things are going to hell.

Brock: Brock_zps7b0c07c7.png

Alright enough!…She’s Katherine’s sister. And Karynn this is Katherine’s grandson.


My goodness some one went out and got that jungle fever. I know all about it. I’m NOT a racist I was just stunned to see a black person in this family.


Why? Black people can’t have fame and fortune too?


I never said they couldn’t. With that pretty face you have, you look so young I thought you were selling cookies, boy scout.

Brock pulls Karynn into the living room. He is shocked to see Esther with her feet up on the coffee table, laid back on the couch. Brock sees the half empty bottle of Tequila. He then looks at Karynn.


When I get done with Devon, we are going to have a few words about the rules of this house.


Go to Hell Brock! I’m older than you. You are not going to give me rules about anything ya’ hear? And the next time you get so close in my face and or personal space for the love of God put a tic tac in that foul mouth of yours. I don’t know what smells worse your rotten mouth or Karl’s soiled adult brief

Karynn shrugs out of Brock’s hold and sits back down on the couch. She reaches for the bottle of Tequila and pours another double shot. She look over at Esther and sees she is passed out.


Oh well more for me.

Brock just shakes his head back and forth in disbelief and amazement.

He walks back into the foyer where Devon and Mac are.


Devon I’m very sorry about that.


So that ignorant lady is my great Aunt?


I’m having a hard time with it myself but dad says yes.


Esther knows them as well.


I asked dad to ask for blood test but he says they are too old for that.




Oh, there is Karl, the dying brother.


It just doesn’t feel right asking them for something like that.


I think I would have to side with Mac on this one.


Listen Devon, I want you to follow me; there is something we need to do as a family.

Brock walks through the living room and out unto the patio as Devon and Mac follow him. As they walk through Karynn notices them.


Any one wanna have a drink with me?

She says holding up a shot glass. They ignore her.


And damn you all too.



Leslie’s Apartment

Leslie and Roxanne are looking at each other, sitting on the couch as they continue their conversation about Leslie’s past.

Roxanne: images_zps5085993d.jpg

Why did you give me up for adoption?

Leslie: 6a00d834516f7c69e200e54f70da918833-.jpg

Roxanne it was not an easy choice at all to make. I was in college at the time. I was the first one in my family make it so far in my education. My family was proud of me, rooting for me. We came from a poor background. Financial aid was not enough to pay for 8 long years of law school. That’s why I began to strip in the first place. It began as easy money. A few of the girls did it in my dorm so I decided to jump on the bandwagon. Then shamefully it lead to other things.”

Leslie stands up and walks away from Roxanne not wanting her to see the tears of pain.


What other things?


Well as time went on I’d see the same men come in at the bar, and things just went to the next level. I liked the money I was making stripping but I wanted more. I wanted more than everyone else had, so I began to sell my body.”

Leslie says nearly choking on the words trying to fight back an explosion of tears.


You were a prostitute?

Roxanne says standing up off the couch as well. She walks over to Leslie and turns her around so they can face each other. Leslie is full of tears.


Yes. I became a call girl and that’s how I met Spencer. Back in Chicago. We kept hooking up and very briefly we had a thing going on. That’s how I became pregnant with you. And it changed everything.


What do you mean?


I wasn’t ready for a child at that time. Law school was hard and grueling.


But you had time to be a whore?


Having a child would have required me to drop out of school and get a low wage job. I wasn’t about to raise a child like that. I didn’t want to be another welfare momma.

So I thought by giving you to a nice home you would be better off than what I could have provided. I didn’t think a stripper and call girl deserved to be a mother. I wanted you to have more that what I did growing up.


I don’t know how to handle all of this. I was a product of your open leg policy.

Leslie is stunned at her daughters stinging words.


That mouth of yours. Lord have mercy.


Why didn’t you seek me out once you got on your feet and school was done?



Chancellor Estate, Outside in the Garden103632369_6cfe8fd0e6.jpg

Devon and Mac follow Brock over to Kay’s memorial which is a 6 foot tall statue of Katherine herself. Surrounding the statue is a flower bed of white and red roses. Devon sees a picture of Tucker with candles lit up around it. In front of Tucker’s picture is a vase sitting on a black table.


Dad what is this?

Brock looks to Devon.


Devon, it’s been some time now and I felt we really need to put this part behind us. Tucker was my half brother and your father and regardless of what he did he was still family.

Devon looks into Brocks eyes. Tears begin to form.


How can you say that after what Tucker did to Kay?


We don’t know all the details yet. In Tucker’s will, he wanted to be cremated. Those are his remains on the table. I thought together we could pay our respects to Tucker quietly and then move on.


I really don’t know what to say. My life has been turned upside down. I don’t know which way is up. I don’t know how to feel or what to feel.

Brock engulfs his nephew in a hug. Devon can barely breathe. Mac has tears in her eyes, feeling Devon’s pain but also from joy at seeing Devon and Brock connect.

Brock pulls back. Devon take a few deep breathes.


Whoa sorry about that.


No no it’s ok.


I know we got off to a rocky start. But you being a part of this family is new to me. I’m just not used to it. But I look forward in getting to know you. Katherine thought the world of you.


I know.

Mac reaches over and holds Devon’s hand. They gather around Tucker’s picture and look at it, then they each grab a candle to take this time to make peace with Tucker. Once they are done, they blow out their candles one by one.


Dad what are we going to do with the vase?


I was going to let Devon decide that.


I honestly don’t know what to do with Tucker’s remains. We weren’t that close so I don’t know how I would feel about keeping them. But I also think they should not be with Katherine either.


I agree.


I’ll get a safe box at the bank and keep it there for now until we hear the final investigative report on Katherine’s death and Tucker’s role in it.


Sounds good. Brock thank you for doing this. I have been through so much I completely spaced out on this. I also appreciate you reaching out to me. It means a lot.

Brock hugs Devon again.


There is just one more thing.


Ok and what’s that?


The reading of the will is taking place in the morning. Your presence is requested per Katherine.


Really? I’m not expecting anything.


You are family. Katherine always looked out for her own. I think you really ought to be there.


Then I guess I will. Thank you again.

Devon hugs his cousin Mac and then leaves.

Brock holds Mac as they walk back inside the estate.


Tomorrow’s a big day. The reading of grandma’s will.


Yes indeed. Who knows what will be in it. Knowing my mother the way I do I’m sure we will all be in for some surprises.




Back at Leslie’s


You were 8 years old when I located you again in Arlington, Texas. You were happy and the family you were with treated you very well. I was just starting out with a studio apartment trying my luck as a public defender here in Genoa City. I didn’t want to uproot you from that great life and give you less than what you already had. I’m not making any excuses for my actions. I did what I thought was best for you. I couldn’t give you the kinda of life you deserved.


But what about Spencer? Didn’t he try to fight to keep me?


I never told Spencer I was pregnant. I didn’t want to raise a child with him. Back in the day, in his day, Spencer was what you would call a rolling stone. Where ever he laid his hat was his home. That kind of man. He had all the ladies all over him and I was one of them. I knew he wouldn’t be a father to you or a good man to me. So I gave you to a good home.


So my mother is an ex stripper slash call girl and my dad was a rolling stone. Some foundation to build from.


Exactly. That’s why I gave you a better life.


But you knew weeks before hand, before it was exposed at the Glo Worm gala, you and Spencer both but you two did not tell me. Instead you stalked me.


We were both stunned and did not know how to tell you something like this. How do you tell some one that you are their mother? You just don’t hit anyone out the blue with it.


I guess your right. I have to be honest, when I turned 18 my adoptive parents did tell me I was you adopted.


But you didn’t come looking for me?


I was scared to. I didn’t know who or what I would find. I was very hurt when I found out I was adopted. I kept wondering why my birth mother would give me up. Was it me, was it her? I never knew. I was afraid to find out. It’s like the devil you know and the devil you don’t know.


I totally understand.

Roxanne looks at Leslie with tears in her eyes.


For all these years, I wondered what I would say if I ever saw you, I’m Roxanne I believe I am your daughter.”

Roxanne smiles at Leslie. Leslie smiles too and she grabs Roxanne and holds her. They hold each other as they both cry. Leslie stroke Roxanne’s hair.


My baby girl. My beautiful baby girl.


The Sun hangs lower and lower in the skies over Genoa City. Mary is done with her jog and stops to stretch. Having taken this time to formulate a plan to help her sister Daisy get her family back she smiles, pleased that she thinks she has an answer to Daisy’s problems.

“Don’t worry sister; I will help you get Lucy and Daniel back in one fell swoop. You may be mad at first but I think in time you will understand.”

She says in her mind as she walks back to her apartment. What Mary doesn’t know is she’s being followed. As Mary walks up the stairs to her apartment the person wearing all black gets back into an all black car with tinted windows. IMG_0441-lores.jpgThey take out some binoculars and begins to watch Mary’s every move through the window thanks to the blinds being open.a8c78624.jpg

“Hey!… Hey you! “

The Mystery person hears. The mystery person looks in the driver side rear view mirror and sees Daisy in it. The person throws the binoculars in the passenger seat.


I said hey what are you doing?

The person clutches their gun that was on their lap. Daisy begins to approach the mysterious car. Then suddenly the mystery person peels off from the scene leaving Daisy dusted and disgusted.


Who was that?

Daisy looks up in the direction the mystery person was looking in and sees its Mary’s window. Daisy wonders who was watching her sister.


Recommended Comments

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We finally got the backstory on Leslie's past. Roxanne was harsh...geesh LOL. But still I like to see that she has softened a bit and wants to know what happened.

Katherine's relatives are all bonding. Karynn is a great character and I can't wait to see what she does next.

I wonder who's watching the girls. It must not be Phyllis as I previously thought. Maybe it's Drucilla..LOL

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Gosh who is the mystery person??? I wonder! I have one idea though and I think I am right! You had me starting to cry in the last Roxanne/Leslie scene. My heart went out to Roxanne. I think there is a soft side to Karynn that we are not seeing. Loved the Brock/Devon/Mac scenes. Love that u put the opening in their! Excellent job!

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There's a lot of family bonding going on at the Chancellors. Excellent stuff, and it's nice to see Devon coming around with the rest of the family.

Roxanne and Leslie's scenes were good. Open Leg Policy. LOL. I like that Roxanne wasn't afraid to show her anger and still understand her mom's dilemma. It's refreshing to see that.

The mystery person is probably Sheila, spying on her girls. Either that or Lauren undercover. Just a guess. hahah. Love it.

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