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Karynn and Esther get Drunk! #150



A black car with tinted windows pulls into Daniel’s driveway. The passenger door opens and a walker is placed outside the car. A woman’s shoe steps onto the ground then her other foot. The woman slowly stands up and with her walker walks over to Daniel’s front door and knock as the car pulls out the drive way and pulls off. The woman knocks again. Daniel opens it up and is stunned to see Phyllis.


Hi honey, I’m home.”

She says with a big smile on her face.

Daniel doesn’t know what to say.


Aren’t you going to invite me in or what?

Daniel: imagesCAQCG4VW_zps1f3bf012.jpg

I’m sorry mom. I wasn’t expecting you to be home from the nursing home. And not to mention here at my place.

Phyllis with her walker and slow walk eventually makes it inside Daniels’s home. Daniel grabs her luggage off the porch. Phyllis walks over to the kitchen table and takes a seat.


Ok where is my baby girl?


Lucy is asleep. So what is this all about? You’re done with your physical therapy?


Well no. I’m going to finish it as an out patient. I convinced them I could stay here and you could help me out.

Daniel has a look of disappointment on his face. It comes through his voice.


And you just assumed that was ok with me because I don’t got my hands full already being a single dad and maintaining this house?


I won’t be no bother honey. I can do everything myself. In fact I’m here to help you out. You can go get a job, get some free time and I can watch Lucy. We can be one big ol’ happy family.


Doesn’t Summer need you?


She’s with Nick. She’s ok.” Phyllis looks over on the kitchen table and sees a pair of binoculars. She squints her eyes in bewilderment and then looks at Daniel. Daniel becomes uneasy.

Phyllis: imagesCACWTA6U_zps7acd3e7e.jpg

Bird watching are we?




Elevator doors open and Lauren rushes out in a bit of a panic. She looks around in her purse and looks for her keys. They are stuck in the ring of a gun barrel she has in her purse.


Damn it! Damn you Daisy!

Lauren begins to try and finagle the keys free from the gun. Unable to free the keys from her gun and anxious to get inside in what she feels is her safety place she just takes the keys with the gun hanging on like a key chain and unlocks her door. She walks inside and is stunned to see Fenmore and Michael looking at her.

Lauren: imagesCA6GSYIY_zps7392afbd.jpg

Michael what are you doing here?

Michael and Fenmore both look at Lauren and her gun.

Fenmore: imagesCAW6ZON4_zps86dcbbaa.jpg

What is going on why do you have that gun?

Michael: imagesCAG4IE6P_zpsae3fc188.jpg

Where have you been Lauren? I’ve been waiting here for an hour.

Lauren is at a loss for words, trying to figure out how she can explain her gun and her whereabouts.

thumbnailCAUJVEFZ.jpgEpisode 150: Who’s Stalking the Carter Girls?!

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: Martin Saenz, C Nate Richardson, with Alex Washington-beeby and Rob Wolf

Chancellor Estate103632369_6cfe8fd0e6.jpg

Karynn takes a seat next to Esther on the couch in the living room.

Esther: a894db85_zpsc0dd912f.jpg

Is Karl ok?

Karynn: imagesCAWV1A8W_zpsd5406947.jpg

Yes that old man is ok. He’s taking his nap. Now I can breath and drink in peace.


What’s wrong with Karl anyway?


Now Esther you listen here, I like you and all but Karl is a subject I do not like talking about.


I’m sorry Ms. Sheppard, it’s just I feel so bad for him. He looks so helpless in that wheel chair.


Call me Karynn. We are friends not my servant. There are going to be some changes around here now that I am here.


So you are staying then?


It beats being in my old shack in New Orleans. Now enough of this petty talk and let’s get down to business.

Karynn takes the bottle of Tequila from the coffee table and cracks it open. She pours her and Esther a double shot.


I don’t know if I should be drinking Karynn. I’m still on duty.


Damn all of that! I’m the mistress of this house and like I said things are going to be different round here. I want alcohol everywhere. In all the rooms including the bathroom. You never know when you need a stiff drink to get those bowels moving in the morning.


We didn’t keep liquor out in the open due to Mrs. C’s sobriety.


Well that lady of the manor is gone and I’m taking her place. So Esther drink up my friend.

They both take down their double shots of Tequila.


Damn that’s good stuff.

Esther nearly gags.


Oh my goodness that stuff burns and tastes awful.


Non since Essie. This will put hair on our chest. Here have a another one damn it.”

Karynn pour another round of double shots. Karynn gulps her up. She looks at “ Essie” and sees her staring at her drink.


Drink up Essie, that’s an order.

Esther takes a deep breath and holds her nose and takes down her double shot.


Thata’ girl.

Esther lets out a choking cough.

Karynn pats her back.


It’s ok Essie. Let it all out. Let all that boringness you got within you go. Cough out that old life you had with Katherine. With Karynn around we are going to party every damn day.”

Esther regains her composure, her face returning back to it’s normal color having been beet red from lack of oxygen going to her brain during the heavy coughing spell. Then they here the door bell.


I’m drunken. I can’t answer that.


Now you never mind that you hear?

Karynn gets up, a little wobbly but she is able to make it to the door. She opens it and sees Devon.

Devon and Karynn give each other strange looks.


Who the hell are you?



Leslie’s Apt

Leslie is holding Roxanne while they sit on her couch. Roxanne is teary eyed.


Tell me what is going on with you Roxanne?

Roxanne: roxanne_zps702572ab.jpg

My whole life has fallen apart. Ever since it came out you and Spencer were my parents, day after day things have been getting worse.


I’m very sorry you found out the way you did.


At the Glo Worm Gala in front of the whole town. I don’t understand why it came out like that.


I do and I’m going to tell you. Your dad, went after Victor Newman. Victor did everything he could to try and stop Spencer from locking Victor up. So Victor had Avery do some digging and she came across my past as a college stripper and my time with Spencer.


What stake does Avery have in this? I barely know her all like that.


Yea I’m having a hard time with that one too. I swear to you Avery Clark is going to pay for hurting you.


The part I don’t get is you and Spencer knew weeks before it came out. You two were acting strange around me even Devon picked up on it. But you didn’t tell me.



Victor told Spencer weeks before it came out. Well not really told him, but gave him a warning if he didn’t dismiss his case against Victor he would pay. Victor also came to me and wanted me to stop Spencer but I couldn’t due to the conflict of interest. So then he presented me with pictures of my past and the fact he knew I gave up a child for adoption and that Spencer was your father.


That’s deep. Very deep.


Yes it is.


I guess my only question is now, why did you give me up for adoption?



At Spencer’s

thCANS4T73.jpgSpencer sits down at his computer just having made dinner for himself. He is looking at cheaper places to rent, being his income has been reduced drastically from being a district attorney to just a part time chef at Gina’s. As he looks he sees a news report about Victor Newman possibly being released from jail. He clicks on the link and begins to read the article. Spencer learns that due to the conflict of interest in the state’s case against Victor, while Spencer himself prosecuted the case, the case may be thrown out. New District Attorney John Silva is reexamining the case. Spencer is very upset and he immediately losses his appetite. He slams his plate of food down next to him. He thinks for a moment.

Damn you Victor! I’m not going to let you get away with this. No matter what I have to do I’m going to stop you.”

Spencer then logs onto Genoa City’s face place. He creates a page titled “ I Hate Victor Newman” When asked to put the description of what the group is about Spencer types the following “For the people of GC who has ever been hurt or done wrong by Satanist Victor Newman that vows revenge“. Spencer hit’s the create button and Spencer’s “I hate Victor Newman” fan page is live on the world wide net. Spencer smiles feeling some what better. He then goes on to write his first post for the group to see.

I created this group as an outlet for the people Victor Newman, the Satanist has ever double crossed, blackmailed, hustled , bullied or bought off etc. This is a place to tell your story and hopefully with strength in numbers, we can put a stop to Victor Newman’s treachery and evilness. Victor Newman is a cancer and a menace to our local community and I hope to form an action counsel to end Victor Newman’s reign of terror. Victor the Satanist must be stopped.” Spencer posts his post and then pins it so that when people join up that will be the first thing they see. Spencer leans back in his computer chair and has a feeling of victorious pleasure come about him. He vows some way some how he is going to stop Victor.



Back at Lauren’s

Lauren puts her gun and keys back in her purse. She looks at Michael with rage in her eyes.


What are you doing here Michael!?


Mom please don’t be mad. I called him over here. I miss him and wanted to spend time with him. Not only that I was worried about you when you left in a rush. I was afraid Daisy might follow you or something.


Daisy was here Fen tells me. Did she hurt you?


All those nights slaving away for Victor Newman instead of being here, and now you want to care? Being Victor’s slave got you no where. Fenmore honey your dad and I need to talk. Please go to your room.


Mom I’m sorry please don’t be mad at me or dad. I just want my family back. I hate this divorce!”

Fenmore then storms off into his room and then slams the door.


Why do you have to act like that in front of our son? He called me and I came over here because he wanted his dad. Can’t you see this divorce is not needed. We are hurting Fenmore.


You should have thought of that before you became Victor’s Bitch. How many nights alone did Fen and I spend? All the concerts and awards ceremonies at Fenmore’s school, where were you, working for Victor and in the end what was it all for?


The money helped us with this place. The nice cars we drive, the private schools we send Fenmore too.


Don’t you dare make this about money! I got my own money! I do own Fenmore’s you know. Fenmore and I are set for life. So don’t try and make it like what you did was the right thing. It was all dirty money. I don’t want Fenmore raised by a man like you. You sold yourself out working for Victor and in the end he betrayed you and you wound up in jail for perjury.


You sold me out telling the court I lied. YOU DID THAT!


I sure did Michael! You needed to be a man about it. I don’t want Fenmore raised by a man who practices law yet doesn’t respect it. Now if you would please leave.


Lauren please don’t do this. I love you. I’m losing everything. Please don’t take our family away.

Lauren has a tear form in her eye.


I’m sorry Michael, anything you have to say please address it to my attorney.


Why are you so cold with me?

Lauren walks over to the door and opens it signaling it’s his time to leave.


Have a good night Michael.

Michael leaves with is head down. Lauren closes the door and locks it. She once again tries to finagle her keys free from the gun.



Daniel’s House1164119_151317.jpg


Mom you’re nosey. I don’t mind if you come stay with me for a little bit, until you’re able to get the full function of your legs but I think we need to get some things clear.


Oh yea and what is that?


This is my house. You’re under my roof, and I would really appreciate not being questioned in my own home.


: I can understand that but why are you so defensive? Are you hiding something?


No! Five minutes here and you’re already on my nerves.


GEE THANKS DANIEL! What a fine way to treat your handicapped mother!


Would you keep your damn voice down Lucy is trying to sleep!


You know how I am when I get pissy Daniel. I don’t like being treated this way.


: I think it’s time for you to go to bed.

Daniel pulls out the sofa bed.


I’m not sleeping on that!


Relax mom, damn it’s for me ok!? I’m putting you up in my room.


Good now are the sheets clean or what?


Yes mom I did laundry this morning.

Phyllis gets up out of her chair to grab her walker. As she does a pair of black gloves fall out of her pocket. Daniel sees this as he grabs her luggage. He looks at her and then back at the gloves.


Gloves in the heat of summer? Bird hunting?

Phyllis chuckles.



Chancellor Estate


I beg your pardon.


Hold on for a minute.”

Karynn reaches in her pocket and lights up a cigarette. She inhales and then exhales, blowing the smoke in Devon’s face.


Uhh! DO you mind? Second hand smoke causes cancer.


Hurricane Katrina took my home and your point?


I’m here for Brock. What happened to Esther are you the new maid?


No Essie and I are kicking back having a few drinks. Now I asked you once before who the hell are you? I’m ready for my next shot. Now speed this up Boy Scout.


Boy Scout?


Yes. My brother got a hearing aide upstairs, do you need me to get it for you, he’s asleep and won’t be needing it for a while?


What in the hell are you talking about old lady?


No we are not buying Boy Scout cookies. Now good day.”

She begins to close the door on Devon but he stops her.


Look homeless, I don’t know who in the hell you are but I want to see my Uncle Brock now! He asked me to come by.

Karynn slaps Devon. Devon is stunned as he rubs his cheek.


I am not homeless! And how could Brock be your uncle? You are black. A black Chancellor, well I’ll be damned.

Karynn yells into the living room

“Essie, tell me this is a joke, we got a Black Chancellor? It really is 2014.”

Devon is absolutely appalled looking at this obnoxious, ignorant drunken, older and now seemingly racist woman standing before him in his family’s home.


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Oh my gosh Karynn's joke made my day!!! Your scenes were absolutely fabulous in this episode! The scene with Leslie and Roxanne really touched me. It was powerful and I know that is probably just the begnning!!!! Also, your scenes with the Baldwin family were great! It really rehashed everything that was needed to move the story along! Phyllis and Daniel were great! You really showed us their relationship! Excellent!!!

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GREAT episode. The family dynamics, the tension. All the characters were on point, and I LOVE Karynn, I can't get over how much I love her. Such a good addition to the cast.

Lauren and Michael's story is great, and you can see both sides of the struggle between them. It's excellent work, and I want to see more and more of it!

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So Phyllis is stalking the girls? Makes complete sense...

Karynn steals the show again.

Long overdue scene between Roxanne and Leslie.

Lauren needs to not come between Fenmore and Michael's relationship...

Good episode!!

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