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Chance drops a bomb on Michael! #148



Crimson LightsthumbnailCAGKTS00.jpg

Michael is looking at Chance as Victoria and Major Payne looks at Cane.

Michael: imagesCAG4IE6P_zpsae3fc188.jpg

My God just tell me man, who was hurt?

Chance: imagesCA8IBN36_zps7f36daea.jpg

I’m very sorry. It’s Eden. Eden has been kidnapped by terrorist in Afghanistan.

Michael chuckles


This is a joke right? My little sister joined the army? When?


She joined about a year ago.

Gloria holds Michael.

Gloria: thCAN2HQJP.jpg

Michael I’m so sorry.


This is very hard for me to understand. Eden never told me she was going to serve in the army. I have not heard from her in months. Then this?


Michael you had your own issue going on with Lauren, the divorce and upcoming custody battle. You can’t blame yourself for this.


My little sister joins the army with out telling me. That’s major. Now she is missing. Do we know if she is alive or what?


Michael I’m sorry I am doing everything I can to rescue her.


But you are here in Genoa City…What can I do? There has to be something I can do?


Pray. We do have special forces on the ground trying to locate her. We do not know if she is dead or alive.


My little sister in the hands of those violent extremist. I pray to God she is ok. Why aren’t you looking for her Chance?


There is something else you should know.


Wait there is more?


When Eden joined my unit, we quickly fell in love and we became engaged. That’s why I’m not allowed to join the search for her at this time. My commander feels I need some r and r. I’ve been trying to find Eden every day for the last 3 months. The trail is cold. But I promise you I will rescue her.


This is hard for me to take in. My little sister Eden joined the army and didn’t let her family know anything and now she is missing….oh and engaged….to a chancellor.

imagesCA9UFMON_zps0838fb8b.jpgEpisode 148: Chance drops a bomb on Michael!

Written and produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: Martin Saenz with Cary Richardson



At the GCAC7b242170-5c79-48a1-9b6f-186930590d9.jpg

Keemo and Jill continue their drink and conversation.

Jill: imagesCA946KAL_zps27ce0620.jpg

How are things with you and Gloria?

Keemo: keemo_zps42afdf4a.png

We are on the rocks. Ever since she found out I was an Abbott things have been a disaster.


How were you able to keep your last name from her?


I simply told her it was not important. I wanted her to fall in love with who I am not what I am or have.


Well I understand that.


She’s worried about another war with Jack and her feelings for my granddad.


Gloria has heart and feelings. I’m impressed. She always came off as some gold digger.


Well she is not. I love her Jill. And I’m trying to win her back. It’s in her hands now. She has to decide if she is ready to be with me and deal with my father Jack.


I’m glad you have some one to love. It’s been quite awhile since I’ve been in love. So grab on to it and fight Keemo.


I plan too

Then some one walks up to Jill and hands her an envelope.


What could this be?”

She opens it and reads it. Her mood changes into a saddened state.


What’s the matter, bad news?


It’s the information for the reading of Kay’s will.


Ah I see.


She’s really gone. Katherine is really gone” She says as she sheds a tear. Keemo holds her.




thCAEKX2FU-1.jpgSpencer knocks on a door. It opens and there is Leslie.

Leslie: imagesCA75AZKJ_zpse6f1fbd5.jpg

Spence, come in.

Spencer smiles and walks into her apartment.


You looking good today. I don’t sense depression.


Well I started to put my life back on track. I mean nothing big, just a little stepping stone.


That’s good. What did you do?


I got a new job as a cook at Gina’s


A cook? From district attorney to cook?


Now you know I know my way around a kitchen.


I remember very well. It was one of the things that attracted me to you.


Well you know we could be together still?


No Spencer I’ve already told you I’m not feeling you like that. Yes we have a daughter but that is it. What we had was in the past and I’m not that same person any more.


Speaking of our daughter. Any luck with Roxanne yet?

Leslie: No. Not at all. I decided to give her space.


But she still hasn’t reached out yet?


No. I wish she would. I want to get to know my daughter. But she’s so damned angry.


Things will turn around I’m sure. It makes me very angry looking at this situation. This is all Victor’s fault. Me putting him in jail cost me my career and my daughter. I’m hearing he may be released soon.


After all the crimes he’s committed, how is that even possible?


Victor’s old private counsel is now the DA. John Silva. The are pretty chummy.

Plus the courts deemed I had a conflict of interest in the case so the case is being reexamined. Once again he wins. I lost everything my career, my daughter… might have to sell my car and move to a smaller place thanks to that scum Victor. I swear Leslie this isn’t over between him and I. I am going to make Victor pay for hurting us and taking everything away.


Victor isn’t my problem. That traitor ass Bitch Avery is. And I can’t wait until I see her so I can beat the living hell out of her for her role in exposing my stripper past. th.jpg



Back at Crimson Lights

Gloria is holding Michael.


Again I’m sorry Mr. Baldwin. I am going to do everything I can to find Eden and bring her home safely.


Well you sure as hell better! I hold you personally responsible for Eden’s well being. She joins the army, and is engaged and I knew nothing of what was going on. What does that say about my sister and our relationship? She doesn’t talk to me. Why would she not tell me about a big decision like joining the armed forces?


I’ll leave you be Mr. Baldwin. I’ll keep you updated as I know more.”

Chance then walks away and sits back down at his table he is sharing with Victoria.

Victoria: thCADXJVP4.jpg

Wow. That was major. I’m so sorry to hear about Eden. I had no idea she joined the army either.

Chance is just quiet, with memories of the kidnapping itself running through his mind.

Victoria notices Chance is not in this reality of the moment.


Why don’t we get our mind off our troubles and take a walk through the park. It’s a nice evening.


That sounds nice.” They get up to leave. Chance takes another look at Michael and sees the grief on his face which bothers Chance. He then exit’s the coffee shop with Victoria.


I don’t understand why Eden wouldn’t tell you of these major decisions she’s made in her life.


The last time we talked everything was ok. She didn’t give any inclination that she was going to the middle east. I would have certainly talked her out of it for this very reason right here. She’s been kidnapped by terrorist! And Chance the fiancée couldn’t even protect her. First Kevin and now Eden. I’ve lost Lauren. I’ve lost Newman, my job my career. Can it get any worse Gloria?

Gloria holds her son.


Its ok. Things will turn around. They always do Michael. You been down before, but you’ll get back up again.”

Michael holds her for comfort realizing his life is in shambles.



Jill folds her summons back up.


Keemo this was very nice. I need to get to Chancellor and take care of a few things there.


I understand. I have a job fair for my new company I need to prepare for. So I need to get with Mason and get that set up.

They both stand up and he hugs her.


MMM you smell so good. What is that I’ve never smelled that before?

Keemo smiles at her.


It’s just for you, a little something I mixed together. This was very nice and I hope we can do this again Jill.


It was nice Keemo. I’ll talk to you soon and good luck with Gloria and your new fashion house.”

He kisses her on the cheek and then Jill leaves. Keemo looks at his watch.


Operation “Take Down” is about to commence.”

He leaves the club.



Vandalynn’s Apt.

Daisy is fresh from the shower as she walks over to the couch and takes a seat.

Van: thCARZE2M7.jpg

I bet you feel better “free woman“.

Daisy: thCAGSHTOS-1.jpg

You have no idea. To be able to walk around and do what I want to do with out bars, guards or smelly inmates.

Van: Gross! I don’t even want to think about it. Listen why don’t I make you your first home from jail meal. What do want?


I never knew you cooked. When did this happen?


I picked up a few things while I was in Paris with Scotty.


So you go by Vandalynn now?


I do.


It’s a nice name.


I think so as well. Lauren likes it too.


Lauren? That BITCH!


Yes she is and that’s why we are going to make her pay for what she has done to our family.


I’m only worried about my family right now. My family with Daniel and Lucy.


Are you saying you want to be with Daniel too?


Yes,.. I guess I am.


That’s going to be a lonnnng shot.


I got plenty of time, I’m very patient. Being locked up teaches you that. You know what I just thought of something. While you finish cooking I’m going to take a walk. Enjoy my freedom and the streets of Genoa City.


Ok well don’t do anything rash just yet. Mother will have plans for us soon once I tell her you are free, she’ll be happy and will have a plan for us.


Yea sure.

Daisy puts on a hat and a trench coat and then leaves.


Gina’s Italian BistroGinas_zps86933394.jpg

Gina looks at her nephew Daniel as he seems off in another world. Daniel is thinking about his Aunt Avery and the white stuff he seen around her nostrils.

Gina: imagesCA0PEV6X_zpsf25c1d78.jpg

Daniel what is it!?

Daniel returns to Genoa City when he snaps out his gaze.

Daniel: imagesCAQCG4VW_zps1f3bf012.jpg

I just think something is off about Aunt Avery.


Why do you say that?


I don’t know. It could be premature but my gut is telling me something is there. I have to do some digging first.


: I don’t like the sound of this. Maybe I should call my brother. Your father should be here to help you through this time with Daisy.


: No no it’s ok. My dad’s on tour. I need to handle this myself. Plus I think mom will be home from the nursing facility soon and she’s full of fire.


Phyllis is a lioness when it comes to her children. I know she will fight tooth and nail for her family. How is her physical therapy going?


It’s going great. She’s making great strides. And you are right she will fight tooth and nail. Well..it was nice talking to you Aunt Gina.


Like wise, I have some paper work to do on the new chef I hired, Spencer Walsh and if you ever need anything you come to your Aunt Gina.


Spencer Walsh? From a DA to a cook. That‘s crazy.


Well we all got to do what we have to do Daniel.


You are right. I’m not judging. It’s just crazy that’s all. Anyway I’ll let you know if I need anything.


Where is the little princess?


She’s at the sitters. I’m going to get her right now.


Just be careful about Daisy. She’s dangerous.


Trust me I know.”

He hugs Gina and then he leaves.



Back at Leslie’s


No offense Spencer, but what can you do to Victor Newman? You have no power now that you are no longer the DA.


That was kind of low Les but it’s cool. I don’t know what I’m going to do but trust me I’m not going to let things be easy for that old mumbling man. I lost so much thanks to him. The thing the hurts the most is that I have a newfound daughter in Roxanne and she hates us Les.


I wouldn’t say hate but she is very angry right now.


I want to get to know her. When does that part happen? How long is she going to be angry at us?


I don’t know Spence. But I’m willing to give her all the time in the world if it means she’ll come around one day.


That sounds nice and all but I live by the philosophy tomorrow is never promised. I want to get to know my daughter now and make things work.


Well how do you propose we do that when Roxanne won’t even give an inch.


I’m going to find a way. My life is looking up again and this is the thing that will make it complete. To be a family with Roxanne.”

Then Leslie gets a knock on her door. She walks over to it and opens it. She is stunned to see Roxanne on her doorstep.imagesCA7K9T0D_zps3987aa39.jpg

Les looks at Spencer who is also surprised.


Ask and you shall receive….



Daisy wearing a hat and a long brown trench coat knocks on a door. She then tilts her head down to conceal her face. The door opens and it’s Lauren.

Lauren is caught off guard.Lauren_zpsaa27b4cd.png

“Uhm, Can I help you?”

Daisy slowly lifts her head up and looks at Lauren with a broad smile.thCA2U35J7-1.jpg


NO!… Oh my GOD!… How did you get out!? What the hell are you doing here Daisy Carter? Here to kidnap me again?

Daisy grabs Laurens neck and pulls her into the hallway then slams her against the wall while still choking her.


Please stop you’re hurting me!


We are going to pick up right where we left off redhead. You are going to pay for destroying my family. You better watch your step Lauren Fenmore. I’m going to finish you off.”

Daisy then let’s go of Lauren’s neck. Lauren is catching her breathe and she has a look of fear in her eyes.


Still a dumb Bitch like your mother I see. I’m calling the police.”

Daisy back hands Lauren. Lauren is stunned. Then Daisy does it again this time using her other hand, the left one. Lauren wipes her nose and sees blood. She looks at Daisy with venom and charges after her pushing Daisy into the wall on the other side of the hallway. Daisy has the wind knocked out of her and Lauren uses this to her advantage to attack Daisy. She pounds her head against the wall a few times. Daisy is rendered unconscious and collapse to the floor.


Stay the hell away from me Crazy Carter! You made a bad move coming here. Now I’m going to Paul and have your crazy ass hauled right back off to jail where you belong. “

Lauren walks back inside and slams the door. Daisy continues to lay on the floor unconscious with blood forming a small puddle beneath her head.


Recommended Comments

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Oh great job, Lauren. Now you're off to jail for assault. Play right into Daisy's hands.

Sad for Michael. His life is falling apart around his ears. Desperate times make desperate men. I can't wait to see what he does next.

Interesting seeing Keemo, Gloria and Jill's interactions. Something tells me this is going to get really interesting really quickly.

Roxanne visits! This should get juicy fast. Loving that you've brought Gina's back to the show.

Good show!

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I'm glad Lauren fought back. I didn't think she was gonna let Daisy punk her. She didn't let Sheila punk her.

I was gonna ask you where Roxanne was, but there she was...at her mother's doorstep. Interested to see where this leads.

I'm glad you are taking things slow with Chance and Victoria.

Michael is going to join Nikki in the abyss after MORE bad news...lol

And Spencer still gunning for Leslie, and making no bones about it.

Good episode...I see the set up of future stories here

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Oh my gosh poor Michael! And Lauren I am glad you fought with Daisy but now Daisy got the reaction she wanted. I gotta say I am loving what you give to Leslie in each episode. You have me care deeply for your characters which TV Y&R has not done in quite awhile. Roxanne... that should get interesting! LOVING the Daniel/Gina scene. Those were extremely well written on your part! Excellent job!

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