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Daisy is a Free Woman! #147



The Jailjailcell.jpg


Well I’m a free woman Danny boy. Isn’t it great?

Daniel: imagesCAQCG4VW_zps1f3bf012.jpg

A nightmare if anything. Yea so you got a judge to believe in you. But a family court judge is a different ball game Daisy.


I don’t play games Daniel. Lucy is my daughter too and I will get her back! You are not going to stop me! Getting out of jail is just the first step. It’s also proof my plan is working.


Daisy NEVER! I don’t know how many more different ways I need to tell you that. You won’t get you hands on Lucy.” Daniel then leaves the jail. Daisy smiles. She leaves the jail as well, ready to begin her life as a free woman. A car pulls up and it’s Vandalynn. She gets in.

They smile at each other.

Vandalynn: thCAVCMY3I.jpg

Finally, you are free. I told you it would not be long.


Thanks for picking me up Mary. Smells like sex in here… anyway yes you did tell me it wouldn‘t be long….. I had a conversation with Mr. Newman. He was asking about you.


I knew he would after he seen me talking to you in the jail. You didn’t tell him anything did you?


No. Played him like a fiddle. But he warned he would be watching me.


Let the old man watch. I’ll give him quite a show. Besides he can’t do anything now. Mom is nursing the mystery patient back to health, and I slept with Noah and Scotty and now you are free from jail. Everything is falling into place for us.


I just want my daughter.


You will get her back. Momma will make sure of it.

Van pulls up to her place.

“Momma is going to wire us some money for some support. You will be staying with me until you can get on your own feet.


Yes, I need a job, and my own place if I’m going to win my daughter back.


You will get Lucy back sis. By any means necessary. This is our time. Time for the Carter family to stand up and shine in this city. And we are going to make it happen.



imagesCA9UFMON_zps0838fb8b.jpgEpisode 147: Daisy is a Free Woman!

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: C Nate Richardson and Martin Saenz with Alexander Washington Beeby and Rob Wolff



Gina’s Italian RestaurantGinas_zps86933394.jpg

thCAEKX2FU-1.jpgSpencer walks in and Gina walks over to him

Gina: imagesCA0PEV6X_zpsf25c1d78.jpg

I remember you. You’re the DA. You put Victor Newman behind bars. No one will ever forget it.



“Not any longer. I had to resign thanks to Victor Newman. Their was a cost to that victory.


I’m so sorry to hear. I hear so many bad thing about Victor.


Well believe them all. Listen uhm I stopped in today to apply for the part time cook position.

Gina is stunned a man with his education and background is applying for such a job as a part time cook.


Are you sure? A man with your credentials is surely able to find something a little bit better.


I’ve been looking. The job market here in GC is very scarce. The economy is sinking again. Beggars can’t choosers. I have rent I have to pay. And with the scandal about Leslie and my daughter not too many people wants to hire a disgraced District Attorney.


Well not at Gina’s. My place is booming since I opened it back up a few months ago and with Glo Worm still closed down we are doing great here.


I hear no one does Italian better than you.


Believe what you hear.” They both chuckle.


Now you were a DA. What does a DA know about a kitchen?


I love Italian food Ms. Romalotti. I’m a great cook as well. One of my many hidden talents.


Tell you what, I want you to go into the kitchen and make me your best Italian dish and then we’ll talk.


Sounds like a plan.” Gina escorts Spencer to the kitchen.




Keemo walks in and grabs a seat at the bar and orders a double scotch on the rocks. He thinks about his plan to take out his dad with Victor’s help. Some one takes a seat next to him. He looks over and sees Jill. He smiles at her.

Keemo: keemo_zps42afdf4a.png

Jill good to see you.

Jill: imagesCA946KAL_zps27ce0620.jpg

Keemo, it’s good to see you too. I’m surrounded by such sadness at the estate.


How has it been going?


Still can’t believe Katherine is no longer with us. At first I just told my self she’s on an extended vacation but now it’s starting to sink in she is never coming back.


She is still here in spirit.


Yes, especially at the estate. It has an almost eerie feeling to the place now. It feels so cold.


Is there anything I can do?


You’re already doing it”

She says as she grabs her martini and sips it.


So what’s going on with you. You still working at McCall?


Well yes and no.

Gloria then walks in the GCAC to ponder Keemo’s marriage proposal. She looks at the bar and is shocked to see Jill and Keemo together again having a drink. She keeps her distance and continues to watch them.


I don’t understand what that means.


I’m going to change the name of the company. And I’m taking it in a new and more concentrated direction.


Sounds pretty good. What’s this concentrated direction?


I’m going to turn McCall into a fashion house. I’m going to focus on fashions and beauty products.


Much like Jabot does now.


That’s right.


I don’t think Jack will be pleased with your new venture. Have you told him?


He doesn’t deserve to know. He’s doesn’t respect me.


So this is war with your dad?


I don’t like labels.


Keemo I don’t think this is such a good idea.


Why not Jill? Don’t you remember when we began to hook up, he gave me an ultimatum? You or Jabot. I chose Jabot.


You did. It kind of hurt and made me really wonder.


Wonder what?


It makes me wonder if I’m still viable as a woman, did I not have what it takes for you to choose Jabot and not me.


It really wasn’t like that. It was about pleasing my dad and keeping in with the legacy of working for the family company. At that time I thought that was the right thing to do. But in hindsight it was not.


What are you saying?

He looks at her.


I often wonder what could have been?


Do you really?


I do Jill. You’re a stunning woman.


I think you are extremely attractive as well. I often to wonder what could have been. Especially now when I feel so lonely after Kay’s death.

They take a sip of their drinks.

Gloria notices how they are looking at each other with smiles. She wonders if the time she asked of from Keemo will send him into the arms of Jill. Hurt, Gloria leaves GCAC without being noticed.



imagesCADOJX4K_zpsf59708be.jpgNikki walks into her new penthouse. Nikkispenthouse_zps3420f207.jpg

She puts her purse down and walks past a table full of Kay’s pictures. She lights some white candles and stares upon the pictures. The time when Kay came to Nikki to try to make things right and Nikki shut her out is on instant replay in Nikki’s mind. She cries.

“Kay came to me the same day she died. How could I be so cruel?” Nikki gets up and walks over to her white grand piano. She sits down and begins to play a somber tune. She hums the tune as she plays. The music sort of begins to relax Nikki. She gets more into the tune and even speeds it up, feeling better and better as it’s sped up. As she still hums, she gets up from the piano and begins to dance by herself but with her arms out as if there is some one there dancing with her. Nikki slips into a daze as she continues to dance and hum the tune. The room spins to her as she can only focus on her dance and tunes everything else out. After getting a bit dizzy she stops. She sits down to regain her composure. She looks up and is again entranced with Kay’s vigil. She grabs a pillow and holds it as she lets tears go from her eyes. She then gets a knock on her door. She wipes her tears and gets up to answer.

She opens it and is surprised to see Brock.


Brock, hello. Is everything ok?


Yes Nikki it is. I don’t mean to alarm you. I went over to the GCAC and they told me you moved here. I must say it’s very nice.


Thank you Brock please come in.” Brock walks inside and admires Nikki’s new place.


This is stunning.”


Thank you. I got tired of living out of a hotel.


I can believe it.” Brock then looks over and sees Nikki’s vigil for Kay. He walks over to it.


Still can’t believe she is gone.


I’m having a hard time dealing with it too. The only thing I can say or feel is so very very sorry for shutting Kay out on her last day on earth.

Brock walks over to her and holds her.


It’s ok. Don’t beat your self up over it. Deep down you loved Kay and I’m sure my mother knew that.


I really hope so.


Listen I didn’t mean to interrupt and I do have other stops to make. But I wanted to give you this.” He hands her an envelope. She opens it. Nikki begins to read it.


The reading of the will. Oh Brock I’m not expecting anything. I wouldn’t feel right taking anything.


Mother asked you to be there. So I hope you are.” He gives her another hug and then leaves. Nikki sits back down on her couch and tears forms in her eyes once more as she looks over the information for the reading of Kay’s will.


Back At Gina’s

Spencer walks out of the kitchen and presents her with Bistecca Fiorentina .

Gina is extremely impressed.

“Steak Florentine. What a nice start to this interview. It smells and looks so great. Good job Spencer.

Spencer smiles.

“Thank you. I’m going to let you enjoy that while I go back in the kitchen and clean up. Your main chef is not to happy with me.


Oh Brutus. He’s an angry old Italian. He’s ready to retire but I need to hire a new cook. Hence why I’m hiring for this position. I need my new cook learn some classic Italian recipes from him.


Sounds good. Enjoy Ms. Romalotti.”

Spencer walks away and Gina dives into her meal. Then Daniel walks in and over to her table.


Aunt Gina I’m in trouble. Sorry to barge in on you like this.


It’s ok. We are family. Now what is going on? Is Lucy ok?


I don’t know. My shady Aunt Avery just got Daisy a release from prison.

Gina drops her fork in shock

“What do you mean where is Daisy now?


Walking the streets of Genoa City and she plans to take my daughter away from me.


: Why in the hell would Avery do such a thing to you and Lucy?

Daniel has a flashback of catching white stuff around Avery’s nostrils.

Gina catches Daniels moment into space.


Daniel what is it? Do you know something?


Crimson Lights

Victoria takes a sip of her toddy.

Chance: imagesCAOQR7ZL_zpsd2881e6d.jpg

So tell me why are you having a bad day?

Victoria: thCAPO8O6U.jpg

I think it’s better to say I had a few bad months.


You must be referring to Billy’s affair with Chloe.


See there it is. Everyone looks at me as the woman who was cheated on and a baby killer. I had no idea Chloe was pregnant.


I understand. Chloe pulled some nasty tricks back when I was with her.


She passed Delia off as yours at first.


Yes to try and trap me.


I wonder if this baby was to do the same thing to Billy. Take him from me.


Well Billy is in Russia now right?


With his new family yes. Chloe and Chordeila. I wish them all the best. I’m so done with Billy. He’s hurt me to many damned times and to throw it all away for Chloe.


Russia is an odd place to go to.


Who knows what goes through Billy’s mind. So on top of all of that, JT is going to fight me in court over custody of Reed. I want a fifty fifty joint arrangement and he’s holding my affair with Billy against me and now plans to fight me on this. I just miss my son. I want him in my life more often. I’m his mother he needs me.


I don’t have children but I can imagine what that must feel like. I thought I was going through a lot. I think you may have me beat.


Gee thanks.


No no I’m sorry. I meant, it’s good to take my mind of my own issues and to hear about some one else’s. It helps me put things into perspective.


Really…? Well I’m glad my issues can help you. I wish I had some help.


I know. I’m sorry I really can’t talk about it. It’s still classified until I-.. “ he pauses.


Until you what? You can change the mission from classified to unclassified?


Yes. Once I close this mission up.


Then you should. For many reasons. To get it off your chest, it looks like its weighing heavy on you.


It is. I’m having a very hard time with it. Losing Katherine has made it even harder.


Plus you could then talk about it and maybe ease your mind a little.


No your right. I just keep putting this off.


Never good to hold anything in.


Gloria walks in the coffee house. She orders a decafe from Sergio. She walks over to the condiment table and mixes in cream and sugar as Michael walks in. As he was just about to order a drink, he decides to walk over and talk to Gloria. He taps on her shoulder.

She is happy to see him.


Michael you have to tell me, what did you do with ownership of Newman. Do you still own Newman Enterprises?



Chance and Victoria sees Michael and Gloria talking. Chance’s mood changes when he looks at Michael. He becomes very uncomfortable.

Victoria picks up on this.


Chance is everything ok? Your whole mood changed when Michael Baldwin walked in.


No I’m not ok.

Then an Army officer walks in and over to Cane.


Philip Chancellor the 4th?

Chance standing up and saluting the officer.


Yes sir. Major Payne!

Victoria is impressed with the militarism.

Major Payne

A report on your mission sir. Has it been completed?


No sir.

The major is not happy.

Major Payne:

Unacceptable private first class” The major looks at Michael

“There is no better time than the present to wrap this mission up.”


Your right sir.

Victoria looks at Michael, then the officer and then to Chance and wonders what is going on.

Chance takes a deep breath and walks over towards Michael Baldwin.

Michael stops his conversation with Gloria and looks at Chance thinking it’s odd Chance is approaching him.

Michael: imagesCAG4IE6P_zpsae3fc188.jpg

Philip the 4th. Good to see you, what can I do for you but let me first tell you I‘m no longer practicing law and I will not recommend a good attorney?


I’m sorry to be the one who has to tell you this Michael. But there has been an accident.


An accident. Is some one hurt?




My god man just tell me who. Who is hurt? What happened?


Recommended Comments

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Ooo, wonder who's been hurt.

SHADY AVERY <3 I love this story, and I can't wait to see how it all goes down. The Carters are amazingly vile. I can't wait to see them all go down, but I assume they'll wreak all kinds of havoc first!

Nikki's losing her grip on reality. Interesting to see where that goes. Love that you're using Brock so much. He's so needed right now in GC. Good call bringing him in.

Great work!

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The Carter girls discussing their evil plans. Like mother like chirren.

Old relationships and new friendships. Love it. Jill/Gloria/Keemo (old) triangle reforming. Keemo being true to his cub character. Chance and Victoria (new)...

LOVED LOVED LOVED the Nikki scene. Your description of the scene was detailed. This is a very creative path to take Nikki. Not the traditional fall-off-the-wagon story. I am looking forward to see how deep into the abyss Nikki is going to fall.

good one!!

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Gosh where is this Carter plot headed??? Makes me nervous!!! The way you wrote the Nikki scene was powerful in every aspect! ML you are now creating want you want too I feel like. You are putting a new revamping spin while throwing in old stuff for the longtime fans. Wonderful job! Please keep it up!

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