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Avery Can’t Keep Her Nose Clean! #146



Avery turns away from Daniel to wipe the coke residue that’s accumulated on her nostrils.

Daniel: imagesCAQCG4VW_zps1f3bf012.jpg

Is everything ok Avery? What is that white stuff around your nose?

Avery: imagesCAXC1YDL_zpsbf6c3b56.jpg

Oh Daniel,… you caught me off guard. I must have dozed off, tired after my run in with your crazy mother. Please come in.” She says but still very tensed.

Daniel enters Avery’s apartment with Lucy in a stroller.


I haven’t seen my niece in months. She’s getting so big.

Daniel can sense something is very off about Avery.


So yea about that white stuff,-


Silly me. I baked strawberry muffins for your mother and she ended up throwing them all over me due to her uncontrollable anger. I came home and made some more and I must have forgotten to wipe my face before dozing off.


Uhm… yea ok.


Are you ok Daniel?” She says attempting to turn the tables on him.


I’m good. Making sure you are ok. Something is very off here.


(trying to move things along as to not dwell the oddity in the room) Daniel what did you come over here for?


: Mom tells me your about to bust Daisy out of jail.


She’s right.


Why? After everything she has done to help her mother Sheila!? Daisy is a Carter. Off spring from Sheila. Do you know what that means? Her blood type is crazy.


I’m sorry Daniel. Daisy deserves a second chance. She was under the influence of her mother and her aunt. She’s a changed woman and I can see that. Lucy needs her mother.


Who the hell are you to tell me what the my daughter needs!? I decide that. Not you. Go get your own damn kids!


Daniel I’m really sorry. I’m just doing my job. I received a very nice lump sum of money to get Daisy out and frankly my bills need to be paid.


What is the matter with you? It’s all about money with now? You’ve changed. I used to look up to you. I used to tell mom not to be so hard on you and give you a chance even after you slept with Nick. I’ve never seen you act or talk like this before.


: Daisy is a changed woman. I’m going to help her get out of jail and partial custody of her daughter.


Now you are going to damn far! Mom is right, you are Shady.


How mature.


You’re one to talk. How dare you do this to me? We are family Avery! You are my aunt, you are supposed to be on my side! Not the crazy mother of my daughter. You’re putting Lucy’s life in jeopardy by busting Daisy out. This is unforgivable. I don’t know what I’ve ever done to you for you to do this to me. I won’t let you win! I will fight this Avery.


I’m sorry you feel that way. I’m just doing my job and paying my bills. Family doesn’t pay the bills money do.

Daniel gives Avery a disgusted look.


I can’t believe what I am hearing There is something definitely wrong with you. You’ve gone through a change. I’ve never seen you like this. I really wonder if that was just flour mix on your nose. I’m not a dummy Avery. I know what is going on.


And what is that Daniel? Huh Tell me!!


You are tripping. Look at how you are acting. I think we both know what is going on here. Your all about money these days huh, what to pay for your coke habit?

Avery is stunned.


That’s enough. I need you to leave now.


You can’t deal with the truth can you?


You are desperate and grasping at straws. Now if you don’t mind.” She says and then kind of shoving him out the door.


This isn’t over Avery.


Tell Daisy I said hi.” Then she slams the door in his face. She takes a deep breath, relived she is done with Daniel’s intense confrontation.

Daniel just looks at the door. He knows something is very off about Avery. He leaves the building.

Inside Avery is verbally beating herself up.

“How could I be so dumb and not make sure my nose was clean. Literally. Now Daniel suspects something. I need to calm down and keep my cool. Breathe Avery.. Breathe” As she breathes she takes out her paraphernalia once again and readies a line of Coke believing it will calm her down.




The Jail, In the yardjailtime_zps9cfbff8b.png

Victor is in Daisy’s face.

Victor: victor_zps1e4cb609.jpg

Tell Mr. Newman now who that blonde young lady was. She looked at me as if she knows me and every time I come across you, you tense up. Why is that “daughter of Sheila Carter“?


You know, I’m really having a hard time understanding you. I don’t have to answer any of your questions old man. Just leave me alone and don’t cause any problems for me. I’m about to be a free woman and be reunited with my daughter.


Free huh? Funny, Mr. Newman is about to be a free man too.


Why are you referring to yourself in third person? Have you gone mad being locked up so long? Well don’t expect us to host a “getting out of jail” party or anything. I don’t want anything to do with you, I have my own issues.” She turns to leave.


I’ll be watching you Rose.

Daisy turns back around him and gives him a look.

“It’s Daisy. I know you are having a hard time with your speech old timer and Rose might be easier to say frankly easier for me to understand through your accent and mumbling but it‘s Daisy. You seem to have a hard time with words that have two or more syllables” Daisy then walks off.


Have a good day Rose Bud.” Victor stares at her as Daisy walks off.

He talks aloud

“Something is not right with her. I got that sudden chill when I was deep in thought. Was it Katherine trying to tell me something? I opened my eyes and their was that character named Rose Bud in the distance looking at me.” Victor then walks back inside as yard time is over.



imagesCA9UFMON_zps0838fb8b.jpg146: Avery Can’t Keep Her Nose Clean!

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: C Nate Richardson and Martin Saenz



McCall Field Office at Newman Towerbf46.jpg

Gloria is looking at Keemo waiting for an answer

Gloria: thCA9UZCGB-1.jpg

Tell me Keemo what is this plan you have with Victor to take out Jack.

Keemo: keemo_zps42afdf4a.png

I’m taking Jack out for us. So he can no longer be an issue or a threat to our romance.


That will mean war with Jack. I know Jack and though me may not win he will fight. I’ve already done that Keemo and I almost didn’t make it. When Jack and Ashley shut me out from the family, I mean literally kicked me out of the Abbott Manor with my things in the street do you know how hurt and humiliated I was? It took a very long time to get over that pain. War with Jack hurts and I don’t know if I want to get involved in all of that.


Darling I’m not asking you to. I am going to take care of Jack myself. I’m going to show him I’m my own man. He can’t control my life. I love you Gloria. I will do anything for you my lady.

Gloria kind of caves in, seduced by Keemo‘s words of love. It’s been a long time since a man excited her this much. He holds her.


I promise you everything will be ok. I’ll make sure of it.


Keemo I just need some time. I have a lot to think about.


What are you saying? You don’t believe in me or us?


No I’m not saying that. I just need time before I can put that ring back on my finger. Your asking a lot of me.


Gloria everything I am doing is for us. How long do you want me to wait? I’m getting in deep here for you, for us. Don’t you understand that?


I do and I appreciate it. I’m just asking for a little time. If you are doing all of this for us then a little time can’t be too much to ask for then right?


sighs, disappointed he was unable to win Gloria back at this moment.

“Your right. I’ll give you all the time you need.” He hugs her. This time Gloria hugs him back, missing him and his touch. She then pulls back.


Gloria I love you.” She looks into his eyes with tears forming in hers. She turns away and leaves. Keemo sits down back in his chair a very frustrated man. He decides he’s needs a drink and closes up his office and then leaves.




Crimson LightsthumbnailCAGKTS00.jpg

Victoria storms in and slams her purse down on the counter. The man behind the counter with a name tag that reads Sergio greets her.

Sergio: imagesCA16XNBU_zps2192a007.jpg

Let me guess, double espresso?

Chance then walks in and steps next to Victoria at the counter.

Victoria: thCAPO8O6U.jpg

With the day I am having give me a hot toddy.

Sergio smiles. Victoria looks at Chance. She half smiles at him


Forgive me. It’s been one hell of a day. It’s good to see you Chance. How have you been holding up?


Just taking one thing at a time. I have a lot of issues I’m dealing with. Losing Katherine and some other stuff.


Trust me I know.

Sergio hands Victoria her toddy. He looks at Chance signaling it’s his turn to place his order.


Iced Mocha.” He then looks at Victoria. He really admires her beauty.


You care to sit down with me and talk? I don’t know maybe we will feel better. Besides you are having a drink and you shouldn’t be driving.


smiles again.

“I guess talking wouldn’t hurt.” Chance grabs his iced mocha and follows Victoria to a table. They look at each other.


Ok so who is going to start?


Well since it was my idea maybe I should?


Ok. You said you were having some issues?


Yea, it’s military related though.


Oh like classified kind of stuff?

Chance: For now it is you can say. I have an assignment that I’m having a very hard time with.


Well with out prying to much, what makes it so hard to deal with? Is some one in trouble of some kind?


You can say that.


Maybe I should just do the talking. What I’m going through isn’t classified.

They both chuckle.


See we laughed. Things are turning around already.

Victoria looks at him.


I would agree.” They smile at each other and take a drink of their drinks.






Gina’s Italian BistroGinas_zps86933394.jpg

Jack looks at Nikki’s private table side vigil for Kay. He takes a seat.

Jack: imagesCAAFCNE9_zps1199ef48.jpg

How are you?

Nikki: imagesCA8ORWACsoapoprah.jpg

Not so well. I’m depressed. I miss Katherine so much and I feel so damned guilty for how our last days were with her and I. She was like a mother to me. Jack she reached out to me and tried to make things right but I rejected her. That eats at me every day.

Jack puts his hand on hers. She pulls back.


Nikki what’s wrong? You know we’ve barely talked since the gala at Glo Worm.


I know. Your brother cheated on my daughter and destroyed her life.


Billy and Chloe lost a baby and Victoria got off scott free.


Billy should have been faithful. None of this would have happened had he been a good husband.


Nikki I’m sorry. I didn’t intend to argue with you about my brother and his affair with Chloe.


But it happened and Victoria was very hurt by that.


But I’m not Billy.


No your not. Look I’m just think we need to take a break Jack. If that’s what you are really trying to get around too.


It was.


: I’m just having a really hard time dealing with losing Kay the way we did. I will never forgive myself.


Nikki do you want to go to an AA meeting?


No Jack. I have no desire for alcohol. I just want Katherine back.” Nikki blows out her candles. And begins to pack them up.


I’m worried about you.


So am I. This pain I feel is so much.


I’m here for you if you need a friend. You know that.


: I do. Thank you for understanding Jack.


Any time Nikki.

Nikki gets up and leaves. Jack watches her walk away and wonders if Nikki is really ok.



Back at the Jail

Daisy has a visitor and is escorted to the visiting area. She can’t imagine who is there to see her. The door opens and she is stunned to see Daniel. She smiles at him. He has a look of fury on his face as she sits down.


I’m surprised you came to see me. Where is Lucy?


You don’t get to ask about her!


I gave birth to Lucy Daniel. I love her, I am her mother and soon I will be out of here.


: That’s what you think.


What do you mean?


I’m going to tell that judge how crazy you and your family really are. All the crimes you’ve committed. Have you forgotten them? You drug me and had sex with me. You abandoned Lucy at a church. You kidnap Lauren and Jana Hawkes. Do I need to keep going? A person like that doesn’t get to raise a child.


Daniel I’ve changed. I was under a spell. I don’t know what came over me when I did all those horrible things. I was just so angry at Lauren for what she did to my family. My mother is dead, my aunt is dead all at the hand of Lauren.


Don’t make it sound like your demented family is innocent. Your mother went after Lauren’s husband Scott Grainger. That’s how it all began. Just like your mother you drugged me while I was married to Amber Moore. And you think a judge is going to let you go after all of that?


Yes I do. I spent a lot of time in here and I’ve been working with psychiatrists. They have been helping me deal with the issues of my past. They see I’m a changed a woman and that’s why a judge will now decide if I can begin a new life. And with your Aunt Avery’s help, she says its an open and shut case. Your Aunt believes in me. I don’t know why you can’t.


Even if some whack pot judge does let you out do you think I’m going to let you around Lucy?


Of course she’s my daughter. I laid in pain for her you didn’t.


You’re even more crazy then when you came in here. You will never see Lucy. It’s not going to happen!

Then Ronan walks in the room.


Daniel are you Daisy’s ride?


Excuse me,.. ride? What ride?


I thought you were here to pick up Daisy. She’s being released.

Daisy smiles at Ronan and then slowly turns to Daniel and gives him a broad smile.


What the Fu--…..


( Cutting him off) I guess that whack pot judge came through. Close your mouth up Danny boy and bring me my daughter. NOW!imagesCA7UNK71_zps7132f78c.jpg





Recommended Comments

  • Members

I forget if Daniel already came to Avery to confront her about getting Daisy out of jail. I think she did because the conversation turned into an argument.

Keemo and Gloria's scenes were heartfelt and I like seeing Gloria's conflict.

I see you are about to take Jack and Nikki in different directions.

And you touched on Daniel and Daisy's history.


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Good episode, dude. I really enjoy the fact you're using more directions in your scenes alongside the dialogue, it really helps make it feel more real.

Daisy getting out of jail is gonna be dangerous for everyone. And I loved Keemo and Gloria's tension. Very good conflict and you can feel the love they have for each other.

I'm intrigued by Nikki's story to come, and I like Chance and Victoria together already. Good choice!

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I feel like I am really starting to understand your show more and more and where you come from. Anyways, Daisy is just getting too out of control. With a 3rd Carter member on the loose in Genoa City... anything can happen! I feel kind of sorry for almost all of your characters. Anyways great show!

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