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Victor Questions Daisy Carter! #145



GC MemorialimagesCAV2LZV6_zps53ad10dd.jpg

Nick with Noah walks over to Dr. Hastings.

Nate: thCAHNQXA5-1.jpg

Hello gentlemen whats going on?

Nick: imagesCA7YSUMZ_zps9b31c4a4.jpg

Nate, I need you to run some test on my son. We are thinking he was drugged.


What makes you say that?

Noah: Noah_zps73cfbcec.png

I met this girl, I really dont know what happened but one thing led to another and we ended up having sex.


Do you know who she is, maybe you can ask her?


The only thing Noah knows is this chic is a so called blonde bombshell.


I never got her name.


I see Ok Ill take you to a room, grab some vitals and take some blood samples.


Good, we must get to the bottom of this. There is some chic out there playing games.

Noah follows Nate to a room. Nick pulls out his cell phone and dials some numbers.


Hello Doris. How are you?

Doris: doris_zps27e1f294.png

Nicholas, so good to hear from you. Im fine and how about you and Sharon?


Sharon? Thats why Im calling.


Is something the matter with my daughter?


I thought she was there with you.


Why would you have an idea like that?


She left a letter saying she was going to stay with you for a few weeks to clear her head.


I havent seen Sharon in months. So what are you saying? You havent seen her?


No I havent.


Dear God what could have happened to my baby girl?


A good question.



At the ParkimagesCA3LITTQ_zps2a59a6be.jpg

JT and Victoria continue their discussion over custody of their son.


: You are really going to fight me on this JT?

JT: imagesCAJI12Z1_zps63e55648.jpg

With everything that I have. Reed is happy. I dont want you uprooting his life once again because you are ready to be a mother to him now that Billy left you.

Victoria slaps JT. This catches Reeds attention who was swinging on a swing. He walks over to his parents.


DONT make a scene here! This is a family park and here you are attacking me. Yes this is a great start to getting Reed back.


Reed is my son. I love him, I miss him and he needs his mother.


Reed needed his mother while she was sleeping with Billy Abbott when she should have been at home with me and our son.


So that is what this is all about? Youre still bitter over my affair and you are still trying to punish me by keeping Reed from me?


No Vic. Im doing what is best for my son.


OUR SON and dont you ever forget that!


I never have!


We are going in circles. Its apparent you are bitter. I love Reed JT and I will fight you for custody.


See you in court! Victoria storms off.

Reed walks up to JT.

Reed: imagesCAZKWU3K_zps8f2c8c53.jpg

Daddy whats wrong? Why did mommy hit you? Are you fighting?

JT embraces his son in a hug.


Dont worry Reed. Everything will be fine. Your mother and I are going through some stuff.


imagesCA9UFMON_zps0838fb8b.jpgEpisode 145: Victor Questions Daisy!

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: C. Nate Richardson with Martin Saenz



Ginas Italian RestaurantGinas_zps86933394.jpg

Gina greets Jack.

Gina: imagesCA0PEV6X_zpsf25c1d78.jpg

Jack Abbott! Looking good as ever. You look like a million bucks today.

Jack: imagesCASAGL58_zps13928480.jpg

Thats exactly how I feel. Im having the best day ever Gina and I decided to come here and celebrate with your great food.


Well thank you, we can always use the business.

Jack looks out unto the crowd of patrons and sees Nikki at a table. He sees white candles lit around Kays picture.

Gina notices what Jack is looking at.


Shes hurting bad Jack. Shes taking Katherines death very hard. Those candles are a fire hazard and I dont have the heart to go over there and tell her.


Let me go over and see what I can do.


Thank you Jack.

Jack walks over to Nikki. Nikki looks up at him and smiles.

Nikki: imagesCADOJX4K_zpsf59708be.jpg

Oh Jack, how are you?


Im more worried about you Nikki. He says looking at Nikkis private vigil for Kay.



Beachwood Rehabilitation Facility4-HORSEMENRIDES013.jpg

Daniel walks in with Lucy in a stroller. He sees Phyllis working extra hard during her physical therapy session today.

Daniel: imagesCAQCG4VW_zps1f3bf012.jpg

Whoa mom. Youre really working hard today.

Phyllis: imagesCACWTA6U_zps7acd3e7e.jpg

Well Im angry Daniel! I have to get my strength to get the hell out of here! To much is going on and I need to put a stop to it.


Yea you sounded angry when you called and asked to see me.

Phyllis sits down after her physical therapist decides to give Phyllis and her son some time.


Let me see my baby girl first. She always brings a smile to my face. She says looking at her grandchild Lucy.

Daniel pushes the stroller closer to Phyllis and Phyllis reaches in and grabs Lucy and holds her.

PhyllisL in baby talk)

Look at my baby girl. Getting so big. Yes you are.


Shes getting real big alright. Shes eating a hella lot more and shes out grown all her clothes in the last few weeks.


Im glad to see you two doing so well. Especially you Daniel. You being a single father. Im so proud of you.


Thanks mom. Im proud of you too. Working so hard on your therapy.

Phyllis lays Lucy back down in the stroller.


I have to work hard. You ass hat of an aunt is making trouble for us.


Mom watch your mouth. I dont want Lucy to hear that kind of language.


Well Im pissed off Daniel! That damned Shady Clark is making trouble for you.


Shady Clark? Trouble for me? I dont understand.


That bitch aunt of yours is about to get Daisy out of jail!


You have to be kidding me. Why would she do that knowing how crazy Daisy is?


Thats a great question. Ill tell you why. Because shes shady and selfish and doesnt understand what family means. I hate her for this! I swear Im going to get her when I get out of here.


This doesnt make any sense. I thought Avery was on my side.


Shes lost her damn mind! Its why Im telling you Daniel. You must talk to her and stop that shady Bitch!


Ok mom calm down. Ill go over and talk with Avery.


Make sure you call her shady and be sure to take Lucy with you to make her feel bad.


Mom I know what Im doing.


Dont worry, with the progress Im making Ill be out of here soon and Im going to find out who in the hell has been stalking me and put an end to Shadys selfishness.



Newman Tower, McCall Field Officebf46.jpg

Keemo smiles at the sight of Gloria.

Mason: mason_zps6c91eac0.jpg

I can see you two need some time. Mr. Abbott, call me when you are ready to discuss that business matter further.

Keemo: keemo_zps42afdf4a.png

Thank you Mason. Mason leaves the office.

Keemo walks over to Gloria and engulfs her in a hug.

Gloria doesnt return the hug. He pulls back.


Ive missed you lady. Ive been calling and testing you.

Gloria: thCAN2HQJP.jpg

I know. How are you?


Im better now.


Mason mentioned business, are you going to work for McCall still?


Not at all. I have a major plan Gloria. I have a plan to take out Jack. Im working with Victor Newman and we are going to destroy Jack. He wont be a problem for us much longer. I need you to believe in that. I love you Gloria. I want to be with you. I still want you to be my wife.

Gloria has tears in her eyes.


Its just painful for me Keemo.


What is? Im going to make everything right for us. Do you want me to change my last name too? I will, if it will make you happy. He says wiping away her tears.

She pushes his hand away and turns from him.


Glo talk to me. What is on your mind? Are you still that angry with me for not telling you my last name? She then turns to him with rage and pain in her eyes.


You KNEW everything about me! But I didnt even know your last name.


Ive asked you once and Im going to ask you again. If youd known I was an Abbott before I proposed to you would you have still said yes?


Keemo I dont know I just dont know. It feels so wrong I was in love with and married to your grandfather.


But he is not here any longer.


(getting angry) DONT you say that! Dont you dare say that to me! John Abbott will always be here with me. Nothing will ever change that! Your grand dad changed my life and I will never forget him.


Im sorry. But Im only trying to say Im here in the now. My grand dad is from the past, hes resting now. I can make you happy. I have made you happy have I not?


Yes you have.


Im trying everything to remove the road blocks from us being together. But I cant compete with my dead grandfather.


I never asked you too! It just feels so wrong Keemo. It doesnt feel right to me. I feel like I am betraying John Abbott. I dont know how to handle all of that.


Then let me help you. He gets closer to her and holds her hands.


Let me be here for you as you deal with this. We are supposed to be there for one another. Let me be here for you. Our love can be even stronger if we dealt with your feelings together. Im asking you not to shut me out Gloria. I cant express enough to you how much I love you and what you mean to me. He leans in and holds her. Gloria is still some what hesitant, her mind constantly racing about the fact Keemo is an Abbott and what that all entails.


I just dont know Keemo. Then there is your father Jack and you say you have a plan. What is this plan Keemo? What do you and Victor have planned for you dad Jack?



The Jailjailtime_zps9cfbff8b.png

Its free time in the yard. Victor is outside sitting on a bench enjoying the sunshine. He thinks of his freedom coming up and what he plans to do with it. One thing that is for sure, he is going to war with Jack Abbott for the final time. Victor is thankful he has an ally in Keemo, Jacks own son. Victor then thinks of Katherine and wonders if it was a mistake giving control of Newman to Kay. He wonders if it really was too much for her. Victor has a memory of Murphy coming to him and telling him Kay was getting tired and her running Newman and Chancellor at the same time was too much for her health. He then thinks of Jacks role in Murphys plan which lead to the deaths of Kay and Tucker. Victor becomes angry and to him this is his validation for his so called final battle with his arch enemy Jack Abbott. He vows Jack is going to pay for his role in Kays death. Victor has a slight tear forming in his eye as he thinks of his dear friend not being on earth no longer. A strong wind comes across Victor. Chilly and eeeire almost it feels to Victor. It gets his attention and he opens his eyes. He sees Daisy some 12 feet from him looking at him. Victor remembers the blonde bombshell that he saw visiting Daisy a few days ago. Victor gets up and approaches Daisy.

Daisy is nervous as she sees Victor approaching her. She gets up and begins to walk away.

Victor: victor_zps1e4cb609.jpg

Hey! Character with the red hair! Stop right there! I am Victor Newman and we must talk now!

Daisy is startled. She turns around and sees Victor in her face.

Daisy: thCAGSHTOS.jpg

Why are you stalking me and talking so funny?


Your character is the daughter of Sheila Carter yes?


Why does it matter to you? Could you please speak up, Im having a very hard time understanding some of that mumbling?


Lets get a few things straight character with the red hair. I am Victor Newman and when I ask a question you answer you got it!?


I hear you old man. But like I said before, Im having a hard time understanding you. Are you using an accent? I also dont understand why my parentage is any concern to you.


That young blonde woman who was visiting you. That character gave me a look I didnt like.. I want to know who she is and I want to know now!thCAVP9ANB.jpg




Back at GC Memorial

Noah is sitting in a patient room thinking of the night he slept with the blonde bombshell. He remembers asking her for her name. He recalls how she didnt want to tell him. Noah wonders what kind of woman has a one night stand in a car outside a bar. He wonders if he was drugged into sex and if so what was the purpose. Noah gets nervous as the door opens and Nate walks in with a folder. Noah takes a deep breath.


Well after putting in a rush on your blood work I got some results back.

Nick then walks in.


Is it ok if I discuss the results in front of your dad?


Yea its cool.


So what do the test say Nate?

Nate opens his folder and looks over the results and then looks at Noah.


Noah was drugged with a date rape drug. Your lucky you brought him in time so we were able to catch it before it worked it self out your system.

Noah is shocked.

Dad your right! I was set up! Who would do this to me! Who would drug me into sex! The only thing I know is shes a blonde bombshell.

Nick thinks about Sharon missing and now his son has been drugged into sex. He wonders if there is a connection of some kind.


We have got to find out who this blonde haired chic is. Son stay out of trouble, Im going to get some answers.


Dad wait Where has mom been?



Averys PlaceimagesCAC0X7O3_zpsd70625d9.jpg

Having dozed off, Avery is awoken hearing a knock. Avery jumps up and she hides her drug paraphernalia. She makes sure her house is in good shape. She looks around and is now ready to answer her door. She opens it and is surprised to see her nephew Daniel.

Avery: imagesCAUMMZ5F_zpsa19b75b6.jpg

Daniel, I wasnt expecting you. Oh let me guess you talked to your mother.

Daniel gives Avery the a very strange look.

Avery picks up on this. She begins to panic.


Is something wrong?


I dont know you tell me. He says as he looks at the white powdery substance around Averys nostrils. Daniel wipes his nose, trying to give Avery a sign she should do the same. Avery wipes her nose and looks at her hand and sees the coke. Avery immediately realizes she did a line of coke before dozing off and she forgot to wipe her nose. She turns from Daniel to wipe her nose clean.


Avery something you want to tell me.

A look of guilt comes over Averys face.


Recommended Comments

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Oh my gosh!!!!!!!! ML you better keep writing like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The classic Y&R!!!!!!! BBell Jr. The show is totally not boring. Anyways I was laughing so hard at Daisy's remarks I almost cried. Plus Daniel is on to something now. What a freaking wonderful show. Loved how Jack still comforts Nikki. Awesome seeing a Doris appearence. And this Victoria and JT story is coming to a boil soon. I can just feel it.

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Your style comes out more and more in this soap. Daisy's remarks to Victor were great.

I see you are now setting up a substory with them finding out who the blonde bombshell is. Another layer to the bigger story..

Nikki is slipping into madness...good offshoot story to Katherine's death

And I guess Daniel's is going to find out that Avery's a coke addict.


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BLONDE BOMBSHELL BLONDE BOMBSHELL BLONDE BOMBSHELL!11 (I'll be seeing it in my dreams tonight, LOL)

Great show! Very punchy and kept me on the edge of my seat. Daisy and Victor were a hoot. I love Gloria and Keemo's scenes, and you write Phyllis as being just as obnoxious as I always saw her on TV (which is GREAT, btw).

Such a great show. Keep doing this! :D

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