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Avery’s Angry Muffins! #144



Nikki walks into Gina’s Italian EateryGinas_zps86933394.jpg

Gina greets her.


: Nikki so good to see you. How are you holding up?

Nikki: imagesCA8ORWACsoapoprah.jpg

It’s hard with out Katherine. But I just try to take it one day at a time.


That’s all we can do dear. If you need anything you let me know you hear?


You’re sweet Gina. I’m so glad you reopened your place. No one does Italian better than you.


Thank you.


Table for three please. I’m having lunch with Victoria and Reed.


Oh good it will be nice to see Reed.


I bet you don’t even recognize him he’s growing up so fast.

Gina takes Nikki to her table. Nikki sits down and pulls out a photo of Kay and sits it on the table. She then takes a white candle out and lights it up and puts it next to Kay’s picture. Nikki looks at the picture and smiles.

Victoria with Reed then approach the table. Victoria is thrown off seeing Kay’s picture and the candle.

Victoria: thCAPO8O6U.jpg

Mom hi. Everything ok?

Reed gives his grandmother a hug.

Reed: imagesCAZKWU3K_zps8f2c8c53.jpg

Grandma Nikki why do you have that picture of that old lady and candle?


: Reed that is so rude. Watch your mouth.


Sorry, she looks older than grandma to me.


Reed this is Katherine Chancellor. You may be too young to really remember her but she was the greatest person to ever set foot in Genoa City. I am keeping her spirit alive. I carry this picture and candle with me everywhere I go. I have to make things right with her.” She says as a tear strolls down her face.

Victoria takes a sip of water with an uncomfortable feeling about Nikki.



Crimson Lights, PatiothumbnailCAGKTS00.jpg

Nick walks out unto the patio where Noah is waiting for him.

Noah: Noah_zps73cfbcec.png

Dad.” He gets up and hugs Nick.

Nick: thCAQPHNOC.jpg

What’s going on buddy? It sounded kinda urgent on the phone.


Yea I really needed to talk.


: Ok son. What is on your mind?


I messed up dad. It just happened.


What did?


: I had a one night stand with a strange woman.


Noah man not cool. Did you use protection?


I don’t even remember that.


You didn’t even get her name?


Dad no I was drunk. And there she was. So beautiful. Telling me all the right things. I just remember she was a blonde bombshell.


And she was willing in this one night stand?




Son do you know dangerous this is? You could have a std or better yet what if she is trying to trap you with a baby. We are Newman’s. People will prey on us like that. You got to use your head man. I’m disappointed in you son.


Dad I know it was stupid.


I guess 9 months from now we will know what this chic’s plan is or isn‘t. I can’t believe she was willing to sleep with you for one night and you didn’t even get a name.

Something just doesn’t seem right about this. Just seems like a set up.


You think this blonde bombshell set me up?


Yes son. Big time.




thumbnailCAUJVEFZ.jpgEpisode 144: Avery’s Angry Muffins

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: C Nate Richardson and Martin Saenz

Newman Tower, McCall field officebf46.jpg

Keemo and Mason are having a meeting.

Mason: mason_zps6c91eac0.jpg

The FBI took everything, computers, hard and flash drives.

Keemo: imagesCARL5UFA_zps494bc611.jpg

I kind of figured they would. This is really a mess. Tucker really set us up. His shady deal to take over Newman. This is all bad. And having said that I’ve come to a few decisions to salvage this fiasco if there is any such thing.


What do you have in mind?


A name change or I can sell off all McCall assets and close this operation down. McCall is now a symbol of disaster and death.


You are right. We have only but a few contracts that haven’t bailed on us yet. Sir we are losing millions by the day.


Time for lay offs. Must trim the operating budget.


You really have hopes for this thing don’t you?


I do. I’m going to turn this ship around Mason. With you by my side, and now Victor Newman we are going to turn things around. I’m not a person who gives up with out a fight. I got a million ideas on what we can do with McCall and the more I think about it the more I think the first thing we should do is a name change.


Wow, the man himself is helping us, Victor Newman?


: Yes


You really lifted my spirits. Its was very doom and gloom around here. Morale very low.


This is what I need you to do. Draw up some proposals on what a reduction of 75% of our staff would save us.


Wow that’s a lot.


It’s going to take a lot to turn this around.


Noted sir. I’ll get right on it.” He stands up and turns around only to see Gloria.


Sir we have a visitor.

Gloria walks in view of Keemo.imagesCA5R82B6_zps06fd2a34.jpg He smiles.


Beachwood Nursing Home4-HORSEMENRIDES013.jpg

Avery walks into Phyllis’s room with her strawberry muffins.


Uh no thanks. I’m on a no crap diet. You’re trying to make me gain weight. You know I can’t do too much physical activity.

Avery: imagesCAFXKGZZ_zps89d748e2.jpg

Gosh and hello to you to older sister.


Ha ha you just love saying that don’t you Betty Crocker.


Oh just stop. I didn’t come here to fight with you.


: But that didn’t stop you from sleeping with Nick.


Oh come on Phyllis that happened ages ago.


Yea well I still haven’t forgotten how my sister had an affair with the baby’s father. Tacky Avery.


You have a past too. Glass house Phyllis.


Why the hell are you here? You’re pissing me off.


I was coming to see how you were like a good sister should and hopefully make a peace of some sorts with you.


Unlikely and not interested.


Such a bitch.


I know thank you!


Well you might as well here it from me.


God spare me, there is more? What is it a new cake recipe?


You know I really tried. But I’m going to say this with such pleasure. Since you want to be such a sour and bitter Bitch.


Oh yea well get on with it then Avery! Tell me!” She says getting louder.


Daisy will be released from prison very soon.


And like shake and bake you helped?


I sure did.

Phyllis takes a muffin and throws it at Avery. Avery tries to block it.


Are you crazy?!


Yea I AM SHADY AVERY!” She takes a few more muffins and hits Avery with them.


Why would you to this to my family? My son, your nephew. What did he do to you?!


Daisy deserves a second chance. She’s a mother. She should be with her child.


You can’t even have children!! GET OUT!!” Phyllis now crumbles the muffins and then throws them at Avery so the crumb litters all over Avery’s hair and down her shirt.


You are so damn childish!” Avery says after finally conceding to defeat unable to defend against a torrent of muffin crumbs coming her way like artillery on a battlefield.

Phyllis: imagesCANVFXZOSoapOprah.jpg

Just GET OUT BITCH! I HATE YOU! You don’t know what the meaning of family is. GET OUT!!! I HATE YOU AVERY SHADY CLARK!!

Avery leaves in embarrassment as their scene of Angry Muffins has captured everyone’s attention in the immediate and surrounding vicinity.


Gina’s Restaurant

Chicken Parmesan for Nikki, Eggplant Parmesan for Victoria, and spaghetti for Reed arrives at their table. They begin to eat.


How have you been holding up darling?


I’m ok. Looking to get back to work to take my mind of some of the things going on.


Like Billy and his affair with Chloe?


Billy cheated on you mom?


Yes. Eat your food honey and let me and grandma talk.


I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said anything.


It’s ok. At some point everyone is going to know. Better to deal with it now. I mean it still hurts. My whole life has changed. I thought my husband and I were ok. I guess my time in Japan was too much.


Don’t go blaming yourself. You couldn’t help you needed plastic surgery after the Glo Worm explosion last year. Billy did this. Not you darling.


That’s what I keep trying to tell myself. We’ve been through so much together. I just hope he’s happy.


I want you to be happy too mommy. I don’t want you to be sad.

Victoria smiles at Reed.


That’s sweet.


Reed thank you. How would you like it if you were able to see mommy more often.


Victoria, what are you saying?


I just been doing a lot of thinking. And I’m ready to put my life back on track. I lost custody of Reed to JT thanks to Billy. I want to fix that. I want my son home with me so I am going to ask JT for joint custody of Reed.

Nikki is stunned.


What does that mean? Cu--s-tody?” He says trying to recreate the word.




Crimson Lights


I feel so stupid. How could I let this happen. I only had a feel beers. Yea I was drunk but to not know what I’m doing.


Only a few beers huh? Well tell me what happened that night son.


I was at Genoa City Nights bar. That new place in midtown.


Yea I heard about it. I hear it’s very nice.


Dad it is. We ought to go there some time so you can check it out.


I don’t know son. People walk out of there having one night stands.

They both laugh.


I was at the bar talking with Tyler the bartender. I had maybe three beers then this blonde bombshell walks in and takes a seat next to me. I remember she’s very very alluring and seductive. She started drinking too. She began to come on to me. She asked for something to eat and being the gentleman I am I go get her some food, came back and we continued to drink and the next thing I know We are in her --” He says pausing.


Her what son tell me?


Dad man, I don’t know if I can talk about my sex life with you. A little uncomfortable and it’s a little embarrassing.


Son, I’ve been around the block a few times. What did you do have sex in her car?


Yea. It was intense.


And then what.


That was it. I left the car and we parted ways.


You never asked for her name?


I must have. I mean I don’t know. I honestly don’t remember.


Do you think she drugged you?


: Wow I don’t know. I never even gave it any thought.


: When you came back with her food and you drank the beer did you feel different.?


In fact I did. I was really turned on by her. Dad she was all over me and then just took me out to her car.


: Son, I think you were set up.


: So what does that mean?


I don’t know but let’s go right now to find out what is really going on.


Where are we going?


: To get answers. Let’s go.

Noah follows Nick out the door.




Genoa City ParkimagesCA3LITTQ_zps2a59a6be.jpg

Victoria meets with JT. Reed hugs his dad.


: Having fun with mommy?


Yes we just had some great food with grandma.


: Good.


: Can I go play with the other kids?


: Yes but don’t go to far off where your mother and I can’t see you. We’ll be sitting right at the table over there.” He says pointing to it.


Ok dad.’ Reed runs off to the play area.

JT and Victoria take a seat at the table.


How’s your mom holding up?


She’s putting up a strong front. But I’m a little worried.


Me to. I know she took Kay’s death pretty hard. And then those crazy people showed up at Katherine’s claiming to be Mrs. C’s brother and sister.


Yea my mom told me about that.


The lady is just so rude. I don’t know what’s going on with that but I got a feeling she is up to no good.


Funny my mom said the same thing.

He then looks at her.

“Are you putting up a strong front too? Have you heard from Billy?”


He’s called once. He’s in Russia with Chloe and Delia.


It’s really messed up with he did.


: It is. I lost sight of us JT and what was important to me at the time of our affair. JT I am so sorry. I now understand what you must of felt like when I slept with Billy.


It took a long time to get over that pain. But in time, it does get better.


I know it will. This is not the first time I’ve had a broken heart. I know how it goes. All the time I wasted with him is what makes me angry. I lost my son thanks to him and then for him to cheat on me with Chloe like I meant nothing to him. Just threw it all away.


Wasn’t she pregnant at the time of her fall down the stairs?


: Yes. It was a terrible accident.


It was. I’m glad the DA saw that it was too and you didn’t have to go through an ugly trial.


But a child is still dead. I don’t feel good about that.


Billy is the blame for all of that. He’s a selfish bastard.


JT I wanted to talk about Reed.

He looks at her.


Something wrong with Reed?


No. He’s fine as far as I know. But I just been doing some thinking. Reed is growing so fast and I’m missing out on so much of his life. I’m his mother and he needs to spend more time with me.


Victoria, you are just lonely right now. Lost.


No JT. I love my son. I want to spend more time with my son. I want joint custody of Reed.


Victoria, I don’t think I can do that. I don’t think this is a good time for you. Reed had a very hard time getting over the fact that our family was torn apart. I’m not ready to put him through something so serious again. Besides you are just getting over a divorce. This is not the right time to be talking about a joint custody arrangement.


: Reed is my son. I have say so as well.


Victoria why are you doing this? Reed is happy with me.


I didn’t think you would make this difficult. I thought you would be understanding. Reed likes the idea.


Reed? Wait you already talk to him about this before talking with me? What are you trying to do here?


I want time with my son JT.


: I don’t appreciate you trying to undermine me about custody of Reed to Reed. That’s low Vic.


JT I don’t think you are being rational. I am willing to fight for my rights. Reed is my son too, I gave birth to him.


You’re willing to fight? You mean you want to take this to court?


If that what it takes then yes. I will sue for joint custody of my son.

JT is stunned. “ It looks like I’ll be seeing you in court.”


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Yes!!!!!!! Finally other characters are shown!!!!! Absolutely loved this episode. There needs to be more of them like this one ML. You showecased Victoria's strength through tough situations. You showed how affected Nikki can truly get by Katherine's death. The Nick and Noah scene was good to see it was refreshing. I enjoyed this episode. Please give us more like this!!! Give us The Young and the Restless to read (you did in this episode)! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!

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Yeah, I'm definitely on Vic's side on this. Though maybe I don't know the situation well enough. JT's totally just telling Victoria no because he's butthurt over being cheated on, to my eyes.

Really nice seeing the mother/daughter relationship with Victoria and Nikki. I liked the scenes with Noah and Nick, though I'm surprised Nick would be so quick to assume Noah sleeping with a random immediately is a scam to trap Noah. The scene later on made it work better, and I could definitely understand why Nick would think Van's trapping Noah by that point.

Absolutely great episode in many ways. Can't wait to see Keemo's fight to beat Jack down with McCall.

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Great episode. LOVED the dialogue between Noah and Nick. Nick clearly showing his wiser, growner side and teaching his son about predators.

Keemo and Mason discussing business was great and sounded realistic.

Victoria, Nikki and Reed. A refreshing, serious but lighthearted, and hearty, family interaction between the three. Loved it.

Avery and Phyllis dialogue was great, and I'm glad you gave Avery a backbone and not backing to Phyllis' bitchy attitude.

Vic dropped the bomb on JT...surprise at the end.

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