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Kinky Seduction! #143




Warning: Extremely Strong Sexual Content and Strong Language ! Mature Audiences….

Avery’s Place

Cane is towering over Avery trying to intimidate her.

Avery: thCA4YVP36.jpg

Cane please.. you are losing control! This is not like you! The coke has you acting like a mad man. I’m sorry I can’t help you with any monies. You need to get it together.

Cane: thCAH7C2JM-1.jpg

I can’t believe you would do me like this! Betray me. In a time where I need you most. My kids lives are at stake. Damn YOU BITCH!!!

He opens the door and leaves. Avery closes the door behind him taking a sigh of relief. She can’t believe what has just happened. She walks over to her kitchen counter and readies a line of coke for her self. She snorts it and instantly forgets what just happened with Cane. She grabs a strawberry muffin and sits on her couch and turns the TV on.cocain.gif


Lauren’s Bedroomlaurnesbedroom_zpsd0e5150b.jpg

Van looks at Scotty who has football gear in his hands.

Van: thCARZE2M7.jpg

You want me to put that on?


Yea. I think it’s kinky.


But I have a beautiful body, and I’m a blonde bombshell. You want me to cover all of this up with manly football gear.




I just didn’t know you were into this kind of thing.” She grabs the helmet and puts it on.


I like that. Here go ahead put the rest on.” He says looking at his masterpiece. Van slowly and with the least bit of confidence puts on the rest of the football gear. Scotty smiles and then imagines’ it’s Rafe in the football gear it which is easy to do since Van looks like she is a beefy kind of guy with the pads now on her. Scotty takes his pants off and hops on his mother’s bed.


I like that. I like that a lot.


I really don’t. I feel fat. This helmet stinks and I’m sweating already. It’s hard to move in all this musty crap. I don’t understand any of this.


You talk so much. Let me enjoy I mean let us- can’t we just enjoy this moment. Is that too much to ask for?… Come here sexy.”

Scotty flinches his half erected penis at her, as if it was waving at her.


I could never say no to that.” She climbs on top of him and they grind against each other.


I don’t like this helmet. Smells like sweat and I can’t even kiss you baby.

Scotty can only imagine Rafe in the costume.


Damn you always talk to much. Shut the “eff” up.” The suddenly Scotty rolls Van over and turns her on her stomach so she is face down. He then mashes her helmet into the pillow so he can’t hear her talking. He then thinks of doing it to Rafe and increase and intensifies his sexual stroke.


Scotty slow down. Your hurting me.


Take this Van…. Take me all the way in… You know you like it… Miss kinky girl. Thas my kinky girl.” Van’s resistance excites Scotty even more and he releases himself deep inside of her. He lays on top on her trying to catch his breath. He smiles


Damn that was good. So wet. I couldn’t last too long.”

Van pushes Scotty off of her. She is breathing heavily


Finally I can breath. What were you trying to do to me? You were treating me like the 50 yard line.


What didn’t you like it?


I loved it. Let’s do it again.” She leans in and kisses him. This time she lays him on his back so she can straddle over him. They make love once more.

As Van takes slow and deep strokes Scotty’s eye are rolling back in his head from the extra dose of pleasure, he is able to notice that Vandalynn has caught her reflection in a mirror. Van looks in the mirror, smiles and then winks at herself as her mission has been more than accomplished. Seducing Scotty. Twice.sex-1-1.jpg

thumbnailCAUJVEFZ.jpgEpisode 143: Kinky Seduction

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: C Nate Richardson with Martin Saenz


Cane pulls up to his apartment complex. He thinks of how he can get 500 more dollars to pay off his drug debt to his dealer Sergio. He looks at his watch and the time tells him it’s 11pm. He then gets a text from Sergio.

“ 60 minutes and I’m not talking about the show either.”

Cane text back: Calm down. You will have your money.” He hits send.

Cane thinks of his children.

“God please don’t let anything happen to my twins. I did this take me instead.” He prays to the almighty before getting out his car. As he walks up to his apartment he feels a touch from behind. Cane jumps and is scared it’s Sergio.


Michael and Sheila arrive at his office. With her gun she instructs him inside. Once they are inside Sheila takes a seat.


You’ve made some nice changes in here since the last time I was here.

Michael: imagesCAG4IE6P_zpsae3fc188.jpg

You mean the last time you broke in here.


What ever you want to call it. Doesn’t matter to me. Now less talking and more action. Get your pen and that Control of Newman document and sign my name on it.


This is a very bad idea. Dumb even. It’s going to come out you own Newman and then what? You’ll be exposed.


: Unlikely. I already told you once I’ve thought of everything. I have all the power here, I’m in control.


You think?


I know smart ass. Now this is what you are going to do. You are still going to give Newman to Jack Abbott. But you will create a fake Control of Newman document for him to cover up the fact I really own Newman. He will be the front man for Newman until I have everything in place to take it for myself.


What does a psycho ex nurse know about running a multi billion dollar conglomerate?

Sheila fires her gun. It misses Michael but bullet shoots through the wall. Michael is fearful and he looks at Sheila with big eyes.


Keep being an as$hole.


Let me sign that document for you.


Yes like the Bitch boy that you are. Now I understand why Lauren wants nothing to do with you. You’re a wuss Baldwin.

Michael hands Sheila CONTROL OF NEWMAN.

Sheila smiles. She gives the document a kiss . She then folds it up and puts it in her pocket.


In the morning, you are to make Jack believe he is now in control of Newman.


Sure thing Miss Carter.

Sheila leaves Michael’s office smiling from ear to ear.inl.jpg

She pulls out her phone and sees a text from Van

“Seduced Scotty twice.” Sheila smiles. She text back

“Good. Mama Bear has control of Newman. Everything is falling into place.” She hits send and then disappears into the night.



Cane’s Parking LotLot_zpsa06fd27e.jpg

Cane turns around and sees Philip.


Philip. Mate you scared the crap outta me.

Philip: imagesCA916D51_zpsff5ac913.jpg

Did you think I was your dealer?


My dealer?” He says playing and sounding dumb.


Don’t do me like that. I know what is going on here. I’ve known you too damn long not to know Cane.


Nina huh. Damn it.


Where are your children?


You want to adopt them?


I’m trying to help you.


I need 500 hundred dollars or Sergio is going to harm my children.

Philip shakes his head in frustration. He then pulls out some cash. Cane smiles.


No buddy this has strings.




Get in the car. We are going to pay off this Sergio and get your kids.


That is not necessary. I can do this on my own.


Good then go find your own 500 hundred dollars.

Philip turns around and heads towards his BMW.

Cane is mad. Knowing that Philip is involved there is sure to be an intervention of some kind to follow then exposure of his coke habit. For the time being he also knows his twins lives are at stake so he decides to take one thing at a time. He hops in Philips BMW too.


: I knew you would wise up Aussie.


Yea yea ok let’s just go take care of Sergio.” Philip drives off.


thumbnailCAPN0A2M.jpgThe Moon gives way to the sun as a new warm day begins in Genoa City.pasadenatunnel.jpg


Jack walks into his office. He picks up his phone and orders a meeting with his department heads for a quarterly sales discussion through his new secretary Hillary.

Hillary: untitled_zps4d916efa.png

I’ll set it up for you Mr. Abbott.

Then Michael Baldwin walks up.

“I’m have an appointment with Mr. Abbott.


Mr. Baldwin go right in, he’s expecting you.

Michael enters Jack’s office and closes the door behind him. He takes a deep breath.

Jack smiles and shakes his hand

Jack: imagesCASAGL58_zps13928480.jpg

Michael, I see you’ve met my new secretary Hillary Latham.


Yes she’s easy on the eyes.


takes a seat excited with anticipation about Michael’s life changing news.

“ Ok so you came here last night with some sort of life altering news of some kind.


opens his briefcase.

“I do Jack. You are going to be a very happy man.


Why is that?

Michael hands Jack the fake Control of Newman document so he can read it.

Jack’s face turns red.


This is a joke right?


No sir. Jack my friend, you are now the owner of Newman Enterprises. Congratulations. You’ve finally won over your arch enemy Victor Newman.


How did this come about,… how did this happen?


Jack why question it? I took control of Newman for myself behind Victor’s back. Now I’m giving it to you.


: Why?


I’m out of options.


Are you in some sort of trouble?


I have my own demons to deal with. I’m trying to unload one. Ownership of Newman is one of the demon’s I need to get off my back. I want nothing to do with Victor Newman.


None of us do. Now Victor is an ex factor. I own Newman.” He stands up and looks out his ground to ceiling window that over looks downtown Genoa City. He smiles.

“I own Newman Enterprises.” He looks up to the sky. “You hear that dad. I won. We own Newman. Victor lost to me dad “ Jack chokes up a little bit thinking of his father John and then of Kay. “I hope you two are taking care of each other.”

Michael also has a tear in his eye, seeing how much of a triumph this seems to Jack but its false. Sheila really owns Newman and Jack is just the front man. Michael feels extremely guilty as he thinks of Kay as Jack mentions her. He wonders if he would have came out to the world and admitted to everyone he owned Newman and not Kay some how he might of prevented Kay’s death or at least take the target off Kay that

Tucker had on her. Michael gets up quietly and leaves.



The Jailjailcell.jpg

Victor is escorted to the visiting area. As he walks he wonders who is there to see him. He walks past Daisy’s cell and slows down a bit to study herthCA5GRL7N-1.jpg. She looks up at him and she is unnerved as he stares her down. She turns her back to him. Victor remembers Vandalynn visiting with Daisy. Though he doesn’t know her name. All he knows is she’s a blonde bombshell. The door opens and Victor is surprised to see Keemo.

Victor takes a seat.


Keemo my boy. We haven’t had a good chance to catch up now have we?

Keemo: keemo_zps42afdf4a.png

No sir. You’ve been in jail since I’ve been into town.


How are things going for you?


That’s why I’m here.




Jack is causing a lot of trouble for me.


closes his eyes and looks up.

“Jack Ass Abbott is scum.”


I agree.

That grabs Victor’s attention. He then looks at him intently.


Go on my boy.


Jack doesn’t respect me. It began when I was at Jabot Asia. He blames me for the weakened sales over there. But here is the thing, that Jabot by Glo scandal really hit hard over there. It took awhile for consumers to find out but when they did sales and revenue dropped of course. Then came the tsunami and then the nuclear meltdown in Japan. The tide has really been against Jabot over there and he blames me for all of that. Its why he brought me here to GC. Then when I get here I take a romance with Jill. Angry Jack didn’t approve. He basically gave me an ultimatum. Jill or Jabot. So I let Jill go and then came Gloria.


You do understand that Gloria was responsible for that Glo by Jabot scandal. It gave your grand father a heart attack.


Glo and I talked about all of that. It was an accident. Jack was out to get Gloria which drove her to desperate measures. Just like Jack is out to get me. He called Paul to let him know about my role in Tucker’s plan.


You were working with Tucker McCall?


No. I only worked for him. Tucker set me up. I’m now saddled with the legal ramifications from what he did. I had nothing to do with anything he had planned for Katherine. I had no idea he had this sinister plot cooked up. But according to Jack. I was the ring leader.


Keemo, Your father is a loser who lives in a reality of his own fancy making. Always has been and always will be. Jack is behind Katherine’s death. He was in cahoots with Tucker at one point. He urged Murphy with his plan. And when I get out of here, he is going to pay. We are going to war and this is the last one we are going to fight. I’ve had it with Jack Ass Abbott and I’m going to put an end to him once and for all. He’s a childish punk. I don’t like his character. His character has to be destroyed.

Keemo: I saw how you commanded attention and respect at Kay’s’ funeral.


Well I am Victor Newman.


Taking out my dad like that. It was a rush for me and it got me thinking Mr. Newman.


with a pleased smile on his face as his ego is being stroked by Keemo

“What is that my boy?

Keemo: I want to help you take down my dad.”


My friend, by the time I’m done, Jack will cease to exist. Do you know what that means? Are you sure you’re ready for that. That character is your father you know.


In life sir we don’t have choices. I didn’t choose Jack as a father. I’m ready to take out Jack Abbott for what’s he’s done to me. He doesn’t treat me like I’m his son so I’m not going to treat him like a father.

Then they are interrupted when John Silva walks in

John: JohnSilva_zpsc0fc78cd.jpg

Victor. There you are. You are a hard person to locate in this jail.


Well I am Victor Newman you know….John Silva. What’s brings you by?


It’s time to talk bout your release.

Victor’s eyes are wide and he is happy. He looks to Keemo


Did you hear that my boy? Victor Newman is about to be released. And I’ve been keeping a who’s been naughty or nice list and I checked it twice and lots of people are going to pay for what they’ve done to me. Starting with Jack Abbott. Victor gets up and follows John Silva so they can discuss his release from jail. Victor Newman is about to be a free man.thCAVP9ANB.jpg


Recommended Comments

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The whole show has been turning on this Victor thing lately and I am enjoying that. This show was pure Victor. You did get a little graphic for a split second though. Anyways good show.

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Whoa..Victor is about to get out..uh oh...and I am looking forward to it...

I could feel Keemo's conflict at the end of his conversation about getting revenge on Jack. Keemo is going to regret that, too.

Scotty kind of turned the tables on Vandalynn, which I liked.

Loved the scenes between Philip and Cane. Philip is a take charge kind of guy...

Another layer of Sheila's plan unfolding....you know I am following that story..


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Okay, this show had a lot of awesome things going on.

Loved seeing Keemo wanting revenge on his dad, but we all know there's a price to pay for that.

Scotty and Van was so sleazy it's ridiculous, but I loved what it said about Scotty. The boy can't get it up for a small girl like Van, he needs a MAN. So good. Philip is definitely the kind of person Cane needs right now. I see him really helping get Cane back on track!

Jack is in for a very unpleasant surprise. I loved him telling his dad about it. Great stuff.

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