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Sheila and Mary target the Baldwins! #142



Inside Sheila’s Cabin, in the town of Verdon Lou.hauntedpic1.jpg


: What do you mean we are going to be tied together for the rest of our lives? You can’t keep me here for ever Sheila.

Sheila: sheila.jpg

Your right. Don’t worry my dear. You won’t be here for ever. Just long enough for some things to happen.


What kind of things?


You will see. In time. Patience will be a virtue in this situation. I’m in no rush. Are you Mary?


looks to her mother and smiles.

“ No. This is fun. By the way Sharon, your son was great.”


Don’t you touch my son!” Sharon struggle to break free.


: It’s no use. I just wanted you to meet your new family member. Now my baby girls has work to do. So if you will excuse us.”

Sheila escorts Mary toward the door.


Are you ready?


I am. Scotty and Lauren here I come.


Ok good. Call me when it’s done.


I will. “ Mary leaves the cabin. Sheila then walks back to the hostage room


Ok now where were we?


You were going to let us go.


Funny. No no. I have something to do.” She pulls out her cell phone and makes a call.



Jabot CosmeticsthumbnailCABUFLIV.jpg

Michael walks into Jack’s office. Jack hangs up the phone and stands up to greet Michael.

Jack: Jack_zps2ea70c5f.png

Baldwin. I haven’t seen you around in a while.

Michael: yr_bold_baldwin_michael_9.jpg

You mean since I was arrested for perjury at Newman’s trial.


Yes that. Why would Lauren sell you out like that?


It’s just been a rough time with the divorce.


I’m sorry to hear that. Well what brings you by buddy?


Jack Abbott, I have something that you have always wanted. It will also cleanse my soul.


I can’t imagine what that would be.


I’m going to change your life Jack Abbott.



Lauren‘s Place.

Lauren is sitting on her laptop looking over her spreadsheets for Fenmore’s. Fenmore then walks out from his room


What is it honey?


I’m hungry.


Ok sweetie mommy will begin dinner in a minute. Can you ask your brother to come out here and help me?


I don’t want to talk to Scotty. I don’t like him.

Lauren has a perplexed look on her face and she take off her glasses to really focus on Fenmore.


He’s your brother honey what makes you say that?

Fenmore has a flashback of catching Scotty kissing Rafe at the Glo Worm Gala.


He’s just nasty and weird. A freak.


Oh honey your funny.

Then they get a knock on the door. Lauren goes to answer it. Its Vandalynn/Mary. Lauren feels odd looking at the blonde bombshell. Something is unnerving to her




Hi! Is my boyfriend Scotty home?


Boyfriend? I’m sorry I must have missed something. I’m Lauren, Scotty’s mother.

Van barges into the place. Lauren is taken aback.

Lauren: imagesCA6GSYIY_zps7392afbd.jpg

Yes you can come in.


So you are Scotty’s mother. Lauren you said it was?




You are so beautiful.


Why thank you. I appreciate that.

Scotty then walks out and is caught off guard seeing Van in the living room.

Scotty: scotty.jpg

Van what are you doing here?


Silly billy. I’m here to see my man.” She walks over to him and plants a very dramatic and passionate kiss on him.

Lauren looks on in bewilderment. Fenmore is even more stunned.


looks to him.

“What’s so nasty about that?”


No mom you don’t understand. You really don‘t” Fenmore wonder what is going on with Scotty.

“He kisses men and women.” He thinks to himself.imagesCAW6ZON4_zps86dcbbaa.jpg


The_Young_and_the_Restless_logo_on_CBS_1973_zps969ce30d.pngEpisode 142: The Baldwin’s become a Target

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: C Nate Richardson, Martin Saenz. With Philip Connelly


Chancellor Estate103632369_6cfe8fd0e6.jpg

Chance and Nina are drinking tea the on the patio outside.

Nina: Nina2_zpse9517a22.png

Are you feeling better after your bad dream?

Chance: imagesCA8IBN36_zps7f36daea.jpg

No. Mom I don’t know if the girl is dead or alive. The Taliban has her and I have no idea how to get to her back.


You really cared for her.


I did. We had an instant bond because she’s right here from Genoa City.


Son who is she?


: It’s not my place yet to say until I’ve told the family what has happened.


So she has family here?


Mom don’t. I know what you are trying to do.


I’m sorry. I’m only trying to help you.


I fell in love with her. Everything about her. Her heart, her soul, mom she was it. I was ready to spend the rest of my life with her. Until she was taken from me. Right in front of me and I couldn’t do anything to help or save her. I failed her mom. I failed the woman I love.” Nina holds Chance again as he sheds a few tears.


Shh baby, it’s going to be ok. Just have faith that she is ok.



Avery’s Place


Tell me Cane? When did all this start. How did you end up smoking coke?

Cane: thCALANL71.jpg

You’re a coke smoker too. Don’t act like you are better than me or not doing the same thing I am. I need help with my kids damn it! Sergio is going to harm my kids if I don’t come up with another 500 hundred dollar in a few hours.




Yes my dealer here in the city.


I thought you said you get your stuff from back home.


I do but I need a contact person. Sergio is it.


So you need money from me to pay off your drug debt?


Yes. So if you can just hand me the money I’ll be on my way.


Cane this is too much. What is it going to be next time five thousand dollars? Aren’t you working at Chancellor?


I haven’t worked in months. I got my twins to care for.


But yet they are at the sitter right now. This is bad. I have to pay for my own habit. I’m not into paying for yours. I’m having a hard enough time keeping things on my end together so I don’t arouse suspicion. You on the other hand seem to be coming apart at the seams.

Cane gets angry and pounds his fist on the counter.


DAMN IT AVERY! I‘m trying so hard to keep calm here but you are really making it hard for me. Don’t you understand my kids lives are at stake? Don’t you care about that?


Cane I didn’t have twins. You are the one who doesn’t care about your twins because if you did you wouldn’t be in this position. You’re really turning into a junkie.

Cane looks at her as if something has awoken in him.


What did you call me?

Avery is a bit nervous at this point as she has never seen this look in Cane’s face before.

He gets up from the counter and walks over towards her.


I don’t think I heard you. What did you call me?

Avery rushes over to the door and opens it.


Ok I think it’s time for you to leave.


Oh yea.” He slams the door shut and gets in her face.


Cane what are you doing?


I’m not going any where until I get what I came for.” By this time he is towering over her. He grabs her.


Cane please don’t” She says trembling.


Back at Lauren’s

Scotty pulls back from Van’s sloppy wet kiss.


Are you crazy? My family is standing right there.


Crazy in love with you. It’s just I’ve been waiting to hear back from you on when I was going to see you again. I took matters into my own hands.” She then looks at Lauren.


I will do anything for your son Lauren. I love him with all my heart.


So I see. Listen, why don’t I give you two some privacy. Fen and I are going to grab a bite to eat.


I thought you were going to cook.


Yea mom. It’s ok. Don’t let us intrude.” He says hoping he won’t be left alone with Vandalynn.


Scotty don’t be silly. Your mother is trying to give us some alone time.


This is just crazy.” Fenmore storms out.


We’ll be back in a few hours. It was nice to meet you Vandalynn. Such a pretty name.


Same to you Lauren.

Lauren grabs her purse and heads out the door.


Van I didn’t ask you here. How did you find out where my mom lives?


I told you lover. I will do anything for the man I love. It seems you are doing everything you can to avoid me. It was not like this when we were in Paris but in GC you act so different. What gives?


It’s just I haven’t told my mother about you yet and here you are ready to take my clothes off in front of my family.


Don’t be joker. Now show me where your mother’s bedroom is.



Van strips down to her pink matching bra and panty set.


I wanna have sex in your mother’s bed.” She kisses him and takes her right hand and grabs his package to get him aroused.


MMM there you go. See you do miss me…. I miss him. It been a while since we made love baby and my body is hungry.


In my moms bedroom though?


Yes, such a turn on. Do I got to find it myself or are you going to lead us there?

Scotty leads Vandalynn to his mother’s bedroom. Van pushes him onto the bed and climbs on top of him, kissing his abs and chest working her way up until her lips meets his. They kiss passionately.


Wait… wait. Since we are getting so kinky, or rather your hot fantasy, I got one too.


OOO I like that baby. What do you got in mind?


Wait here, I’ll be right back.


Ok babe but hurry, I’m wet and ready.

Scotty jumps up, grabs a few things from his room and then returns. As he gathers the few things, he thinks to himself

“Damn I really don’t want to make love to her. How do I get myself involved in these kid of situations? It’s ok I guess. I got just the thing to make this right. At least tolerable for me. The only great thing is Van does have a great mouth.” He walks back to Lauren’s bedroom.


I want you to wear this.

Van’s eyes get big as she looks at a foot ball helmet, a jersey and shoulder and body pads in his hand.


You want me to be a foot ball player?



Back at Jabot.


So you are going to change my life…. And its going to start today?” Jack looks at his Rolex.


The day is about over, in fact I was about to leave Michael. Do you think this can wait till the open of business tomorrow.


I rather not. But I do understand it’s late. I’ll be by in the morning.


Thank you for understanding.

Jack escorts Michael out his office. Michael shakes his head in disappointment.

He gets on the elevator and heads down to the parking lot. He gets into his jaguar and throws his brief case in the passenger seat.

“Damn it Jack! This needs to be done now!” He opens his brief case and looks over the Control of Newman document.

“Get ready Jack. I’m going to sign Newman over to you and you would have finally won over Victor Newman. Tomorrow everything will change.” He says aloud to himself. He puts the key in the ignition and puts his car is reverse. When he looks in the rear view mirror he nearly screams out when he sees a pair of eyes looking at him from the back seat. He turns around and sees Sheila, with a gun pointing at him.


What the hell? …It’s really you. Sheila Carter in the flesh.


Yes sir. It’s nice to see you again.


I’m sorry I can’t say the same thing for you.


I’m ok with that. I’m not here to hear your thoughts or share personal feelings.


That’s great. How did you find me?


GPS. I put one on this fancy jag. I knew it would come in handy. I tried to reach you by phone.


I was in a meeting.


With Jack Abbott, I know you just told me.


What do you want Sheila Carter?


Yes let’s get to the point shall we?


I’m waiting.


Start driving.

Michael puts the car in reverse and then in drive to drive out the parking garage.


Where are we going?


To your office.


You want to ransack it again?


No not this time. But you are going to do something for me.


And what do you think that is?


There is no thinking here Baldwin . I’ve done all of the thinking. I have the control here, and I got all the power. It’s about action. You are going to sign control of Newman over to me. Sheila Carter is going to own Newman Enterprises and no one is going to stop me.


Recommended Comments

  • Members

LOL @ Scotty and Van. You are killing me with this. I love Scotty and Fen knowing that Scotty's into dudes. Good drama.

Michael's scene with Sheila was golden. I LOVED everything about it.

Your dialogue in every scene is getting stronger and stronger. I feel more in the scenes than ever before. Great work!

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ML this episode was classic Y&R. The passion, the secrets, the dialouge, the darkness, everything about it was golden! I felt like I was looking at Y&R for the first time! This episode spoke to me in ways other have not!

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I enjoyed this whole episode..the dialogue, the humor and the drama.

VERY much loving the twist at the end. You had me thinking that Michael was going to sign over ownership of Newman to Jack, then an interruption (classic soap plot device), then BAM, Sheila changes the game. Another layer of Sheila's master plan unfolding. BRILLIANT!!

Fenmore's lines were funny, and perfect.

Cane is spiraling out of control, and I like that Avery reiterates the fact that she's a functioning addict. I liked that exchange.

Your style is coming through and shining. You are truly making this soap yours and I hope you will continue to, because I am appreciating it more and more...


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