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Victor Newman Stops The Show! #136



Paul kicks his investigation into high gear surrounding the death of Tucker and Katherine with 2 new people set their sites on Katherine Chancellor as the funereal begins to mourn the Grand Dame.

The Police Station


Olivia walks in to see Paul with some files in her hand. Paul greets her.


Olivia. Good to see you. What brings you by?


I got the autopsy results back on Tucker. I think you and I should talk privately.


Oh k, this sounds kind of serious.” Paul escorts her to his office. Paul sits at his desk as Liv takes a seat in front of his desk. She hands him the envelope so he can view the contents inside.

He does and looks over the report.


: Wow. This answers a lot of questions. Tucker was poisoned.


He had very high levels of toxin that comes from paint in his system.


Paint. I wonder if this was what Tucker was trying to do with Katherine. It makes a lot of sense. Poison her with the toxic paint knowing she would be working in the Victor’s office.


: I guess it does. Anyway Paul it is good to see you. After looking at those results I thought I should get it to you right away.


Thank you Olivia. I’m going over to Newman Tower to get some paint samples. You’ve been a huge help.”

They both walk out his office with Paul going to investigate further on Tucker’s “Plan”


Episode 136: Victor Stops the Show!

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: C Nate Richardson , Martin Saenz, and Philip Connelly

Beachwood Nursing Home


Phyllis is watching coverage of Katherine’s Funereal when someone walks in and clears their throat. She turns the TV off and looks to see Malcolm.

Phyllis slowly stands up out of her wheel chair to hug him.


: It’s so good to see you.


And look at you. Standing now. You gone be outta here in no time.


I can’t wait so I can find out who in the hell did this to me.


The five o aint found out yet? Damn the fire and attack happened months ago.


I know right. I don’t know what’s up Ronan or Paul’s ass. There is a mad person on the loose. This person tried to kill me but instead-” She stops before she can say Sophia’ name.


It’ cool,… when Sophia died.


I’m sorry Malcolm.


It’s cool. I’m used to everything being taken away from me.


Everything? What do you mean?


Neil. He likes to take things from me. First it was Lily. He raised my daughter.


Blame Dru for that. She kept it secret by not admitting to her affair with you to Neil then not getting a paternity test if she had any indication Lily was not Neil’s child.


I don’t want to hear that…. Then it’s Moses. He turned out to be Neil’s son. Now it’s Leslie. They going out to dinner and things like that. I don’t know what’s up with this dude. I hate him Phyllis. I really do.


Malcolm get a hold of your self man. This is not the Malcolm I know.


This Malcolm is tired. Sick of playing 2nd to Neil. Even growing up he always had the spotlight. He was the good son. The college educated son. The proud son.

Me?.. Just a rough neck from around the way. Getting into trouble every day.


Man get it together. Go see Leslie. Go get your woman back. Don’t sit here and wallow. You have two legs you can use. I’d be using them if it were me. Don’t sit on the side lines Malcolm. Go and get then keep what’s yours.


I coulda killed him a few nights ago.


Now you’ve gone mad.” She tugs at his shoulder to get his attention which he was in a blank stare looking at the wall.


My bad. You’re right. Go get what’s mine then keep it. I’m going to put a stop to Neil. One way or another.” He hugs Phyllis.


Don’t do nothing stupid.


It’ good to see you girl. The next time I see you we gone be having drinks at the lil bar joint I know. And we gone dance. How that sound?


Good. Now go get Leslie.

Malcolm leaves. Phyllis watches him leave. She is concerned about Malcolm’s behavior and mental state. She’s never seen him like this, so low and angry.



On the Chancellor Grounds


An area has been reserved and transformed into Katherine’s services. As Jill, Nina, Murphy, Philip , Esther and Chance walk up to the area they see a tent-like looking setting with a white shear serving as a roof over the entire area. White and Gold candles are lit up every where. White chairs with white and gold shears over the backs for a more appealing visual display. At the end of the row of white seating is a bouquet of white Roses or a Golden Cage with a white dove inside. Towards the front of the area is a huge oversized picture of the great dame herself smiling.imagesCA9EMTRY_zps145e2bc3.jpg

The ladies, Jill Esther and Nina all shed tears.


This is so stunning.


I agree. Wow. Certainly fitting for The Duchess of Genoa City.

As they walk over closer to the set they see a mini water fall and in the pond where the water collects are gold and white floating candles. Flowers also float in the pond.


Turned out to be a beautiful spring day for this occasion.


It’s like God woke up today and smiled on us. God and Katherine.

They hold each other as other guest begin to arrive including Brock and Mac.


This is truly stunning.


Yes it. Grandma would be proud. I just wish Devon was ok. Kay would not like him being upset for us forgetting that he is a Chancellor.


It’s ok sweetie. I’m sure he’ll come around. He’s lost a lot. We just need to give him time and be here for him when he is ready.


Leslie’s Apartment.

Leslie opens her door to Malcolm after answering his knock. Leslie takes a deep breath before motioning him to come in.


Damn it’s like that? You used to be happy to see me.


As you can see I’m not any longer.


So what are you saying?


Malcolm I don’t think this is a good time for us to be together. You have some issues you need to deal with. And I got my daughter to think about.


Neil and Spencer too huh?


Excuse me? Have you been drinking?


One beer is not drinking.


Then what do you call it?


: Mind relaxation. I had to ease my nerves before I came over here.


Come over here and do what?


To make things right between us. Things are not right.


You’re an angry drunk Malcolm. You attacked your brother the other night. That was uncalled for.


What was uncalled for was you having dinner with him. What’s up with that any way? You gets around huh?


Watch your mouth.


: Resorting to your old ways again. That video of you stripping for college money ignited a fire in you didn’t it? Now you just all over town with Neil, it was Spencer too and me before him. Who’s next?

Leslie sucker punches Malcolm is his jaw.


Get the hell out! You’re a hot drunken mess. Look at how you acting. No wonder I don’t want you no more. Get yo bummy ass out my place before I call the police.


Bitch! Call the po po hoe! I don’t give a damn no mo.

Malcolm in a rage picks up Leslie’s glass coffee table and throws it against the wall. It shatters with glass flying everywhere.

Leslie is a bit scared at this point and she grabs a knife.



Malcolm looks at her with rage

“I’m not going to let you be with Neil! No way in hell!” He shouts at her before leaving. Leslie breathes heavily in relief. She grabs her phone and calls the police.


In the City of Jazz, Cajun food, and the Mardi Gras, there is this little place they call New Orleans. In a run down house in the parish of St Bernard, in fact it’s the only house standing on this particular street being the all the other homes were washed away during hurricane Katrina, a woman using a flash light is looking at a national news paper. She turns to the obituaries and sees the obituary of Katherine Chancellor. She lights up a cigarette. And exhales.


Karl…Karl answer me when I call to you! I don’t like to call out your name over and over again. Karl.. Do you hear me? Damn it you are going to make me get up. I’m too old for this damn it to hell.” The woman gets up out of her chair and using her flash light for a light source in the home she looks for “Karl”. She sees him nodding off in his wheel chair. The woman tugs at Karl.

“Wake up oldie. I can’t see how you sleep with your oxygen machine running so loud. I know I have a hard time. WAKE UP OLD MAN!!”


Huh…. what? Come on Karynn not now I’m tired. We were out all day yesterday begging for food. It was hot. I’m tired today. And it’s too hot to be a crippled panhandler.


Well I’m tired too. Taking care of you for all these years. I’m tired of being poor, and dirt broke. We cant afford lights, we can’t afford food, water. We have to steal electricity from the gas station a half mile away using buried extension cords. Hell we live in this condemned house and no one knows we are here. I’m sick of living like this.” She blows cigarette smoke in his face. He coughs.


Come on be a man about it. You were always were so weak growing up. You were always so sickly. No wonder our parents gave you up.


Just please leave me be.


No we got a new mission. We hit the jack pot. We are going to Genoa City.


How in the hell are you going to pay for that? You barely can afford to keep my meds for me, going out and getting drunk with my social security check. A check you control I might add.


Yes I do control it. It’s payment for being your caregiver all these damn years. I’ll just use your money when you get it on the first and buy us tickets. Our lives are about to change. No more begging for scraps and hand outs. A new day is upon us.


The Chancellor Grounds.

Everyone has arrived to pay their respects to Katherine the Great. Including Gina, Lynn Basset, and Traci Abbott. Everyone is mingling and admiring the beautiful setting that has been created.

Devon walks in with Neil and Moses at his side.


This is very nice.


It is. You ok son?


No Neil. Let’s go talk with the guest.

Nick and Victoria are with Nikki.

Nikki is very quiet.


Mom are you ok? You haven’t said anything since we got in the car to come over here.


I’m trying to be Nicholas. This is so hard for me to deal with. I miss her so much. Knowing she is not going to be here any longer or that I can never apologize to her or make things right. It’s really eating away at me.” Nick embraces her.


It’s ok Mom. We are here to get you through this together.

Abby arrives sees her Aunt Traci. She walks over greeting and hugging her.


Nice to see you Aunt Traci.


You too sweetie how you doing?


It’s a sad day. I think of Katherine and how much we’ve lost over the last few years. Colleen, my dad. Billy just left town. It’s just been a lot of sadness.


Yes it has. You talk to your mom, is she flying in?


No she could not make it. We lost several employees on that Korean ferry accident so she’s handling that and could not make it. I’m going to go speak to Devon.” She walks over to him


Hey you.


Hello Abby. Nice set up here huh?


It is. I’m not even going to ask how you are but I will ask where is Roxanne?


That’s a damn good question.

Everything comes to a halt when a large man with a slow chain rattling walk stops the show. Standing out like a sore thumb is Victor Newman in an orange jail suit with cuffs on his arms and legs with an escort service by prison guards. Everyone is stunned. Victor looks at everyone who is there but stops when he sees Jack. Victor now stares down Jack. Everyone wonders what Victor is going to say or do. Victor Newman is a show stopper.thCAVP9ANB.jpg


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Oh brother, Victor. I swear I hear a Clint Eastwood western at the end of that scene. Lol. Love the Malcolm/Leslie scene. Good on her for defending herself. Love that character. Malcolm's so f*cked up. Great intro for karynn and Karl. This looks like fun ahead.

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LOL @Karynn and Karl...Malcolm is spiraling downward quickly.

Liked the scenes between Malcolm and Phyllis. You didn't forget that they were friends.

And I wonder where Paul's investigation is going to lead him now that he knows how Tucker died.

And I see the seeds for Nikki's upcoming story being sown.

Good one.

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Love the additions to the cast. Cried through the Katherine tribute scenes. I could not believe the autopsy reports for Tucker. Adored your Malcom and Phyllis scenes.

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