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Devon's Bloodline #135



Planning Kay’s funeral does not go well as Devon is left out of the Chancellor happenings as Keemo rips into Jack about his sell out betrayal. Vandalynn finally tracks down Scotty.


Neil joins Devon at a table.


Sorry for keeping you waiting. I had to check on the twins.


I haven’t seen much of them lately. How are they?


Well I don’t know. Cane had them at the sitters.


The sitters? Why does Cane need a baby sitter when we are the twins family?


That’s a good question and I intend to find out. Any way son, how are you, what’s on your mind?


Tucker and Katherine. I don’t understand how they both died in the same night. And Tucker fell from the 24 floor, just absolutely unbelievable.


Yea. We still don’t have any answers.


I’m not sure I want to know.


Why do you say that?


In my gut I know something about all of this is not right. I’m not going to like the outcome.


You know you are a Chancellor Heir right?


I know. I don’t know how to feel about that. I truly regret all the time I wasted being mad at Katherine when she knew Tucker was my father and didn’t’ tell me. She was trying to protect me. I understand that now.


We all live and learn son. It’s a part of life. What’s important is what you do today.


What do you suggest I do?


: Go be with your family.


I am. I consider you my dad Neil you know that. I just got the Chancellor blood. I’m not close to any Chancellor.


You need to change that. Brock and his daughter Mac is in town. Reach out son. It’s a part of you your legacy. Go out and grab it. Listen son I got to handle some things Chancellor. Now if you need me you call me alright.


I will thank you for the talk. It helped out a lot. I think its time to go see my blood line.

imagesCA3MTMVG_zpseec6324d.jpgEpisode 135: Devon’s Bloodline

Written by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: C Nate Richardson, Martin Saenz and Philip Connelly

Upstairs in the Suites, Vandalynn gets a call on her cell phone. She answers

thCARZE2M7.jpg“Hello. Scotty, its about damn time where the hell have you been and why haven’t I seen you yet? I have been trying to reach you. I told you I was coming into to town. Ii feels as though you are avoiding me. Is that the case Scotty? Do you not want to see me? I don’t understand any of this.


: Are you done?


What does that mean? I just don’t understand why it took over 24 hours to see my man when I arrive in town to see him.


Van just stop. Can I get a word in or what? It seems like you saying the same thing over and over again but in different ways.


Is that how you are going to talk to me? To the woman you profess you love.


I was with the family. Katherine Chancellor recently passed. So yes I have been a little preoccupied. I’m sorry. Why are you here? I had no idea you were coming in from Paris.


I miss you silly. I couldn’t take the distance any longer. I need to be with you. What’s up with all these questions? You don’t sound like you are happy I am here.


Just surprised.


You shouldn’t be. I’ll do anything for the man I love. Now when am I going to see you?

Scotty is slow to answer.

Jabot Cosmetics.

Jack is in the middle of a meeting in his office when Keemo storms in.


You son of a bitch! How dare you sell me out to Paul?

Jack’s face turns red and he has a look of confusion come across it. He looks to his associates

“If you can give me a few minutes so I can take care of this with my son?”

The associates look at each other in shock after learning Keemo is Jack’s son who just cussed him out.


Oh now I’m your son? What kind of father sells out his own son to the police?” The associates look at Jack then at each other before leaving the office closing the door behind them.


Don’t you ever barge in here like that again! That was a very important meeting. You embarrassed the hell out of me.


: Why? Why did you do it?


What tell Paul the truth, you were hired by Tucker and-


And what I might have something to do with his alleged plan against Kay.


Well you did take a job for him and look how it all turned out. I told you you would regret working for him. Now you got yourself in one hell of a mess.


Can’t win against Victor but you go after me. Your funny Jack. And I’m going to show you, you made a bad move. I had nothing to do with any type of plot Tucker may or may not of had. As my dad your supposed to have my back. Where is your family values? My mother would be ashamed of this moment right now God rest her soul.”

Jack’s face is still red as he tries to fight tears from forming in his eyes reeling from his son’s stinging verbal attack.

Chancellor Estate


Jill, Nina and Esther sit in the living room discussing funereal arrangements for Kay. They cant agree on a color scheme until Murphy walks in and interrupts them

“Ladies, this isn’t a show. We are mourning Katherine. A celebration of her life. Let’s remember that.”


While I agree Jill insists on having things her way.


She won’t listen to any of our ideas.

Murphy: This is no competition. You need to think of Katherine first. And put all this petty and I might add catty non sense behind you. Focus on making the best celebration possible no matter what color it is. Katherine was every color of life. So go with that.”

Esther sheds a tear. Nina puts her arm around her.


I’m really going to miss her.

Brock and Mack walk in.


Good now we can settle this once and for all. Brock we cant decide what colors to do at Kay’s service. What do you suggest?


Gold. White with gold trimmings. My grandma was the grandest lady I know. So it has to be gold.


Sounds good to me.


Me too. Gold for a grand lady.


Then white and gold it is then.


Your grandma be happy with the choices honey.

Then Devon walks in.

“I think some one forgot to include me in on the planning details of my grandmother’s funeral. “ Everyone turns around and looks at Devon and there is an extremely awkward silence thereafter.


Devon I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think to call you. I’m not used to you being a Chancellor. I’m so very sorry.


It seems no one else in this room is not used to me being a Chancellor.” He says with a tear streaming down his face. He just turns around and walks back out the door.


Devon wait!

Devon ignores him and hops in his car and drives off.

Mac runs up to her dad.


: How could we exclude Devon?


Jill is right. I didn’t even think to call him. I’m not used to the fact my mother has another son and another grandchild out there.


My cousin. I hope we didn’t hurt him to bad.


Everyone is just grieving. It’s a tough time for all of us.



Hungry Hearts.

Rafe and Leslie meet up for a drink. They sit at a booth.


This is a nice place.


: I met Scotty here.


Oh yea?


: It just seems I’m only good enough for sex when it comes to him. Everything is so great in the heat of passion but outside the bedroom its something totally different. We cant agree on anything.


Like you said before he’s younger. You got ten years over him. Your established, got a good career, a home. He’s still living with momma isn’t he?


That’s the thing. I barely even know that.


Something is not sounding right about this Scotty.


You’re right. I think he only want’s sex. He’s not ready for a relationship like I am. I’m ready to settle down.

Then Rafe sees Philip Chancellor walk into the bar.


The man himself.


Who?” She turns around to see who Rafe is looking at. She too sees Philip Chancellor.


I heard rumors but I wasn’t sure if he was-


: Gay? I guess we know now.


I guess so. He’s so handsome.


He is.


Go say something to him.


Nah I’m ok. I’m trying to deal with this situation called Scotty. Not trying to get into any more dilemmas right now.


You gone let Scotty keep you away from a good man like Philip. He’s a Chancellor for goodness sake.


That doesn’t mean anything to me. It’s about the person. The inside. Not a name.


You better deal with that Scotty real soon. Don’t let him string you along like this. Especially when a good man like Philip Chancellor the III is a few feet away from you.

Rafe gets a text on his phone. He reads it.


I hate to cut this short but my dad just got back into town and I need to meet with him.


Thank you for the drink. And take care of the Scotty mess.


I will.” They both begin to walk out the club. Philip and Rafe get a good look at each other before he leaves. Philip smiles at him.philip_zpse4fb4fbf.pngRafe hesitantly smiles back then walks out.


Back at Jabot.


You got a bad habit using words as daggers.


You got a bad habit of not supporting me in the choices I make in my life and not being a good and supportive father.


I don’t think Luan would approve of this tawdry May December romance with Gloria. That woman has caused this family so much grief. She’s just about responsible for my dad’s stroke. Did you forget her role in the Glo by Jabot Scandal? People were seriously hurt behind that. She is poison. An opportunist.


: I told you once before watch your moth about the woman I love. Gloria didn’t even know my last name before I told the world we were engaged the night at her reopening gala at Glo Worm. So you can’t use the opportunist argument. Love is blind. So what she was with my granddad. He’s not here any longer. Life goes and people grow. And I might add it was you who slept with granddad’s wife Jill. I can’t help who my heart falls for. I’m not going to let you ruin this relationship for me. You and your sabotage. What did you hope to gain by selling me out to Paul? That I would go to jail and I would not be able to see Gloria any longer?


To open your eyes. Your anger for me is leading you to make bad choices. I know a guy like that. His name is Adam Newman and let me tell you it didn’t end very well. Takes some notes.


I’m not going to let this go. It’s time I teach you to let me be my own man. You need to know I will make my own decisions without any feed back from you.


Is that a veiled threat? I am your father you know.


: You are the one who seemed to have forgotten what a father is or what a father is supposed to be. Is it a threat, I don’t know. Take it as you want but you are going to pay for selling me out to the police. I just feel bad for Kyle having a father like you. I wish we had choices. Have a good day.” Keemo then leaves.

Jack is heart broken again over words from his son.

“Wow” is all he can say.


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Keemo vs. jack was excellent. I can't wait to see how everyone moves on from that confrontation. Feeling bad for Devon. He seems a bit caught in the middle. Play the hell out of that. Its good stuff. Van and Scotty are interesting. Wonder what'll happen when they learn each other's secrets. Sooo juicy. Good EP!

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  • Members

You got Jack down pat buddy....GOOD!!

Van is selfish...

I enjoyed the scenes between Jack and Keemo, and Leslie and Rafe. You capture their relationships (father and son, and friends)...and Philip is on the scene.


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  • Members

I think Van was being selfish I like how Neil is looking out for his son Jack and Keemo scenes were AMAZING in this episode! Keep up the EXCELLENT work!

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