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Jack Abbott is a SELL OUT! #134



Jack Abbott sells out his own son to the police.

Van arrives at the Jail to visit Daisy. They sit in the meeting room.

thCAGSHTOS-1.jpgDaisy: So you are finally here in town huh?

thCAVCMY3I.jpgVan: And I see you are still here in this scary place. I can’t believe that you are. I thought you’d be outta of here by the time I arrived in GC.

Daisy: Avery tells me any day now but that seemed liked months ago. I’m going crazy in here without my daughter. Have you seen her yet?

Van: No I have not seen Lucy. I only arrived last night. Besides how do I get close enough to Daniel without giving away my cover? It’ not time for that right now. You know momma bear would not be pleased.

Daisy: I know. I have been here for months and not a word about my daughter. I don’t know how she’s doing or anything.

Van: Well I started momma bear’s plan. Soon we will all be able to walk the streets of GC as a respected family just like The Newman’s and Abbotts.

Daisy: The only thing I’m worried about is Lucy. I can’t think about anything else.

Van: I better get going before someone catches us. I wanted to come and give you my sisterly love. Soon you will be free.

Daisy gives her sister a fake smile. As Van gets up to leave, Victor who is being escorted to leisure time outside walks past the meeting room and sees Vandalynn leaving Daisy’s meeting room. Van looks up and sees him. She is stunned being caught off guard looking at the great man himself Victor Newman. Butterflies fly in Van’s stomach as she does not know what to do being caught leaving Daisy’s meeting room. Van’s face begins to turn red.

imagesCA3MTMVG_zpseec6324d.jpgEpisode 134: Jack sells out Keemo!

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: C Nate Richardson and Martin Saenz

imagesCATIHD0R_zps485b840d.jpgDaniel pulls up to Beachwood Nursing and Rehabilitation Centre. He gets out of his car and prepares the stroller for Lucy.

Inside Phyllis is working on her physical therapy. She is sweating and breathing heavily. Phyllis is using two grab bars to hold herself up as she tries to walk. She nearly collapses from exhaustion and her physical therapist encourages her to keep going. Phyllis finally makes the length of the bars and the PT commends her and grabs a wheel chair so Phyllis can sit back down and rest after an intense therapy session. Phyllis reaches down next to her wheel chair and grabs bottled water and when she looks back up she sees Daniel with Lucy in a stroller walking towards her. A huge smile appears on Phyllis’s face. She reaches her arms out awaiting a hug from her son. Daniel engulfs his mother in a hug.

Daniel: So good to see you. Feels like forever.

phyills.jpgPhyllis: It does. So good to see you. You’re looking good. Phyllis reaches in the stroller and grabs Lucy to hold her. “Look at my baby girl. Getting so big. Yes you are” She says to her granddaughter.

Phyllis: This is a wonderful surprise. Everything ok with you?

Daniel: Yes just keeping close to Lucy. Showing her the way of the world. We are good though. We need you. How is your progress?

Phyllis: Things are moving much faster now that Olivia restored my eyesight. Still don’t know who set my place on fire. I’m going to have to do my own investigation because it seems the GCPD are too incompetent in their jobs to find who who’s been stalking me. Especially that damn Ronan.

Daniel: So in other words we still have no idea who came after you?

Phyllis: No. But I’m sure as hell going to find out. I should be outta here in no time. My therapy is going great. In fact I made it the length of those bars over there” She says pointing at them.

Daniel: That’s good mom. Keep it up. You’ll be back to yourself in no time.

Newman Tower, McCall Field office, 17th floor. Keemo enters the office and sits at the desk. He turns his cell phone off tired of getting calls from the media. He sorts through the mail and sees a letter from the SEC. Before he can open it someone walks into his office.

“You must be Mr. Abbott?” The man says.

keemo_zps42afdf4a.pngKeemo: I’m not doing any interviews.

“I’m not doing an interview. I’m Mason McCreedy, I’m Tuckers executive assistant. Well I was.”

Keemo: Great come in Mason. Maybe you can help me put some of this madness together.

mason_zps6c91eac0.jpgMason: Yes we need too. McCall is about to go under. And as per the contract you signed with Tucker, you are now the front man of McCall. The new CEO. The SEC and now the FBI are breathing down our necks and our stock has tanked. If that wasn’t bad enough we have employees and executives resigning from their potions as news of Tucker’s role in Katherine’s desk come out to the press. In a sense McCall Untl. is collapsing as we sit here and speak.

Keemo: Damn it! Damn you Tucker! He set me up! That bastard set me up! Now I have to deal with all this fall out from his actions. What the hell are we going to do Mason? There is no coming back from this. The freaking FBI. Come on. You might as well say I had a role in all of this since I signed that contract with Tucker.” Then Paul arrives.

Keemo: Great. Paul what can I do for you?

Paul: I wanted to question you about your role in Tucker’s plan. I understand from Jack you just signed on to work with Tucker.

Keemo: Jack? As in my father Jack Abbott?

Paul: That’s right.

Keemo looks at Mason and smiles. “My dad just sold me out.”

Lauren and Jill meet at Gina’s Italian Restaurant and Grille. Gina greets them.

Lauren: So good to see you Gina. I’m so glad you opened your place back up.

Jill: Agreed no one does Italian food better than you.

imagesCA0PEV6X_zpsf25c1d78.jpgGina: Thank you you’re both too kind. It was pretty easy since Glo Worm is still closed. My little brother Damian helped me with the money. So everything is good… I heard about Kay Jill I’m so sorry.

Jill: It still hasn’t sunk in Kay is gone.”Gina hugs Jill. Gina then sits the two at a table.

Lauren: So how you really holding up?

Jill fights back tears. “I’m so stunned. Kay is gone. She’ really gone. And Tucker. How could he want to take out his own mother for monetary gain? That bastard I hope he's burning in hell!

Lauren: I was very surprised to hear about Tucker’s role in all of this. Such a shame how it all ended.

Jill: Listen, let’s talk about something else. Like you and Michael. How are things with him?

Lauren: They aren’t. I’m intent on divorcing him. I can’t be with a man that lies to the judicial system. What does that teach our son? No way am I not having it.

Jill: How does Fenmore feel about this divorce? Have you thought about how he is going to feel?

Lauren: Well I have not told him, but he’s strong like me. I’m sure he will be fine.

Jill: Lauren come on, a child needs both its parents. Together as a family. Fenmore is going to be so hurt. Are you really sure a divorce from Michael is the right course of action?

Lauren begins to have second thoughts on her divorce plans.

Chancellor Estate.

Murphy wipes blood from his mouth as he sits on the floor from the blow Brock just delivered to him.

Mac: Dad calm down!

Mac and Philip help Murphy up.

imagesCAKVWJL0_zpsb2de2051.jpgMurphy: Shame on you for hitting a Vietnam War vet like that. I fought for this country and I fought for Kay. The police let me go after questioning me so obviously I had nothing to do with Tucker or Katherine’s death. Kay was under severe stress for weeks working at Chancellor and Newman. If anyone is to blame here it’s Victor Newman for adding that extra work load on Kay knowing how old he was.

Brock_zps7b0c07c7.pngBrock: But you’re little “plan” backfired big time. Tucker and Kay both died. You should have gone to the damn police. Had you done that Kay might still be here.

Murphy: Nothing I did was against the will of Kay. I love Katherine with all my heart. You think I’m not hurting I lost my Katherine. I can’t eat, I can’t’ sleep. Now I understand you are upset and understandably so but redirecting that bereavement pain into anger towards me is misdirected.” He rubs his hurting jaw.

“I can’t believe you hit me. I also can’t believe I didn’t see that one coming. Think I need to make an appointment with my eye doctor. “

Mack: Dad let’s go for a walk on the grounds. I think you need to cool off.” Mac grabs Brocks hand and drags him outside.

Chance hands Murphy some tissue to wipe the blood.

Nina: Are you ok Murphy?

Murphy: No. A piece of me died with Kay.” Murphy chokes up and then he leaves the room.

Nina fights back tears also and Chance holds her.

Philip: I think it’s time we plan for Katherine’s arrangements.

Nina: You’re right. I’ll call Jill then go talk to Brock and Mac.

Rafe’s Apt.

Scotty is lying on Rafe’s chest holding him.

soctty2.jpgScotty: That was incredible. You’re good.

thumbnailCAO2YMGR.jpgRafe: Is that all I’m good for? Sex? That’s the only time it seems we are one. Why is that?

Scotty: You over think things. Why can’t we just enjoy this moment. Besides I’m tired. You wore me out. My ass is throbbing.

Rafe: I’m sorry about that. I told you I would go slowly.

Scotty: No daddy. I like to be pounded. I like the pain.

Rafe: You’re really something else.

Scotty begins to play with Rafe’s package.

Scotty: I should give it a name.

Rafe: A name?” He chuckles. “Why would you do that?”

Scotty: It’s good to me. It feels great when I slide up and down on that big pole you got. You’ve been blessed. It just deserves one. I didn’t think a guy short as you would be so hung.

Rafe: Five feet nine inches it not short and I rather you tell your family my name. Is it only going to be sex between us or what?

Scotty: Oh just stop.” Then Scotty phone goes off. He grabs it and sees he has a text. It’s from Van.

“I’m in town and if I don’t see you in the next hour I’m going get my bullhorn and search every residence in Genoa City until I find you.” Scotty panics and jumps up.

Rafe: What’s the matter?

Scotty: Uhm. Something just came up.

Rafe: Tell me you are not about to leave.

Scotty: I’m sorry but I must go. I’m so sorry.

Rafe: Why what is it?

Scotty kisses him on the lips as he gets dressed then hurries out the door without any further explanation.

Rafe is mad as hell. He pours him a scotch then heads to the shower.

Scotty hops in his car. He calls Kirkland

“Damn she’s here!” Damn it Van why is she here? Now I got to play the straight man role. Damn Damn Damn what am I going to do about Rafe?”

“Sounds like you got your hands full. You always said how crazy Vandalynn was. I guess no more play time with Rafe.”

Scotty: No way. I’m not giving up Rafe. He’s got good sex.

Kirk: That’s all you ever think about. So what are you going to do?

Scotty: I don’t know. I really don’t know.

***Kirkland Harrison is courtesy of C. Nate Richardson of Back to Another World. You can follow Kirkland’s story there as he attempts to walk down the Aisle. But will he?


Recommended Comments

  • Members

You've slowed things down it seems.

How far is Scotty is going to fall before he gets himself together? He's in a big mess and he IS a mess.

Philip the ever present stabilizing force in that chaotic scene. I like him.

I also liked the interaction between sisters Jill and Lauren. A beat that Josh Griffith missed a LOT.

Good episode..looking forward to seeing how your stories unfold.

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Enjoyed this episode very much. A question: who's Damian? Gina referenced him as her younger brother. I don't recall a Damian.

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OOOO damn. Keemo got sold out by Jack. This is gonna get uglier and uglier.

Scotty's one dirty-ass ho! Hahaha. Can't wait to see his connection to Van. This story's lining up to be pretty interesting.

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