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ANOTHER WORLD 151 The stakes are raised



ANOTHER WORLD 151 - The stakes are raised...

Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips

Written and Directed by: C. Nathaniel Richardson

Consults: aMLCproduction, DRW50 and Beebs


blogentry-14971-0-15311600-1396810434_th is on his cell phone…

Cass: Frankie it’s me. We have to talk about this. I know things didn’t go the way you wanted them to. Please call me. I’ve had a bit of a change of heart.

Cass turns around and sees Charlieblogentry-14971-0-57136200-1396810458_th.

Charlie: About what?



Donnablogentry-14971-0-62386800-1396810477_th answers the door and Vickyblogentry-14971-0-86537900-1396810497_th walks in.

Vicky: You know I am so sick of the both of them. I swear they’re out to destroy my family.

Donna: Victoria---

Vicky: I caught that little bitch with Bridget. She said “they’re sisters”. I wish Stacey and Lindsay would take the next rocket to Mars and never return!



Jakeblogentry-14971-0-98490600-1396810535_th is with Staceyblogentry-14971-0-92445800-1396810552_th.

Jake: What are you doing here?

Stacey: We didn’t finish our conversation the other day.

Jake: Stacey I can’t do this.

Stacey: I told you that I was still in love with you and never said anything.

Jake: What do you want me to tell you Stacey? That I feel the same way?

Stacey: Do you?


Mac’s Children are in Iris’s office.blogentry-14971-0-08131600-1396810583_thblogentry-14971-0-10898100-1396810602_thblogentry-14971-0-81892000-1396810620_thblogentry-14971-0-42754400-1396810644_thblogentry-14971-0-35395700-1396810667_th

Matthew: Come on Michael, you’re not seriously considering this?

Paulina: She doesn’t have any leverage. Let’s arrange for the hearing and get her out.

Amanda: You can’t let her take Brava from us!

Iris: Michael. The decision is yours.

Michael paces back and forth…

Matthew: We can’t let Iris have her way.

Amanda: Brava and Cory Productions belongs to us!

Michael: SHUT UP! All of you! You sound like a bunch of whiny little brats!



Cass: Hey honey.

Charlie: I take it Christy didn’t get parole.

Cass: Thank God.

Charlie: So I wonder what you had a change of heart about. Are you saying that?

Cass nods his head.

Charlie: Wait a second. You’re actually giving me your blessing? I think we might need to call John to have you checked out.

Cass: Your old man is gonna be the one to walk you down the aisle. Certainly won’t be Grant!

Charlie: Wow dad. I don’t know what to say.

Cass: You better say thank you or I’m gonna change my mind.

Charlie (elated): Thank you!

Cass: I was in denial about it, but it seems like he really makes you happy. I’m not gonna stand in your way.

Charlie and Cass embrace.


Donna: Victoria will you calm down and tell me what happened?

Vicky: I saw Lindsay and Bridget chatting it up at the Center. I could’ve wrung that wench’s scrawny little neck.

Donna: There’s no need for you to panic.

Vicky: The next thing you know Lindsay will be trying to ingratiate herself into my family. I’ll tell you mother, I’m NOT gonna let that happen.

Donna: The only way you’re going to stop her is telling Jake the truth.

Vicky: I wish Stacey never told me that Jake was Lindsay’s father.

Donna: You’re giving Lindsay way too much power, when she’s not the one you need to watch out for.

Vicky: What do you mean? Of course I need to keep an eye on her.

Donna: If she was going to tell Jake, she would have by now, but she hasn’t, has she? The one person you REALLY need to keep away from Jake...is Stacey.


Jake: Stacey that was a long time ago. I am married with a family now.

Stacey: It’s a simple question. Do you or do you not still feel that same way about me as I do for you?

Jake: I wasn’t even in my right mind. You fell in love with someone I barely remember being.

Stacey: You gave me something that I thought I could never have again. I will always be grateful to you.

Jake: Whatever it is you thought I gave you, maybe you’re confusing gratitude with love?

Stacey: Jake I know what I’m feeling, and I can’t deny it anymore. I never stopped loving you. We could be a family.

Jake: Family? Stacey what are you….? I...I think you need to leave.

Bridgetblogentry-14971-0-32251800-1396810827_thwalks slowly downstairs.

Stacey: Think about what I said.

Bridget: No he doesn’t. He has his family. Me and mom. How can you come in here and try to hit on my dad?

Jake: Bridget this doesn’t concern you. Stacey please leave.

After Stacey leaves…

Bridget: That’s Lindsay’s mom isn’t it? I’m gonna tell mom what she did.

Jake: No you’re not.


Michael: I should call you all Mac’s brat pack. The way you’re fighting over this company that he wanted ALL of his children to share equally.

Iris: Matt, Paulina, and Amanda really don’t want me here, so I offered a way out. I think it’s a viable solution for everyone. Practically a no-brainer.

Paulina: Yeah you would know about having no brains Iris.

Matthew: Michael what are you going to do?

Amanda: The only logical solution here is twenty percent of Cory Productions between you, Sandy, Matt, Paulina and me.

Iris: If that’s the way you’re going Michael, nobody is gonna get a damned thing.

Michael takes out envelopes and hands them to all…

Michael: I didn’t wanna do this, but I’ll see you all at the hearing.



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This was a great episode. Loving the battle for Cory. Cass changes his mind about Charlie's marriage. Hope he doesn't live to regret that one! Good job!!

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Good Show. Dialog seemed very ediger or something and the show had a faster feel I liked that.

So glad Cass came around for Charlie.

Vicky may think she doing the right thing now but i Just know its going to bite her on the ass. I can't wait until thi story climaxes

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Nice to see Cass supporting Charlie, although sadly, he will be proven right in his doubts.

Michael is so self-righteous, I want someone to deck him.

Vicky and Stacey are both really losing it. This is going to be good.

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